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What's that? A new Wishlist Thread? What you would like to see in future FM versions.

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An option to turn job interviews on/off would be nice.

The inclusion of job interviews in the game is nice. But when starting unemployed in a journeyman save, they tend to get very samey and gruelling. So at that point in my career, I would like to turn them off until I get to a point where I am applying for one or two jobs at a time, rather than 30-40.

I don't really agree, but can see your point when you're having to apply for loads of very samey jobs. However, having done my first proper hopping around save on FM15, I've got a new found appreciation for the job interviews. On the second round of jobs, I've noticed things I've said in the interview being put onto my job offer, like sticking around long term or keeping the staff levels the same. Nothing concrete to go on, but I'm starting to feel like the job interviews are a bit smarter than I remember them, asking more pertinent questions, trying to trip me up. Be interesting to see how they improve for 16.

since dynamic rivalaries are now a thing,

I would like to see dynamic changes of the tv payouts / league price money.

i think the game should adapt its pricemoney based on the standing of the country in europe.

usually in long time safes i lose motivation, because for example in poland i will be the only team having a shot at uefa/champions league.

the pricemoney inside the league and TV money does change, but the increases are rather insignificant.

would be cooler if it was more or less set into stone that if you are high up the UEFA rankings as a country, you will get more money, that would make the longterm saves in smaller countrys far more interesting and realistic i think.

yes if you are like a 20th ranked country, and you improve to like 7th place.. you get like 100 000€ more in tv money...

I've had the Gibraltar league get a £120 million TV deal for 21 matches, and a £100 million prize pot for the Rock Cup, which has four matches. It definitely rises, sometimes by too much.

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Iirc the Gibralter TV deal was either a bug or an unofficial editor file gone wrong.

Yeah, you're right, it's not normal, but it seemed to happen across a number of different edited files, including SI's own, and has happened on both FM14 and FM15. The amounts are most definitely bugged (25 million a cup game...ooft) but there's definitely scope in the code for deals and prizemoney to change, just not usually by mind-blowing amounts in a short period of time.

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I'd like it if there were post-match celebrations when your team wins a trophy. Such as a trophy presentation or something! It's a bit lacklustre at the moment, and underwhelming when you win the League or a Cup Final. I'd also like to see the players come out the tunnel and line up before a game, but that's not as important.

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1. Combine "Match Report" and "Analysis" screens. So you can see overal rating, assistant opinion and detailed stats at the same time.

1a. On player overview screen in form window (rating for last 5 matches) show date when these matches were. So I can quickly see how "outdated" this info without entering special form screen. It's a big difference if player is playing in almost every match or it's a backup player and playes once a month or two. Also an attribute/column should be available (most important in squad selecting) abut last played game - either a date or days passed since last played game.

2. PR system. Either simple by interacting board to invest into inceasing your club popularity (pay the media) to increase fan base and attendance if you have good season. Or maybe detailed one to choose certain actions like popularizing specific player to increase shirt sales, his price and "overal popularity" (yeah each player should have individual popularity so you can check if fans will be happy, angered or neutral when you buy new player). Everything cost money of course but can make more money in long term.

3. Ability to increase staff stats not only by licences but by courses. Either direct payed or overal club expenditure on staff education. So paying more incease chances to improve ability.

4. "Something" to invest your salary. Not to the club of course. With your own attributes now it's the easiest answer - to increase your own attributes. But maybe you can think of something better - right now it's better to have as low salary as possible, so club have more money, while there should be reason to demand more and more. Personal statistic "total earned by season" would also be welcome.

5. There should be info about likely salary demand not only on scouted players, but also on your players (how much they would ask if you propose to prolong contract).

6. There should be discussion with player about his next contract. In lower leagues good players tend to ask more than you can afford (board restrictions). So it would be nice to discuss this with player: either he agree to ask for less or you put him to transfer. Also with existing contract - say "you are good but too expensive" so if he loves the club (or realize that he wouldn't find new club with such demands) he would agree to lower salary or you put him to transfer list with this reason.

