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Troubled Visions- Faramir's Dream (Lord of the Rings Challenge)


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Head aching, Faramir's surroundings seemed ghostlike and grey. "So this is what dying is like. Can it be long ere I see Boromir again?"

A beautifully melodic voice danced in his brain, "Nay, Lord Faramir. Now is not the time of thy death. Tis some time ere you will greet Boromir again."

Faramir glanced around, but the voice was fleeting. He couldn't say which direction it had come from. He seemed in a fog, which he assumed must be a dream. "If I am not dead, where might I be?"

This time a fleeting glimpse showed him the face of an Elven lady. Judging by her regal appearance, he thought she must certainly be a Queen among them.

She smiled a wistful smile at him, "Be at rest Faramir. Where you are may not be a place you can conceive of, it is an Elven place- not discussed among men, even such a man as yourself."

Faramir shook his head as if to shake off the fog surrounding his mind and thoughts, "There is little I understand my lady. The last thing I remember was battling a Champion of Harad on the Fields of Pelennor. We were almost to the city- the last of us- but then all was blackness and I felt the cold hand of the Dark Lord upon me."

"Aye, my Lord. As you struggled upon the Plains, you were struck down by a dart from the Nazgul- the wraith riders themselves. Fortunately, a sortie from the city reached you at the time you fell. Your body was brought back to Minas Tirith, where it lies."

"My body lies there! Where am I? What has become of me?"

He felt the soothing caress of her touch- or was it just that wisp of air- he seemed to lay in a blanket of grey clouds, "Be at rest my Lord. It was necessary for me to spirit you away from your body for the present. Your father, Denethor, is sorely troubled- for the loss of your brother and now what he believes is the loss of you. Now is the time for you to be here, for your father is beset by a force he must either battle now or succumb to- and I know not which it will be. In the meantime, I have brought you to a place to await the moment when you must return- but that moment is not now."

"Since I am seemingly embodied in the air, with no place to go- please enlighten me where I am, dear Lady."

"Well, my Lord Faramir- first let us dispense with formalities. I am known as Galadriel-- I see that you have heard of me?"

"Aye, the Lady of the Wood. Lothlorien, the ageless place. My brother feared thee, but I argued that though tales of strangeness are what little we hear- surely thy wood could not be evil."

"I welcomed your brother Faramir. I am sorry at his loss, but he was valiant til the end."

Faramir smiled, "It does me good to know that you may have changed his mind on the matter of your woods. But you have not answered me- where am I, if my body still resides in Minas Tirith?"

The Lady hesitated, "The place is a place known to Elves as they leave the Havens upon the trip to the West. It is a place of cleansing their thoughts- leaving the old behind. It was not intended for such as I now use it- but for my needs, and yours, it will suffice. To explain in terms you might understand, dear Lord, I am maintaining your mind in a place I think unreachable by the Dark Lord. The cost is dear, but until your time is at hand, is worth the toll."

"I feel very dreamlike and insubstantial dear Lady."

The Elven Queen's smile seemed to warm him, "That is the nature of this place my Lord. There are other pecularities that you may discover as well. Rest now, it may be some time before it is safe to bring you from this place- but know that time has no particular significance here, it is out of step from time as you know it. A mere moment in the world can be a long time here."

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Head aching, Faramir's surroundings seemed ghostlike and grey. "So this is what dying is like. Can it be long ere I see Boromir again?"

A beautifully melodic voice danced in his brain, "Nay, Lord Faramir. Now is not the time of thy death. Tis some time ere you will greet Boromir again."

Faramir glanced around, but the voice was fleeting. He couldn't say which direction it had come from. He seemed in a fog, which he assumed must be a dream. "If I am not dead, where might I be?"

This time a fleeting glimpse showed him the face of an Elven lady. Judging by her regal appearance, he thought she must certainly be a Queen among them.

She smiled a wistful smile at him, "Be at rest Faramir. Where you are may not be a place you can conceive of, it is an Elven place- not discussed among men, even such a man as yourself."

Faramir shook his head as if to shake off the fog surrounding his mind and thoughts, "There is little I understand my lady. The last thing I remember was battling a Champion of Harad on the Fields of Pelennor. We were almost to the city- the last of us- but then all was blackness and I felt the cold hand of the Dark Lord upon me."

"Aye, my Lord. As you struggled upon the Plains, you were struck down by a dart from the Nazgul- the wraith riders themselves. Fortunately, a sortie from the city reached you at the time you fell. Your body was brought back to Minas Tirith, where it lies."

"My body lies there! Where am I? What has become of me?"

He felt the soothing caress of her touch- or was it just that wisp of air- he seemed to lay in a blanket of grey clouds, "Be at rest my Lord. It was necessary for me to spirit you away from your body for the present. Your father, Denethor, is sorely troubled- for the loss of your brother and now what he believes is the loss of you. Now is the time for you to be here, for your father is beset by a force he must either battle now or succumb to- and I know not which it will be. In the meantime, I have brought you to a place to await the moment when you must return- but that moment is not now."

"Since I am seemingly embodied in the air, with no place to go- please enlighten me where I am, dear Lady."

"Well, my Lord Faramir- first let us dispense with formalities. I am known as Galadriel-- I see that you have heard of me?"

"Aye, the Lady of the Wood. Lothlorien, the ageless place. My brother feared thee, but I argued that though tales of strangeness are what little we hear- surely thy wood could not be evil."

"I welcomed your brother Faramir. I am sorry at his loss, but he was valiant til the end."

Faramir smiled, "It does me good to know that you may have changed his mind on the matter of your woods. But you have not answered me- where am I, if my body still resides in Minas Tirith?"

The Lady hesitated, "The place is a place known to Elves as they leave the Havens upon the trip to the West. It is a place of cleansing their thoughts- leaving the old behind. It was not intended for such as I now use it- but for my needs, and yours, it will suffice. To explain in terms you might understand, dear Lord, I am maintaining your mind in a place I think unreachable by the Dark Lord. The cost is dear, but until your time is at hand, is worth the toll."

"I feel very dreamlike and insubstantial dear Lady."

The Elven Queen's smile seemed to warm him, "That is the nature of this place my Lord. There are other pecularities that you may discover as well. Rest now, it may be some time before it is safe to bring you from this place- but know that time has no particular significance here, it is out of step from time as you know it. A mere moment in the world can be a long time here."

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Thanks HD- and thanks again for authoring the challenge


A strange sight seemed to form on the insubstantial horizon. As Faramir watched, he realized that what he was seeing was something he had no knowlege of. It appeared to be a different world than he had left and he wondered if he was hallucinating.

"Lady Galadriel, are you there?" He sent his thoughts into the mist.

"Aye, my Lord. I am always here, though you may not be feeling my presence. I maintain you here in most ways."

"What am I seeing?"

He could sense her turning her long-distance gaze to the sights he saw. "I do not know my Lord. It is like no place I have ever seen. One of the rumored properties of this place- and why it is the place of cleansing- is that it is the grey space between. I have no particular knowledge of between what, but it may well be that you are seeing another place, mayhap even another world. I am sorry that I can't be more clear Lord."

"Is there any danger?"

Galadriel quietly laughed, "There is always danger Lord. But it is amusing for one such as yourself- who battled their way back from Osgiliath against the Dark Lord's hordes and has haunted the shadow of his land for seasons to ask about danger."

Faramir quietly replied, "I meant for thee Lady."

Now it was her turn to be quiet, "I am already in graver danger than you can fathom Lord. That will not change with my efforts for you."

Faramir considered her thoughts without replying.

He quietly watched. In many ways what he saw was completely amazing to him. "A place with metal birds- that escort people?" He shook his head at the thought.

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Thanks bjorn icon_smile.gif


He seemed to snap awake, the calling quite clear. What the calling meant, he couldn't say- but he knew one who might.

"Lady Galadriel?"

"Aye, my Lord."

"I sensed a sudden calling clearly in my mind. Enough so that it wakened me from whatever dreamlike slumber I seem to have here."

"Let me check on several things Lord."

The minutes seemed to pass by, yet the place that held him also seemed to render the time passed as fleeting- though he knew it was some measure of time.

