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Game Speed

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Hello I would like to get a sense of how people play this game. How many stars speed of the game you play? And in this setting day delay more or less how much time to spend?

I found the game much slower than the FM 2012 or conflicting with my system, or the fm est. 2013, the buggy actually ran for the 2012 easy and so very light, my computer and a i5 2nd generation 8 gb ram 2.4ghz processor, and the game appears speed 5 stars!

Cheers, and happy new year to all! Stay with God!

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Pretty sure I've read before that the star ratings are not always totally reliable Leon.

If you look in the Leeds United guide there is a good setup of loading a good amount of players including Sth American gems, (for a manager in the English Leagues)

My processor is a fairly old AMD and it handles that setup pretty well.

Maybe try that kind of set up, swapping the playable leagues around to your liking, ie: England viewable and Sth America playable.

As someone pointed out, loading many more players than that just leaves you processing players your never ever going to sign or be interested in anyway.


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