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Troubled Visions- Faramir's Dream (Lord of the Rings Challenge)


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Ross County (1) Arbroath (2)

Ross County- Liam Miller 7

Arbroath- Peter Wolf 31 Kieren Burchell 49

MOM- Jonathan Gould, Ross County

"Gould deserved the honours in my book- he really did thwart our efforts," said a cheery Barry Gond.

"Have to agree with you on that- he really stopped us cold for much of the match. Both goals we got were on rebounds that Peter (Wolf) and Kieren (Burchell) happened to reach first."

"Once we got the lead, we did a good job of clamping down on them."

"True, and Jamie (Langfield) was mad at himself after giving up the goal. He really played well after that."



Arbroath (3) Clyde (0)

Arbroath- Peter Wolf 21 Isaiah Rankin 42 Daniel Sjolund 45

Clyde- None

MOM- Steven Pressley, Arbroath

"I can't think of anything better," commented a very happy Gond.

"Clinching the title and a ticket to SPL at home- I can't really think of anything better either," replied Faramir.

"Give them credit, they had a lot of heart- but our pace advantage helped close them out."

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Inverness Caledonia Thistle (3) Arbroath (5)

Inverness- Gerry Ward 29 Dennis Wyness 41 Clayton Donaldson 85

Arbroath- Gareth Munro 12 James Coppinger 39 Steven Pressley 48 Mike Zonneveld 87 Robin Gibson 90

MOM- Dunga, Arbroath

"Last shot won?" asked Gond in viewing the stats following the match.

"Seemed like it was going to be that way. They did a nice job of answering our goals, but I think we were fresher in the late stages- and that was why we were able to score those two late goals to win the match."

"A tribute to our depth? We have been able to slot players in as needed."

"That has a lot to do with it. Actually, that has a lot to do with why we won the Division- we have been able to survive injuries that would have crippled Ayr and Partick Thistle."



Arbroath (5) Airdrie (2)

Arbroath- Peter Wolf 16,37 John Elliott 18 Paul Shields 26 Gareth Munro 75

Airdrie- David Arbuckle 48 Michael Craig 53

MOM- Peter Wolf, Arbroath

"A fine way to cap our season, wouldn't you say?" smiled Gond.

"Very nice to send our fans home happy with one last entertaining win. I thought this was also Peter's (Wolf) finest performance of the season- a very nice way for him to finish out, since I don't plan on starting him for our last match at Queen of the South."

"We had a lot of good offensive play today. So much so, that I think our backline let down a little bit when they got back into the match."

"Yes, they did- and Ian (Ritchie) also let down a little- but I really am not going to worry about it. They picked it back up and closed things out nicely."

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Queen of the South (1) Arbroath (3)

Queen- John Cusick 16

Arbroath- Mark Boyd 13 John Elliott 56 Thomas Paul Griffiths 85-P

MOM- John Elliott, Arbroath

"That was a great way to finish out the season- we played one more strong match," said Gond with a relieved smile.

"Not only a good season, but a record setting one- we broke the record for points in a season and goals in a season. Add the first ever Cup title and this was a **superb season."

"What now?"

"Players and staff are off until June 1. You and I have other matters to pursue..."

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Scottish First Division - Saturday 7th May 2005



2004/5 Table


Pos Team Pld Won Drn Lst For Ag Won Drn Lst For Ag Pts


1st C Arbroath 36 17 1 0 54 11 10 2 6 46 32 84


2nd Partick Thistle 36 13 4 1 40 20 8 4 6 20 21 71

3rd Ayr 36 12 4 2 30 17 8 2 8 30 34 66

4th Raith Rovers 36 11 3 4 32 20 5 6 7 27 33 57

5th Morton 36 10 2 6 37 29 6 3 9 27 33 53

6th Airdrie 36 9 6 3 21 13 5 2 11 21 38 50

7th Inverness C. Thistle 36 6 6 6 28 27 4 3 11 22 31 39

8th Ross County 36 5 5 8 32 34 2 4 12 20 36 30


9th R Clyde 36 4 5 9 21 31 2 6 10 15 28 29

10th R Queen of Sth. 36 5 2 11 26 38 0 6 12 12 35 23


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Arbroath - Saturday 7th May 2005



2004/5 Senior Club Stats


No Name Apps Gls Con Pens Asts Yel Red MoM Av R


- Boyd, Mark 34 12 0 0 10 0 0 8 7.88

- Brown, Graeme 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----

- Brown, Kevin 4 (1) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 6.60

- Brownlie, Paul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----

- Burchell, Kieren 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.60

- Cano, José 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----

- Clarke, Trevor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----

- Coppinger, James 31 13 0 0 6 2 1 1 7.65

- Creaney, Philip 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----

- De Loenen, Nick 1 (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.75

- Dorrian, Ryan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----

- Dunga 9 (11) 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 7.25

- Elliot, John 12 (19) 10 0 0 9 0 0 3 7.45

- Fisher, John 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----

- Gallagher, Stephen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----

- Gibson, Robin 12 (1) 3 0 0 6 0 0 0 7.46

- Griffiths, Thomas Paul 10 3 0 2 (2) 0 0 0 0 6.80

- Harvey, Stuart 12 (2) 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 7.00

- Hazell, Reuben 11 (14) 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 7.00

- Jackson, Chris 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----

- Jonsson, Rickard 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----

- Laguardia, Luis 0 (21) 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 6.95

- Langfield, Jamie 12 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 7.50

- Lee, Tim - - - - - - - - ----

- Lewis, Neil 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.00

- MacLeod, David - - - - - - - - ----

- Macdonald, Billy 32 (3) 5 0 0 4 2 0 1 7.20

- Magnusson, Thomas 27 1 0 0 2 3 0 1 7.93

- Malcolm, Stuart 21 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 7.48

- Moore, Michael 3 (7) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 7.30

- Munro, Gareth 12 10 0 0 3 0 0 3 7.92

- O'Donnell, Andrew 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 5.00

- Pearce, Mark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----

- Pressley, Steven 36 3 0 0 1 1 0 2 7.42

- Rankin, Isaiah 15 5 0 0 3 0 0 1 7.27

- Ritchie, Ian 22 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 7.27

- Samuel, J'Lloyd 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.33

- Schembri (II), Angelo 34 0 0 0 10 1 0 1 7.79

- Shearer, Gary 1 (9) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.90

- Shields, Paul 10 (1) 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 7.18

- Sjölund, Daniel 19 (1) 11 0 0 3 0 0 2 7.70

- Spiller, Danny 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7.00

- Steele, Kevin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----

- Vassell, Darius 25 10 0 0 3 0 0 5 7.92

- Willoughby, Kirk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----

- Wolf, Peter 33 17 0 0 13 2 0 4 8.03

- Zonneveld, Mike 35 5 0 3 (3) 1 1 1 1 7.57

- van de Wey, Frank 5 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 6.40


"How many? That's great!" stated Gond as he hung up the phone. "We had 6 players on the Players Team of the Year."


"Mark Boyd, Peter Wolf, Mike Zonneveld and Angelo Schembri were selected as starters- James Coppinger and Steven Pressley as reserves."

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Allye Owen was breathing heavily. The dark, damp air clung to her as if intent upon engulfing her.

"Maybe it really is trying to devour me," she muttered to herself.

The trees seemed close around her, yet it seemed they were protective against the clinging fog. At least that is what she felt as she huddled close against the trunk of one.

"So close. It must be close by," Allye said to herself quietly as the sensation seemed to gain strength. "Just like that old man showed me- the feeling of it. I wouldn't have thought it could be so clear though."

A bare hint of cold, chill breeze stirred the fog around her.

"Why did I pick this time of the day to come out here looking," she grumbled. "Just too eager- once I felt it- I guess."

The sun was still only hinting at its early arrival and the fog seemed unwilling to grant its release to the waking morning.

She had felt the stirrings of the feeling the old man had demonstrated for her last night. It wasn't the first time for the feelings, but this had seemed stronger somehow. As she had walked along the coast at dusk, it had seemed almost a physical pang, but it had been drawing to dark and she didn't want to tackle the search in unfamiliar areas at night.

Finally she forced herself to move further through the fog. It felt like someone was peering over her shoulder, but then she realized someone likely was- the helpful countenance that could appear to her in thought.

She grimly chuckled and sent a thought, "*You* would be at home in this..."


Faramir had not thought he would find humor in his current plight, but her thought stirred the mirth still within him, as he caught the sensations from her.

He sent a thought back, "Ware the clouds on the ground, if they be like my world- they often contain ill omens and spirits."


"Now he tells me," sighed an already anxious Allye.

As she stepped around a large tree, a bright glow seemed to seer her vision. She stared, awestruck, at what appeared to be a chard of crystal. The shard was emanating a dazzling light.

She sent the thought on to her shadow companion and paused a moment, then started on- almost eagerly toward the crystal.


Farmair immediately forwarded the thought on to both Gandalf and Lady Galadriel.

Gandalf's thought was overwhelming in its urgency, "Tell her to move away! It is a trap!"


She neared the copse of trees where the crystal appeared to dangle between several overhanging branches. She couldn't see anything supporting it, but dismissed that to something that might be explained by magic.

Close enough to enter the copse, the thought suddenly beat upon her, "Trap! Move Away!"