"My Lord?" came back her troubled voice.


"There seems no change that I can perceive in your status. Your body lies in its grey pallor in Minas Tirith, but I can detect no change- nor any reason that you might be receiving some kind of calling."

"Could it be the work of the Dark Lord?"

He could sense her unrest, "I suppose it is possible, yet I do not sense his cold bent. His mind is locked on other things at present, I doubt he could spare the energy to even make his presence known to you here. Even for I, this contact is a drain on my measure to maintain thy woodland."

"What might it be then dear Lady?"

Her voice fell back into the calm, melodic rhythym he had gotten used to hearing, "Well, Lord. It may have to do with the properties of this place. I told you this place was never intended for such use as I make of it. Mayhap, there is something about its ways that is affecting you. I will endevour to discern more."

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OMDave- You're absolutely right about that- that is one of the reasons I thanked him often, because this story is somewhat home turf for me icon_wink.gif

Did take me a while to come up with a concept I liked to tell the story- but I was planning on doing the challenge whether it was official or not.

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Looking excellent so far icon_smile.gif

Not sure how many of these stories I'll be able to keep fully uptodate with, but I'll definitely be following this one! I've always liked Faramir as the character who "rescued" my favourite LoTR character from her despair icon_smile.gif

I quickly decided I'd have to use some other angle than my forum name for this challenge though icon_biggrin.gif

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The calling again. Yet, though it was a calling it was not such as somebody desperately needing help. It seemed more of a calling that friends might make each other as they hailed each other across a narrow valley. There didn't seem any urgency to the call- only the knowledge that Faramir was the target. He struggled back out of dreamland.

"Lady, I heard the calling again."


"It was unusual- there seemed no distress in the calling. It seemed to have something of an affinity for myself- though that hardly begins to explain the small amount of feeling I could sense from it."

"You could sense feeling in the thoughts?" the Lady asked wonderingly.

"Aye. Is something wrong dear Lady?"

"No, I don't believe so. I had not thought it possible, but maybe there is a blurring of worlds across the cleansing area. That might explain the unknown place you saw. It may also be that some kind of kindred spirit is reaching across the thinning boundries that are found in the area."

"It didn't feel threatening, more like a lost brother suddenly found. Could it be Boromir!"

"Nay" stated the Lady sadly. "Boromir is beyond the pale and could not reach this place. Your memories must be enough of your strong-willed brother, it will be some time before you meet again with him."

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Thanks kindly Dr. Who icon_smile.gif Glad to be a part of your story, if you'll have me icon_wink.gif

Hopefully it will start to become clearer after this installment...


The grey clouds seemed to have released all the rain they held. The torrent had washed everything clear.


He started at the snapped out words. Sheepishly he turned and regarded his friend, Assistant Manager Barry Gond. "Sorry, I was woolgathering there."

Gond looked at him closely, "Thinking about Bo again?"

Faramir's eyes turned downcast, "Aye. This should be his job- his chair- his triumph. I never wanted this."

Gond sat opposite him, "Fair enough, but he would have wanted you to do this- given the circumstances."

"I miss him. He could be blustery and ambitious- but I miss how alive the club felt when he was here."

With a quiet chuckle and nod, Gond agreed, "Yes, and certainly tumultuous as well."

"That too!"

Grinning slightly, Gond asked, "How did you wind up with the nickname of Faramir anyways? I thought the one name football names were the sole province of South Americans and occasionally Italians?"

Shaking his head and stifling a laugh, the younger man answered, "Bo gave it to me a long time ago. We were playing as kids and he had been reading the Lord of the Rings. Bo being Bo- he told me I had to be the Orc. I told him not unless I also got to play a 'good guy'. He told me that I could be Faramir- the brother of Boromir."

He stopped a moment in wistful memory, "Bo wanted to have a 'heroic' death- that is why he wanted to be Boromir. I guess he got what he wanted in real life too." Faramir shook his head and sighed, "Anyways, the kids at school picked up on it immediately, and forever more I have been Faramir. I actually like it now- but I wasn't so sure then. It was kind of cool as I got older- the girls seemed to like it a lot."

Leaning back in the folding metal chair Gond regarded him, "You have done some growing, you know?"

"Me? How about you?"

"No, no. You can't shrug it off that easily. You wear the mantle of authority very nicely. Beyond that, you have earned the respect of not only players on this club- but around the League. You stepped in to a bad situation and restored order. The Board doesn't realize what a prize it received when they gave you the position."

Faramir shook his head gently, "Be that as it may, now all we have to do is show we know what we are doing in actually managing this brood."

Gond smiled, "I think you will do fine there- you were always a better tactician than Bo. What kind of practice for tomorrow?"

"Day of fun- we have been going hard enough- Pig in the Middle in morning and again in the afternoon. Nothing else. We will move back to the regular regimen on Wednesday."

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"Yes, Lord."

"Do you have any knowledge of what 'football' might be?"

"Nay, Lord."

Faramir shook his head slightly, "I only caught a fleeting thought from whomever is reaching me- and it mentions something about a club with football. I can imagine that it relates to some kind of ball, but I can't fathom anything more- especially relating to a warclub. The thought wasn't trying to reach me- wasn't addressed to me- rather it seemed some kind of concerned meandering."

"As I told you Lord- the qualities of this place are strange. It is likely another mind is touching yours, maybe from the world or worlds you have seen glimpses of. I know not why though."

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*chuckle* true Tyrone- I do feel very at home with my characters this time around icon_wink.gif

Great to have you along on the challenge- and welcome to FMS icon_smile.gif


"Well if isn't Faramir- and his trusted sidekick," boomed the sarcastic voice as he reached over to another table and grabbed a chair- which he pulled up to the table where Faramir and Barry Gond were enjoying their meal.

"Look what crawled out from under the rock," flatly stated Faramir, his voice dripping with dislike and sarcasm.

"Now, now- let's be nice to the pressboy," stated Gond- just as flatly.

"Ha ha. As you can tell I am just shaking in my boots at your intentions," stated the scrawny man. "How does it feel to be annointed to do the job your hero brother should be doing?" he asked of Faramir with a sneer.

Under tight control, Faramir replied, "Sammy Gohl, you are the lowest form of life- but that remark is even low for you."

"Just fishing for an official reaction," the man smiled- his large eyes staring out through glasses with thick lens.

"An official reaction? Ok, here goes- then you can get the h*ll out of my face. I didn't seek the Dundee United job, but I certainly will honor the memory of my brother by accepting the post of Manager. I am thankful for all the support given me by my family, friends and everyone in football in this time of grief for our family."

"Bah, nothing but a fakir- just like your brother."

Cold contempt filled Faramir's face, "You have your comment. Now get the h*ll out, before I have you thrown out."

Smiling with derision dripping from his words, Gohl replied, "I am going to make your life so miserable- and enjoy doing it so much." He pushed back his chair and ambled out the door of the Inn.

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Time to note that I am running this challenge on 01-02 (this many divisions would choke my PC on 03-04). Active divisions are taken right from HD's initial suggestions- England (to Div. 3), Scotland (to Div. 3), France (to National), Poland.

As the story indicates- I am off and running with Dundee United (seriously thought about Motherwell, but decided it would be repititious).

Thanks to everyone who has sent comments so far-


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Still mad about the encounter, he was sitting quietly in the stands, watching as Barry Gond ran the morning sprints.

As the wind ruffled his tangled locks on the overcast day, he thought back to when he and Bo would play as children. Muttering to himself, "Bo, those were the days!" The thought, seemingly unbidden, came back to the times they would play Bo's favorite- Lord of the Rings. The swordfights reenacted with sticks, the archery with the toy bows, the heroic deaths...

A shaft of light seemed to stab at him- he felt himself falling....


"Faramir? Faramir? Are you Ok?"

He looked up and realized that he was in the first aid room at Tannadice Park, with Barry Gond questioning him anxiously.

"Yes, I think so." He attempted to sit up and felt a crushing headache. "What happened?"

