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Future Retirment

hungry hungry hippo

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you can add retirement dates on the official data editor by clicking on:-

player data, then the configurations tab and you will be able to enter a date there at the bottom.

ive tried this on players before e.g put paolo maldini's retirement date to 2020!! i dont think it works like that though. Im going do some testing now to see exactly how it works i think the contract might have something to do with it, ive looked at a couple of players who have retirement dates set like figo and his retirement date is exactly the same as when his contract runs out.

im gonna do some tests it on figo's retirement date and contract

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ok ive just set figo's contract and retirement date to


started a new game and checked his profile, it didnt say when he was retiring? but when it was set to 2008 it did. I suppose the only way to find out if it works is by waiting till 2012. oh well it might work.

On the game players usually say when they are gonna retire usually a year before the date so maybe in 2011 figo will say the date i edited.

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