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I wouldn't mind a little more intelligence from the players regarding the timing of their requests, particularly coming up to me just after the transfer window shuts asking for transfers or loans etc. It might be observational confirmation bias from myself, but it appears that people only ever ask for moves when the rules say I can't shift them on.

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A wish that has been posted before but ignored for years and I guess it will be ignored this time around as well but hey at least I can get it off my chest.

Please, bring back switching to different tabs/views when not viewing highlights.

You know the utterly fantastic overview screen that allows you to see like nine different tables full of information during a game?

I rarely click it because it's a hassle having to click back and forth between pitch and stats.

Imagine how glorious it would be if, instead of a tiny table with one specific set of info, the game took you to a screen of your choosing (such as the one above) when not displaying a highlight, and back to the pitch view when a highlight came on.

Just like it used to be a few years ago.

P.S. Oh and give us back all that extra commentary from the action bar!

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I would like to have the option to "offer to resign". The options only allow you to resign or retire but I would like an impromptu option and allow the board to either accept or reject it with options.

I know you can demand things and make a stand and threaten to resign etc. But after a heavy defeat where your team is been on a bad run, there is no option to call a press conference, board meeting to offer your resignation - saving face for club and manager.

In the 3d match, I would like the "long pause" removed after an event such as a red card or injury and the ball is set for a set piece like goal kick, corner or free kick and they stand there for ages and don't move even though all the actions have taken place. If it can't be removed can a message pop up saying, "the referee is checking his watch, he's waiting for everyone to settle... " blows his whistle and off we go. (This happens on "Extended" view).

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1. "Matchday" minimum interval for screen flow -> competitions.

2. Loose the set piece instructions (e.g. we should be able to have more than one player attack near post).

3. Tackling - add some sort of instruction to be able to tell players not to tackle hard inside your penalty area or around the penalty area (to avoid dangerous free-kicks).

4. Tactics pitch view - add back additional info about condition and average rating (like it was in FM14 if I remember correctly).

5. Regarding the Full Pitch View, where you have the "Latest Scores" panel:

I would really love if you could implement one of these two:

- either make the option to remove games (like, an x next to each game) or

- make the option to pin some of the games on top (preferably this option).

For example when there's a CL night and you are only interested in seeing the other game in the group, and maybe one other game, but you don't want to scroll through all 20 games each single time to look for those two games that interests you. It would be of much help.

Big thanks!

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Very important that my story because I'm FM player for many years.

By FM have no competitors in the manager's area believe speaks some basic things to be perfect game indeed! I say this for the following details:

- When you hire should be more glamor, appearing shirt with the player's name and number that it will use. Something simple but of emphasis in this new investment for the club.

- Tickets This item could have the manager the option to talk to the board to increase or decrease prices. Final Libertadores why not download to a full house and not lose the final. Promotion for the festive dates such as day mothers woman does not pay. Valentine's Day only one paid. Simple things but leaves the sensational game.

- Training methodology should be more complex, the FM15 is horrible because nothing can be done unless something simplistic .. something so important should be taken more into account.

- The relationship with the fans. There should be a way to talk to the fans, organized supporters and their groups .. calm the crowd after a defeat to a rival .. very cool.

- Sponsors. we could have the option of choosing what will be written on the uniforms, it might be something fictional but we could choose based on the values ​​and the public we want to have influence. For example we have Atletico Madrid> Land of fire Azerbaijan. / Swansea> Chinese Propaganda. Direct influences these simple advertisements. We should be able to choose between all season finale.

- Relationship between national team and club. Ok cool command both but need to have a reality in time. I've trained the Brazil into play in china after the other day was at Maracana at stake in the Brazilian championship. We could have the choice of which game control and we can not have skillful time to command both in short, it would give more autonomy to the Deputy.