Gond looked at him curiously, "That's what we wanted to ask you- what happened? You were watching practice, and suddenly it was like you were highlighted with a sunbeam. You started to stand up and then just slumped down. I got the trainer and a couple of players and we carted you down here."

Leaning back again and blinking his eyes several times before speaking, he replied, "I am not exactly sure. I was thinking back to when Bo and I played as children and suddenly a memory seemed to reach out and touch me. Must be not enough fluids and too much stress lately. I am fine- just get me some aspirin."

Gond looked over at the trainer, who shrugged his shoulders and nodded in agreement.



"Yes, Lord."

"Something just happened to me here, but I am not sure what it was?"

Quickly he saw her visage close by, "Are you unwell Lord?"

He shook his head slightly, "I don't appear to have been affected. Rather, something unusual happened. I was musing over when Boromir and I played together- and suddenly I was able to pierce the clouds and view this world of apparition clearly. Everything seemed very clear, as if I was actually there."

Troubled, she quietly brooded over his comments for a period of time. "Mayhap I should not have brought you here Lord, this may have been a mistake. There could be something beyond my understanding occurring here."

"Lady, did you really have any choice?" he asked quietly.

Still looking worried, her face stared back, "Nay, Lord. Tis the only place I could think of to send your mind to. Still it may be a mistake for you to be here."

He looked kindly back at her, "You could do naught but what you know best Lady. I would willingly place my life in your care, I sense that somehow you have already saved me. I still do not feel threatned by what happened here, but nor do I understand it."

"Nor do I Lord."


Sitting in the gloom of his living room, Faramir pondered what had happened to himself. "They would think I am crazy if I told them what it really felt like. It was like being *in* the story- much too clear. I must have been more in tune with the movie than I really thought."


Silently pondering what he had felt, Faramir thought about how real things had felt. It had been as if he could feel the wind whipping across whatever arena he had seen. Everything looked so strange. Warriors dressed in only light training clothing? Stands made out of some type of metal? The roar of many strange sounds? All of it was very alien to his thinking, yet he felt somehow that he had really been there. He had avoided detailing this to Lady Galadriel, for he instinctively knew she also would have no answers to these strange sights.

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In the ghostly silence, he continued to think about what he had seen and how real it had felt. He seemed to have pierced whatever veil he had originally seen when viewing this unusual world. Suddenly he remembered some long ago teaching of his father Denethor. What he had seen was similar to the tales that Denethor had told him of the old, now gone, seeing stones. Seeing at great distances as though the person was there- talking to another as if you were seated across a table was what he remembered, though he couldn't recall his father mentioning anything about being able to feel something as if there.

Thinking again about it- he realized with a start that the answer might be simpler than that. "Maybe I actually looked out of the eyes of one there. That would explain the sensation of feeling things- and the unusual sensations."

He concentrated again and let his thoughts flow toward where he perceived the wall of illusion, such as he had named it in his mind, was located. He felt resistance and then it was gone, as if he had pierced the falls at his hidden place in Ithilien. With a startled thought he realized he wasn't in some random place, instead he was wandering in the thoughts of someone. As he moved among the disjointed thoughts, he realized that whoever this might be was trying to picture his home city of Minas Tirith. He viewed the images that paraded by him and scoffed in his own mind. A simple castle? Gondor? Gently he let his rememberances slowly intertwine with the pictures- gradually altering them until they seemed truer to his memories. There! He thought with satisfaction and then drifted into peaceful thoughts of Ithilien before it had fallen under the lengthening shadow of the Dark Lord.


Faramir woke with a start. He could have sworn he was dreaming of the White Tower- Minas Tirith. He shook his head and muttered, "It seemed so real." He glanced at the clock- 4:26 AM. It was the day of the opening of the SPL campaign and he expected to be worried and stressed- but instead he felt a remarkable sense of peace. Once again he dozed off.


"Well, today's the real thing- starting with Celtic will be no picnic." commented Barry Gond.

Faramir smiled, "No such thing as an easy touch. I wish Tassos (Venetis) wasn't hurt- we really need him in the lineup.

"Still two more weeks healing."

"Here is the senior squad to start the season:

GK- Alan Combe, Paul Gallacher

Def- Jim Paterson, Danny Griffin, Luigi Apolloni, Jamie McCunnie, David McCracken, Jim Lauchlan, Stephen Wright, David Partridge (Inj)

Mid- David Hannah, Charlie Miller, Craig Easton, Tassos Venetis (Inj), Jamie Fullarton, Hasney Aljofree, Jamie Buchan, Billy McKinlay

For- Derek Lilley, Stephen Carson, Jim McIntyre, Steven Thompson

Our opening Lineup will be:

GK- Combe DL- Paterson DC- Griffin DC- Apolloni DR- McCunnie DMC- Fullarton MC- Hannah MC- Miller MC- Easton FL- Carson FR- Lilley"

Gond looked up, "I don't see our acquisitions listed on here."

Faramir nodded, "Work Permits still not in place for Robertas Poskus and Taribo West- hopefully soon though, but I have heard hints that it is touch and go on Poskus'."

Gond looked over curiously, "Have you seen the Times yet?"

"No." answered Faramir. "Do I want to?"

Voicelessly, Gond shrugged and flipped the paper at him. The sports page opened as it landed on the desk.

Trouble at Tannadice?

by Sammy Gohl

Dundee United might already be in trouble- on the eve of the start of SPL play. Reportedly, their new manager- Faramir- was unwell and fainted in the stands while observing yesterday's practice. Faramir, taking over for his departed brother at the behest of an obviously ill-considered Board decision, may well have been having second thoughts about taking over on the eve of season. The Board, clearly believing that their gesture of appointing Faramir, will restore some of the luster to what looks to be another woeful campiagn, will likely be forced to reconsider their rash decision at some early juncture in the season...

Redfaced, but in full control, Faramir quietly stated, "Well, we will just see about that- Mr. Poison Pen."

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PM7- Stephen, thanks kindly- the test of a good story is how much the writer enjoys telling it- and passing with flying colors so far icon_smile.gif

HD- I will give you partial credit *chuckle*



Celtic (3) Dundee U (1)

Celtic- C.Sutton 12,52 D.Balde 33

Dundee United- S.Carson 84

MOM- Chris Sutton, Celtic

"That wasn't what I was hoping for," stated Faramir. "We had a little pressure, but I can see we need a scorer up front. Charlie didn't look comfortable in the middle, so when we have finished purchasing Anthony Boyce- I will give him a shot right away."

"Carson's goal was a nice one, but his debut was up and down. Our backline didn't play well," added Gond.

Celtic Romps Over Woeful Dundee United

by Sammy Gohl

To the surprise of no one, title contender Celtic had an easy time with ill-prepared Dundee United. Celtic's midfield and forwards were in control throughout the match and the Dundee United backline looked completely disorganized under their unrelenting pressure...

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Dundee United Buys Boyce

Dundee United today announced the transfer purchase of promising 17 yr old AM/F C Anthony Boyce. The reported cost DunU paid to St.Mirren was around 100K. Despite his youth, there are clear indications that he may be immediately thrust into the midfield mix for Dundee United.



Dundee United (3) Dunfermline (2)

Dundee United- D.Lilley 45 S.Thompson 71,78

Dunfermline- J. de Gier 43 S.Hampshire 79

M0M- Derek Lilley, Dundee United

"Nice to have the monkey off our back?" asked Gond.

"Absolutely! Still not the kind of defensive effort we will need, but at least we got those two goals from Steven Thompson after he subbed on. Could be I underrated his scoring ability," commented Faramir.

"You think?" questioned Gond with a smile.

Faramir chuckled, "Tassos will be back pretty soon too- and I was on the phone trying to get a final determination on the WPs- we are starting to shape up. Best of all, little that Sammy Gohl can comment on today."


"What are you watching?" asked Gond as he strolled in to the office.

Faramir acknowledged him with a wave, his eyes not leaving the TV, "Highlights from last night's qualifiers for the Champions Cup."

After a moment he turned his eyes away and out the window, "Just dreaming a little of how it would be to play in Europe."

Gond looked thoughtfully at him, "That's right, you never did get the chance when playing."

