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Does height matter for headers?

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Or is it encompassed in jumping? Also when it comes to winning a header, is jumping most important, or does strength also matter equally? Positioning?

Is there actually a list that says which attributes affect what in the match engine? I know most of them but like, does composure matter for a DC? Does decisions matter for his marking? Obviously it would affect who he passes to, if he picks the right time to jump into the play or something, but what about his decision who to mark and where to position? Or do marking and positioning take care of each of those scenarios exclusively?

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Are you trying to make a record for threads started in one day?

How about you make one thread called "FM advice needed" and ask all your questions in there?

Well they are separate questions, and I didnt know i would have this many at the time I posted my first couple topics, so now its too late to do it over. I understand your point, though. I suppose there's an argument to be made that we don't need threads at all. Everyone can just post in one thread called "If it has to do with FM, post it here." But like I said its too late because I didnt know I would have questions about the attributes until now.

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What is the best premiership team (or even spanish or italian) to sign top wonderkids and solid players who aren't top stars? For example, in the last FM I played, FM10, I would play as Sunderland or Wolves, and obviously I couldn't sign the Messi's of the world at the beginning of the game, but I could, if I gave big offers, sign the likes of Antonio Cassano and Palombo from Sampdoria, and Giusseppe Rossi, and then top prospects from places like Brazil were easy to sign, really wanted to come, like Neymar, for example.

Now I started a game in FM12 with Wolves, Neymar won't even negotiate with me, almost no one will. The standard is way higher for these players in this new version.

So my question is, what team do I need to play in this version, FM12, to get the same effect as I had in FM10 with Wolves or Sunderland? I want to be on a team that is expected to suck, has sucky players, but has a little money, and a lot more after I sell off the whole team, and then the reputation/training facilities/etc to sign someone like Neymar.

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Or is it encompassed in jumping? Also when it comes to winning a header, is jumping most important, or does strength also matter equally? Positioning?

Is there actually a list that says which attributes affect what in the match engine? I know most of them but like, does composure matter for a DC? Does decisions matter for his marking? Obviously it would affect who he passes to, if he picks the right time to jump into the play or something, but what about his decision who to mark and where to position? Or do marking and positioning take care of each of those scenarios exclusively?

Height is included in the Jumping attribute - Jumping is how high a player can get his head.

When the ball is in the air the player first makes a decision as to if he needs to jump or not - If he does jumping is used, if not height is used. Other attributes also affect if he wins a header depending on the situation such as strength or positioning for example as you've already identified.

I'll also add that heading is how well the player heads the ball (Power/right direction etc) once he gets his head to it.

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DIDN'T WANT TO MAKE A NEW THREAD, but Im starting FM12 with Newcastle, and Im only getting 50% of the transfer money I make going to my transfer budget! This is down from 100% in FM10... How can I get this to a more reasonable number? Very hard to improve a team like that.

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Also is there a way to edit your manager information after you've started a game? I forgot to put my secondary nationality which is english speaking, so now the media is asking me if I think it will be a problem that I dont speak english, and Im worried it will mess up my game...

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FMRTE is a save game editor you can download. You can edit in a second nationality there. It isn't a problem not being English in England, though. Worst-case scenario is that the players are slightly less interested in listening to you, but I haven't noticed any difference since I am always Brazilian/Argentinian in all my saves, which are always in Europe.

The reason the board will only allow 50% of the transfer income to be allocated into the transfer budget is that it is a way of securing the continuing existence of the club. When your financial status is Rich even in April (£30m in the bank), then it is probably set to 100%. Before that, don't expect more than 75%.

A regen who is 184cm tall will be unlikely to exceed 14 in Jumping. I am not sure how tall the shortest guy I have seen with 20 in Jumping is, but the latest one I have had in FM12 was 191cm. Some real-life players may "break" this rule.

The attributes that matters in aerial challenges are Acceleration, Positioning, Concentration, Decisions, Determination, Team Work, Anticipation, Aggression, Agility + Off the Ball when attacking (to get there). Jumping, Strength, Bravery (to win the challenge). Heading (precision).

Composure is a player's ability to remain calm when he has the ball. It matters a lot for both defenders and forwards.

Decisions matter for everything. It is the most important attribute along with Pace and Determination. It boosts or penalises whatever mental/technical attribute that is in use on the pitch. That's at least what I am told the attribute works like. It is, simply put, football intelligence.

There are no mid-table "sucky" teams in the world with reputation high enough to attract wonderkids. That's because they are mid-table teams who haven't won anything ever. So either you start with Real Madrid so that you can buy Hamsik and Neymar, or you can just forget about those guys until your mid-table club is as big and good as Real Madrid and Barca. That will take you from 5 to 10 seasons, depending on where you start. Sorry but it is that simple.

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