- We know that some players do not deal well with the issue of flying, see Dennis Bergkamp. Could be inserted into the game things like that, however bizarre unusual ..

I hope these details are taken into consideration ..

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I really think it's time for a re-think of player development.

Potential ability caps are unrealistic and not necessary anymore.

I understand why they are a simple way to stop people "gaming" the system and they made alot of sense in the past when the game was alot shallower. But i feel the game is well ready to move past this antiquated system.

My suggestions for changes are following:

1. Remove Potential Ability caps

2. Make physical attributes develop quickly in young age but slowly there after with it declining quickly as the player gets older.

3. Mental attributes should improve mostly with on the field experience (not on the training ground) . Mental attributes shouldn't systematically decline with age.

4. Technical attributes should mostly improve on the training ground and less so on the pitch.

5. Injuries can have long term impacts on a player's physical attributes and even be career ending.

6. More personality changing events (both positive and negative) and a clubs culture (personality of all the players) affecting individual players.

I understand alot of testing would need to happen to ensure the game's balance. But I really feel it's time the game moved past the potential ability crutch that was necessary in the past but isn't anymore.

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Is it possible to create custom routines for corners/free kicks?

Rather than set positions, can you place your players anywhere on the pitch and use set commands, cross to back post, head across goal, flick ons, etc.

And an added touch, if you create a goal scoring opportunity it is picked up and reported in the commentary.

A bit gimmicky but on special occasions (finals etc.) a voice over commentator would be great.

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Oh another thought, would it be possible to delay players going on internationals due to an important match. For instance, I have a cup final and lost most of my first team due to a poorly arranged international so had to play kids and regens (greyed out players) as I did not have enough players.

Also, if we have a player that is coming back from injury, could we put in a request to the international manager not to take your player so that they can recuperate instead of playing and getting injured again.

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I'd like to see the scouting next opposition taken to a new level. I'd like the scout you have set to offer you tactical advise for the next game like if they have slow defenders tell you this and maybe make the suggestion to use fast strikers, or if they spot a player that is supposedly weak to a certain ability offer the suggestion to play a player of yours that would do well against him.

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would it be possible to view a list of vacant manager posts in the "add new manager" dialog, when given the option to pick your team from the loaded leagues?

I usually pick one of the jobs available when the game loads after creation, but am getting lazy and can't be bothered anymore. :D

I sometimes have to recreate the game with an additional league(s) if there's nothing that leaps out at me, which is even worse. :eek::D

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This may already have been mentioned. But in the game you can interact with the Media and the Board to address concerns etc. I think it could be a good idea to be able to interact with Supporters Groups too. For example if you have sold your star player and the Supporters are unhappy. You could hold a conference where the Supporters Group are present and speak to their Spokesman. A bit like you do with the Press, but hopefully it would add more variation. It could also open up the possibility of the Supporters losing faith in you, or gaining respect which could pressurise the Board to sack you or even keep your job when there are hard times.

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This may already have been mentioned. But in the game you can interact with the Media and the Board to address concerns etc. I think it could be a good idea to be able to interact with Supporters Groups too. For example if you have sold your star player and the Supporters are unhappy. You could hold a conference where the Supporters Group are present and speak to their Spokesman. A bit like you do with the Press, but hopefully it would add more variation. It could also open up the possibility of the Supporters losing faith in you, or gaining respect which could pressurise the Board to sack you or even keep your job when there are hard times.

Brilliant idea. Thought of something along the lines of this myself. Would work well especially with the 'ultra' groups in other countries where the head ultra or leader of a fan group etc could request a meeting about selling/signing a certain player/board takeover/poor run of results etc and you could choose whether or not to go. It would work kinda along the lines of a press conference (can't imagine the 'storm out' or 'send assistant' options would go down well :p )

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not sure if it has been mentioned, but it would be nice if you are leaving a club to enter into exit talks with the board.

