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2 more days at work then the week-end :D.

I just did 11 days in a row, finished Sunday, had 3 days off, never been looking forward to them so much, but instead I've been dosed up with the cold, and back to work, the joys of the working life. Still though, Liverpool v Arsenal this weekend ;)

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I just did 11 days in a row, finished Sunday, had 3 days off, never been looking forward to them so much, but instead I've been dosed up with the cold, and back to work, the joys of the working life. Still though, Liverpool v Arsenal this weekend ;)

Yes, and 3pts in the bag for us :D.

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I don't hate Ty, since when have I said that? :D

I only wish to be a student for the social life. Nothing else. None of them can handle their drinks, they all sleep until 4 in the afternoon and then complain their sleeping pattern is ****ed. They also expect life to be handed to them on a plate.

Purefun is cool, I suppose.

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Download!! If i wasnt going to T that is where id be going this summer, the line up is amazing!

I think the Friday sucks. Except for Slash & Myles Kennedy who I will have a joygasm over :D. Saturday from Steel Panther up on the main stage is good. Biffy were brilliant at Soni last year, as were Metallica. Black Label Society, Soundgarden & Sabbath on the Sunday :cool:.

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I think the Friday sucks. Except for Slash & Myles Kennedy who I will have a joygasm over :D. Saturday from Steel Panther up on the main stage is good. Biffy were brilliant at Soni last year, as were Metallica. Black Label Society, Soundgarden & Sabbath on the Sunday :cool:.

Chase and Status on the friday man, even if your not into D&B they are amazing live, i saw them at T last year and i am not a huge fan of D&B but it was incredible. NoFx and Fear Factory as well!!!

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My parents have some issues with their deeds and the boundaries of their land. The problem here is that the land registry, the town hall, notary office and the property registry, are all different bodies, none of whom communicate well.

For example, you would expect the land registry to have all the up to date and correct information, or at least gather that information themselves and have their own topographers to measure land. They don't... you have to privately organise a topographer and notify the land registry of any problems or changes yourself. The joke of all this, is that your local property tax is based on the information that the land registry have, which is often out of date or simply incorrect.

That said, the issues we have are more to do with mistakes that the previous lawyer made when sorting out the deeds... or not sorting them out properly, as has proven to be the case. We only discovered the issue when our neighbour extended his cottage, then we received notifications from the town hall that it was illegally built, plus that it was on our land.

Thankfully we can correct the faults with the paperwork, but it'll be a long-winded process and at least the previous lawyer is culpable for not sorting the deeds out properly. The lawyer I deal with now is a property specialist, who is brilliant at trouble-shooting issues like this, which unsurprisingly, aren't uncommon here, needless to say.

Spain is a great place to live and work, but like living in any other country, you've got to go into things with your eyes wide open and know where to turn if things don't go to plan. There's always usually solutions to most problems. Half of the time though, especially with Brits in Spain, they go into things blinkered and either don't help themselves by checking things out properly, or they don't seek the aid of people who can. Then they get stung and for sure... it's not nice.

Anyhow, serious crap aside...

One of the things I love about Bathesda games such as Skyrim, is the modding community. Have finally found a working mod that will let you have unlimited followers or companions.


So that's my little troupe of ladies, all rigged out in custom armour from another mod. :D

I've all sorts of mods running at the minute, most of which I get from Skyrim Nexus

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It's just funny charging into a camp where there's giants and 2 or 3 mammoth :D

There's another mod that creates wars and battles, spawning (for example) loads of werewolves, or Imperials. If you have a load of followers, plus that mod, you can have grand battles... in Skyrim. :)

Oh... and the bird from Riften is just too self-righteous, massive axe or no. :lol:

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lol, self-righteous or not she is the best looking woman in Skyrim.

Battle sound wicked it's something that has not been done properly in the Elder Scrolls games. There is a youtube clip with 100's of dragons and another one which has hundreds of dragons and cheese wheels for some reason.

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lol, self-righteous or not she is the best looking woman in Skyrim.

Battle sound wicked it's something that has not been done properly in the Elder Scrolls games. There is a youtube clip with 100's of dragons and another one which has hundreds of dragons and cheese wheels for some reason.

The one of the left of your groupies looks like the one I sacrificed to Boethiah.

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That's what I love about the modding community for the Elder Scrolls and Fallout games though... there's just so much to have a look at. Some are cool, some are useful, whilst others are just plain stupid. It's one of the reasons I always look forward to the games and why they last so well.

The Creation Kit has been released now though, so the quality and quantity of the mods should be even better. Already there's a massive selection of "homes" people have created. From tiny shacks, to a huge fortress. Even a hotel resort! :D

Needless to say, there's the rude mods too. Don't be surprised to see something similar to the Fallout prostitution mod, hit Skyrim soon! :lol:

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For me the main problem with Skyrim was it is too empty, the big cities are actually pretty pathetic and there are not enough NPC's and not enough buildings. Is there any chance someone has made Skyrim bigger?

One on the left looks like the bird who hangs around in the Drunken Huntsman.

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For me the main problem with Skyrim was it is too empty, the big cities are actually pretty pathetic and there are not enough NPC's and not enough buildings. Is there any chance someone has made Skyrim bigger?

Have a look through the Skyrim Nexus site. I think there are mods that improve towns, plus mods that also increase the number of random NPC's that populate towns more.

One on the left looks like the bird who hangs around in the Drunken Huntsman.

That's right.

There's some vids on YouTube, that show the lands beyond Skyrim. Basically, Bathesda have created the map for the whole of Tamirel. Outside Skyrim is just placeholder at the moment, but the rivers are all there and the hills, plus the white tower in the Imperial City in Cyrodil is there.

Obviously lots of rumours flying around when it comes to DLC's and expansions, but Bathesda haven't confirmed anything yet. Only that they have the option to utilise areas anywhere in Tamriel. A little bit like with a couple of the Fallout DLC's, where they went outside the main game map area.

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I would love to see whole areas added to it, visiting Cyrodil and the imperial city would be brilliant. Probably asking a bit too much though.

Depends how adventurous the modding community gets too, especially with the creation kit.

I've seen one mod that has created a large jungle island area.

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Depends how adventurous the modding community gets too, especially with the creation kit.

I've seen one mod that has created a large jungle island area.

I would rather see it done as DLC because I have it on the 360. If it goes down in price on PC I might be tempted in a year or so, have you seen the stupid bears that replace all the spiders?

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I would rather see it done as DLC because I have it on the 360. If it goes down in price on PC I might be tempted in a year or so, have you seen the stupid bears that replace all the spiders?

I would love that, I have such a fear of them that I can't even do the bit with the wounded spider in one of the first quests for getting that golden claw, in like the first hour of gameplay, as much as I want to play it I just can't :lol:

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