Staggered with the intensity of the thought and its warning, she stumbled- one foot touching a barely seen line drawn in the dirt. Immediately the crystal seemed to flash and burst. The soundless flash seemed to immediately freeze her toes and shoe that had touched the line, but she fell away from the wintry blast and managed to crawl back a few feet into the cover of a bush. It felt like her toes had been frostbitten and she immediately cast off her shoe and brought her hand to the foot. She seemed little aware of her surroundings, but there were bushes with berries on them.


He could sense her sudden pain and sought to reach her with thought- to bear some of the burden. He realized that he could sense her surroundings and wondered at that- when he realized that the bushes bore the leaves that looked much like the herb kingsfoil. He sent the though to her, "Rub some leaves of the bush over your toes."


Not knowing why he was commanding her, she grabbed a few leaves from the bush. The pain seemed to be getting greater- though it still was only her toes that were in pain. She rubbed the leaves of the plant over her toes and felt an immediate lessening of the intensity. Her toes still throbbed and hurt, but it seemed a much duller pain now.


Faramir appeared to slump in his cloudy prison as he realized that she had escaped the worst of the pain and panic. He realized the struggle had drained him mentally and sent a quick summons for Lady Galadriel.

"Lord, let me ease you. That was a mighty effort indeed."

"You saw?"

"I had only just arrived, but yes I saw what the effort took."

"The warning from Gandalf seems to have served. Or at least the far lady seems to have survived whatever trap was set. I wonder how Gandalf knew?"

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"That was some serious detective work," grumbled Barry Gond.

Faramir nodded, "Still, now we know who was feeding Sammy Gohl information. I will have him out of here on the next train if I can manage it."


"Now you understand why I stuck to free transfers- though Christopher Doig only cost 3K because of impending end of his contract," stated Faramir

"How much are we in the red?"

"The stadium improvements cost 9.7 Million, so after taking away what was set aside- we are 7.5 Million in the red."

Gond winced, "Very fortunate we have most of our players under contract for another season or two."

"Yes, you're right about that. We will continue to pluck worthy players that we can get on free."


"It looks like the scouts have done their homework Barry. I told them to work under the assumption we wouldn't have any funds to make purchases- and they found some free gems out there."

Gond scanned the transfer listing, "I see that you managed to land some depth- if nothing else. Seems to be mostly backline?"

Faramir nodded as he glanced through another scouting report, "I believe we may well lose Thomas (Magnusson) sometime this season. Rangers and Celtic made bids in June, but I turned them down. With his 1.1 Million minimum fee release, it is likely one of those two will get around to bidding up to it. With that in mind, it was hard to turn down adding Richard Montgomery, John Paul Potter on free and Christopher Doig for 3K."

Gond looked further down the list, "I see a couple of promising forward additions too?"

"Arsenal released Joe Osei-Kuffor, it was hard to turn down the chance to sign him. Same thing when Manchester United released Paul Walker- he was pleased to return to Scotland to play. With Darius Vassell our other key player who has a minimum fee release- I was hedging against his loss sometime this season. I expect one of the English clubs with money to come calling for him."

"Only two midfielders- but that makes sense, since we didn't really need much help there."

"We have more depth there than the other spots, though I didn't pursue any additional keepers- since we really don't need any more than the four we have. Sam Swonnell was released by Watford and was another too good to pass up signing. I was surprised when he picked our bid- there were 7 other clubs besides us who offered him contracts. Didier Longuet I signed after Ajax released him- mostly as additional cover in defensive midfield after we let Danny Spiller go on transfer last season."

"How did Nick (De Loenen) the knife take his departure?"

"I don't really think he was upset- he will likely get to play in Dundee. He must have realized his usefulness to Sammy G. was at an end- so no matter the hold on him, he was set to go somewhere else."

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Arbroath (2) St.Mirren (2)

Arbroath- Darius Vassell 26 Mark Boyd 28

St.Mirren- Martin Fotheringham 44 Lucas Cornwall 54

MOM- Lee Mair, St.Mirren

"Well, we weren't intimidated at least," sighed Gond.

"We also blew a two-goal lead. It was a match we could well have won."

"Christopher Kirkland won the keeper battle- Jamie (Langfield) didn't play well today."

"I wonder why Liverpool loaned Kirkland to St.Mirren- he is starting occasionally for England now- it surprised me that they allowed him to come here."

"Maybe because they have Dionisis Chiotis? We had plenty of good chances at Kirkland, but he played very well."

"We just need to tighten our play some- you're right it wasn't a bad match, but we could and should have won it."



Aberdeen (0) Arbroath (3)

Aberdeen- None

Arbroath- Darius Vassell 3,37 Peter Wolf 28

MOM- Darius Vassell, Arbroath

"Nice way to get back into playing well," said a pleased Barry Gond.

"You wouldn't think we would be sneaking up on anyone- not given our League Cup title last season- but Aberdeen didn't seem to believe we could play with them."

"If they didn't before, we made believers of them."

"I am glad to see Darius off to a great start- that is the type of scoring we need out of him this season."

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Arbroath (5) Dundee (1)

Arbroath- Darius Vassell 5,86 Peter Wolf 20 Gareth Munro 41 Mark Boyd 47

Dundee- Barry Smith 11

MOM- Darius Vassell, Arbroath

"Once the boys realized that they could play at this level- they certainly relaxed- and today was a worthy result," stated Faramir.

"You would have thought they already knew that from winning the League Cup, but I guess the summer reintroduced doubts- no longer though."

"The funny thing about the match is that Dundee actually outshot us 14-13, but Jamie (Langfield) played well and Derek Soutar didn't."



Arbroath (3) Clydebank (0) League Cup 2nd round

Arbroath- Luis Laguardia 3,29 Kieren Burchell 17

Clydebank- None

MOM- Luis Laguardia, Arbroath

"Our depth shone again today," offered Gond.

"Luis (Laguardia) was certainly happy to start- and to show he deserves more playing time."

"Both those goals were fabulous runs, but it was Clydebank though..."

"True, but they certainly gave a game effort today- their keeper let them down or the match would have been much closer."

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Rangers (4) Arbroath (1)

Rangers- Tore Andre Flo 4,31 Barry Ferguson 19,81

Arbroath- Darius Vassell 71

MOM- Tore Andre Flo, Rangers

"When the wheels fall off- they fall all the way off," grumbled Faramir.

"The referee sure wasn't any help- that quick 2nd yellow on Darius (Vassell) and then a quick redcard on Peter (Wolf)- those calls were ill-considered," replied Gond.

"I protested to the FA and they have quietly agreed that the referee's work was poor in the match. I don't know if it will save Peter a suspension- but I appealed his. I didn't appeal Darius' because it was his own ill-timed outburst that got him the 2nd yellow. We can't blame the reffing for the loss though, this match was long gone by the time he started sending our players off."

"That was a terrible first half. A total lack of communication between Thomas (Magnusson) and Steven (Pressley)- you would think they had never played together before back there."

"We hung Jamie (Langfield) out there without much help today- and against the quality of 'Gers- we got exactly what we deserved. Hopefully we can drum the lesson into their heads in practice this week. Sammy's going to have a field day with this one..."

"Argh, I had almost forgotten that we were back within his purview when we reached SPL."

Rangers Romp

by Sammy Gohl

Rangers rolled over hapless Arbroath in an easy manner as they strolled to a 4-1 win at Ibrox. Tore Andre Flo and Barry Ferguson took turns slicing through the pitiful defense of the visitors. The unruly boys from the coast then resorted to thuggery and it wound up with both Darius Vassell and Peter Wolf earning redcards in their troublesome second half meltdown.



Arbroath (2) Motherwell (0)

Arbroath- Gareth Munro 10 Luis Laguardia 90

Motherwell- None

MOM- Richard Montgomery, Arbroath

"Jamie (Langfield) sure shone today- that was quite a performance," commented an obviously relieved Gond.

"They controlled too much of the match- we were very passive out there today," asserted Faramir. "Gareth's sensational shot was really the only good chance we had until Luis (Laguardia) scored that late goal."

"The backline played a lot better today, but the midfield seemed slow, they didn't manage to exert any pressure on Motherwell. I guess we should just be happy that we got the win without Peter (Wolf) and Darius (Vassell)"

"They both only got one match suspensions- correct?"

"Yes, this was the only match they had to miss."


"Hmm, another spate of injuries that we can't afford," sighed Faramir.

"I just heard back- Darius (Vassell) will be out at least 3 weeks."

"Add that to Gareth's injury and we are fortunate that we have some depth up front. I also signed Paul Keegan just now to give us more cover."

"Is he the Irish forward that Leeds released?"

"Yes, he is the one."

"He may help us- I thought he had a lot of promise."

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Dundee United (2) Arbroath (1)

Dundee United- Darren Williams 88,90

Arbroath- James Coppinger 86

MOM- Mark Kerr, Dundee United

Barry Gond and Faramir both looked out the window, frustration clearly evident.

"We worked so damm hard- finally take the lead- and then go and lose it in the last five minutes," ranted Faramir.

"Jamie (Langfield) had played so well to that point, but both of Williams' shots were ones I thought he would have stopped."

"We just quit pressuring them once we got the lead- we can't do that against clubs of this caliber."