Faramir shrugged, "Duty called. I couldn't turn down the chance to serve in combat."

Thoughtfully, Gond softly stated, "That was when you're leg was mangled by shrapnel."

Not saying anything, Faramir nodded.

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"Aye, Lord."

"I can't be certain, but somehow I believe the thoughts I feel- from wherever they are- are getting stronger. They are more vivid and I believe they must be the same person every time. It seems like I may actually be sometimes be drifting in this person's mind."

She pondered his statement quietly, then responded, "That could well be Lord. It also may not be from 'wherever'- it may be from 'whenever'. I told you that time has no partciular meaning in the place where you are- so these thoughts may well be from some point in our distant past- or distant future."

Faramir thought about that a moment, "To be certain, the thoughts are strange ones. The last fleeting one was about a tournament I believe- a competition. It may have been an archery competition, there seemed to be some mention of 'Championship flight'."

Galadriel was quiet a moment, "I can't sense what you sense of these thoughts Lord. I believe you could be correct when you mentioned they are somehow attuned to your mind. Where or whenever they are coming from- it could well have some distant linkage to you- maybe even related to your line."

"My line?" Faramir snorted. "Dear lady, I have *no* line."

"You will," firmly stated the soothing voice, "You will."

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Work Permit denied for Poskus

Dundee United was disappointed by the news today that there would be no Work Permit issued for Lithuanian forward Robertas Poskus. There was general disappointment and dissatisfaction at the decision, based solely on the fact that the forward was not making regular appearances on their National side.



Kilmarnock (1) Dundee United (1)

Kilmarnock- J.Varielle 85

DundeeU- J.Buchan 90

MOM- Paul Gallacher, Dundee United

"Disappointing effort wasn't it?" asked Faramir.

Gond bobbed his head in agreement, "Steven (Thompson) couldn't hit the broad side of the barn today- he had some excellent chances."

"Good thing that Paul was so good in net- they had more, and better, shots than we had today. At least we should have Tassos (Venetis) back for our next match. Still, Jamie Buchan's goal was a great one- to get us a point from a match where we really didn't deserve it."

"How long is Danny (Griffin) out for?" asked Gond.

Faramir winced, "At least a month. That hurts us quite a bit- losing his leadership out there."

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Dundee U Nabs Nicholls

Dundee United announced the transfer purchase of forward Mark Nicholls from Torquay. The reported cost of acquiring him was in the 250K range. Nicholls is a 24 yr old FLC and has kicked around several clubs the past several seasons without really being given a chance at forward. Reportedly, Nicholls may be paired with Derek Lilley up front.



Work Permit Issued for West

In a move that surprised no one- a Work Permit was issued to allow Taribo West to join Dundee United. West, with 25 Caps for Nigeria, will likely move directly into the starting lineup for Dundee U, as skipper Danny Griffin is out for a month due to a knee injury.



Stenhousemuir (2) Dundee United (4) League Cup 2nd round

Stenhousemuir- M.Mooney 11 D.Scott 38

DundeeU- J.McIntyre 19 S.Carson 58 A.Boyce 82 D.McCracken 85

MOM- Jim McIntyre, Dundee United

"Pretty good debut for Anthony (Boyce). He moved the ball around well and was just a force on the dribble," excitedly stated Gond.

"Uh, Barry- before you get too excited- this *was* Stenhousemuir. They are solid, but they are Division 2, and I am not certain he would have had as much room against a higher level club."

"True," offered Gond. "But it was an impressive first impression, any way you stack it. He did lead us to the win after all- something that shows a bit of maturity."

Faramir nodded, "I wasn't discounting his performance- just don't want to get too wrapped up in it. I was pretty happy overall- except for Alan (Combe). He wasn't too sharp in the early going when they took the 2-1 lead. Still, we showed plenty of composure out there- that was a good sign too, given this loud- if somewhat small- hostile crowd here."

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Waddell Sold to Manchester City

Dundee United announced the transfer sale of promising young defender Ryan Waddell to Manchester City. Manchester City reportedly paid 425K for the 16 yr old Scot DC. Waddell was a product of the Dundee U youth program and though the club was high on him- they were willing to part with him given the glut of other young defenders on the club.



Dundee United (0) Hearts (1)

Dundee U- None

Hearts- S.Severin 29

MOM- Antti Niemi, Hearts

"Talk about snake-bit! That would have been a superb debut by Mark (Nicholls) except for the posts. I still can't believe he hit the posts 4 times and none of them went in," offered Gond.

"We outshot them 10-0 in the second half- that was a good half of football, but we have nada to show for it," sighed Faramir.

Hearts Trumps Dundee United

by Sammy Gohl

Hearts, clearly looking the more organized of the two sides, easily edged Dundee United at Tannadice Park. Despite only getting one goal from Scott Severin, they looked much the superior club and could easily have won the match by more. Dundee United staged a small second half rally, but were doomed by their continually wasteful shooting.

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King Kerr!

Dundee United surprised many observers by outbidding several larger clubs for the right to acquire phenom Mark Kerr from Falkirk for his 800K minimum fee release. Kerr stated he was pleased that he would have an immediate opportunity to contribute at Tannadice Park- something the other clubs apparently weren't willing to promise him. The 19 year old will almost certainly fill one midfield slot- in an attempt to boost the moribund Dundee U offense.


"Hopefully, we can settle things down now and concentrate on developing the club," said Faramir.

"It would be nice. We haven't shown any offensive consistency yet," replied Gond.

"If we can get our midfield working together, we will surprise some teams. I think at this point we are going to feature Paul Gallacher more in the net. Alan (Combe) hasn't been playing particularly well and he also hasn't practiced well."



Welcome the Rabi

Dundee United completed the transfer purchase from Assyrika of forward Rabi Youssef for a cost of 45K. Youssef, who holds dual Swedish/Syrian citizenry, said he was happy to move up in levels of competition to come to Tannadice Park. It is expected that he will see some time on the reserve side until through some training on the Dundee tactical approach.



Butra Signs On

Dundee United introduced another forward today, as they announced they had signed 23 year old Spaniard Butra. Butra is expected to fit into the forward mixture immediately. He was signed on free transfer after being released by Almeira earlier this year.



Dundee United (3) St.Johnstone (2)

DunU- M.Kerr 40 D.McCracken 57 S.Carson 90

St.Johnstone- K.Parker 28,77

MOM- Kiegan Parker, St.Johnstone

Faramir slumped in his chair and wiped his hand tiredly over his face and wistfully said, "We have to find an easier way to win these matches."

"At least it was a win," chuckled an also exhausted Barry Gond.

"If we could have figured out a way to corral Kiegan Parker- it would have been much easier, but to be honest- Paul (Gallacher) should have had the first goal."

Gond tilted his head, agreeing, "We still did a lot of things right in the match- we played much better than they did- except for Parker and Alan Main in their net- he was the one who really kept them in the match."

"Kerr sure quieted the fans murmering on how much we paid for him. By the end of the match I think they were in a bit of awe with how much of an impact player he can be- at his young age," laughed Faramir.

St.Johnstone Suffers Unlucky Defeat

by Sammy Gohl

In a match when they appeared much superior to home side Dundee United, St.Johnstone fell to an unlucky last minute goal. It appeared the match would end in a 2-2 draw after Kiegan Parker dominated the Dundee United backline, but Stephen Carson hit a shot that took a fortunate curve and the Tannadice Park crowd left in undeserved cheerful spirits.

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Motherwell (1) Dundee United (2)

Motherwell- D.Kelly 51

Dundee United- S.Thompson 40 T.Venitis 60-P

MOM- David Hannah, Dundee United

"I didn't think we were going to be able to escape that one," stated Gond.

"Nor did I. At least until the ref pulled out the redcard and sent Mark Brown off- he was keeping us out pretty well. Still we stuck with them the first half when they were playing much better than we were. It was good to see Steven (Thompson) score again."

"David (Hannah) deserved his MOM honors. He really organized our defense well today. That helped us weather the storm in the first half."

