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Liverpool Thread 2011/12


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Everton horrendous. Us finally look more dangerous with someone with an end product getting forward. But still don't like any pairing of our midfielders in a 4-4-2. So many gaps in behind them, Carragher and Skrtel didn't put a foot wrong though. Can we stop playing Henderson wide right please?

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Everton horrendous. Us finally look more dangerous with someone with an end product getting forward. But still don't like any pairing of our midfielders in a 4-4-2. So many gaps in behind them, Carragher and Skrtel didn't put a foot wrong though. Can we stop playing Henderson wide right please?

Henderson transfer has came a season too early if you ask me. Don't doubt he can be great and has the right skills and attributes but its clear to see he isn't a wide player and its getting beyond ridiculous playing him out there and I can also see why we can't play him and Gerrard together in the middle.

Totally agree with Spearing/Gerrard partnership is currently our best as Spearing is prepared to run about like a little rabbit and close people down. Really wish Lucas was fit though. Really hope Luis and Carroll get more games. Luis was brilliant tonight, his runs off the ball were great.

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Agree that Gerrard and Spearing is the closest we'll get to getting 4-4-2 right (whilst Lucas is out at least) but against a decent performance from the opposition it's still not preferential to a Spearing/Gerrard and then one of Henderson or Adam in most situations. I feel like a dick moaning when we've won a derby 3-0 but there's so much space in midfield if someone in better form than Pienaar comes up against it's so, so risky. We have such a lopsided squad.

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Played well tonight, finally we moved the all around quickly something we don't do when Adam is in the side and there was movement again when Adam plays midfield is static. I hope Carroll plays every week until end of the season. I don't think he is worth £35 million but we paid the fee, he linked well tonight and has improved ( not hard considering how bad he was) he deserves a chance.

Swapped kuyt for Henderson and Adam for gerrard and the football all of a sudden was a joy to watch.

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In my opinion Spearing and Gerrard is preferential to Gerrard plus any of the others. Adam and Gerrard is perhaps the worst of the lot because neither of them have particularly much defensive sense and they regularly end up in the same area with acres elsewhere. Spearing is nothing more than a squad player, but considering our squad depth in that position I think he has to play.

Against the better teams we can go with a 4-5-1, but at home / against the weaker teams we need to play Suarez and Carroll and that inevitably means taking risks and leaving space in midfield. Not that theres a massive risk now anyway. We have the Europa League and considering our position anything more would be amazing so we might as well have a go.

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if were playing a team with only one upfront tho its a waste. we'd be short in attack against a defensive side.

Not necessarily, as if they have one up front Enrique and Johnson have more licence to just stay forward and allow the 3 centre backs and Lucas to snuff out any potential counters.

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kelly was excellent today but i still think johnsons way better. kelly goes ball chasing and gets himself out of position too much for my liking. still im sure he'll get that out of his system in time.

have to mention carroll today aswell after slating him earlier, had a massive game imo, well done andy. hendo put 3 great through balls in today aswell though he wasnt perfect he was still out of position and played very well for the most part.

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Not necessarily, as if they have one up front Enrique and Johnson have more licence to just stay forward and allow the 3 centre backs and Lucas to snuff out any potential counters.

we tried that against stoke though and it didnt work, we were frustrating and hardly carved out a cross all day. im a fan in FM :D and in theory it looks good but it doesnt really work in real life imo.

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I don't think anyone would think that one win would change your opinion on the managerial situation so coming in here after a 3-0 Derby win just seems needlessly negative for the sake of being negative.

Hardly being negative, just not cheering over three points. Seems a little short-sighted.

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What a bizarre mindset. I don't know why you watch football really. If you can't enjoy a 3-0 win over your rivals I really don't know what enjoyment you get out of football.

"Short-sighted" :D :D :D Oh must not enjoy this moment. Need to think about the long term future of our transfer policy, squad depth and tactical development on the night we've just beat Everton 3-0. Can't enjoy this moment, need to relentlessly analyse, analyse and criticise for every waking minute.

You haven't even watched the match either. Just still need to pipe in and and **** on the party. Don't think for one minute people are suggesting that one win changes anything really, but if you can't enjoy this, I think you're in the wrong game mate.

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What a bizarre mindset. I don't know why you watch football really. If you can't enjoy a 3-0 win over your rivals I really don't know what enjoyment you get out of football.

"Short-sighted" :D :D :D Oh must not enjoy this moment. Need to think about the long term future of our transfer policy, squad depth and tactical development on the night we've just beat Everton 3-0. Can't enjoy this moment, need to relentlessly analyse, analyse and criticise for every waking minute.

You haven't even watched the match either. Just still need to pipe in and and **** on the party. Don't think for one minute people are suggesting that one win changes anything really, but if you can't enjoy this, I think you're in the wrong game mate.

I realise you're from there, but in all reality, a win against Everton means ****all to me more than most other wins. I don't remotely regard them as rivals, as they haven't been since the mid 1980s. The geographical location of their ground means nothing to me when I'm 12000km away. I simply see them as another midtable side we should be beating every time we play them. So jump on your high horse about how I'm "not enjoying this party" - I simply get more enjoyment out of a sustained run of performances rather than the once-a-month win you're telling me I should be celebrating.

