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Constructive Criticism (Of Steam)

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I'm really starting to hate Steam. I never had any problem with FM games before this, ran just fine, downloaded the updates when I felt like, now I have to install with steam. Because of this, it took over an hour and a half to install the game, when I really wanted to start playing it but ended up having to wait until the next day before I could finally play it. And now, the game wouldn't bloody run cause the game was currently unavailable, I manage to sort it out but I need to wait another 20-30 minutes for the game update to install and I'm guessing it's going to be like this for another half year when all these patches come out. I really should have waited for all the patches to be released before buying.

Thank you Steam :rolleyes:

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I don't understand steam... one minute fm12 loads just fine the next moment it is unavailable n i have to wait again to get it updating or whatever. Its just really a waste of my time.. I am almost sorry I bought the game. Hell I don't even know is my game is updated... the version still says 12.0.0 n yet there's no automatic updates whatsoever. I have always bought the official version of the game on overseas biz trip even though i live in a place where its impossible to get the non-pirated version... I respect the effort n time n everything SI did in developing this game. But right now through steam n all the unnecessary inconveniences I feel SI doesn't value me at all. So this is the last time I play this game through steam, since i have already bought it, next one its on steam i wont get it.

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I just bought FM2012 (like I buy every year) however I must say Si really didn't think of people in countries where the internet is terrible (sorry to say). Is piracy so bad you have to revert to using steam and the issues around steam. Honestly there are a few. I am in the unfortunate position of having to use USB wireless as thats all I can get and well to be blunt it is terrible but like many Aussies in areas that cannnot get anything but wireless were stuck.

My issue isn't so much with SI or M2012 but steam, some examples: doesn't login due to low bandwith I am guessing (or whatever reason) sometimes games wont load due to poor connection, downloads take like for ever (such as patches etc) issues around steam updates and then email and code verifing (is that even a word, but you follow, right?) the number of times I have had to use a code to just play the game on the same pc is incredible. I have about 20 games on steam and dont play them because they auto patch and it just isn't worth it. I can understand those that are lucky enough to have decent internet I can only say I am so jealous.

I had an issue recently with steam and support and because I couldn't remember my original settings from years back I nearly lost all 20 games. It was fixed, however in my ranting I only wanted to ask and hopefully get an answer "did SI ever consider us poor buggers that have no other choice but **** internet"? I was lucky enough for the activation to go through okay and such but again (as usual ages for patching). I do understand SI has no control over internet service providers and such, but steam makes it so much worse, honestly it does. If you have never had to struggle with a USB wireless device you may not understand, hoping in the 1st instance to get a connection and then hoping it doesn't drop out and such and lastly once one having to spends hours and yes even days to get updates, one could almost cry.

So back to my original point, did SI ever take all this into consideration before using steam and such? there are alot of people in the same boat as myself. or is it just bad luck and move house? For years we had the CD serial number etc and played fine, I just think maybe just maybe SI thinks everyone pirates their games when actually those that love these game buy them and have done for many years but sadly the steam issues just make it so much harder to play the game (again with poor internet).

On a lighter note maybe you could have a word with our government to hurry up with the National broadband and then maybe I like others wouldn't be asking this question.

Anyways thanks for (if you do) reading this and please be understanding and polite in your replies as many people i believe have issues with steam around internet and jumping through hoops to just want to play the game that they bought and also enjoy.

Cheers all

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Yes and how the hell am I supposed to do that if steam returns me a "game not available at this time" error??? I have spent a good 2 hours trying to all the fixes other than reinstalling... hell I even have to look on how to reinstall? Am I getting too old for this or what?

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If you work through the steps in the FAQ http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/279162-Football-Manager-2012-*OFFICIAL*-FAQ?p=7184717&viewfull=1#post7184717 (which it sounds like you are doing) and you cant get anywhere then SI will do what they can to help when you post in the bug forums. They have managed to resolve quite a few peoples ongoing issues in conjunction with steam support so far so it would seem theres a good chance.

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Yes and how the hell am I supposed to do that if steam returns me a "game not available at this time" error??? I have spent a good 2 hours trying to all the fixes other than reinstalling... hell I even have to look on how to reinstall? Am I getting too old for this or what?

Its your foult. Read 20 pages of FAQ. If you dont understant than its your foult anyway not STEAMS. STEAM is god, all hail STEAM... :-P

Yeah, i cannot play my game either right now and i am supposed to read FAQs, middle with my computer etc. to get it work. While i just could Install the damned thing from the DVD last year(and all the years before that) and play, without ANY problem.