Motherwell Robbed of Result

by Sammy Gohl

It was a clear case of referee favortism that handed Dundee United a victory against Motherwell today. With the match knotted at 1-1, Mark Brown was clearly pushed by Tassos Venetis. Instead of making the obvious call, the referee blundered and awarded Brown a redcard and allowed Dundee United to steal the result away with the ensuing penalty kick.



Dundee United (2) Hibs (1)

Dundee United- M.Nicholls 25 T.Venetis 34

Hibs- C.Brewster 59

MOM- Mark Nicholls, Dundee United

"It was great to show so well when we were on the telly," smiled Faramir. "Though it was close, we really had a lot of good play on our part."

Gond agreed, "That was the best we have worked with our passing attack. I think the players are starting to get more comfortable in their roles and that bodes well for the rest of the season. By the way, are you sure there won't be any fallout from transfer listing Derek Lilley?"

"No- I am not sure," shrugged Faramir. "Still, I can't have him calling our leadership into question- because he believes he deserves more playing time. I don't really care how much it upsets him or other players- that conduct means he will do better on another club."

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Dundee United (2) Kilmarnock (0) League Cup 3rd Round

Dundee United- R.Youssef 41,43

Kilmarnock- None

Dundee United- Rabi Youssef, Dundee United

"Quite an impressive debut for Rabi, wasn't it?" knowingly asked Gond.

"Well, he did make a nice splash. It was funny listening to the Kilmarnock players talk on the way off the pitch- their scouts hadn't even mentioned him- because they didn't think there was any chance of him playing against them. That is another reason I won't mind moving Lilley- if we can- because we have some talented youngsters in Butra and Rabi- and I would love to get them more playing time."



Rangers (2) Dundee United (4)

Rangers- S.Arveladze 23 R. De Boer 59

Dundee United- T.Venetis 16,64 M.Nicholls 66,89

MOM- Tassos Venetis, Dundee United

"If I am the 'Gers- I would hate to read the headlines tomorrow," chortled Gond.

Faramir smiled, "No reason to gloat Barry. We earned it with our play. Tassos (Venetis) was absolutely brilliant- neither Barry Ferguson nor Claudio Reyna could stay with him tonight. It was even better to do it in front of the telly audience."

"I can see now why you thought Mark (Nicholls) was worth the wages. Those were two pinpoint shots he made against Stefan Klos- very nice shooting," commented Gond.

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Derby Big on Aljofree

Derby went big on Hasney Aljofree as they paid a whopping 2.2 Million for the versatile Dundee United midfielder. Aljofree was reportedly happy to go back to his native England, especially with the assurance of a starting role and a large increase in his wages. Dundee United was happy with the sudden boost in revenue and may splash some of that for another player.



Dundee United Buys Keith

Dundee United, using some of the funds from the sale of Hasney Aljofree, completed the transfer purchase of forward Marino Keith from Livingston. Keith was unhappy with his lack of playing time at Livingston and had been placed on the transfer list at his own request. The purchase price was in the neighberhood of 400K, well below what Livingston had originally hoped to fetch for the 26 yr old SC.



Dundee United (3) Livingston (0)

Dundee United- M.Nicholls 8 M.Keith 10 T.Venetis 45-P

Livingston- None

MOM- Danny Griffin, Dundee United

"Faramir, did you give Keith his debut against Livingston on purpose?" slyly asked Gond.

Grinning, he replied, "Well, the thought did cross my mind that he would be highly motivated. I can see why they didn't appreciate him there- they have such a plodding offensive scheme. He didn't fit in at all with them. Now here, on the other hand, we have a proper appreciation for his blinding speed." Stopping to smile broadly for a moment, "He really did have a nice debut, didn't he?"

Gond laughed, "Yes, and even better was the fact that he and Nicholls were really in tune with each other up front- it made them more dangerous."

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Staring out into the fog and mist swirling in the light winds, Faramir knew he should get over to watch the reserves play, but couldn't seem to rouse himself from taking in the view and daydreaming. The office seemed unnaturally quiet, none of the normal small background noises as he let himself drift in his thoughts.

As at many other times, he thought back to his comrades in arms and the fighting they went through. The fond memories and as always- the not so fond ones that accompanied them. He was again reliving the flash of the grenade that ripped apart his leg- when suddenly a towering barbarian with an axe seemed set to beset him. He cried out in alarm and then slipped into a moment of blackness. Slowly, he became aware of the rain softly pattering on the window again. He felt like he had been someplace *else* and had returned.

Shaking his head to clear the momentary cobwebs, he suddenly felt weary and drained. After several more minutes of gathering his strength, he forced himself out of his chair and into his coat- before heading over to watch Barry Gond manage the Reserve side.

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Dundee (0) Dundee United (2)

Dundee- None

Dundee United- M.Nicholls 56 M.Keith 88

MOM- Tassos Venetis, Dundee United

"That was a very pleasing derby showing," grinned Faramir. "More impressive than anything else- we limited a good offensive club to only 2 shots for the match. Our defensive work has really come together nicely."

Gond was also all smiles, "If it hadn't been for Jamie Langfield- the score would have been much worse. We had plenty of excellent scoring chances. The interior passing was extremely sharp today- that ball that Mark (Nicholls) scored on was laid out just like on the practice pitch."



Dunfermline (4) Dundee United (3)

Dunfermline- D.Nicholls 8 J. de Gier 21 S.Crawford 40-P,85

Dundee United- A.Boyce 14,45 C.Easton 62

MOM- Craig Easton, Dundee United

Faramir shook his head, "*That's* why Paul Gallacher is our number 1 keeper. If Alan (Combe) plays even halfway acceptably- we win that match."

Gond looked up from the stat sheet, "Well, here is another indicator. We have yielded 17 goals in our 11 matches this season. Alan has given up 11 of those in 4 starts and Paul (Gallacher) has given up the other 6 in his 7 starts. Pretty clear to me which has been playing better."

Nodding, Faramir jotted a couple notes on his notepad, "I know Alan is a better keeper than that, but we can't afford to give away matches- we don't have the luxury that Rangers, Celtic have. It's too bad- we wasted good performances by Anthony Boyce and Craig Easton in this one."

Dunfermline Dumps Dundee United

by Sammy Gohl

Dunfermline landed a big blow to Dundee United's improving fortunes as they handily defeated them 4-3 at East End Park. With a packed house cheering them on, the home side earned their victory as they scored a late marker to offset a series of lucky circumstances that had allowed Dundee United to even the match. Stephen Crawford had an easy time fooling Alan Combe with a hard shot that was the match winner.

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Dundee United (2) Kilmarnock (0)

Dundee United- T.Venetis 8,66

Kilmarnock- None

MOM- Tassos Venetis

"Great way to bounce back- with another stellar match by Tassos (Venetis)," cheerily commented Gond.

"When he is on- like he was today and the match we beat 'Gers- he can just dominate the midfield. I was also really impressed with the match Mark Kerr had. He really passed the ball well. Mark (Nicholls) deserved a goal from the match, but bad bounces today."

Gond narrowed his eyes as a stray beam of sunlight entered through the window, "Paul (Gallacher) really steadied us down when they were pressing in the opening moments- another good match for him."

Faramir also winced at the bright light, "Yes, it was- the whole backline seems more settled when he is back there. He is more of a 'talker' than Alan is."


Dundee United (2) Aberdeen (2)

Dundee United- M.Keith 24 M.Nicholls 30

Aberdeen- Darren Young 17 Derek Young 37

MOM- Marino Keith, Dundee United

"I absolutely hate it when the referee is as much of a factor as he was in the match today," flatly stated Faramir. "First, he waves off our first goal on a Keith offside- when it was scored on a 'rebound'. Then he papers our backline with yellow cards. Finally, he sends off Taribo (West) for a tackle that was borderline- and not vicious in any way shape, or form."

"I hope venting helps- because nothing else is going to change things," commented Gond.

Faramir grumbled, "No, it doesn't help- but I just need it out of my system for a moment." After taking a couple breaths he continued, "Well, we had another strong offensive match, but we didn't help Paul Gallacher enough- if he plays any less than he did and we wouldn't have even managed a draw."