As others have said, Charlie Adam will be back in the team on the weekend, and now Gerrard's done his show he'll go back into playing Mr Anonymous for the next few months. Laughable really how he can say this "We need to find a level of consistency" when over the last few years he's been one of the worst exponents of it.

But by all means, let's celebrate this once-a-month miracle. It's evidently our standard for celebration now. :thup:

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I realise you're from there, but in all reality, a win against Everton means ****all to me more than most other wins. I don't remotely regard them as rivals, as they haven't been since the mid 1980s. The geographical location of their ground means nothing to me when I'm 12000km away. I simply see them as another midtable side we should be beating every time we play them. So jump on your high horse about how I'm "not enjoying this party" - I simply get more enjoyment out of a sustained run of performances rather than the once-a-month win you're telling me I should be celebrating.

As others have said, Charlie Adam will be back in the team on the weekend, and now Gerrard's done his show he'll go back into playing Mr Anonymous for the next few months. Laughable really how he can say this "We need to find a level of consistency" when over the last few years he's been one of the worst exponents of it.

But by all means, let's celebrate this once-a-month miracle. It's evidently our standard for celebration now. :thup:

So we weren't allowed to celebrate beating City in the League Cup, or winning the League cup and now we're not allowed to celebrate beating Everton in the league because any celebration means we're blind to the bigger picture?

How's that prozac working out for you?

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Not remotely, celebrate away. I simply look at it as three points we should be getting every year. But the bigger picture is that we're still 7th, still 10 points behind our goal for the season, with 10 games to go. But I guess if you need a little ray of sunshine, and this is your only way to get it, celebrate away.

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I suggest changing the way you look at things in life, you'll enjoy it a lot more if you do.

If you see don't see the point in begin happy with three points, and anyone who is happy at a small victory regardless of the bigger picture is worthy of mockery, you're either trolling or you do actually have depression. Either way, seek help.

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I suggest changing the way you look at things in life, you'll enjoy it a lot more if you do.

If you see don't see the point in begin happy with three points, and anyone who is happy at a small victory regardless of the bigger picture is worthy of mockery, you're either trolling or you do actually have depression. Either way, seek help.

So insightful, you should be a psychologist. But I guess that would involve shedding the colossal stupidity in overlooking this:

I didn't watch the game - I am pleased for the win, but I still think we need a change. 5 wins since November now? That's a bit more than a bad run of form.

You'll note that post wasn't in response to anyone, or anything. I'm defending my position, not attacking that of others. So your pseudo-psychology can **** right off. :)

It's a win. That's all. It should be expected. Celebrations are for slightly more events a little more important than beating the team 9th in the table at home. I expect that, much like I expect my car to start in the morning.

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So insightful, you should be a psychologist. But I guess that would involve shedding the colossal stupidity in overlooking this:

You'll note that post wasn't in response to anyone, or anything. I'm defending my position, not attacking that of others. So your pseudo-psychology can **** right off. :)

It's a win. That's all. It should be expected. Celebrations are for slightly more events a little more important than beating the team 9th in the table at home. I expect that, much like I expect my car to start in the morning.

That does nothing to counter my point. Your last line if anything re-enforces it and I feel sad for anyone who supports a team with that attitude.

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I'd prefer that than the rose-tinted glasses simply because HOLY **** WE WON A GAME LET'S PARTY LIKE IT'S 1999

Yes, that's exactly the extreme everyone is celebrating to.

And fine, you sit miserable because we're losing the war whilst the rest of us are celebrating winning the battle. I know who is enjoying being a football fan more.

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You still here? Clearly those were in reference to people saying not jumping up and down as though this is the best thing ever means I was focusing on the negative. But again, since your response to me before was fairly concisely in the affirmative, all you're doing is reinforcing that point.

But hey, leap on me for being realistic and not ****ing partying about our fifth win in five months. You must be suffering from depression or something? Perhaps you need to change your outlook on other people's posts, you'll be far happier. :thup:

(In other words, **** up, your dismal posts on a ****** theme aren't remotely contributing to the thread, and this'll be my last on the issue).

Incoming post in 3, 2...

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Did Pepe make a save tonight?

Just one I think - Denis' header first half.

Great win and Gerrard confirming he is the greatest Liverpool player ever, but I just hope and pray Kenny keeps Adam out of the side as we look so much better without him.

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Haha what a dour and negative person. Even if you don't care about the rivalry, if you'd have actually watched the match you'd have seen a very, very good performance and that would have been enough to hold back the sea of negativity for at least a few hours I reckon.

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Haha what a dour and negative person. Even if you don't care about the rivalry, if you'd have actually watched the match you'd have seen a very, very good performance and that would have been enough to hold back the sea of negativity for at least a few hours I reckon.

So what you're basically saying is it's the 1 match equivalent of giving a manager an extra year on the basis of winning a trophy and letting that be sufficient to ignore a season's mediocrity in the league? It's simply a smaller scale. But before you decide to switch things around again, re-read my original post, which basically said exactly that it's good to get a win, but it shouldn't cloud poor performances.

And somehow you took that on some weird tangent which meant I didn't give a **** at all about winning. Well done.

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