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OK, time to repair my post now.

The only way to protest this isn't to simply not buy the product. The results of that take far too long to become apparent to the seller, and even then they are only guessing, if they aren't provided with feedback.

The best way is to enter into dialogue with the company. And the sooner the better.

Do you remember New Coke? Well, I don't really I was too young (just :D), but have studied it as a case of a horrific decision made by execs without taking peoples brand loyalty and emotion into account.

Coke customers didn't just shrug their shoulders and go "meh, I guess it's Pepsi now", they voiced their concerns. Being Americans, it was way OTT of course, but they got their point across. And it made the company change straight away. The protesters weren't doing it because they hated Coke (the company), they did it because they felt a connection, and ownership of the brand and the product, and thought it was being messed with, and badly.

I think you'll find a lot of the people on here not supporting Steam have a similar viewpoint. They don't want SI to fail, far from it. They wouldn't be so passionate about the changes if they didnt' feel a connection with SI/FM.

But, speaking for myself - when I see changes like this made, it's just another step away from what made the series great. SI has always had tremendous support and relationship with its customers. Guys doing hours and hours of research and work so that the game can be great. For what? A free copy of the game? That's how much people loved it.

But as decisions like this are made, the relationship changes. When you introduce a take it or leave it approach, and brush off customer concerns and issues with a "if you don't like it, don't buy it" attitude, you start to enter dangerous waters.

If Sega/SI want to make those corporate, straight laced decisions, that's OK with me. I just hope they won't be surprised when all of the researchers or other guys that work for free start to deliver invoices for their time, effort and work. Decisions like this - again IMO - just chip away at that close relationship that's always existed.

Personally, I think it's been a slow erosion over time, customers now being treated like numbers - and this just is another confirmation of that to me.

I agree with alot of what you have said.

The community has helped make this game what it is, countless hours spent spotting and reporting bugs, researching free of charge, etc.

I've always felt previously that SI were different to the usual corporate greed, they were about inclusiveness and would do their best for ALL and understood that their customer base was unique and this is why the series was such a success.

This year I seem to have noticed the Sega touch being added with the Steam decision and some of the official posts from SI/Sega have very much been 'if you don't like it sorry but tough'.

That of course is up to them but I agree the erosion of this product began probably a few years ago and has gathered pace quickly.

I think the decision regarding Steam has focused solely on how better it is for SI/Sega profits wise, easy to release patches, more information obtained about our customers, etc.

The decision to offer no alternatives even now the game has 'you know what happened to it' further illustrates that even though there are a variety of people who dislike Steam (not just on here but any customer review site, Facebook, etc) the decision is 'lets ride it out and hope that people get used to it'.

This is why for me personally it is so important to stand up for what you believe in.

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Fair point. There are numerous benefits. The easiest and most obvious is protection against piracy and we focused on that. I think we've tried to engage in some discussion here when questioned. I think we could have talked a little more up front. 20/20 hindsight is a wonderful thing...

Licensing - we're rarely, if ever, allowed to discuss the content of any kind of agreement or issue. Apologies if you feel patronised, that's not the intention - but it's normally the advice we're given from our lawyers dealing with such matters. Public disclosure, especially of any kind of restriction or issue, is *extremely* rare. I do my best to provide detail on any topic when possible - if we can't disclose detail, I'm afraid there's little that can be done about that.

Mac Store - I don't know, in honesty.

Thanks for the reply.

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I agree with alot of what you have said.

The community has helped make this game what it is, countless hours spent spotting and reporting bugs, researching free of charge, etc.

I've always felt previously that SI were different to the usual corporate greed, they were about inclusiveness and would do their best for ALL and understood that their customer base was unique and this is why the series was such a success.

This year I seem to have noticed the Sega touch being added with the Steam decision and some of the official posts from SI/Sega have very much been 'if you don't like it sorry but tough'.

That of course is up to them but I agree the erosion of this product began probably a few years ago and has gathered pace quickly.

I think the decision regarding Steam has focused solely on how better it is for SI/Sega profits wise, easy to release patches, more information obtained about our customers, etc.

The decision to offer no alternatives even now the game has 'you know what happened to it' further illustrates that even though there are a variety of people who dislike Steam (not just on here but any customer review site, Facebook, etc) the decision is 'lets ride it out and hope that people get used to it'.