Gond agreed, "We didn't put the clamps on them in our end. It was a 'shoot-out' style match- last one to score wins."

"You know, it seemed like that- but neither of us scored in the second half. It was just an up-and-down the pitch match- a lot of pace and a lot of flow."

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Dundee United (3) Celtic (5)

Dundee United- M.Kerr 18 M.Nicholls 31 R.Youssef 85

Celtic- J.Hartson 34 H.Larsson 45,45,61,78

MOM- Henrik Larsson, Celtic

"Paul's (Gallacher) inexperience hurt us in this one. My fault for not getting him out at halftime," muttered Faramir.

Gond shrugged, "Larsson's having his finest season- ever. He already has 16 goals and he is in a zone- when he is going that well, you can't give him any chances. With Taribo (West) gone for suspension- Stephen Wright could not stay with him- so it wasn't all Paul's fault."

"True, but this was a match where Alan's experience would have had him keeping more of an eye on him. Still, I was pleased they didn't intimidate us this time."

"You want intimidation, wait til tomorrow's Times," grinned Gond.

"Ouch. Too true on that score Barry."

Celtic Crushes Dundee United

by Sammy Gohl

Celtic used a brilliant performance by Henrik Larsson to walk all over Dundee United in front of the clearly disappointed fans at Tannadice Park. Dundee United had taken a clearly undeserved 2-1 lead in the first half, when Larsson showed up the home side with a pair of goals in first half injury time including his 100th League goal for Celitc. It was more of the same in the second half as the stellar Larsson walked around, between and through the Dundee United defense before ravaging rookie keeper Paul Gallacher. The win vaults Celtic back into 1st place and keeps Dundee United barely hanging on to their 4th place position.


"Oh, you're going to enjoy this one," grinned Gond as he flipped the Times on to Faramir's desk.

Faramir just shook his head and winced as he read.

Faramir Foolishness?

by Sammy Gohl

It has been reported, and confirmed personally to me by unnamed sources at Rangers, that Dundee United's manager Faramir turned down a substantially generous transfer bid on Jamie Buchan. The Rangers apparently bid in excess of 5 Million for the versatile rightback at Dundee United, only to find themselves immediately spurned by Faramir. Faramir, who appears to be burning bridges in his relationships with many clubs around the SPL with his capricious decisions, turned down the excessively generous offer despite the Board's general approval of the transfer. There will likely be a general outrage of the Dundee United fans due to the dropping fortunes of the club and Faramir's failure to take action to restore the club's financial integrity.

Faramir sighed, "What a bunch of tripe."

Gond laughed, "Thought so. What actually happened?"

"Well, the one true thing in there is that the Rangers gave us a bid- 3.8 Million- the amount Jamie was currently rated at. I listened to the bid, but told them I had no plans in selling Jamie at this point unless they planned on meeting the 4.6 Million minimum release fee. They told me no on that score- this was their best offer. I told them no thanks. Jamie and I talked about it- and he was fine with it. The Board knew about it- but told me the choice was mine, since we are still significantly in the black- despite what Gohl hints..."

"He did warn us he was out to make our lives a misery," shrugged Gond.

"Doing a damm good job, isn't he," chuckled Faramir.

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The night air was cool with strong gusts blowing off the North Sea. As he walked along the edge of the woods, Faramir could still feel the chill air despite his bundled appearance and noticed the small snowflakes swirling.

Normally, he wouldn't bother walking in such weather, but the stress of the day and Gohl's column had left him wanting to get out- away from the lights and the city. A particularly cold gust of wind caused him to notice there was an opening in a nearby copse of trees and involuntarily he steered for it to gain a respite from the wind's cold embrace.

As he reached it, he was surprised to see the glow from a small fire burning steadily despite the testing wind. While seemingly entranced as he made his way to the fire, he heard a grizzled voice say, "Steady now boy, I have no wish to restart the fire."

Glancing around, he realized that he hadn't even noticed the older man sitting in the shadows of the dancing fire. "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I will leave."

The man chuckled, "Nay boy, you can stay. I just didn't want to waste my energy redoing that nice little blaze."

Gratefully, Faramir settled himself on to another log that was across the fire from the man. He flicked his eyes over the man as he rubbed his hands together to regain some feeling. The man likewise regarded him as he blew a smoke ring into the air.

"This is no night for one like yourself to be out and about?" questioned the man in a voice that seemed much louder than it should given the wind.

Faramir shrugged, "It was a bit too hectic at work and home- I needed some quiet moments."

The man nodded curtly, "Ever the way anymore. Too much hustle and bustle to realize that life isn't what you expect."

Looking questioningly at the man, Faramir asked, "What do you mean by that?"

The older man tilted his head toward the pathway that Faramir had walked on, "Boy, you are struggling. You know little of what life has in store for you- and if you knew more, you would likely hesitate to face it. Still, you have an ally worthy of respect."

Thinking the man knew of his trials in assuming the Dundee United position, Faramir replied, "Barry is a good assistant and a good friend."

The old man quietly laughed, "Nay boy. You have not the realization to fathom the help you are receiving, but I trust it will see you through. He waved his pipe at the swirling snowflakes, "See, I sense it comes now. You take care boy- I am watching as well- but little can I do, after all- you are the nexus."

As Faramir stared into the sky, a bright star appeared within the snow and he felt a flood of reassuring thought and then a sense of wonder. The flood of thought suddenly trickled to a small flow and all the focus seemed to be on a waterfall, some place of wonder that offered sanctuary. He shook his head, but when the thought cleared he realized the man was nowhere to be seen and the fire was nothing but ashes. Shaking himself to release some of the ache from sitting, he considered what he had thought happened as he made his way back home.

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"Yes Lord."

"Something very strange just happened."

Her visage appeared next to him, "What might that be Lord?"

He sighed, realizing his words were going to sound unbelievable, "I believe I travelled through the 'wall'."

She dropped her eyes, "I was afraid you might say that Lord."


"I told you last time Lord that this might have been a mistake to bring you here. Now, I am certain of it. I don't know why, but there seems to be something drawing your presence to that unknown land that we have viewed. I am sorry, I have barely enough strength to maintain you here- I can not seal off that other world from you."

He thought for many moments before replying, "Lady. Someone else, someone in that world, knows that my presence is there."

She looked at him, her face drawn in dismay, "How do you know this Lord?"

He sighed, "I hesitated to tell you before Lady, but there have been moments when I have felt like my mind travelled to this strange place. I seem to be treading the pathways in another's mind there. Their thoughts are mine when I am there- and seemingly I can meld my thoughts within theirs. It caused me unease at first, but I realized this mind is accepting, indeed it seems to need something from me. What, I can not say- but that is what I sense. Moments ago- at least as a moment is in this place- I seemed to be there. There was another person speaking to whomever I am able to reach. His words had the vague ring of familiarity and reassurance. I know not the meaning of any of this, though, and feel like a child lost in a confusing wood."

She stared intently at him as he finished his description, "I know not what this means Lord, but I also feel some reassuring presence at the edge of my senses. I hope it is not the Deceiver, but this strikes me as unlike his devious methods."

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St.Johnstone (0) Dundee United (4)

St.Johnstone- None

Dundee United- T.Venetis 2,45-P R.Youssef 22 M.Kerr 54

MOM- Tassos Venetis, Dundee United

"I really, really hope people placed their money where Mr. Gohl wanted them too," grinned Faramir. "All week he has been harping on how Kiegan Parker would destroy us again- but we didn't have Taribo (West) to play him man up last time."

"Both Taribo and Danny (Griffin) did a great job today. They couldn't get anything going at all in the area. We seem to be hitting our stride again offensively," stated Gond.

"Our test is coming- we have Rangers for the next two matches. First the League, then the League Cup Quarter-final."

Gond smiled grimly, "Well, at least both of them are at Tannadice Park."



Dundee United (1) Rangers (0)

Dundee United- C.Miller 9

Rangers- None

MOM- Charlie Miller, Dundee United

"I think we just had several jump on our bandwagon," chuckled Gond while reading the press coverage of the upset win.

