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Making your own training schedules

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Hi all, I am about to embark on my first and last game of FM 12, I want to try and do my own individual training schedules as it seems rewarding and I have never done it before. Has anybody got any tips on doing this? It seems a daunting task at first with all the clicks etc so could do with some help.

Do people make their own pre season schedules? Or do you use the default conditioning one? And if you do make your own, do you have a different pre season schedule for each position or is it a squad fitness thing?

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I hope I've answered every single question in this thread.

Cleon has also done the same in her threads.

Check out the stickies, there are some good links in there. They'll also be updated for FM13.

My method is based on a system but that is only to give me something to work off, counting clicks based on the number of attributes in the training category is not necessary. I do it just to make life easier. You don't need to worry too much about the exact number of clicks, just try and get it roughly where you want it and then watch and see what happens with your player/s. It's not difficult, it just takes attention. Good luck with it, it can be incredibly rewarding!

As for pre-season: if you're going to go the whole hog you might as well go the whole hog so do it! I make a GK, Def and Att one (midfielders are normally either primarily defensive or attacking) which are essentially the same: they up strength & aerobic and also tactics as much as poss. I go heavy in the pre-season but carefully monitor condition & game-time to try and eliminate injuries. I'm a firm believer that a good pre-season really sets a player up for a successful (and easier) season.

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I disagree with furious' post on one point, I actually think that the conditioning schedule is pretty good for all positions and you don't need to make positional ones.

My method is different, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's better: I create individual schedules for players that are under 23 when I arrive at the club and then add to those whenever a new player of that age range joins my club. The thinking behind this is twofold, I take less time to make the schedules than I would if I did them for the whole team and at the same time it is the players that will benefit the most from it (older players have less room for improvement and should be in a good attribute shape already) who get their training focused.

The schedules themselves are built around getting the player to be useful in the team and being able to contribute something on the pitch as soon as possible, so I target big weaknesses with individual focus while getting all the attributes that I feel could vital to the player trained. An example of my schedules is in this thread, but if you want to see screenshots of the development of other players I can easily produce them.

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I disagree with furious' post on one point, I actually think that the conditioning schedule is pretty good for all positions and you don't need to make positional ones.

Yeah, I've heard that before to, I should of included that in my post! They're on the schedule for such a short time that tailoring preseason schedules is overkill.

I couldn't resist 'finishing' off my set with pre-season schedules though ;)

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