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Stable Finances?


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My advice is to first set up the reputation you want, guess all the financial rewards such league prize BUT DO NOT SET CUP PRIZE MONEY!

Then run a series of tests...

Start a game and save the game

Then choose 3 clubs from each league. 1 high rep, 1 mid rep 1 low rep. Join each as a manager and note down their finances.

Load the save game you had so you dont interrupt the clubs finances and run a season. Save the game again and join all the teams, note the finances.

Load the save game for the end of the first season again, just before you joined all the teams as a manager and run another season.

After 2 seasons note what is happening, are teams earning too much or too little then make the adjustments in the editor. If all teams are 50K short then either raise all attendances or raise TV money by 50k a season. If high position finishers are earning too much then reduce the top end prize money for example.

Once you have made the changes repeat the testing. Make more changes as needed.

When all clubs are stable add in the cup prize money, this ensures all teams are rewarded fairly for cup success, also over time the game will probably reduce prize money so its always good to have other ways to win money.

I had 3 leagues, I wanted my top leagues earning 1 mill a year minimum, the 2nd tier about 250k and the bottom tier 50k for the first season, this reduces over the following seasons but the clubs are stable for at least 5 years this way and have cash to improve facilities etc as they all started with very little.

It took me about a week to do all the finances but I wasnt working that hard on them, its a pretty easy task that just requires time and effort as well as a good bit of guesswork.

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