Specifically around taking your back room staff with you, rather than going through mutual terminations and new offers, it would be nice to have a select couple follow you after successful talks with previous board and staff you wish to take (they might not want to leave)

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I'd prefer that to be part of negotiations with the club I am leaving for, contracted guarantee to pay the compensation to bring my selected staff with me & release the people they will replace.

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A small one, but one I'd like to see: ranges for CA when creating players rather than fixed values, similar to the negative PA values.

This is a post I made on the editor's hideaway forum a few days back: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/431582-New-Team-Creation-CA-problems. It hasn't had any replies, probably because no-one knows how player generation works.

It's all very well leaving CA at 0, but that's seemingly *very* random - I create 25 players with -7 PA and at least a third of them end up with sub-25 CA, and in many cases in the single figures. I'd like to set them a -7 PA (110-140) and a -3 CA (30-60) for example.

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When playing intra squad friendlies I think we should be able to 'bend the rules' a little.

For example, my first game back from the summer break is a game with my u21 side. 6 minutes in one of the young defenders is sent off for a professional foul. Now don't get me wrong it was a red card, but I gain nothing from him being sent off. I wanted to see how he got on.

Seeing as it's behind closed doors surely I should be able to, either sub him off, so it's still 11 v 11. Or just let him stay on, but warn him about it in future.

Obviously if I sub him off I still don't get a chance to see him but at least someone else can take his place and gain a bit of fitness

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2 ideas:


I wish I could select free kick taker depending on distance

I have an awesome set piece specialist but he is a CB and I rather use him only for short distance ones so he can just shoot straight at the goal because at longer distance he would cross and he's not so great at that

taker and aim selection


when checking the analysis and clicking on, say, a missed net opportunity I get a video of it during the match. The thing is there is no way to pause or control that bit. When clicking to see a goal though ( like when it's reported in the inbox for a match result, for which it generates a match report) you have the option for that.

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Being offered trialists. These happen rarely but then neither is there any competition to be the club to trial them. I've not had one get cancelled due to another team coming in for them, ever. Unlike say the competition for a signiture when I offer a players up for loan, or want a loan player myself.

And if I offer my players for loan, say ten players per pre season, then there should be in theory other clubs doing the same thing for me to receive their fax. Yes you can search for loans in your scouted players but shouldn't your assistant be placing them into your inbox for offered players for loan for that week or day from all the clubs who have offered. As an offered loan player is different to a player with a loan status.

You could of course make this information specific, to divisions above your current one, or from certain clubs etc so you wouldn't get everyone of them.

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Love the idea about negotiating with both boards about taking staff with you to your next appointment... there is nothing worse than accepting a new job only to find that your new club wont let you sign any of your former staff.

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Thought of something today, how about clubs having short/long term plans in place? A club could have plans in place such as a 3 year plan to get promoted, 5 year plan to get to the Premier League from League 1 etc? This could work in a similar way to philosophies like a club might already have a philosophy in place (E.g. Swansea possession) and you can agree/disagree with plans in place or ask to put a plan in place.

Just a thought....

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Thought of something today, how about clubs having short/long term plans in place? A club could have plans in place such as a 3 year plan to get promoted, 5 year plan to get to the Premier League from League 1 etc? This could work in a similar way to philosophies like a club might already have a philosophy in place (E.g. Swansea possession) and you can agree/disagree with plans in place or ask to put a plan in place.

Just a thought....

I like this idea very much.

Would make my own game more interesting.

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Hi guys I requests to do, you can place on FM16 regions of birth of the individual player? perhaps with the editor it would be great because you can do so many things with this place:

Marchisio (Turin, Piemonte)

De Rossi (Roma, Lazio)

Building (Naples, Campania)

and so on ... I hope so because I would then make a career SOLO players having a single region only at the moment this is not possible you could add this option ??? I hope so! but the important thing is that this thing then SEE FM, I just want to make a career with regional players!

then being a huge fan of the Athletic club bilbao is possible that the young players are stronger as they really are in real life as the team B has risen in series b Spanish?

and maybe have a few more in youth team you can have?

ps, the IDs of FM15 that there are in the database you can already find here officially for FM16 ???

