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What are you hoping for in FM2013 Handheld?

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I haven't played much on FM 2012 handheld. I was turned off by the lack of detail and the frustrating amount of screen changes I have to go through to search player transfer targets and the simplified controls in general. I hope the 2013 version brings a bit more complexity in as well as better layouts on the iPad version, at least, where you don't have to have gigantic buttons since the screen is so much larger than on the iPhone. I'd like to see a lot more information presented per screen as well as a better player rating system - five stars like the PC version instead of seven, etc.

I guess I'd really like the iPad version to get smaller buttons and not waste as much space. Being able to scroll through more names per page of search results or having easier ways to organize results would be good as well.

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I vote no to any additional complexity. Handheld is designed to have all the best of the series, without the bloat of the PC game. Generally speaking, they have done this. Anything that adds any more mindless button clicks or largely pointless managing should be avoided.

I somewhat agree about the iPad though. I prefer to play handheld on the iPad, but the layout should be tweaked to take advantage of the screen. The home screen on iPad should have one click access to ALL of the current submenus. (Club and all its sub categories, Manager and all its sub categories etc.) All of the sub menus and categories should be displayed at all times on the left, and when you select one, the right side of the screen should display that info. On the iPad you should never have to leave the main screen unless its for a game.

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I Hope there is a Blackberry Playbook version for FMH,

Although for the moment still seems unlikely :)

I've played it on PSP version, and i Love with its "simplicity but still fun to play"

agreed, its awesome the PSP version, i would like an editor inside it, and the option to the keepers to take free kicks, because in the 2012 version i can put the keeper to take the free kicks, but, when the free kicks appears in the animation, other player different from keeper is taking that free kick...

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