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Starting to get tired of the season updates every year! Please make it epic this year!

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Ok guys. In my early 30s now and playing FM since the very beginning. Every year I get really excited around a month or 2 before release to find out all the new features of the new game. But this is the first year ever that im not to bothered or excited about the new game. I feel the last few years the new features have not been up to standard and nothing has really stood out to make the new game different and bigger than the previous year.

I think it was FM 06 or 07 when the 3d was introduced and the game took on a whole new level of excitement and playability. Everything seemed fresh and new. The last few have become very predictable with season updates with new interface and nice little new features. Nothing making the game bigger and better and different on a larger scale.

I really do hope this years title is different and new. Dont get be wrong. New features are great. But something on a much larger scale. I have become very tired of winning a trophy and all you get is a message in your inbox from a retired player or board saying well done and keep celebrations to a minimum to concentrate on future competitions. The longevity of your save game getting very repetitive after only 2 seasons with crap messages filling up your news and inbox. Spice things up with your regen doing a Eric Cantona on some fan, or your star striker getting racially abused by some regen from your arch rivals. I know its not possible with real players but I cant see whats stopping us from regens misbehaving and adding excitment to your save.

Something needs to change for me this game to make it worth buying.

Dont make it predictable SI please!!

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I am in agreement with you as I have them since CM2 but now they just feel like updates and after 3 seasons I get very bored even with all the challenges I try off here, I keep banging on about it but I really want a chairman version of the game, just something new not updated DB and graphics. This isn't F!FA chaps.

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I rather SI doing something to the opponents ability to compile a good squad for their team, A.I. teams ability to develop their players both through in-club trainings and loan-outs, the A.I. ability recognize human players' tactics and adjust accordingly to make the game harder and things like that... basically things that would make the game more challenging... But since the first time I played the game in CM3 these things haven't change much (it did change a bit and it is a bit better, but if after 10+ years the game still can't figure out how to compile a good squad for themselves then I doubt it will ever happen...)

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Long time player myself (from CM2!!!).


Lately QA has been ****. Sorry, but it really has.... Even now there are still a lot of bugs... Some you know about, but never bothered to fix... Due to the "one year cycle" nature of the games, we, your customers, are seemingly supposed to accept having a buggy product, and just hope for better release next year....

I know FM2012 was a big step, and hopefully it will be what Vista was for MS; new tech w/lots of quirks.... Then came 7 and did a lot better.

I'm getting to old to report every mistake the game has.... This is what we pay you for.... Do QA right... If it is not done, then don't release it until it is.

This time I even gave CM a shot... sadly it was not my cup of tea.

I sincerely wish you good luck with the release.... And happy bughunting!

(PS: Please tell my promising striker not to be to unhappy for not getting first team play like I promised... I really haven't had the chance, as he has been either suspended or injured every match since I promised him....)

^ Yup - that needs fixing as well.... Hope you catch 'em all!

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Now that they've gone the steam route, it should be a case of a new release every 2-5 years, with transfer updates, add-ons and patches in-between. It makes for a good business model, because you get your micro-transaction money via DLC, then can charge a good £40 for a new, complete product once the current incarnation of the game has become totally tired obsolete.

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I see what the OP is saying but yeah, its SI. FM08 was the biggest hunk of 'can't say it' that I've ever played. I posted a bunch on here over it and got no real assistance with the CTD when I clicked on my team name to look at my squad. I gave up then, I only buy it because theres nothing else really. Thats why we end up here, if CM upped their game I imagine that SI would come up with some good stuff but as theres nothing in the field - they wont break theyre budget to make this game reach the possible heights it could.

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