Last week I wrote this message...

guys any response to these things?

there is also the possibility that they are finally added new championships in the underlying database?

thank you so much ... you do know something!

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well, I hope that fm will take care of set pieces more. so even player switching position,the set piece placement of them should be the same still.

I mean,for example, I'm using Real madrid. on left winger, I put Cristiano ronaldo. On right, I put Gareth Bale. But I would want them to switch position each other.

Bale is corner kick taker,while ronaldo is not. so of course I expect ronaldo to stay at spesific position on box.for example,far post,for far post corner. no matter wheter he's on left or right winger

this is impossible when I activate swap option

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My suggestion is for individual training i would like to see more options in this for example instead of only having roles and single attributes to pick from i can say i want them to work individually on the physical side of things or the technical side of things.

please make it happen SI.

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I would like the press conferences/questions asked improved so that if you take over a club mid-season or a player joins on loan, the slate should be wiped clean rather than having to answer questions as though you were the manager before or the player, who does not score on his debut, is critised for not scoring...

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I'm sure this will have already been mentioned, but I think that the way the AI deals with the signings they make needs to be looked at. I'm managing in France and brought in a player who ended up being the top scorer in the league with 37 goals. he won the Golden Shoe and made his debut for France too. About 25 teams became interested in him and he asked me to let him go if a club in the Champions League came in for him. I agreed to that because I thought I would get a large fee for him, which I did and didn't want to keep a player who could be unhappy. Liverpool bought him shortly afterwards. Anyway I signed his replacement and a few weeks later decided to see how my former striker was getting on. I eventually found him in the U21 squad with a status of 'not needed' too! Literally a couple of weeks after they signed him. I think instances like that need to be looked at because either the buying team should be forced to include him in their squad as they have just spent big money on a player. Or ideally, they should have realised that he wasn't technically as good as the players already there, and not put in a bid in the first place.

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I seem to recall it used to be a lot harder to keep your players if you were a smaller club - It seems like all you have to do is reject a bid and that is it - I oddly enjoyed that!!!

Also I sent a player on loan to an Argentine club on fm08 (I think) and he came back a lot heavier and the report said something about pounding some Argentine steaks - I miss stuff like that! Bring it back!!!!

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I seem to recall it used to be a lot harder to keep your players if you were a smaller club - It seems like all you have to do is reject a bid and that is it - I oddly enjoyed that!!!

Also I sent a player on loan to an Argentine club on fm08 (I think) and he came back a lot heavier and the report said something about pounding some Argentine steaks - I miss stuff like that! Bring it back!!!!

Strangely enough I never used to have too many problems keeping my players away from bigger clubs in previous versions. When I thought a bid might come in I just used to increase my asking price to a level which I thought would put the clubs off. This time though - I was half tempted to sell, so increased my asking price to a level I didn't expect the AI to bid at, but a price that I knew I'd accept. When the bid came in I thought I'd better sell because if my player becomes unhappy his form might drop. I think it's good that the AI are aggressive in trying to sign your players, I was just a bit disappointed that my former player became 'not needed' as soon as he signed and was banished to the U21s.

I like your story about your player coming back from Argentina a lot heavier. I think you're right that the game should include instances like that. I remember years ago (can't remember the version), I bought a player who was instantly disliked by 4 players in my team and they said to me that either, he goes or they go. I haven't seen anything like that on any recent versions, so think it's something else that could be included again.

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3D Stadium Builder while the stadium builds, allow to choose temporary stadium.

Season Ticket & ticket price management, receive ad board offers with negotiation.

Remember colour blinds(even minor ones) colour blind friendly UI.

Allow to build club facilities and upgrade them (like in Total Club Football Manager aka F*FA Manager).

International Youth Academies.

Provide more talents generated of youth players +with dual nationalities.

Match ball selection.