Dundee United Gains Revenge

by Sammy Gohl

Dundee United took revenge on ex-manager Faramir as they punished them in a come from behind 2-1 win. Young Darren Williams provided the goal power as the home side overcame a lucky Arbroath goal that had put them behind late in the second half. Faramir and Assistant Manager Barry Gond could be seen visibly fuming as their club collapsed and played dead in handing the match to Dundee United.



Arbroath (3) Hearts (2)

Arbroath- Billy Macdonald 29 Daniel Sjolund 35,90

Hearts- Andy Kirk 19 Robert Tomaschek 32

MOM- Daniel Sjolund, Arbroath

"It seems when one part of our play is right, another is faltering," lamented Gond.

"I think I need to get Jamie (Langfield) a match off- he certainly played a poor match today."

"Good thing Daniel (Sjolund) stepped up today- he won us this one with his first strong performance this season."

"It wasn't our best match, but we battled and worked hard to earn this win."

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Arbroath (4) Dundee United (1) ExtraTime League Cup 3rd round

Arbroath- Stuart Harvey 49 Gareth Munro 92 Joe Osei-Kuffor 99 John Elliott 120

Dundee United- Stuart McDonald 28

MOM- Dunga, Arbroath

"They finally ran out of gas in extra time, but I have to give them a lot of credit for battling after Jamie Buchan got redcarded," stated Gond.

"With him off at 59 minutes, I thought we would be able to beat them in regulation time, but they really worked hard and earned the right to play in extra time. You could see them really deflate when Gareth scored on his header in extra time though."

"We didn't lack for any killer instinct this time- at least we took that away from our loss to them."

"No, you're right about that. I was really happy to see us keep the pressure up and get the other two goals. It was great to beat them with the non-regulars too."

"Helps us have the regulars fresh for our match against Kilmarnock. Oh, did you see what Dundee U announced after the match?"

"No, what?"

"They are selling Darren Williams to Fulham for 2.5 Million."

"I won't be sorry to see him go- we don't seem to have any defenders who can mark him on a regular basis- he is too quick and powerful. He is going to be a good one and they will likely rue having sold him."



Kilmarnock (0) Arbroath (0)

Kilmarnock- None

Arbroath- None

MOM- Ian Ritchie, Arbroath

"I am proud of the effort we put forth, but the reffing was abominable," pronounced Faramir.

"Oh come on. Just because he handed out 4 yellow cards and two red cards to us and not even a yellow to them," teased Gond.

"I know, I know Barry. The FA agreed the reffing was a 'little' one-sided, but that isn't going to help our two additional suspensions of Richard (Montgomery) and Billy (Macdonald)."

"Not to mention the injury to Coppy (James Coppinger), looks like he will be out a couple weeks."

"Ian (Ritchie) deserved his honours though- he earned us a point by keeping our clean sheet and every point helps."

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Livingston (1) Arbroath (3)

Livingston- Massimiliano Caputo 81

Arbroath- John Elliott 20 Darius Vassell 45,45

MOM- John Elliott, Arbroath

"John (Elliott) really stepped up today- he keyed the win," declared Gond.

"Both he and Darius (Vassell) were the keys actually. Those two injury time goals by Darius were the real back-breaker for Livingston."

"They showed a lot of heart in the second half, but Jamie (Langfield) played well."

"That little rest seemed to make a world of difference in his play."


Gond flipped the newspaper on to Faramir's desk, "Might want to enjoy that while you can."

Faramir looked up to see him grinning and unhurridly reached for the paper. It was folded open to the SPL table.

"Rangers lost to Aberdeen, so we temporarily are top of the table."



Arbroath (0) Celtic (1)

Arbroath- None

Celtic- Alan Shearer 22

MOM- Thomas Magnusson, Arbroath

"One header- that was the difference," sighed Gond.

"That's all it takes when you are talking Alan Shearer."

"I thought overall, we played pretty well. We stayed with them on our coverage and managed as many shots on them as they did on us."

"It was a good entertaining match. They played a little bit better, but I am pleased with our effort."

Celtic Moves Up

by Sammy Gohl

Celtic used a highlight reel header by veteran Alan Shearer to help see off home side Arbroath and move up in the SPL standings. Celtic demonstrated much control of the flow of the match and when it came time to score, Shearer was right on the money with his deflection of an Abgar Barsom cross.

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Hibs (1) Arbroath (0)

Hibs- Derek Riordan 18

Arbroath- None

MOM- Richard Wright, Hibs

"Wright wouldn't let us in the door today- he was fantastic," said Gond in a muted voice.

"We played well, but it wasn't good enough with how he was playing today."

"A lot of good effort on our part, but you have to put the ball in the net to win."

Hibs Move Out of Last

by Sammy Gohl

Hibs took advantage of visiting weak sister Arbroath as they dumped their visitors by a 1-0 margin to move out of last place in the SPL. Derek Riordan showed his improving offensive skills in scoring the lone goal of the match and Richard Wright proved why Hibs splashed out the big money to land him as their keeper.



St.Mirren (1) Arbroath (1)

St.Mirren- Martin Fotheringham 61

Arbroath- Daniel Sjolund 38

MOM- Christopher Kirkland, St.Mirren

"Nothing like a hot keeper to ruin our day," mumbled Barry Gond.

"We had plenty of pressure and good chances, but he made every stop in the second half. Jamie (Langfield) did well on our side too."

"The goal they scored certainly wasn't his fault- it is one of the few times I have seen Thomas Magnusson out of position."

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Arbroath (4) Aberdeen (2)

Arbroath- James Coppinger 40,47 Darius Vassell 62,78

Aberdeen- Brendan Crozier 31 Sean Widera 45

MOM- James Coppinger, Arbroath

"We were due for a little bit of offense," grinned Barry Gond.

"Overdue I would say- with how well our passing has been going. It was a good win, a come from behind win, and we needed it to be sure."

"They had a bit too much room to manuever in the first half, we did a much better job closing them down in our zone in the second half."



Dundee (1) Arbroath (3)

Dundee- Steven Milne 18

Arbroath- Mark Boyd 27 Daniel Sjolund 49 John Elliott 62

MOM- Angelo Schembri (II), Arbroath

"We looked very flat to start with, but we seemed to wake up after Milne's goal," commented Gond.

"It was a slow start, but once we found our feet they had trouble taking the flow of the match away from us. You could tell they wanted too- but our backline did a very nice job blunting their attacking chances."

"It was nice to see John (Elliott) pop in off the bench and clinch the win- he has really improved his play this season."

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Arbroath (0) Rangers (1)

Arbroath- None

Rangers- Marian Pahars 47

MOM- Stefan Klos, Rangers

"I don't know what more we could do- we just couldn't score on him (Klos)," ranted Gond.

"We played well enough to win. We outshot them 16-8 and we had more really good chances, but we didn't have much luck on the posts and Klos snared everything close to him."

"They tried to take charge of the match after the goal, but we rallied and didn't let them- I was proud of their effort out there."

Faramir nodded, "They are growing up as a club- remember we are still a pretty young club overall, despite being relatively intact for a couple seasons. I am confident they will get better as the season progresses."

Rangers Rule

by Sammy Gohl

The Rangers put their advantage in experience to good use as they easily handled fledgling Arbroath at Gayfield Park. Using a goal early in the second half from Marian Pahars to take the lead, 'Gers put on a defensive clinic as they kept the clean sheet in the 1-0 win.



Hearts (2) Arbroath (1)

Hearts- Gary Wales 62 Calum Bett 69-P

Arbroath- Gareth Munro 8

MOM- Gary Wales, Hearts

"A stupid penalty call!" groused Barry Gond.

"It's no use worrying about it, we didn't play well enough to earn a good result anyways," replied Faramir. "We got the goal from Gareth (Munro) and then we quit pressuring them. Eventually they made us pay the price."

"Have to give a little credit to Alan Combe though- when we did have more chances he stopped us cold."

"True, he played well. I was disappointed in Stuart (Malcolm) and John Paul (Potter) though- Wales goal was just a let down on their coverage."

Hearts Hurtle Arbroath

by Sammy Gohl

Last place Hearts, currently managerless as they await the selection of a new choice, showed they are quite ready to move up in the SPL standings by handing visiting Arbroath a stinging loss. Despite falling behind early, the Tynecastle fans had confidence in their side- and were rewarded when they struck for two goals to soar to a 2-1 win.

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Thanks for the kind words bjorn- glad you are enjoying the tale



Arbroath (2) Kilmarnock (0)

Arbroath- Neil Lewis 52 John Elliott 65

Kilmarnock- None

MOM- James Coppinger, Arbroath

"We shook off the Hearts loss quite nicely," said a pleased Gond.

"The boys played a fine match today, we could have had plenty more goals if David James hadn't been so sharp in their net."

"Your decision to start playing Neil Lewis looks to be paying off. I thought he might be a little young to be handling more starting time- but he is proving me wrong."

"Nothing against Billy (Macdonald) or Dunga, but Neil really looks to be developing into a better player than them. I wanted him in there because he is a ferocious tackler- something neither of them is, and we seem to need that extra defensive help in SPL play."



Arbroath (3) Livingston (1) League Cup Quarterfinal

Arbroath- Peter Wolf 25 Robin Gibson 44 Luis Laguardia 75

Livingston- Curtis Woodhouse 54

MOM- Richard Montgomery, Arbroath

"Richard (Montgomery) had one of the finest defensive matches I have seen," asserted Gond.