This is why for me personally it is so important to stand up for what you believe in.

It's never been 'if you don't like it sorry but tough', or at least not so blunt as you put it. Trust me when I say that SI are some of the best guys out there when it comes to keeping their fans involved on the forums. You go to some forums and you're lucky if you see a dev do more than post a sticky once a week. SI are open and honest, and I know I sound like I'm bowed down kissing their feet, but it's true.

Of course their decisions are focused on making money and profit though. What else do you expect? Do you expect them to say 'do what you want with the game, we've enough money'? They want to make money and Sega want to make money. Sega wouldn't have agreed to publish FM if there wasn't some gain in it. The Steam decision has come about because SI/Sega want to safeguard their hard work and keep it away from piracy for as long as possible. They have every right to do that. They worked hard on the game and don't deserve for it to be stolen (don't start arguing whther piracy is stealing - it's essentially the same bag). You'd feel the same if you worked hard on something for a year.

You're very naive if you think any company will ignore a profit. At least SI do you the honour of keeping you in the mix.

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im kind of with the OP on this subject and will be giving it a miss this year due to the Steam factor.. While i support SI on thier efforts not only to make the best football management game on the market and protect their product how they see fit, i flat out refuse to have Steam on my computer.. i went down the steam route with FM2009 (having bought every version since CM93) and regretted not handing my cash over the counter in the local store for 6 months.. never again..

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I just bought FM2012 (like I buy every year) however I must say Si really didn't think of people in countries where the internet is terrible (sorry to say). Is piracy so bad you have to revert to using steam and the issues around steam. Honestly there are a few. I am in the unfortunate position of having to use USB wireless as thats all I can get and well to be blunt it is terrible but like many Aussies in areas that cannnot get anything but wireless were stuck.

My issue isn't so much with SI or M2012 but steam, some examples: doesn't login due to low bandwith I am guessing (or whatever reason) sometimes games wont load due to poor connection, downloads take like for ever (such as patches etc) issues around steam updates and then email and code verifing (is that even a word, but you follow, right?) the number of times I have had to use a code to just play the game on the same pc is incredible. I have about 20 games on steam and dont play them because they auto patch and it just isn't worth it. I can understand those that are lucky enough to have decent internet I can only say I am so jealous.

I had an issue recently with steam and support and because I couldn't remember my original settings from years back I nearly lost all 20 games. It was fixed, however in my ranting I only wanted to ask and hopefully get an answer "did SI ever consider us poor buggers that have no other choice but **** internet"? I was lucky enough for the activation to go through okay and such but again (as usual ages for patching). I do understand SI has no control over internet service providers and such, but steam makes it so much worse, honestly it does. If you have never had to struggle with a USB wireless device you may not understand, hoping in the 1st instance to get a connection and then hoping it doesn't drop out and such and lastly once one having to spends hours and yes even days to get updates, one could almost cry.

So back to my original point, did SI ever take all this into consideration before using steam and such? there are alot of people in the same boat as myself. or is it just bad luck and move house? For years we had the CD serial number etc and played fine, I just think maybe just maybe SI thinks everyone pirates their games when actually those that love these game buy them and have done for many years but sadly the steam issues just make it so much harder to play the game (again with poor internet).

On a lighter note maybe you could have a word with our government to hurry up with the National broadband and then maybe I like others wouldn't be asking this question.

Anyways thanks for (if you do) reading this and please be understanding and polite in your replies as many people i believe have issues with steam around internet and jumping through hoops to just want to play the game that they bought and also enjoy.

Cheers all

Ewok01 thanks for sharing your opinion and I'm sorry that has been ignored by other users.

The reasons you wrote is why i'm against to use only Steam to play FM12.

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To find the option to turn off updates you right-click on Football Manager 2012 in your Steam library, go to 'Properties' then select the 'Update' tab. You can change it there.

I know that you guys from the towers look into this thread from time to time. I have been trying to get clarification (unsuccesfully) of a couple of questions:

1: I am aware that you can turn off udates for particular games in the library, but can the Steam client update itself or detect it needs an update (due to detection of internet connection] even though it is in offline mode?

2: Another thing, does Steam require that we revalidate our credentials by having to go online within a certain timeframe?

I ask because I have had a few difficulties the last year operating Steam due to me moving between several countries during the year...


