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Change row height in squad screen

The North End

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I want to be able to change the row height in my squad screen so that I can see more players at once.

i.e. to avoid having a scroll bar when the squad is on the larger side. I have tried a few small edits of skin files that I found using a search but nothing seems to work.

Can anyone point me in the right direction???

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If you just want to edit the row height on the squad screen locate this line in the 'panels/team squad.xml' file:

<widget class="client_object_list_table" id="pltb" database_table_type="1" customisation_context="play"

mode="fill_rows, stripe_rows, printable, store_sort_state, drag_rows, drop_on_rows, show_bullets, select_rows, select_multiple, auto_hide_columns"

column_mode="resize_columns, move_columns, custom_views">

and add row_height="XX" to the end for example this will reduce the row height on the squad screen to 18 pixels from the default 22:

<widget class="client_object_list_table" id="pltb" database_table_type="1" customisation_context="play"

mode="fill_rows, stripe_rows, printable, store_sort_state, drag_rows, drop_on_rows, show_bullets, select_rows, select_multiple, auto_hide_columns"

column_mode="resize_columns, move_columns, custom_views"

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do you know how to do this for the league table aswell?

you need to edit the league stage.xml file located in the panels folder for the skin you are using (if it doesn't have one you'll have to extract it from the panels.fmf file located in the data folder)

First you need to locate this line (it should be the second last bit of coding):

<boolean id="auto_size_rows" value="true"/>

and change it to:

<flags id="auto_size_rows" value="horizontal"/>

and add this line above it (or anywhere in the file as long as it's inside the panel tags -code on first and last line):

<flags id="row_height" value="20" />

you just need to change the value (22 is the default value so 20 should work for a 24 team league) until you are happy.

So the bottom of the file should now look something like this:

<!-- use sortable heading class -->

<flags id="heading_class" value="column_heading"/>

<flags id="row_height" value="
" />

<boolean id="scroll_to_selection" value="true"/>

<flags id="auto_size_rows" value="horizontal"/>

<boolean id="scst" value="true"/>


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