Looking up from the stat sheet, Faramir nodded agreement, "He had 11 tackles in the match- he completely shut down their offense around our area."

"When Rubio was redcarded, I breathed a bit easier- even though they didn't seem to have much pressure on our goal."

"I was more relieved when Luis (Laguardia) boomed home the free kick that resulted from the redcarding- with that extra goal a win seemed a lot more certain."

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Arbroath (2) Dundee United (0)

Arbroath- Gareth Munro 9,49

Dundee United- None

MOM- Jamie Langfield, Arbroath

"It was a wonderful duel between Jamie (Langfield) and Paul Gallacher," offered Gond.

"Fortunately, it was Gareth (Munro) who was holding our trump cards. I don't know how either of his shots managed to get by Gallacher- but was glad both of them did."

"The collision between Stuart (Harvey) and Mark (Boyd) was very unfortunate- have you heard back on how long they will be out?"

"Mark should only be out a few days. Stuart had strained knee ligaments and will be out at least a couple of weeks."



Motherwell (1) Arbroath (1)

Motherwell- Chris Clark 82

Arbroath- James Coppinger 7

MOM- Chris Clark, Motherwell

Faramir fumed, "Another wasted opportunity. We had them with only 10 men and still couldn't keep track of Clark to prevent him from evening the match."

"I know you are mad- but give Clark some credit. That was a difficult run he made and both our defenders got their feet on the ball- but he just kept going."

"It isn't so much that- instead it is more that we couldn't score another goal. We didn't put enough pressure on them with our advantage. When we train for that situation, we will have to go over that a bit more."

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OM Dave, nice to see you around again- thanks very much for the kind words.

HD- Yes, I am. Actually I am far, far into the future on playing the challenge- still not done though- but still having fun playing it. It will remain an active story for quite some time icon_smile.gif



Arbroath (1) Livingston (1)

Arbroath- Gareth Munro 45

Livingston- Nathan Lowndes 19

MOM- Richard Montgomery, Arbroath

"We need to find some scoring up front. Gareth (Munro) is the only forward we have who is really scoring- it has been awhile since Daniel Sjolund chipped in and Darius (Vassell) hadn't scored lately before his injury that has kept him out," remarked Faramir.

"The midfield also needs to step up. Other than Coppy (James Coppinger), we really haven't had much scoring from them either- and it isn't for lack of chances."

"Richard (Montgomery) was a stalwart defender again today- it really helped us earn a point from the match."



Celtic (1) Arbroath (1)

Celtic- Kenny Miller 4

Arbroath- Peter Wolf 49

MOM- Richard Montgomery, Arbroath

"That was a difficult match. I think we can be satisfied with the draw," stated Gond.

"The draw was Ok, but I don't really plan on being satisfied with less than a win. We stood around a lot of the first half and let them dictate the play."

"Well, don't be too unhappy about it- given the way Celtic played I still think a draw in the books was fine."

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Aberdeen (0) Arbroath (2)

Aberdeen- None

Arbroath- Billy Macdonald 34 Richard Montgomery 79-P

MOM- Billy Macdonald, Arbroath

"A lot of work, but a good result," said a content Barry Gond.

"Another match with unlikely scorers on our part- but all goals count the same and the way we are going I will take them anywhere that we can get them."

"We are still scuffling along- but as long as we win, it really doesn't matter does it?"



Arbroath (0) Dundee (0)

Arbroath- None

Dundee- None

MOM- Stephen Robertson, Dundee

Shaking his head Faramir muttered, "19 shots at him and we couldn't get one in."

Gond leaned back in his chair, "It was good execution on our part- we kept them to only 5 shots- but our shooting didn't have the needed touch to get the goal."

"Good thing to practice this week."

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Arbroath (2) Hibs (1)

Arbroath- Darius Vassell 14 Gareth Munro 77

Hibs- Lyndon Andrews 11

MOM- Jamie Langfield, Arbroath

"Tough match. I thought it was another draw for us," commented Gond.

"So did I, but Gareth (Munro) made a nice shot past Paul Gerrard for the match winner."

"Jamie (Langfield) deserved the honours for that last minute save on Richie Wellens- it sure looked like the equalizer when he booted it."

"Just enough of it to push it over the net- we needed those three points."



Arbroath (1) St.Mirren (1)

Arbroath- Gareth Munro 40

St.Mirren- Anthony Ormerod 54

MOM- Chris Hope, St.Mirren

"Is it just me or have their been an influx of exceptional keepers this season?" asked Gond.

"It isn't just you- English clubs have been loaning them right and left. Look at who St.Mirren has had on loan this season- Christopher Kirkland, Mark Tyler and now Roy Carroll. Add Richard Wright, Stefan Klos, Robert Douglas, David James, Carlo Cudicini, Mark Brown and Paul Gallacher to the mix- and that is a better than average group."

"It was a shame to waste another chance to get a win, it seemed like we were on our way."

"St.Mirren has battled us every time we have faced them- they earned the draw."

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Aberdeen (1) Arbroath (0) Scottish Cup 3rd round

Aberdeen- Ben Thornley 69

Arbroath- None

MOM- Scott Michie, Aberdeen

"We didn't show the Pittodrie crowd much today," commented Faramir morosely.

"They put the clamps on our midfield- we couldn't get any good passing sequences going."

"What is worse is that I will end up having to agree with whatever Sammy G. writes."

Aberdeen Brooms Arbroath

by Sammy Gohl

Aberdeen had little trouble brushing Arbroath directly out of the Scottish Cup competition with a convincing 1-0 win. Though they held sway over play most of the match, Aberdeen needed only a superb strike from Ben Thornley to send Arbroath packing for the coast.



Rangers (5) Arbroath (1)

Rangers- Robert Malcolm 4-P John Thomson 17,51 Gary Teale 25 Shota Arveladze 29

Arbroath- Peter Wolf 18

MOM- John Thomson, Rangers

"It's bad when you are taken out of the match in the 3rd minute. I can see the penalty call on Mark (Boyd), but I still don't understand why it caused him to redcard him," quietly said Faramir.

"With how ready we seemed to be for the match- to wind up down 1-0 and down our captain that early really deflated us."

"Then Jamie (Langfield) picks the worst possible match to play his worst match ever for us. I had to pull him for Ian (Ritchie) at halftime- 'Gers had 5 shots and 4 of them had gone in."

"Just a bad, bad match- even though we outshot them 10-8 overall. They lose Michael Carrick to injury early and youngster John Thomson comes on and destroys us."

Rangers Roll Over Hapless Arbroath

by Sammy Gohl

Rangers moved closer toward the SPL title as they embarrassed visiting Arbroath in a 5-1 rout. Arbroath got themselves into trouble early when skipper Mark Boyd's vicious bump from behind earned both a penalty kick and a redcard for himself. With no leadership the visiting side collapsed in the face of the 'Gers relentless assault. The 5-1 win should cause the Arbroath Board to reevaluate the club's leadership- especially in the face of a mounting debt that is rumored to be 8.5 Million and counting.

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Arbroath (2) Hearts (0)

Arbroath- James Coppinger 38 Gareth Munro 47

Hearts- None

MOM- Gareth Munro, Arbroath

"If we can get that kind of workmanlike effort down the stretch, we should be fine," calmly offered Faramir.

"We still leaned pretty heavily on Jamie (Langfield) to backstop our clean sheet, but I agree it was a good effort in all aspects of our play."

"Too bad Robin (Gibson) got hurt, I had planned on giving him a lot more playing time down the stretch..."

"How long is he out for?"

"At least a month is what they told me."



Kilmarnock (1) Arbroath (3)

Kilmarnock- Gary McCutcheon 10

Arbroath- Gareth Munro 13 Thomas Magnusson 18 Peter Wolf 61

MOM- Gareth Munro, Arbroath

"We responded well when they took that early lead," observed Gond.

"More than the goals we got back right away, I was really pleased with how our defensive coverage tightened after the goal. They only had a handful of chances the rest of the match."

"Gareth (Munro) is certainly coming on strong now."

"If only Darius (Vassell) could regain his scoring touch- we would have a pretty tasty 1-2 combination up front."

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Arbroath (1) Celtic (2) League Cup Semifinal

Arbroath- Mike Zonneveld 90-P

Celtic- Ulrik Laursen 13 Clive Barnett 44

MOM- Ulrik Laursen, Celtic

"Disappointing that we weren't able to make the finals- but they played much better than we did," said a tired Faramir.

"It was a wierd way to end the match though- strangest I have ever seen," replied Gond. "First, Chris Sutton's headbutt- which by rights should earn him a lengthy ban- and the Dianbobo Balde's tackle gives us the late penalty and he also gets the redcard for arguing the call."

"For certain, it will hurt them against Aberdeen in the final. We really didn't earn the right to play in the final- that was a pretty uncertain effort."

"That's a good summation- we were tentative in all aspects of our play."

Celtic Caps Arbroath

by Sammy Gohl

Despite a last minute try by the referee to allow the forlorn Arbroath club back into the match, Celtic moved on to face Aberdeen in the League Cup Finals by virtue of its 2-1 win. Promising youngster Clive Barnett demonstrated his prowess with a dazzling goal that turned out to be the match winner.