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I know that you guys from the towers look into this thread from time to time. I have been trying to get clarification (unsuccesfully) of a couple of questions:

1: I am aware that you can turn off udates for particular games in the library, but can the Steam client update itself or detect it needs an update (due to detection of internet connection] even though it is in offline mode?

2: Another thing, does Steam require that we revalidate our credentials by having to go online within a certain timeframe?

I ask because I have had a few difficulties the last year operating Steam due to me moving between several countries during the year...


That is probably something the folks at Steam can help you with better, loversleaper. I do know that someone posted earlier to say that they turned Steam on in offline mode and it tried to update only to put up an error message to say it needed to connect. If I had time to find the post I'd confirm what he said, because that does sound a bit odd now I think about it. The news pages for a game would be updated even if you are offline anyway, and they might well tell you an update is available.

Speaking for myself, I've never had to revalidate my credentials. I don't run offline or move around, but I don't see why that would matter. The program will ask you to input details of a new machine should you attempt to access Steam from a different location. I had an issue with my ISP changing my IP address and it prompted this. There is also an option to remove all other locations registered to your account.

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I am not going to read through all these pages to see what I want to say has already been said... I could care less about piracy being a problem... I have not, and never will pirate a game... I do understand the developers need to control it. Picking Steam as that method though is just stupid..a great many people try to avoid Steam like the plague. I have even gone as far myself as to buy games at a higher price at other online retailers just so I would not have to use or deal with Steam's idiotic ways of doing things. If there is an update available... I will download it myself when I am good and ready (and the addons I use are compatible for it).. I do not want it forced on me, because the game will stop working without it. That is my main reason for disliking it with this game. There are plenty of other reasons I can not stand Steam, but they are not relevant to this product.

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That is probably something the folks at Steam can help you with better

At least you didn't say "shove off and go ask Steam"... ;)

Lot's of people have come up with car analogies (which isn't my strong point) but I'll give it a shot:

I'm in France and I go buy a French car... wait, scratch that... I lease a French car from an authorised dealer (you know, the one with the logo in front of the place). Now, I am having all these motor problems so I contact the dealer and tell them what's up. They then tell me that the motor is made up of parts from Germany so I should go call them...

I think it is in order if they answer these questions and I think it would also be in order that we get an official statement on this, it could explain some things. People from SI/Sega have answered several posts in this thread, so I don't see the big deal - it's not like this is tabu or anything...

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I think it is in order if they answer these questions and I think it would also be in order that we get an official statement on this, it could explain some things. People from SI/Sega have answered several posts in this thread, so I don't see the big deal - it's not like this is tabu or anything...

Sorry - which ones?

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I know that you guys from the towers look into this thread from time to time. I have been trying to get clarification (unsuccesfully) of a couple of questions:

1: I am aware that you can turn off udates for particular games in the library, but can the Steam client update itself or detect it needs an update (due to detection of internet connection] even though it is in offline mode?

2: Another thing, does Steam require that we revalidate our credentials by having to go online within a certain timeframe?

I ask because I have had a few difficulties the last year operating Steam due to me moving between several countries during the year...


Honestly no idea about the first question and I couldn't even find an answer by googling it.

For the second question I'm unaware of any revalidation requirement once you've done it and gone offline - I ran FM11 offline for the vast majority of the time. I'm aware that if you're overseas, or away from where you validated - there can be a problem with purchasing new content (I discovered this while in Japan) but validation attempts shouldn't be a problem.

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Never had a problem with FM 2011 stand-a-lone. Have to download steam this year and a few weeks into having the game I have to reinstall steam and my game. Ridiculous. I am slowly beginning to realize why so many people hate steam. If SI decides to pull this steam-only nonsense again next year I am going to have to skip - unfortunately I've already put my money into this (and I am hooked on FM2012 already :rolleyes:)!

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At least you didn't say "shove off and go ask Steam"... ;)

Lot's of people have come up with car analogies (which isn't my strong point) but I'll give it a shot:

I'm in France and I go buy a French car... wait, scratch that... I lease a French car from an authorised dealer (you know, the one with the logo in front of the place). Now, I am having all these motor problems so I contact the dealer and tell them what's up. They then tell me that the motor is made up of parts from Germany so I should go call them...

I think it is in order if they answer these questions and I think it would also be in order that we get an official statement on this, it could explain some things. People from SI/Sega have answered several posts in this thread, so I don't see the big deal - it's not like this is tabu or anything...

I tried to answer as best I could, so I'm not fobbing you off. I really think asking at Steam would be the best possible place to find out answers to such questions. It's really not a 'go away'.