"As long as Sammy G. wound up eating crow again, I could care less how many wind up there," stated Faramir. "I am damm proud of the effort the boys gave us- outshooting them 8-3 on the match and keeping Tore Andre Flo and Shota Arveladze under wraps for the second time this season was a great effort. Now we just have to turn it around and do it again in the League Cup Quarter-final."

"Likely it will be a lot more difficult in that match," conceded Gond.


Dundee United Buys Barsom

Dundee United today announced that they had completed the transfer purchase of 24 yr old Swedish FRLC Abgar Barsom from Djurgarden. The transfer cost Dundee United a reported 70K with some additional fees based on appearances. Barsom was pleased to be able to make the advancement in competitive levels and very happy with the substantial salary he will receive.

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Dundee United (4) Rangers (3) League Cup Quarter-final

Dundee United- Butra 52 D.Griffin 61 M.Nicholls 65 B.McKinlay 67

Rangers- C.Cannigia 11,58 L.Amoruso 82

MOM- Claudio Cannigia, Rangers

"It sure didn't look like the third time would be the charm. 'Gers had 4 shots on Combe- three of them went in...and we still beat them. Amazing!" cheerily stated Gond looking up from the stat sheet.

"Well, it is very hard to believe that we scored our flurry of goals. 3 goals in 6 minutes was amazing- especially given how well (Jesper) Christiansen had played early in the match. How much did we end up outshooting them by?" asked Faramir.

"14-4," stated Gond proudly.

"And- all of that accomplished *without* Tassos (Venetis). We might have really crushed them if he had played, but I didn't want to risk aggravating his minor injury."

"Barsom did pretty well filling in for him. I do think Anthony Boyce is a little unhappy he didn't get the call..."

"Anthony will be good, but for right now he is purely an offensive player- Barsom is well rounded and his defensive abilities helped us close down Ronald De Boer for the match- that was important."


Turmoil at Tannadice?

by Sammy Gohl

Dundee United sold Jim Hamilton to Blackpool for the pittance sum of 950K. Hamilton, who was selected to the National side for their last friendly- despite inexplicably being placed on the Dundee United reserves by their inconsistent manager Faramir, was happy to give this reporter an exclusive interview where he laid out the bizarre training practices used by Faramir. Hamilton stated, "Faramir shouldn't be managing a Division 3 club- let alone a solid side like Dundee United. He plays favorites and is pleased to bring in cheap foreign players to take jobs that should be given to established players."

Hamilton is apparently not the only player unhappy, as Faramir had to quell a player's revolt triggered by his failure to allow Jamie Buchan to move to Celtic for a rich sum or David Hannah to move to the Rangers for an even larger sum. As usual, the only comment Faramir would give this reporter was a terse, "No Comment."

Faramir quietly chuckled and shoved the paper over to Jamie Buchan. "There you go Jamie- you are discontented and want out."

Buchan glanced quickly at the paper and laughed, "Does he even realize I just signed a contract extension to stay here?"

Faramir shrugged and smiled.

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Dundee United (3) Motherwell (2)

Dundee United- T.Venetis 22 M.Keith 32,46

Motherwell- K.Twaddle 3 S.Leitch 39

MOM- Tassos Venetis, Dundee United

"What a match! We were fortunate to come out with a win- but that was a great win," enthusiastically commented Gond.

Faramir nodded, "We did a good job in the match. Paul (Gallacher) really came up with some big stops. Marino was excellent- he would have been as good a choice as Tassos (Venetis) for MOM honours. We gained some ground on them as well in the standings with the win, but they still hold 2nd place on us."



Livingston (1) Dundee United (2)

Livingston- D.Fernandez 89

Dundee United- S.Carson 76,90

MOM- Stephen Carson, Dundee United

"Talk about excellent work- coming on as a sub!" gushed Gond. "Stephen (Carson) was a force once he came on for Youssef- he really got our offense going."

"He proved something to me today. We hadn't used him in quite a few matches- but he was ready when we called on him today. He will get more chances because of today," stated Faramir.

"I thought we did a good job in the midfield overall, but it sure looked like a disappointing draw when Fernandez scored."

"So did I Barry. The boys didn't quit though- they wanted the win."

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Hibs (2) Dundee United (1)

Hibs- F.Petre 23 D.Zitelli 45

Dundee United- M.Kerr 13

MOM- Nick Colgan, Hibs

"Sometimes the goalkeeper wins. That was the case today," sighed Faramir. "We were so close- balls skittering off the outside of the post, balls skimming the crossbar- I really thought we were going to at least earn a draw today."

"Those two no-calls by the referee didn't help much. Either could have been called penalties- but he waved both off. We outshot them 16-9 for the match, and I would judge that we had better chances- which is why Colgan deserved his Man of the Match honours."

"You can't worry about the referees calls- we just have to execute," stated Faramir.

Gond looked at him funny, "You? The same person who was ready to send a referee to the gallows earlier in the season?"

They both had a good laugh at the comment.

Hibs Hunt Down Dundee United

by Sammy Gohl

Hibs came from behind to defeat Dundee United as they scored twice late in the first half to provide the impetus to their 2-1 win. The fans at Easter Road saw a superb display by the home side as they systematically took apart the visiting Dundee United club. With the lead in the second half they showed excellent ball control and likely should have had several more goals. The only pitiful chances that Dundee United managed were crying to the referee after their players battered Hibs defenders inside the area and then tried to take the dive to earn a penalty kick. It was a most inauspicious display of poor sportsmanship by the visitors.


Faramir Defies Board

by Sammy Gohl

Dundee United rookie manager Faramir continues to defy the club's board by refusing the substantial offers from both Celtic and Rangers for various players on his squad. According to sources at both clubs, they have made generous offers for a variety of players only to be spurned outright by the unproven manager. With no hope of winning the SPL, the Board considers it an affront to their authority that Faramir is unwilling to dispatch the players to clubs obviously better when they are offering substantial amounts.

Faramir quietly laughed as he read the article, "Too funny Barry."

Gond looked up from his writing, "Gohl again?"

"Yes. I am defying our board by refusing to sell to Celtic or Rangers."

"What? Even an idiot fan knows they are the two other most likely contenders for the SPL title. Why would we sell to them?"

"Because 'We have no hope of winning the SPL.." and we should get our money while we can."

Gond looked quizically, "Didn't he report on your discussions where you stated you thought we could contend to the wire?"

Faramir shook his head no, laughed again and tossed the paper in the garbage.

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Scottish Premier Division - Thursday 13th December 2001



2001/2 Table


Pos Team Pld Won Drn Lst For Ag Won Drn Lst For Ag Pts


1st Celtic 19 8 1 0 28 5 7 3 0 31 16 49


2nd Motherwell 19 8 1 1 23 6 5 1 3 17 14 41

3rd Dundee Utd 19 7 1 2 22 15 5 1 3 20 14 38

4th Rangers 20 6 2 2 21 13 5 2 3 17 15 37

5th Aberdeen 20 8 0 2 23 13 3 4 3 18 20 37

6th Hearts 19 6 2 1 24 12 1 2 7 6 24 25

7th Dundee 18 3 1 4 16 16 3 3 4 17 22 22

8th Kilmarnock 20 2 5 3 13 13 2 1 7 15 25 18

9th Dunfermline 19 3 1 5 15 21 1 3 6 14 22 16

10th Hibs 20 3 4 3 21 23 0 2 8 9 24 15

11th St. Johnstone 19 2 4 5 20 27 1 1 6 7 18 14


12th Livingston 20 2 2 6 10 16 1 1 8 9 22 12


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Dundee United (4) Dundee (0)

Dundee United- T.Venetis 4-P C.Miller 8,20 D.Lilley 31

Dundee- None

MOM- Charlie Miller, Dundee United

"Very economical shooting, great passing all around and a great Derby showing- just the way I like it," said a satisfied Faramir.

"They didn't show us much today, that's for sure. Every one of their key players- especially Jamie Langfield- had a terrible match. Juan Sara was a non-factor all match. Our midfield never let them get any sequences going- we broke everything up today," offered Gond.