Arbroath (1) Motherwell (2)

Arbroath- Billy Macdonald 32

Motherwell- Stuart Elliott 45,58

MOM- Stuart Elliott, Motherwell

"That goal we allowed Elliott to score in first half injury time was tough to take," sighed Gond.

"It took away whatever momentum we developed in the first half. We had plenty of chances to score more early in the half- Darius (Vassell) really disappointed me with his two misses of ones he clearly could have had."

"I don't know why, but he just hasn't been very efficient around the net since early in the season. He is working hard and getting chances- but he isn't finishing well at all."

Motherwell Muffles Arbroath

by Sammy Gohl

Motherwell leaped over struggling Arbroath in the SPL standings as they made Gayfield Park a bit less happy with their 2-1 win. Powerful Stuart Elliott was all the offense the visitors needed as they overcame a lucky Arbroath first half goal in coming from behind for the win.

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Dundee United (0) Arbroath (1)

Dundee United- None

Arbroath- Richard Montgomery 13

MOM- Paul Gallacher, Dundee United

"We were fortunate to get the goal we need for the win," said Gond.

"You're right about that- I know we never saw Paul (Gallacher) play any better than that when we were there. He made some impossible stops today to keep them in the match."

"You could see why the Board is disgruntled with Skogheim- they showed very little offensive flow today. They are really struggling to score goals- worse than us..."

"Add that to their 7th place status and it wouldn't surprise me if they replace him before the end of the season."



Livingston (1) Arbroath (1)

Livingston- Aaron Brown 1

Arbroath- Peter Wolf 27

MOM- Andrew Rollo, Livingston

"If we start playing at the opening whistle, then we win this match," fumed Faramir.

"We certainly didn't get a good start today. It wasn't a bad effort overall though," stated Gond.

"Another match that showcased our annoying lack of being able to finish though. We are creating all kinds of chances, but not having much success at putting the ball in the net."

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Arbroath (1) Celtic (3)

Arbroath- Darius Vassell 42

Celtic- Stilian Petrov 25 Chris Sutton 45,51

MOM- Ulrik Laursen, Celtic

"We are just having a tough time with them," grumbled Gond.

"Robert Douglas was better than Jamie (Langfield) today. We wound up outshooting them 15-8, but that was the major difference. We will never beat them until we start finishing our chances better."

"At least Darius (Vassell) finally got another goal- it had been months since he last scored."



Hibs (0) Arbroath (2)

Hibs- None

Arbroath- Gareth Munro 8,28

MOM- Gareth Munro, Arbroath

"Good thing that Gareth (Munro) was inspired today- otherwise it was a lackluster effort," stated Gond.

"I thought both Angelo (Schembri) and Mike (Zonneveld) played well in supporting our attack, but you're right that our midfield play lacked verve."

"Jamie (Langfield) deserves credit on the clean sheet too- he did make a couple nice saves to blunt their rally in the second half."

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Scottish Premier Division - Monday 10th April 2006



2005/6 Table


Pos Team Pld Won Drn Lst For Ag Won Drn Lst For Ag Pts


1st Rangers 33 12 4 0 38 11 11 3 3 31 20 76


2nd Celtic 33 14 2 1 41 16 7 2 7 27 30 67

3rd Arbroath 33 8 4 4 28 17 7 5 5 25 21 54

4th Motherwell 33 10 4 2 32 17 6 2 9 24 29 54

5th Aberdeen 33 9 2 6 25 19 7 3 6 23 25 53

6th Dundee Utd 33 9 2 5 36 27 5 2 10 23 36 46

7th Livingston 33 6 3 7 23 21 6 4 7 26 29 43

8th Dundee 33 8 3 6 35 29 2 4 10 15 34 37

9th Hibs 33 9 3 5 32 26 0 5 11 18 41 35

10th Kilmarnock 33 6 5 6 27 25 3 1 12 16 38 33

11th Hearts 33 7 2 7 25 22 1 3 13 12 31 29


12th St. Mirren 33 4 5 8 21 27 2 5 9 17 29 28


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Celtic (2) Arbroath (1)

Celtic- David Hannah 8 Stephen Crainey 66

Arbroath- James Coppinger 45

MOM- Stephen Crainey, Celtic

"Another one! This is just frustrating!" ranted Barry Gond.

"We had our chances. Robin (Gibson) should have had the equalizer- except he just plain let off too much on the kick and Robert Douglas was able to get fingertips on it."

"Well, how about the reffing? Four yellows and nine fouls to their 1?"

"It wasn't too good- the FA official told me on the side that he wasn't pleased with it- but that wasn't the difference in the match. We didn't play well enough to beat them. It will take letter perfect matches to beat Celtic-Rangers and we haven't been playing that well."

Celtic Cements 2nd Place

by Sammy Gohl

With little chance of catching high flying Rangers for the SPL title, Celtic cemented their hold on 2nd place with a firm trouncing of Arbroath. The visitors, who seem entirely out of place in the Playoff Grouping, offered little resistance as they fell before the powerful Celtic effort in the 2-1 win.



Arbroath (1) Aberdeen (0)

Arbroath- Joe Osei-Kuffour 44

Aberdeen- None

MOM- Dunga, Arbroath

"Joe (Osei-Kuffour) picked an opportune time to score his 1st for us," grinned a relieved Gond.

An also content Faramir nodded, "We should have had at least a couple more goals- including Mark's (Boyd) that was waived off. Still, we got the win- which is what we needed from the match."

"Thomas (Magnusson) and Richard (Montgomery) did yeoman's work in shutting down their forwards today- they were never a factor."

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Dundee United (2) Arbroath (1)

Dundee United- Tobias Grahn 31 Mark Kerr 68

Arbroath- Mark Boyd 60

MOM- Mark Boyd, Arbroath

"We worked so hard- got Mark's (Boyd) goal to even it- and then fell," uttered Gond.

"That cross- it was what we worked on defending- and we still let them do it. It was a big disappointment to let this one turn into a loss."

"It leaves us even with Aberdeen, they won today."

"Our next match against Motherwell is crucial, because we close with Rangers."



Arbroath (3) Motherwell (2)

Arbroath- Richard Montgomery 21 Joe Osei-Kuffour 34 Gareth Munro 83

Motherwell- Michael Appleton 31 Douglas Ramsay 71

MOM- Richard Montgomery, Arbroath

"Whew!" smiled Gond.

Faramir nodded with a tired smile as well, "We needed it badly. That was a great pass by Luis Laguardia to set up Gareth (Munro) for the match winner."

"I have to admit- I was a little despaired until Munro scored."

"Me too. I thought we had blown the chance when we gave up that easy goal to Ramsay. Then we couldn't get anything started again."

"Aberdeen lost, so we have a three point lead on them going into the last match."

"With our goal differential, we should be ok even if we lose to 'Gers and they beat Dundee United in their last match."

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Arbroath (3) Rangers (1)

Arbroath- Joe Osei-Kuffour 11,15,40

Rangers- Shota Arveladze 35

MOM- Joe Osei-Kuffour, Arbroath

"I don't believe it! We actually have a player that can score on Stefan Klos!" pronounced Gond happily.

"Good thing Joe was scoring, because Klos stopped Gareth (Munro) and Peter (Wolf) cold on some excellent scoring chances. Don't forgot about Ian's (Ritchie) performance- he really was a show-stopper in net for us as well."

"Europe- he we come...again."

Faramir grinned, "It will be nice to be back there again. With how well Rangers and Celtic did, we might be in either Champs Cup or UEFA- but I think UEFA is much more likely as I don't think we are quite to earning 3 spots in Champs Cup."

"3rd place- it is what we have been aiming for since mid-season."

"It's a nice accomplishment with this club- being so far in the red. I am pretty happy right now."

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Scottish Premier Division - Saturday 13th May 2006



2005/6 Table


Pos Team Pld Won Drn Lst For Ag Won Drn Lst For Ag Pts


1st C Rangers 38 14 4 0 45 12 11 4 5 35 30 83


2nd Celtic 38 17 2 1 49 18 9 2 7 34 33 82

3rd Arbroath 38 11 4 4 35 20 7 5 7 27 25 63

4th Aberdeen 38 9 3 7 29 25 8 3 8 25 29 57

5th Dundee Utd 38 11 2 6 43 33 6 2 11 26 42 55

6th Motherwell 38 10 4 4 33 20 6 2 12 27 36 54

7th Livingston 38 7 4 8 24 24 6 5 8 28 33 48

8th Hibs 38 10 4 5 39 30 2 6 11 27 45 46

9th Dundee 38 10 3 6 40 31 2 4 13 18 42 43

10th Kilmarnock 38 8 5 7 31 29 4 1 13 19 40 42

11th Hearts 38 9 2 8 30 25 2 3 14 13 32 38


12th R St. Mirren 38 4 6 9 24 31 2 6 11 19 35 30


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  • 2 weeks later...

"We still are being called a fluke," grumbled Faramir.

"They might never know what hit them," smiled Barry Gond. "This is a solid club we have here. Have you heard back from Allye yet?"

Faramir shook his head and worridly said, "No. She promised to check in with me soon though- she said this appeared to be a good lead."



Dundee United (0) Arbroath (1)

Dundee United- None

Arbroath- Luis Laguardia 76

MOM- Luis Laguardia, Arbroath

"We were very fortunate today. Our backline did not play particularly well, but Jamie (Langfield) was superb," observed Faramir.