So read my post again, and you'll see I tried to answer for you. Then you can go to Steam and get the definitive answers off the people who make the program.

Then you can give me an apology for blowing things all out of proportion. :D

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I have a friend who keeps his steam in offline mode all the time, he went from the last patch update on FM11 to the release of FM12 without ever having steam online and never had an issue, he doesnt have the internet so he couldnt put it into online mode even if he wanted too. It would have been around 9-10 months without having to revalidate.

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I tried to answer as best I could, so I'm not fobbing you off. I really think asking at Steam would be the best possible place to find out answers to such questions. It's really not a 'go away'.

So read my post again, and you'll see I tried to answer for you. Then you can go to Steam and get the definitive answers off the people who make the program.

Then you can give me an apology for blowing things all out of proportion. :D

Nobody likes being told to go elsewhere, though. Steam - or any third-party "fat" DRM - is a possible point of failure and results in users having to jump through one more layer of red tape to fix their issues.

Have you ever been put on hold during a support to be transferred to a different team, or told that it's not their problem and you should contact someone else? This is frustrating, and no different to Steam.

You might not perceive it as a "go away" but a lot of users will see it that way. We know this because "it's not our problem" is easily one of the most frustrating and annoying things you could ever hear on a phone with a support analyst.

Users need to be kept close - a middle-man pushes them further away.

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I've just downloaded FMRTE which is compatible for the version of FM I had installed(12.0.3).

Unfortunately when I tried to launch FM, steam updated it to 12.0.4 without asking me and I now find that FMRTE does not work.

Since steam makes it easy for me to organise my games, it must be easy to control versioning. Can anyone tell me an easy way to roll back to 12.0.3? Do I need to uninstall manually? How do I manually download & apply patches or can steam control that for me?

P.S. I have now changed my default preference on updates to update when I tell it to, but this doesn't really help me in my current pickle.

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Nobody likes being told to go elsewhere, though. Steam - or any third-party "fat" DRM - is a possible point of failure and results in users having to jump through one more layer of red tape to fix their issues.

Have you ever been put on hold during a support to be transferred to a different team, or told that it's not their problem and you should contact someone else? This is frustrating, and no different to Steam.

You might not perceive it as a "go away" but a lot of users will see it that way. We know this because "it's not our problem" is easily one of the most frustrating and annoying things you could ever hear on a phone with a support analyst.

Users need to be kept close - a middle-man pushes them further away.


I don't mind at all being asked to go elsewhere if elsewhere can help me better than the place I'm currently asking at. It's common sense. The questions being asked were heavily Steam related, therefore Steam is a good place to ask. Someone here might know the answers but someone there will know them better, for sure.

I really think people are failing to see common sense here, and being petty for the sake of being petty.

People who want to see it as a go away will see it as a go away, not because it is but because their grasp of a post is all wrong. I never told anyone to go away. Because there's been some disagreement I'm automatically assumed to be telling non fans of Steam to sod off. That's very narrow thinking.

Did you even read the conversation that prompted this, x42bn6, or did you just join in out some some false moral obligation to stand up for those who doubt Steam?

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thanks to all for your comments and feedback.

Steam is a mature platform and one that we feel is the best out there that meets our business needs and helps solve and tackle many problems that have previously given us a lot of headaches in the past, and it's as simple as that really.

That does not mean it solves all of our problems, but it significantly helps us improve our production pipelines, as well as provide the best method of update distribution and installation out there. This has typically been an area that's caused us a lot of problems over the years and the benefits of this aspect alone are fantastic for all.

From a development perspective, it gives us a greater opportunity to understand the type of hardware our customers are using too, which in turn helps us make more informed technical decisions on the requirements needed to run our games, and the direction of some features. It also allows us to deliver specific hardware optimisations based on what our customers have in order to improve performance.

There are so many benefits for us, but we still didn't take the decision lightly and it's still too early to know what we will do in the future, or whether we will extend to using alternative services out there. We have built up a great working relationship with valve over the years, but as with every release, we will perform a post-mortem and analyse how it's gone, what we want to improve or change going forward, and whether it's met our expectations.

mac app store! Steam is rubbish i just updated my game and steam decided it was funny to delete my save. Brill. Thanks for that.

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Steam has just updated my FM2012 to 12.0.4 and has managed to delete my saved game in the process. Please don't tell me it "doesn't do that", because it quite plainly has. i had all my game yesterday, i updated, i have no game now. Steam is a joke.

