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The bragging thread

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Just had the idea of creating a thread where we can all post our greatest achievements; without being accused of being big headed ;)

Screenshots are encouraged but not neccesary...

I will start

I am currently at half time playing as Arsenal vs Birmingham and I am 7-0 with van persie knocking through 4, its looking like it could perhaps be my greatest victory

edit: I ended up winnin 9-0 VP 5 goals

I look forward to hearing all your success storys/ big wins (gloating)

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First match of the season 2028/29. I (Barnet) was facing North London big brother Arsenal. Arsenal has been a stable top 3 team ever since I started the save, and Barnet has just stabilized themselves as a mid table team. A week before te game My keeper and star midfielder got injured, my right back was out with suspension, and to make matters even worse my - by far best- striker was playing in the Olympics. Due to some other injuries and another olympic call-up I was only able to field 4 players on the bench, 3 of them with a total of 4 premier league starts between them.

Arsenal were only missing an average right-back, and needles to say, I was expecting a real trashing...

And trashing it was, just not in the way i thought:D


(Imagine how angry I was when Arsenal scored with their last kick on the ball^^)

But... The next round all was back to normal, Arsenal won 5-1 over N Forest, and I lost 0-4 against Man City, and Arsenal went ahead of me on the table on goal difference...:o

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How do i post full screenshots like you guys have done?

Instead of posting a link, (url at the start and end), post it with "img" at the start and end, like this:


Not sure if there's something wrong with the address or it's set to private maybe?

This is my brag fwiw, Digao is a monster!:


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On last years game I won the league 8 years running with Liverpool (took them from 2021-2029), won the CL 4 times, the FA cup 8 times, the league cup 7 times. Only downside is that they wouldn't build a new stadium, we were still stuck in Anfield, when we actually had enough money to probably build another Wembley. 2 years after I left they let one be built, and named it after their new manager.....I was furious. Still I then stuck it to them with Spurs, who I took over in 2031, and made them the dominant force.

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I one journey man save I won OFC Champions League with Auckland City, Asian Champions League with Wellington Phoenix, North American Champions League with America(MEX), European Champions League with Real Madrid, Libertadores with Velez and the African Champions League with Ismaily.

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I've been looking for something special to add to this thread, and I think something that could be deemed "special" has just happened for me. Going into my thirty-seventh game, I was two points above Manchester United and one point above City. My penultimate game was against Manchester United, probably the hardest game of the season. If I won this and drew the next one, I'd win the title. If I did the opposite and won the next one and drew this one, I'd win the title as well. United and City both had easy matches for the 38th game, so I wasn't going to count on them losing if I even managed to get a draw here.

The Result:


A draw, I was estatic. I couldn't have asked for more from the team. Well, besides a win, but that was nearly out of the question. This still left me on the edge of my seat as I forgot who I was playing next because of the hype of the game against Utd. I decided to peer at my match schedule, and there it was, the 38th game. The team I had beat 2-0 twice this season at their stadium. Liverpool. Although I knew I could beat them, it would prove to be a hard match. I decided to use my same roster as the Utd game. The first half went slowly. Many chances were created for either team and I thought Liverpool were going to score about a thousand times. It ended in a draw. Manchester United and City had already scored in their games, so I had needed to win. At the 53rd minute, my backup striker, who I had put on as a backup for my injured winger, scored. 'Twas a beautiful goal, he had been passed to off of a free kick and he speedily ran past a defender on the left side of the box. He passed the goalie as well, and somehow slipped it inside the box. Although I scored this, I knew it was not over. There was still 37 minutes left in the game, and how many times have I seen a game get equalized in the last few minutes. The next twenty minutes went quick, with Liverpool manly getting the opportunities. At the 90th minute, my star goalie made a save on a Liverpool break to win us the game. We had won the title, the thing I've been trying to achieve for the last 6 years with my Newcastle club. All I can say is, I'm happy.



I'm still in shock. I never thought we'd be able to win the title with the team we had. The last few seasons we had been finishing in 6, and making it either to the semis or quarters of the Euro Cup.

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Playing as Liverpool, beat Chelsea 2-1 in the League Cup 3rd round. Not a huge achievement, except for the fact that Chelsea had their strongest possible team out, whereas I played my youngsters, average age of 18. Pulled out a great performance, and made me a little proud that they are starting to come of age.

They will now be putting pressure on my senior players, who have won the league 3 times in a row, and lost just one match in the last 85.

Edit: Also just realised this game was on my birthday, so a nice present from my team!

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This was one of my more memorable results, Liverpool just about got away with some dignity:


Because the freaking game schedules my CL match during an international fixture!


I was left with two Germans, a Japanese (these two national teams aren't active in the game) and a Mexican (not sure why, maybe the North American international breaks are scheduled differently?)


The rest of the team were 16-year-olds, considering I played a 16-year-old striker as my GK, I thought 3-0 away was pretty good :)

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Perhaps the most memorable moment in my save.

My second season at Granada CF and first in Liga BBVA. Scrapped and scraped through games all season and it all came down to the very last match. Although Barcelona were three points behind going into the last match, a win for them would have seen them clinch the title on "head to head" results, having drawn the previous encounter.

Usual Barcelona, dominating play, creating plenty of chances, but we held out until half-time. Second-half, they continued to be dominant, but we were getting odd chances. Then, it seemed like the rug had been pulled from under our feet... Diarra sees red, Xavi is down for lengthy treatement, then picks himself up to score the free-kick from the edge of the box. That was it... it wasn't going to be our day.

Oh well, might as well throw caution to the wind now...

I instruct even more direct play, more emphasis on attack and we get a break. My right wing regen Rojas beats his man, but his cross is poor. My defensive regen Akin scrambles for the ball with Messi on the edge of the box, it rebounds to Jimenez in space, who fires it in with great aplomb!

Yes! Could it be!?!

Quicker than you can wink, I pause the game and change tactics. Everyone back and defend for your lives. We hold out for the draw and the title is ours!

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This is the best solo run goal I've seen so far in my save, really like it. I always wish for one of those Messi-like goals where the guy beats half the team but mostly the strikers just seem to run straight past opponents instead of beating them with a turn or a piece of skill.


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