"Jamie certainly deserved the clean sheet- that was yeoman work today since we didn't help him that much."

"Luis (Laguardia) deserved his MOM honours, he really did spark us to the win. Before he came in we were having little luck with Paul Gallacher."

"We did managed some good opportunities before he came on though, we just weren't able to capitalize on them. This was a nice road win to start the season."


"He was guaranteed that he would start- that was enough to get him to sign," sighed Barry Gond.

"It wasn't unexpected Barry- he knew his contract here was up after the season and we didn't have plans to re-sign him."

Pressley Presses on to Dundee United

Dundee United today announced the transfer purchase of veteran defender Steven Pressley from Arbroath. Pressley, whose contract with Arbroath was expiring at the conclusion of the season, was currently on an unprotected contract and the compensation paid to Arbroath was 425K.

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The call came at 11PM. "Hello," was all Faramir could mumble sleepily.

"Wake up!" came the excited voice of Barry Gond.

Shaking the cobwebs away, Faramir asked, "What has you so excited Barry?"

"Flip on the news- Now!"

Clicking the remote Faramir sat stunned as the sports information came on...

Arbroath Rescued by New Board

by Sammy Gohl

Languishing in a sea of red ink due to disastrous spending by the previous board and current club management, apparently a 'white knight' has stepped in to save the struggling club and broomed out the old board. It is expected that the club's inefficient current staff will soon follow the departed Board. In the meantime, the new Board has foolishly decided to grant the current management around 7.5 Million in transfer funds- reportedly in the hope to establish a firmer foothold in the SPL.

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Allye Owen was walking dejectedly down the street. Since her close call with the fake shard of crystal in the forest, she had been searching the surrounding country cautiously but had nothing to show for her efforts.

"I haven't even had a tingle of that feeling in awhile," she muttered to herself.

As she let her mind wander while she walked through the streets fading into shadow with the sunset, she suddenly realized that she was lost.

"Haven't been down this way before. No street signs either."

Knowing which direction she had to go to reach the cottage she had let out, she turned down a narrow alley way. A few steps into the alley she was almost knocked over by the intensity of the feeling.

"The shard!" she said to herself. "Have to move slowly though- no repeat of the forest debacle."

She also sent her thoughts out and over the curtain.


The dreamlike state had begun to bore Faramir. He was a man of action and the absolute confinement that he seemed in ill suited his mind and temper.

Allye's message, full of intensity and excitement, reached him at a low ebb and he was quick to sieze on the change it brought.


"Yes, Lord."

"The girl across the curtain believes she has found something. She isn't sure if it is another trap and is proceeding with care."

A quick flit of her mind let her know that she had searched her awareness and found nothing out of the ordinary.

She asked him, "Have you had any message from Gandalf?"

"No. Not this time. He may be rather busy outside though," thought Faramir dryly.

Her understanding of the dark humor allowed her to offer, "Yes, and hopefully staying alive doing so."

"Should I tell her anything Lady?"

"I do not believe so Lord. If Gandalf can't or isn't warning, then all we can do is hope that her caution is enough."


Allye approached the pawn shop in disbelief.

"Here? In a pawn shop?"

She couldn't deny the intensity of the feeling though and felt compelled to enter the shop.

The "May I help you?" startled her reverie. She glanced around and saw a tall thin man slowly approaching from the back of the small shop.

Looking around, Allye said, "I would just like to look around a moment."

The man bowed to her, "As you wish Miss. If you need me just ring the bell on the desk." His gaunt frame departed again into the back room.

Wandering through the small shop, Allye was having trouble discerning any spefics- other than the feeling was overwhelming. She moved slowly and touched an item here and there- trying to discover if feeling items would lead her to the shard.

A glint in the corner caught her eye and she moved over to it. A small goblet was adorned with what appeared to be a crystal pasted on to it. The crystal appeared to be becoming unstuck due to age and how it had been placed on the item.

As she touched the goblet, the shard seemed to glow- she knew that she had found the first piece.

She rang the bell and the stately, gaunt man returned. "How much for this?" she asked holding the goblet tightly.

"Well, Miss that is a poor ol' gob. You can have it for free, it just needed the right owner and has been waiting a good long time."

Looking suspiciously at the man Allye asked, "Are you sure?"

He smiled, "When Al Ronde tells you something, you can take it to the bank."


The wisps of the clouds seemed a bit brighter.

"Lady, she has found the first piece!"

"Ah, that is welcome news Lord."

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Gond and Faramir were sitting in the office the next morning discussing the specifics after the new Board had contacted them with the firm details of their administration.

"Transfer funds!" exclaimed Gond. "Now what do we do with them."

Faramir smiled enigmatically, "Nothing- for now."


"Look Barry, this club is good enough to gain us success. With only our minor additions and no losses to our core of players- we should do just fine this season. Unless we see a true bargain or a major need- because of injuries- I really don't plan to go on a shopping spree."

"Ok. Fair enough- but why that approach- it isn't your normal style."

"I am not about to give Sammy G. the ability to second guess the decision. If we can grab someone on free- fine, and behind the scenes I am working to get those minimum fee contracts upgraded- Angelo (Schembri) has already signed a new deal with only a relegation fee. I am trying to get Peter (Wolf) and Thomas (Magnusson) to sign new deals also."

"Just don't be too short-sighted about this. Cutting off a chance to get better just to avoid Sammy's slams isn't really the best course of management.

"That is true- and if I feel we need to pull the trigger on a deal- I will. But it will only be if necessary and can really improve our club."

Gond looked at him again, "Ok, that sounds good for the press. Now what is the real reason?"

"Allye thinks she has found a lead to the another portion of the stone. We may have to move on soon. If that happens, Arbroath deserves to have every scrap of funds available that we can leave for it."

Gond nodded thoughtfully, "Does she have any idea where the next piece might be?"

Faramir shook his head, "Not yet. But her last message to me was that she thought she was close to finding the clue to get us to the region it is in."

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Arbroath (1) Hearts (0)

Arbroath- Dunga 29

Hearts- None

MOM- Angelo Schembri (II)

"Fine work in our defensive coverage, but we still really haven't woken up offensively," stated Gond.

"We are generating chances, the scoring should come. I think we are better off than last season in that everyone understands their roles and seem willing to make the sacrifices that good defense requires."



Kilmarnock (1) Arbroath (3)

Kilmarnock- Mark McHendry 90

Arbroath- Daniel Sjolund 2 Luis Laguardia 69,90

MOM- Daniel Sjolund, Arbroath

"Another strong match for us defensively," asserted Gond.

"I don't want to get into a habit of giving away goals like McHendry's on corners- but yes, otherwise we made another good effort."

"Luis (Laguardia) was really hopping when he went into the match."

"Though I know he would prefer to start- he really does a superb job coming in off the bench."



Arbroath (1) Dundee (2)

Arbroath- Robin Gibson 34

Dundee- Juan Sara 12 Steven Milne 32

MOM- Steven Milne, Dundee

"John Connolly just plain had our number today," grumbled Gond.

"It would have been a better result if Jamie (Langfield) had snared either of those goals- I thought he should have had both of them."

"He played a bit better in the 2nd half, but when Gibson's 2nd goal was waived off- you could feel the wind coming out of our sails."

"It did put a damper on things. We had good chances and just couldn't finish them."

Dundee Brushes Off Arbroath

Dundee took full advantage of an unsteady performance by Arbroath as they disappointed the Gayfield Park fans with a 2-1 win. Stellar Juan Sara and Steven Milne keyed the visitors' win as they kept the pitiful Arbroath offense at bay.

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"I am surprised both of them are available on free. Thompson scored over 20 for Grimsby last season, didn't he?"

"Yes. Not sure why they released him nor why Standard Liege released Enakarhire, but since both of them were willing to sign with us..."

Arbroath Signs Pair

Arbroath scoured the free transfer list and came up with what they believe are a couple diamonds in the rough. Chris Thompson and Joseph Enakarhire both signed contracts to come to Scotland. Thompson is a 24 yr old English SC who was released after a contract squabble with Grimsby. Thompson scored 50 goals for the English side after coming out of the Liverpool youth program. Rumors have him headed directly into the starting lineup for the televised match at Ibrox. Enakarhire is 23 yr old Nigerian/Belgian DLC and also will likely see some senior starts in the near future.



Rangers (2) Arbroath (2)

Rangers- Tore Andre Flo 16 Michael Carrick 21

Arbroath- Thomas Magnusson 40 Daniel Sjolund 54

MOM- Barry Ferguson, Rangers

"I am extremely proud of the effort the boys gave tonight," stated a pleased Faramir.

"It was a tough match and a great comeback for us- being down 2-0 in the early going."

"We managed to survive another poor match by Jamie (Langfield) and come away with a draw against the favored 'Gers. The telly audience saw a lot of heart and spirit from us tonight."

"How bad is Thompson's injury?"

"He's out a month. Daniel (Sjolund) is only out a couple weeks."

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Arbroath (2) Inverness Caledonian Thistle (0)

Arbroath- Joe Osei-Kuffour 17 Joze Barbir 36

ICT- None

MOM- Roy Carroll, Inverness Caledonian Thistle

"Some pretty good debuts here today," smiled Gond.

