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The future of Football Manager / SEGA

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This bit tells you;

"decided to narrow down sales titles from the following period and after to strong IPs, such as “Sonic the Hedgehog,”, “Football Manager”, “Total War” and “Aliens” which

are expected to continue posting solid earnings."

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I'm sure there would be plenty of other places to take FM under their wing :D I'm sure that FM didn't walk into SEGA and tell them they were working with them. I'm fairly sure that it was tendered out and there was a process to filter SEGA as the eventual candidate to take on FM and work with SI...

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On the face of it it looks like there will be less competition for resources within Sega which can only be a good thing for the likes of FM.

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You only have to look at the loyal fanbase who buy FM year after year to realise that Sega would be silly to drop the title. How many other games on PC/MAC have such a consistent annual performance?

It isn't even that. FM is the best selling PC game by a long way. Generally the two best selling PC games of a year are the two FMs of that year. SEGA will only drop FM if they aren't in any position to continue at all, and whilst SEGA's profits are decreasing, they aren't likely to go bankrupt as long as they keep producing Sonic, Total War and, yes, FM.

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