Macbook (don't use time machine cos i can't afford it)

You can use time machine with the cheapest external HD attached.

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Just to add my 2p's worth to the Steam criticism.

I buy FM each year for full price on the 1st day of release, and have done every year since the first Championship Manager in 1992. I also played FM Live from its launch to its death. I'm SI's ideal customer I suppose.

However my patience is wearing VERY thin at the moment due to steam. Right now my internet is offline (Im posting from my phone). I cannot play FM12 because I cannot connect to steam. Whenever I want to play FM whilst away on business I cant if there is no wifi.

I paid for the game, I should be allowed to play it when I want to, not depending on whether I have internet connection at the moment.

I appreciate the need to tackle piracy but surely there is a better way than this.

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I cannot play FM12 because I cannot connect to steam. Whenever I want to play FM whilst away on business I cant if there is no wifi.

I paid for the game, I should be allowed to play it when I want to, not depending on whether I have internet connection at the moment.

I appreciate the need to tackle piracy but surely there is a better way than this.

I'm playing FM on my macbook air in offline mode and do only connect to the internet when I want to update the game.

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Just to add my 2p's worth to the Steam criticism.

I buy FM each year for full price on the 1st day of release, and have done every year since the first Championship Manager in 1992. I also played FM Live from its launch to its death. I'm SI's ideal customer I suppose.

However my patience is wearing VERY thin at the moment due to steam. Right now my internet is offline (Im posting from my phone). I cannot play FM12 because I cannot connect to steam. Whenever I want to play FM whilst away on business I cant if there is no wifi.

I paid for the game, I should be allowed to play it when I want to, not depending on whether I have internet connection at the moment.

I appreciate the need to tackle piracy but surely there is a better way than this.

I don't need an internet connection to play, if my modem is off Steam boots up (after an interminable wait it's true) and offers me offline mode, if yours isn't doing that it should be.

Make sure "Don't save account settings on this computer" is UN checked and boot Steam with your modem off to test this.

Note when it says updating Steam it isn't, it's trying to connect, which no doubt is why it takes so long (probably makes 3 passes)

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A quick question regarding Steam and offline mode.

If I take my laptop to a friends house who does not have Internet, and I forget to change my Steam to offline mode before leaving.

Can I still switch Steam to offline mode without an Internet connection and play FM12? Or can Steam ONLY be changed to offline mode whilst I'm connected to the internet?

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mac app store! Steam is rubbish i just updated my game and steam decided it was funny to delete my save. Brill. Thanks for that.

I see no harm in using the Mac App store if it can be done so. I believe I read they had said there were problems with using it to distribute the game though. I don't know what those problems were, it was just a few words I read...on here.

For all we know the Mac App Store might cause even more problems with FM than Steam is being reported to do. People shouldn't worry too much about whether FM is on Steam next year. If it is then SI/Valve will have had 12 months to find out the cause of problems and to make things a much more streamlined experience. There's an old adage that is especially suitable here. Practice makes perfect. I know that's maybe not much help to people suffering this year, but next year could be the smoothest launch of FM yet. And I know people are going to say 'but if FM launches on Steam next year I won't buy it'. No point in jumping the gun though, is there?

Sneesby, are you sure you haven't done something wrong to cause your saves to be deleted? It seems bizarre that a program would just go ahead and delete necessary files, unless it was given a user command to do so. Even removing games files through the 'delete local content' option shouldn't remove your save files. Delete Local Content will remove content located in the Steam directory, and saves are stored in My Documents. A game update should certainly not remove saves. It hasn't done so for me.

Have you perhaps cleaned out all FM/SI files and folders and gotten rid of the saves by mistake? Check your recycle bin.

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A quick question regarding Steam and offline mode.

If I take my laptop to a friends house who does not have Internet, and I forget to change my Steam to offline mode before leaving.

Can I still switch Steam to offline mode without an Internet connection and play FM12? Or can Steam ONLY be changed to offline mode whilst I'm connected to the internet?

as long as your steam client is the latest one, you will be able to. it will start to try and connect, fail and after a while ask if you want to restart in offline mode

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A quick question regarding Steam and offline mode.

If I take my laptop to a friends house who does not have Internet, and I forget to change my Steam to offline mode before leaving.

Can I still switch Steam to offline mode without an Internet connection and play FM12? Or can Steam ONLY be changed to offline mode whilst I'm connected to the internet?

