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My CFO screwed up, seriously.

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I managed to get Kapellen, in Belgium, from 3rd division to second and won there to get promoted to pro league for next season.

Financial status was ok, though we had a small debt of around 500K.

Now the chief financial officer decided to allow investment in undersoil heating. That is about 7 million, now i have a huge debt!


- High chance of getting "Under administration"

- Takeover talks: Transfer embargo

- Promotion to Pro League: Will be tough season.

- Jumping ship: Not working at decent level (second level in higher profile countries)

- Confidence: Untouchable, so I hope I can survive.

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It might be worth making a back up save now. That way, if you struggle next season because of the transfer embargo (and maybe a points deduction) then you can reload this save, resign, and look for jobs.

I was once working at a similar level and got offered a job in the Argentinian Premier Division, so there is a chance of a decent offer.

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It does not say so, it did when there was a requirement in second league for more seated places in stadium.


- Takeover completed, I survived.

- Didn't get any new players, I am spending 17K/week with wage limit of 12K, but I really can't and won't get rid of guys. Small squad.

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Found out it is a requirement: http://www.nieuwsblad.be/sportwereld/cnt/PH3LV7S1

It's about the ridiculous costs: "King Football doesn't bow for King winter (saying). In order for the games of next weekend to continue, clubs splash 50.000 euro on heating costs. This is similar to the yearly use of 30 families."

"Pro league had two reasons to make undersoil-heating mandatory: To guarantee the quality of prof. football in winter and the fixture list is to congested to allow shifting."

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Well, played the first half of the season pretty well, in 10th position in the league.

Now I got hired by AA Gent, who should be top 3 but were only in 8th. Over 1 million transfer budget and 10 times as much wage budget, 125k.

3 year contract :D

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Wow! Is it also that they do more then soil-heating for you? In my facilities screen it shows they also add around 4000 seats. (And make it an all-seater)

Yeah I had that issue in FM12. Got a message saying my undersoil heating was being installed at a cost of £20m or something. Turns out 16,000 seats were being added too! :p

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I'd note that "debt" is meaningless. Walmart has debt in the billions, but it operates just fine, because it can pay back that debt. Debt is only a problem if you cannot repay it. What is your bank balance and how much profit did you make last year? Those would be more key to debt repayments.

In reality, I think you would expect teams to turn down promotion if they didn't meet the stadium requirements, or the league would give them a grace period so that promotion doesn't become a financial penalty.

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This isn't how undersoil heating works in real life, though. It's not that expensive.


And I'd argue that even if does cost a lot to get it permanently installed, being forced to foot the 7 million pound (!) bill as a poor club for something that has literally no effect on gameplay is so anti-fun that it should be patched out.

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