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Junior coaching and Youth Network question

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To beggin with I'm sorry if this has been brought before, I looked for it but did not locate.

I'm playing with a Greek club, started from lower divisions and managed to be able to participate in the Champions Cup stage the last 5 seasons. Since my money grow up every year (I have a balance of 50M which is very high for a Greek club) I was upgrading my Training and Youth facilities (they are now both at the top - excellent). Also I was spending money for junior coaching and youth network and they are both at average.

During the last season, whenever I tried to ask the board to invest on those two so that I get them on a level as the facilities, I just couldn't cause the option for both is greyd out. Not even the chance to ask cut on expenses. Nothing.

As a result and since my club still has an average reputation I cannot get players of PA more than 120 or something (I check with Genie Scout). I know that youth recruiment network has to do with reputation but can this be the reason that while I have top youth facilities I cannot get good players?

Is there anything I could be doing wrong and the board doesn't seem to care for the junior coaching and network? I think that it all started when a new president came , could it be the problem?

Thank you

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I think it's probably as you say, the new chairman lacks the ambition (or some other attribute) to take the club forward. To definitely get those improvements you'll either have to grow as a club or get a new chaiman, but your youth intakes should be random and it should be possible to get far better players coming through with a bit of luck. So good luck!

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If you hover over the greyed out option it will tell you why its greyed out.

I did and get the following:

Junior coaching -> The club plans to decrease the junior coaching bugdet :confused:

Youthe recruiment network -> The club has already cut back on the youth recruiment network :mad:

Ok, I got the point ... is there anything I could do? I'm afraid not but just in case plz let me know

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