"Joseph Enakarhire was very strong in the middle, he certainly had an argument about MOM honours. Joze (Barbir) really played a smooth match as well."

"They were playing so defensively that they never really had any good chances to score during the match."

"Can't win if you can't score," grinned Faramir.



Stabaek (1) Arbroath (4) UEFA Cup 1st round Leg 1

Stabaek- Bjorn Helge Riise 62

Arbroath- Peter Wolf 19 Gareth Munro 32 Joe Osei-Kuffour 45 James Coppinger 82

MOM- Gareth Munro, Arbroath

"I wish that Coppy (James Coppinger) could have held his temper in check," groused Gond.

"At least the headbutt only cost him the next match. With 4 away goals, I think we are standing very nicely for moving on to round 2."

"It was good to see the boys weren't in awe of their first Euro sojourn."

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Hibs (0) Arbroath (4)

Hibs- None

Arbroath- Joze Barbir 26 Joe Osei-Kuffour 32,54 Joseph Enakarhire 71

MOM- Joe Osei-Kuffour, Arbroath

"It was an explosive offensive show, but how long did we lose Joe (Osei-Kuffour) for?" asked Gond.

"He will be out a couple weeks. I think we got ourselves a real bargain with Joze (Barbir). His passing was the difference in the match- though Joe finished them off nicely."

"We are getting good play from pretty much everyone so far- it has been a much smoother start to the season than last season was."

"I think we were still a bit intimidated for much of the season about being in SPL. We know we belong this time around."



Arbroath (2) Motherwell (2) League Cup 3rd round (Arbroath advances on Penalties)

Arbroath- Gareth Munro 35 Daniel Sjolund 58

Motherwell- Rabi Youssef 23 Michael Brown 83

MOM- Juan Jesus Falcon, Motherwell

"That penalty round was anti-climactic after how taut the match was," murmured a tired Gond.

"I would have been much happier if we could have won it in regulation, but Brown made a brilliant shot and Ian (Ritchie) still almost had it..."

"Ian was wonderful in the penalties- turning two away. It was great to see their first one stopped, it seemed to take some of the pressure off and we just kept knocking ours home past Mark Brown."

"Well, we are back into the Quarterfinals again- we seem to get through to there every season. Let's see if we can make the Semis again."


"Well, he was fairly unhappy here anyway," offered Gond.

"He also wanted to go back to England. The money won't hurt," replied Faramir.

Cambridge Caps Rankin

Cambridge, fighting injury woes in their frontline, today announced the transfer purchase of unhappy Arbroath forward Isaiah Rankin. Rankin, who Arbroath had expected to be an impact scorer, never really got untracked in Scotland and hadn't been able to crack the starting lineup for the Scottish side. The reported transfer amount for his moving back to England was 800K.

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Arbroath (1) Aberdeen (2)

Arbroath- Darius Vassell 90

Aberdeen- Kenneth Moller Pedersen 10 Philip McGuire 85

MOM- Darius Vassell, Arbroath

"That was just plain embarassing!" raged Faramir.

"It was a pitiful performance overall. They get Michael Stewart sent off in the first minute of play and we can't capitalize until 2nd half injury time?"

"Well, we did have a goal waived off on offside."

"Still, you are right though- and Jamie (Langfield) played terrible again today. Both goals he was out of position on."

Aberdeen Aces Arbroath

by Sammy Gohl

Aberdeen handily defeated Arbroath to move into 2nd place in the SPL despite the referee unfairly sending off Michael Stewart in the opening minute of play. Even with only 10 men, the brave visitors were able to effectively attack and took the early lead. Desperate to get even, Arbroath could not mount much offense against the dogged defense. Aberdeen clinched the match when Philip McGuire headed a free kick past floundering Jamie Langfield and it was a cheery trip back home with the 2-1 win in hand.



Arbroath (2) Stabaek (0) UEFA Cup 1st round 2nd leg (Arbroath advances on 6-1 aggregate)

Arbroath- Darius Vassell 12 Stuart Harvey 21

Stabeak- None

MOM- Darius Vassell, Arbroath

"A perfect way to recover from that dispappointing loss," stated Gond.

"It was a very efficient performance, especially when Darius (Vassell) scored early to really remove much of their hope."

"Jamie (Langfield) was steady today."

"Hopefully he can start carrying those type of performances back into SPL play."


"Youch! That was an abominobly bad draw," sighed Gond.

"That is the toughest club in the entire draw- and we have them. Just have to play well and hope it's good enough," calmly stated Faramir.

Arbroath Against Celta in UEFA

by Sammy Gohl

Arbroath will learn quickly how inconsequential a club it is when it moves to the 2nd round of UEFA play. In the draw held yesterday they drew the current UEFA Cup holders Celta. The spanish side also trounced Champions Cup holders PSV in the recently held Super Cup and also are the favorite to capture the Intercontintal Cup later. Celta were established as firm favorites over Arbroath, who appear to be undeserving of moving on in the UEFA competition.

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Motherwell (1) Arbroath (1)

Motherwell- Douglas Ramsay 6

Arbroath- Chris Thompson 9

MOM- Chris Thompson, Arbroath

"It was our turn to fight like demons today," mused Faramir.

"Seeing Thomas (Magnusson) off at 10 minutes on the redcard was troubling, especially since Jamie (Langfield) had already given up a weak goal."

"Instead, Jamie steadied down and anchored us and we came very close to pulling off a nice win."

"Peter (Wolf) came close twice at the end. Chris (Thompson) showed why our scouts were so high on him- he was a force up front. They didn't have a defender who could physically handle him alone."

"It wasn't a win, but it was a good result anyways."


"I just came from the training room. They both think at least a month," stated Gond.

Faramir nodded and kept staring out the window.

Arbroath Skipper Out

Arbroath's young skipper Angelo Schembri (II) will reportedly miss the next month due to a severe groin strain. The injury will keep him out of both the upcoming UEFA matchup with Celta and several key SPL matches.



Arbroath (5) Dundee United (5)

Arbroath- Chris Thompson 7 Dunga 50 Luis Laguardia 59 Peter Wolf 61 Joe Osei-Kuffour 75

Dundee United- Scott McDonald 19,77,87 Mark Kerr 48 Alton Thelwell 72

MOM- Scott McDonald, Dundee United

"If we get any good work out of Ian (Ritchie)- we win this match!" exclaimed a frustrated Barry Gond.

"7 shots, 5 of them in. If I could have pulled him- I would. Having to sub on for Brian Brownlie killed us though."

Gond slumped in the chair, "It was a great offensive showing at least. Must have been entertaining for the fans to watch."

"Fun for them, but not for us. I was grimacing when McDonald finished off his hat-trick."

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Arbroath (0) Celta (2)

Arbroath- None

Celta- Javi Moreno 11,69

MOM- Javi Moreno, Celta

"Well, now we know where we stand with the likes of the best in Europe," grimly commented Gond.

"It wasn't that bad Barry. I was disappointed in Thomas (Magnusson). Unfortunately, he disappeared from the match- the pressure seemed to get to him- and Moreno was all alone on both those goals. We didn't play badly offensively, but Pablo Oscar Cavallero isn't the Argentine National keeper for no reason."

"He did make some terrific stops. It is going to be very hard to overcome them now."

"All we can do is try. This is a bit of a learning experience."

Celta Crushes Arbroath

by Sammy Gohl

As expected, powerful Celta rolled over hapless Arbroath 2-0 in front of a disappointed Gayfield Park crowd. The Arbroath Board has to be wondering what their huge outlay of money bought them as the ineffectual home side could manage only a feeble effort and appeared in awe of the powerful Spanish side.



Arbroath (1) Livingston (0)

Arbroath- Gareth Munro 33

Livingston- None

MOM- Rubio, Livingston

"A good win, but a costly one," said a winded Gond.

"Too true. Jamie (Langfield) will be out at least a month with that dislocated jaw."

"Who do you want up from reserves to back up Ian (Ritchie)?"

"It will have to be Frank (van de Wey) because he is the 3rd keeper on our European roster."

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Hearts (3) Arbroath (1)

Hearts- Martin Taylor 23 Barry Quinn 47 Andy Kirk 85

Arbroath- Chris Thompson 36

MOM- Barry Quinn, Hearts

"A bad end to a rotten month," blurted Gond.

"We certainly didn't play well. These injuries are piling up and hurting us badly now."

"How long will Dunga be out for?"

"A minimum of 3 weeks. We will be scraping soon at this rate."

Hearts Hammer Arbroath

by Sammy Gohl

The now hot Hearts club took a sledgehammer and crushed visiting Arbroath into little bitty pieces enroute to a 3-1 win. Though the hapless Arbroath club tried to look like they belonged in the match- there was no point when they truly seemed to have earned that distinction.



Celta (1) Arbroath (1) UEFA Cup 2nd round 2nd Leg (Celta advances on 3-1 aggregate)

Celta- Gustavo Lopez 17

Arbroath- Joe Osei-Kuffour 70

MOM- Mike Zonneveld, Arbroath

"It was a good showing. Not good enough to advance, but a worthy performance in front of a hostile crowd," commented Gond.

"I am pleased. It would have been nice to win and we had enough chances to do so- but this was a good sign of the development of the club."

