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International minnows mangement question

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I was wondering if anybody could tell me how I can start as a manager of an international minnow. For example I want to manage the British Virgin Islands, but for the life of me cannot find how to do it, would also like to try out some other minnow teams too, but I just get stuck with the same teams on playable nations who are not the minnows that I long to manage.

This is probably a stupid question with a real simple answer, but I would appreciate any help from somebody who does know the solution to my problem

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When you are setting up the game, select 'Custom' database, then 'Add condition', select 'Players of nationality', then the nation you want. I think a nation needs 100 active players to be playable, though others have said 50.

edit: just did a quick test, no luck. The database must not have enough players. Your only real option would be to add more BVI players with the editor.

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Or check the Editors subforum. Maybe someone have already added enough BVI players, and thus you can just load that one. I saw there was at least one where someone had added the Cuban league as well as a ton of other minor nations' leagues. Then you don't have to do all the work yourself :)

Edit: Found a thread that is relevant :)


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