I don't need an internet connection to play, if my modem is off Steam boots up (after an interminable wait it's true) and offers me offline mode, if yours isn't doing that it should be.

Make sure "Don't save account settings on this computer" is UN checked and boot Steam with your modem off to test this.

Note when it says updating Steam it isn't, it's trying to connect, which no doubt is why it takes so long (probably makes 3 passes)

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A quick question regarding Steam and offline mode.

If I take my laptop to a friends house who does not have Internet, and I forget to change my Steam to offline mode before leaving.

Can I still switch Steam to offline mode without an Internet connection and play FM12? Or can Steam ONLY be changed to offline mode whilst I'm connected to the internet?

It should come up with a window that let's you restart steam in offline mode.

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I see no harm in using the Mac App store if it can be done so. I believe I read they had said there were problems with using it to distribute the game though. I don't know what those problems were, it was just a few words I read...on here.

Are you sure you haven't done something wrong to cause your saves to be deleted? It seems bizarre that a program would just go ahead and delete necessary files, unless it was given a user command to do so. Even removing games files through the 'delete local content' option shouldn't remove your save files. Delete Local Content will remove content located in the Steam directory, and saves are stored in My Documents.

Have you perhaps cleaned out all FM/SI files and folders and gotten rid of the saves by mistake? Check your recycle bin.

I've not been on my laptop overnight, no-one has, let alone deleted any files. i turned it all off properly last night, went to turn it on this evening... updated... the nothing.

steam is riddled with bugs. i didn't see anything about the mac app store, but I'm assuming it wasn't prepped income or something, to make apple's daft long approval process.

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as long as your steam client is the latest one, you will be able to. it will start to try and connect, fail and after a while ask if you want to restart in offline mode
I don't need an internet connection to play, if my modem is off Steam boots up (after an interminable wait it's true) and offers me offline mode, if yours isn't doing that it should be.

Make sure "Don't save account settings on this computer" is UN checked and boot Steam with your modem off to test this.

Note when it says updating Steam it isn't, it's trying to connect, which no doubt is why it takes so long (probably makes 3 passes)

It should come up with a window that let's you restart steam in offline mode.

Ok, that's a relief. (I've not tried it yet, I was just checking for the future)

Thanks for the replys. :thup:

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I've not been on my laptop overnight, no-one has, let alone deleted any files. i turned it all off properly last night, went to turn it on this evening... updated... the nothing.

steam is riddled with bugs. i didn't see anything about the mac app store, but I'm assuming it wasn't prepped income or something, to make apple's daft long approval process.

Just to be clear, are you using a mac or windows? If you are using Windows then wouldn't any file that is deleted go to the recycle bin? I'm assuming you're using a Mac though, from what's been said, so sorry for talking all Windows but I hope there's equivalents for recycle bin etc.

I hope you don't think I'm calling you a liar, by the way. It just seems odd that save files should be deleted. It might be worth putting in a ticket at Steam support and asking if they can shed any light. You may hear some horror stories about Steam support but it's really quite prompt, even if it may take a bit longer at the weekend (Valve need days off too). Steam really isn't completely bug ridden either. I admit there may be a few problems cropping up with Macs, but the mac service is newish and will get better. I can honestly say that Steam runs a treat for me, and one day Steam for macs will be that way too. But they do need to know the problems to be able to fix them.

Hope you find the files. You really should try Steam support.

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Just to be clear, are you using a mac or windows? If you are using Windows then wouldn't any file that is deleted go to the recycle bin? I'm assuming you're using a Mac though, from what's been said, so sorry for talking all Windows but I hope there's equivalents for recycle bin etc.

I hope you don't think I'm calling you a liar, by the way. It just seems odd that save files should be deleted. It might be worth putting in a ticket at Steam support and asking if they can shed any light. You may hear some horror stories about Steam support but it's really quite prompt, even if it may take a bit longer at the weekend (Valve need days off too). Steam really isn't completely bug ridden either. I admit there may be a few problems cropping up with Macs, but the mac service is newish and will get better. I can honestly say that Steam runs a treat for me, and one day Steam for macs will be that way too. But they do need to know the problems to be able to fix them.

Hope you find the files. You really should try Steam support.

I know your not calling me a liar, don't worry! haha! ill try steam support, I've never tried it before as this is the only time I've ever used steam. and yeah there is all the equivalents.... :)

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