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Arbroath (1) Rangers (1)

Arbroath- John Elliott 81

Rangers- Maurice Ross 22

MOM- Robert Malcolm, Rangers

"It was another good comeback to draw with them, but we should have won," said Faramir shaking his head with disappointment.

"If Mike (Zonneveld) makes the penalty kick- we do win. Klos made a nice save on the kick- but that one hurt a lot. You could tell Mike was really down over missing it."

"Frank (van de Wey) played pretty well, given the circumstances. We have to find a way of defending corners better. That one that Ross headed in is about the 7th corner we have given up this season- entirely too many."


"What? You actually decided to splash some of our funds around?" asked Gond with a lopsided grin.

Faramir shrugged, "If there are bargains to be had..."

Arbroath Buys Heath

Arbroath today announced the transfer purchase of defender Matt Heath. Heath, a 25 yr old DC, had been unhappy with the reduction in his playing time at Leicester and had wound up on the transfer list at his request. Arbroath made an offer in the realm of 500K and Leicester was content to take the money and let their unhappy player walk. Heath is a superb all around defender and is expected to step directly into the starting lineup at Arbroath.

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Inverness Caledonian Thistle (1) Arbroath (2)

ICT- Brian Smith 19

Arbroath- John Elliott 61 Mike Zonneveld 65

MOM- Mike Zonneveld, Arbroath

"Nice come from behind win," smiled Gond.

"It wouldn't be nearly as hard if we didn't give away goals on corners, especially the first goal of every match," grinned Faramir.

"At least we got it back."

"Frank (van de Wey) played superbly again today."

"I am beginning to understand why you weren't willing to offer Ian (Ritchie) a new contract when his became unprotected..."

"That's true. With both Frank and Andrew (O'Donnell) waiting in the wings- I couldn't see offering Ian the kind of money he wanted to sign a new contract."


"Again? What happened to saving all the funds?" asked Gond.

"We still need a playmaker. Peter Wolf really hasn't been comfortable in the role again this season and I know he is one. Plus it was only a small amount that we needed to spend to get him."

Whalen Back to Scotland

Arbroath announced they had completed a transfer purchase that will bring 26 yr old AMFC Stephen Whalen back to Scotland from Wycombe. Whalen, whose contract was expiring, comes back to Scotland after two years at the English club- which bought him from Livingston. He is reportedly very happy to both come back and have a new contract. The reported transfer cost to Arbroath was 190K.

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Arbroath (3) Kilmarnock (1)

Arbroath- Stephen Whalen 3,14 Matt Heath 35

Kilmarnock- Michael Yates 90-P

MOM- Matt Heath, Arbroath

"What an explosive match!" said Gond with wonder in his voice.

"It was going a lot better before those redcards at the end. Frank's (van de Wey) was close, but I guess he deserved it. Stephen's head butt was uncalled for- especially since the referee decided to ignore Garry Hay's push on him. I appealed the 1 game ban, but I don't have a lot of hopes they will uphold it."

"Up til then Stephen was having a terrific debut, he looked very much at home in our offense."

"Getting the redcard cost him MOM honours as well- if he doesn't get sent off he gets it instead of Matt (Heath)."


"Yes, that's bad news..."

Schembri Out for 2 Months

Lingering leg problems again sidelined Arbroath skipper Angelo Schembri (II) and this time he will be out at least two months in an attempt to completely resolve the calf problems he is having.



Dundee (5) Arbroath (1)

Dundee- Mark McCormick 38,48 Juan Sara 64,88 Ulises de la Cruz 82

Arbroath- Peter Wolf 2

MOM- Mark McCormick, Dundee

"What an embarrassing match," grumbled Barry Gond.

"I have no clue what is up with Jamie, but it was like he was lost in space today- especially in the second half. He just plain missed two of the goals."

"Even if he plays better- we lose. We didn't do much right out there today."

Dundee Drenches Arbroath

by Sammy Gohl

As Arbroath continues to struggle, their Board must be wondering why their staff is shelling out for additional players. They added Matt Heath and Stephen Whalen to an already overpaid club and the today's result plainly shows they have the wrong mix of players for success.

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Arbroath (6) Celtic (1) League Cup Quarterfinal

Arbroath- Chris Thompson 2,17,61 James Coppinger 37 Stephen Whalen 45,82

Celtic- Kenny Miller 28

MOM- Chris Thompson, Arbroath

Gond smiled and shook his head, "A lot of frustration let out in that one."

Faramir nodded, "It had been building for awhile. We lucked out getting Stephen (Whalen), we finally have the cohesive midfield we have been searching for- for the past two seasons."

"Don't forget Chris (Thompson)- he looks like the major scorer we have desperately needed up front for the same time. This club may be dangerous down the stretch if Jamie (Langfield) settles down some."



Aberdeen (2) Arbroath (1)

Aberdeen- Andreas Klarstrom 10 Robbie Winters 30

Arbroath- Peter Wolf 4

MOM- Marvin Andrews, Aberdeen

"They are playing really well- obviously since they are in 1st- but if we get a few breaks..." observed Gond.

"We hit the crossbar four times and post once, but they also hit the post a couple times on Jamie (Langfield). Still, they played a bit better than we did and because we didn't do a better job- we got the result we deserved."

Aberdeen Continues Soaring

by Sammy Gohl

Aberdeen continued to hold 1st place against the surging Rangers as they cruised past stumbling Arbroath 2-1. They took full advantage of the Arbroath disorganization to score a pair of first half goals enroute to the convincing win.

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Arbroath (1) Motherwell (0)

Arbroath- Gareth Munro 43

Motherwell- None

MOM- Mark Brown, Motherwell

"That was a big win for us," said a pleased Gond.

"Certainly gave us a little margin in 4th place over them in the standings. It was another solid offensive effort- even without more scoring."

"I thought Ian (Ritchie) played very well today."

"He did and we actually gave him more help on the backline today. We still miss Angelo Schembri a lot though- Ruben (Hazell) is an adequate fill-in, but not even close to being in his class."



Arbroath (3) Celtic (0)

Arbroath- Gareth Munro 22 Chris Thompson 25,34

Celtic- None

MOM- Chris Thompson, Arbroath

"Talk about a frustrated club! They were really primed to play us after how badly we beat them in the League Cup match- and instead we just took the match away from them in the first half with our offensive execution," gushed Gond.

"It was a very satisfying performance in all aspects of our play today. After we played so well offensively in the first half- I worried about letting down defensively in the second half. Instead we played a superb defensive half and got some great work from Jamie (Langfield) in keeping the clean sheet.

"Did you see that the loss dropped them to 9th place? Talk about an unhappy Board..."

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Livingston (1) Arbroath (2)

Livingston- Derek Lilley 52

Arbroath- Chris Thompson 7 Joe Osei-Kuffour 21

MOM- Chris Thompson, Arbroath

"You don't think Derek still holds a grudge?" asked Gond with a smile.

"Well, the finger pointing by Mr. Lilley was a bit much, but fortunately we won the match so I could actually care less about the showmanship on his part."

"We are playing much better with the lead lately, not as much foolish chances and winding up out of position."

"All of which translates into more support for the keepers and Jamie (Langfield) doing a much better job."


"Well, a couple less unhappy players do deal with," commented Gond.

"A couple more spots open for the future too."

Arbroath Lets Two Go on Free

Arbroath announced that they had allowed midfielder Billy Macdonald to go to Division 1 St.Johnstone on free transfer. They also announced that forward Michael Moore would be joining Division 2 Alloa on free transfer.



Arbroath (2) Hibs (3)

Arbroath- Gareth Munro 10 Daniel Sjolund 65

Hibs- James Scowcroft 22,64,85

MOM- James Scowcroft, Hibs

"Barry, we have got to be able to adjust to changing game conditions. Scowcroft was the only Hibs playing doing anything- all match. We still let him wind up beating us with his hat-trick!" fumed Faramir.

"We didn't control or mark him well. We let them control the tempo of play too much as well- especially for a home match."

Hibs Hang Arbroath

by Sammy Gohl

James Scowcroft provided a superlative performance as Hibs continued their march up the SPL table with a 3-2 win at Gayfield Park. Arbroath blew many chances in allowing the visitors the win and their Board should be examining the fitness of the current club management.

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Celtic (0) Arbroath (1)

Celtic- None

Arbroath- Peter Wolf 45

MOM- Dunga, Arbroath

"Another close one, but we held on," offered a relieved Gond.

"Jamie (Langfield) was stellar today. The Celtic Board has to be wondering what's going on. That is a lot better club than they have shown this season."

"As long as we keep winning against them- I would prefer they don't change their management."



Kilmarnock (2) Arbroath (0)

Kilmarnock- Michael Yates 37 Paul DiGiacomo 55

Arbroath- None

MOM- Jimmy Walker, Kilmarnock

"Jimmy Walker had all the answers for them today," grimly commented Gond.

"We had plenty of good scoring opportunities. They converted their chances, we didn't."

"Our backline didn't give Jamie (Langfield) enough help today. They couldn't contain the Kilmarnock forwards."

Kilmarnock Over Arbroath

by Sammy Gohl

Kilmarnock maintained their one point advantage over both Celtic and Motherwell for 7th place in the SPL table with a strong 2-0 win over visiting Arbroath. Kilmarnock bottled up the visitors attack and pleased their fans with some superb passing sequences in the win.

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