Shirt sponsors after the first season.

Create your own club with facilities

Something un-put-downable feature so we can show off or play with friends, can't know.


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For me, having played CM/FM for about 15 years now, the biggest failing of the game, and one that's got more and more noticeable with each release, is the AI's inability to negotiate and refusal to accept anything less an arbitrary expectation it has when it comes to contract offers.

Yesterday, for example, I attempted to sign Juan Cuadrado. He (or rather, his agent) wanted £160k p/w, £5m signing fee, £500k agent fee, £800k CL bonus, and other minor bonuses. By the time of my third or fourth offer, I was offering £125k p/w, £4m signing fee, £1m agent fee, £250k CL bonus (frankly ludicrous as there's already a bonus pot for that) and other bonuses which were more generous than he wanted, but he refused to come below £155k p/w, £4.5m sign-on and refused to budge at all on the £800k CL bonus. Not only is this annoying, it's also ridiculously unrealistic: this is a player on £30k p/w at Fiorentina (I never play with January databases because realism) with no other offers on the table and no other clubs showing interest. Now sure, he'd like£155k p/w but in reality if that offer isn't forthcoming, he would at the very least consider (and let's be honest, probably grab with both hands) the quadrupling of his wages, plus an extra £4m for doing nothing, plus an extra £250k for winning a competition he's not even going to be in otherwise. But in-game he is in fact staying in Italy on his sub-par £30k contract and not getting a sniff of CL action, and all because the AI is incapable of negotiation or compromise. I could understand the stubbornness if he had other big-money offers on the table, but nobody else was even looking at him.

TL;DR: player refused 4x wages because he wanted 5x so he's now stuck where he was with no pay rise at all.

This is just one example of a regularly-occurring issue that has often influenced me to just give up on FM for weeks or months at a time.

I've read elsewhere that the salary a player expects is based largely on the stature of the club making the offer, which is why a player will be happier to earn £750 p/w at Kilmarnock than £10k p/w at Celtic.... If this is the case then it is utterly ludicrous. So basically, what I want to see:

1. Massive improvement to AI negotiation logic and willingness to compromise. By all means players/agents should go into negotiations expecting to get more from bigger/richer clubs but they should not have such a ludicrously high and stubborn "floor", especially when it's still a massive pay rise on offer.

2. Shift expectations away from club stature a bit - take into account various factors (depending on player personality) such as adaptability, how likely they are to play, etc.

3. More variety of agents. at present it seems like 90% of agents in FM are greedy, ruthless robots who don't care about their clients' careers. Sure, there are some like this IRL, but if the proportion was this high, nobody would have agents as the risk would be too great. I'm not asking for things to be easier, just more realistic.

4. Make players, particularly the young and unproven, the aging and the injury-prone (and maybe others depending on personality types) more open to low-wage contracts with high bonus incentives. IIRC Michael Owen joined Man Utd on a deal with relatively low wages but huge appearance fees, known as a "pay-as-you-play" contract.

5. While we're on the subject of contracts, make staff more willing to listen to offers: if a guy is listed as a scout and a coach and an assistant manager, then if he has no assman offers he should be open to the idea of becoming a coach or scout. Otherwise why is he listed under those staff roles if he's not interested?

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I'd like to see some more control and flex on the loan system - at present, you offer a player out on loan, set his wages and loan fee, then clubs come back with offers - this may not match any of the requested wage, fee or squad status required. If you could set non-negotiable areas on % of wages or fee's this would make it a lot easier and less tedious. I think there could also be more focus on youth development as this is a key part of the game once you are 3-4 seasons in and the scouting system could be utilised further also.

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I'd like to see the scouting next opposition taken to a new level. I'd like the scout you have set to offer you tactical advise for the next game like if they have slow defenders tell you this and maybe make the suggestion to use fast strikers, or if they spot a player that is supposedly weak to a certain ability offer the suggestion to play a player of yours that would do well against him.

This! +1

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