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A Football Fairy Tale; or how Los Galácticos Conquered the World again


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It's been two years since Florentino Pérez began his second reign as the Real Madrid president, and the presidency period began with a bang.

But even though of the fact that he's been the current president since 2009, it's never been this windy around the blancoside of Madrid.

Pérez became famous during his first reign, under the years 2000-2006 where he established a new term. Los Galácticos.

The second presidency period began with a bang, and in 2009 he began the new project, also called Galácticos 2.0, after signing Cristiano Ronaldo and Kaká for record fees.

It's been two years, but Pérez has decided to increase the project funding to finally overwhelm lifelong rivals Barcelona. This is the continuation of Los Galácticos, the second period, the continuation of the team that changed the whole world of football.

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In mid-june 2011, Pérez decided to hold a big press conference for all people to see. It was obvious that something was about to happen - But what?

The first announcement came to be a big modernization of Santiago Bernabéu, whereas Pérez in the near future planned to build an convertible roof, a bigger capacity and a better infrastructure around the arena for the comfort of the supporters and viewers.

At this point the people had expected more - "Was this it?"

But to the surprise of all football fans around the world, Pérez decided to announce a heavy decision with great sorrow. José Mourinho had agreed to terminate the contract, together with his portuguese staff. It was not clearly brought forward why it happened, but Pérez hinted that they did not have the same football "philosophy". At the same time Pérez said that he respected José, and that it was the best coach he has hired to the team.

Several new managers were announced, and the official candidates were not unknown to the crowd;

  1. Fernando Redondo, ex-Real Madrid footballer
  2. Zinedine Zidane, current sporting director and ex-Real Madrid footballer and galáctico
  3. Luís Figo, ex-Real Madrid footballer and galáctico
  4. Jorge Valdano, ex-Real Madrid footballer, ex-coach and ex-sporting director

Pérez cleared his throat, adjusted his glasses and looked through a pair of papers.

“As you all may know, my heart has always and will always belong to this club. That's why I decided to announce a big project, right here and now. The last years, something has been missing, and I know that the great period Real Madrid has gone through can be revived. Like my last reign of presidency, I will sign one galáctico every transfer window. It was something I followed my last reign, and I will now bring it up again. And of course - One player will already arrive during this window. Thanks for attending this conference, that was all.” he said with a slight smile on his face.

And of course, the rumours started spreading. Who is the new galáctico? People were thinking that now is the time, the time where Barcelona will no longer dominate spanish football. Pérez is again showing great interest in the club, and everyone wanted to see a team just like the old galácticos.

The old galácticos were a part of Real Madrid's legendary history, and Pérez wants to revive it.

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Hello, real1488. Pictures are not allowed here in the stories forum, they are better suited to Career Updates. However, we welcome all writers and after removal of the pictures we will look at the story in better light. The Forum Rules are at the top of the home page, take a browse, and see if this or Career Updates is better suited for you.

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Hello, real1488. Pictures are not allowed here in the stories forum, they are better suited to Career Updates. However, we welcome all writers and after removal of the pictures we will look at the story in better light. The Forum Rules are at the top of the home page, take a browse, and see if this or Career Updates is better suited for you.

Yes, I did change it now, I was unaware and I hope it's okay now!

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The following week, a familiar face turned up at yet another press conference.

As Pérez and Di Stéfano entered the room, the cameras started to flash in a rapid pace.

Pérez took the microphone as usual, and began the speech.

"A man who I have been working together with for a long time, a man who has a great eye for football. It all started with one napkin, one word, and the rest is history. I asked him if he wanted to take the job as the trainer, and with no doubt, I got an answer. Just as before, but without the napkin, it was a simple Yes." Pérez then proceeded to point towards the door, and in entered Zinedine Zidane.


Zidane was wearing a suit, and as always he did everything with ease and elegance. He smiled to the cameras, and it looked to be one of his happiest days in his career.

"This means a lot to me, really. It's time to take the next step in my career of football, and this day begins a new chapter of that career. I've already been in touch with the team since I was the sporting director, but now I'll take a few steps closer to the pitch." he said briefly, obviously slightly overwhelmed by the moment.

"Of course I want to bring titles to the club, but this time I won't be playing for the titles on the pitch - I'll be helping the team from the sidelines. A team with a great capacity, obviously, and it reminds me a lot of the time when I actually played."

The journalists were fighting to get a question, and only the strongest survived. Zidane was not keen on answering most questions, since the season was still young.

"I can't decide too much now, we have to plan, and we have to rebuild the staff. Some things need to change and some things need to stay the same."

The press conference now ended, and the first piece of the puzzle had been laid. Galácticos 2.0 is in fact under construction and Zidane, the ex-galáctico himself, will be one of the key figures.

Kaká and Cristiano Ronaldo, considered to be the biggest galácticos of the second Pérez-era.

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"One galáctico per transfer window."

The mighty words quoted by Florentino Pérez himself, and from the looks of it he planned to make use of that market strategy for a long time.

Somehow, you could feel something special, undescribable, in the air. It's hard to mention it when it comes around, but people usually call it "The calm before the storm".

A sunny day in Madrid is always beautiful and enjoyable, but the atmosphere along many people had changed. That's how big the football actually is. People change, people get influenced, football changes the everyday life of people.

Nothing told, nothing written. Some people had already given up their hopes, obviously doubting in Pérez and his words. "Where is our galáctico? And if he ever comes, will it be a real galáctico?"


When you search for the term galáctico in a dictionary, you'll find a simple yet powerful description. The term was coined in Real Madrid, and drew the whole structure of football in the club. If Real Madrid were the Galácticos, Atlético Madrid wanted to be the opposite. If Real Madrid came to be the club with titles and money, Atlético Madrid wanted to be the opposite.

"Galáctico - a famous and highly paid footballer, from Spanish Los Galácticos the nickname of the expensively assembled Real Madrid team of the early years of the 21st century; galáctico someone from another galaxy, denoting their superstar status."

When you had a team with such power and influence worldwide, the superstars could sometimes seem to be supernatural, but in the end - We're all human.

Back at the Bernabéu an anxious crowd packed the Santiago Bernabéu to wait for the presentation of the new galáctico, and as he entered the scene the cameras started flashing and the crowd cheered in sheer enjoyment.

The player had established himself on the world's top scene as one of the truly best defenders existing at the age of 26.

Red-black stripes had now been changed to the shirt of Los Galácticos, Milan had changed to Real Madrid. Thiago Silva is the new galáctico.

No real transfer sum was revealed, but it seemed to be around the likes of 40 to 50 million euros, and it was the first time Real Madrid brought a defending galáctico to the club.

Galácticos may have been associated to top class offensive players, but for the first time a defending player had gotten the title "Galáctico".

"A classy, elegant player with a great vision, touch and skills of defending. This is one step closer to what we want." Pérez proudly stated, and everyone knew what he wanted. Titles, more titles, and to be able to enjoy a brand new era Galácticos. One step closer to the catalans in the north-east.

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