"Alan (Combe) deserves a lot of credit. After all the grief I have given him, he is working well in spot starts- so I guess there is hope that this is just something he can work out of (giving up bad goals)," continued Faramir. "Now comes the big test though- three road matches in a row against Hearts- Aberdeen and Celtic. Time to see if our club has the mettle in it."


Dundee United Lets Apolloni Go

Dundee United today announced that they would let unhappy Luigi Apolloni go on free transfer to Spanish side Cadiz. Apolloni was expected to help anchor the Dundee United backline, but wasn't able to overcome minor injuries that kept him out and allowed Danny Griffin and Taribo West establish themselves in the first team.

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Hearts (1) Dundee United (2)

Hearts- P.McKnight 6

Dundee United- C.Miller 18 M.Nicholls 63

MOM- Paul McKnight, Hearts

"I would love to see the vote that got McKnight the MOM honours, because if Antti Niemi didn't deserve it- I don't know who did," said Gond.

"Have to agree with you on that Barry. We outshot them 20-7, and only beat them because Butra made a brilliant run that Niemi couldn't ignore- then Butra's cross found Mark Nicholls all alone on the far corner for the winner," replied Faramir.



Aberdeen (3) Dundee United (2)

Aberdeen- R.Bisconti 7 Darren Young 47 R.Winters 77

Dundee United- M.Keith 3 M.Kerr 24

MOM- Roberto Bisconti, Aberdeen

"It was frustrating to watch him (Bisconti) dominate our midfield. We couldn't do a thing with him today," said Gond with the shake of his head.

"We had our chances, Paul (Gallacher) didn't play all that well today- it would have been a good match to earn a draw in, ah well..."



Celtic (2) Dundee United (1)

Celtic- J.Hartson 2 C.Sutton 16

Dundee United- Butra 60

MOM- Chris Sutton, Celtic

"We have to figure a way to get a better start against them. If you throw out that first 20 minutes- we outplayed them the rest of the match," thundered Faramir.

"Robert Douglas was very sharp for the. Alan (Combe) did pretty well himself and if we had given him some help in the early going- this might have been a different match," answered Gond.

"I thought all of subs (Jim Lauchlan, Butra and Abgar Barsom) did an excellent job providing us the boost we needed- we just couldn't get the ball past Douglas. Losing Danny (Griffin) hurt."

"Even worse is the injury," sighed Gond. "Danny will be out a month with his knee injury and with Taribo's yellow card- he will be suspended also."

Celtic Crushes Dundee United

by Sammy Gohl

Celtic used its 1-2 tandem of John Hartson and Chris Sutton to crush Dundee United 2-1 at Celtic Park. Though the score was close, Celtic had the match firmly in hand throughout. They allowed the visitors only a late consolation goal from ineffective sub Butra, before clamping down and finishing off the side from Dundee. The loss to Celtic makes it two in a row for struggling Dundee United, and it won't be long before Rangers and Aberdeen overtake them.

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Barry Gond looked up from the last heaping of vitriol from Sammy Gohl, "I know he hates you- well us- but you have never told me why he has such a deep dislike for you?"

Faramir quietly thought a moment, seemingly staring at the wall filled with pictures of Dundee United's football history, "It goes back to our time in the army."

"He was in the Army?? With you??"

"Yes, though you can imagine what kind of soldier he was. In fact, he was pretty much as he is now- except it was within the confines and structure of Army life. He was out for himself at all times, and he craved power. Because he is not the most physically imposing specimen, he found his path to power was by information- or misinformation when it better suited his needs. He could always be found gathering gossip, and even then seemed to have an uncanny ability to spin it, twist it and send it on his way to support whatever goal he had at the time."

"What did all the other soldiers around him think of this?"

"Most didn't even realize what was going on. Likely due to his upbringing, he was a sneak- I suspect he has always been that way from his early childhood. So, there were few that realized he was twisting strands to people's emotions and tending to control and funnel the responses- much like a puppet master."

"How did you know what was going on? How did you know him?"

"Not all of us were blind to his machinations. A fried of mine in his unit was onto him and had warned me of him. My friend thought he was harmless, but was concerned about him and was looking for a way to put him in his place. My friend was keeping an eye on him on the side and thought he had discovered something of importance about what Gohl was doing."

"Oh, is that why he hates you then? Because you helped your friend?"

"My friend died in mysterious circumstances before I could help him- he hadn't even told me exactly what he suspected."

"What? Did Gohl do it?"

"I have my suscpicions about the death. But, there was nothing concrete to back those up with. Without that, there was little I could do. Nor was there anyone I could really take the matter too."

"Why does he hate you so much then?"

"Because I caught him out in a lie to a superior officer and provided that superior officer with enough information to figure the situation out on his own. That was enough to get him thrown out of the Army. I think it took him awhile to figure out who had triggered the discovery of his deception- but he figured out that I was the one who provided the information. It has been war between us since that time."

"Wouldn't pointing that out to his editors be enough to get them to rein him in on his attacks?"

"I would rather have him in plain sight working against me. I believe he would be even more dangerous if I forced him back into the shadows. Never forget that Barry, he may look like a freak- may look harmless- but there is a cunning and twisted mind there and I believe he would resort to violence whenever he thought he could get away with it and it served his purposes. He is dangerous."

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Dundee United (1) Dunfermline (0)

Dundee United- D.Lilley 7

Dunfermline- None

MOM- Jim Paterson, Dundee United

"I was very happy to see Derek score that early goal, we usually have little luck with Marco Ruitenbeek," smiled Barry Gond.

"It was par for the course against him after that- though Derek should have had that other goal, I still don't know how he wound up offside on the play," stated Faramir.

"Celtic won 6-2. They are now 15 points ahead of 2nd place Motherwell- looks like nobody can catch them given how well they have been playing of late. Still we have a shot at a top 3 placement," added Gond.



Kilmarnock (3) Dundee United (6)

Kilmarnock- I.Durrant 5,22 G.McCutcheon 69

Dundee United- M.Nicholls 16 D.Lilley 30 T.Venetis 41 M.Kerr 55,75 J.Fullarton 67

MOM- Mark Kerr, Dundee United

"Quite a blizzard of goals on our part- well their part too actually," stated Gond.

"We were due for an explosion. We had been playing well, getting good chances- but not scoring. Today we added the scoring part. I felt a bit sorry for Colin Meldrum," offered Faramir.

"He did play well. Iain Durrant looked pretty chipper for a 35 year old- he ran past Tassos (Venetis) twice. That was the crispest passing we have had all season."

"It was just like we drew it up on the boards- and practiced on the practice fields. Now, if we can keep consistently getting the effort- we should do well."

"Why are you starting Derek Lilley now? I was surprised to see him in the lineup again."

"Because I want to sell him- and the best way is to feature him when we can. If he keeps scoring like today, we may finally find a suitor for him."

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Dundee United (2) Clyde (0) Scottish Cup 3rd round

Dundee United- C.Easton 7 D.Lilley 15

Clyde- None

MOM- Derek Lilley, Dundee United

"I really liked our killer instincts in this one- even though the score was only mild," said Faramir.

"We jumped on them early and never let up, you're right- that was encouraging. The passing was superb again, which is even more suprising when you realized we just had a hodge podge squad out there today."



Dundee United (5) Livingston (0)

Dundee United- T.Venetis 9 R.Youssef 45 D.Lilley 49 M.Kerr 68 Butra 77

Livingston- None

MOM- Butra, Dundee United

"Ok, they have earned a day off from practice with that performance. It couldn't have been much better," happily commented Faramir.

"Oh, they will like that a lot. Yes, that match was all about execution and everything we did- we did well."

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Dundee United (1) Hearts (2)

Dundee United- Butra 21

Hearts- A.Webster 45 R.Tomaschek 88

MOM- Jim Lauchlan, Dundee United

"That was frustrating!" grumbled Faramir as he settled in to the seat in his office.

"It could have gone either way. I don't know why but Antti Niemi always seems to have our number. We threw everything but the kitchen sink at him today and all we had to show was Butra's nice goal," said Gond.

"If the referee doesn't wave off two of our goals on offsides- then it does go the other way. But, both did appear to be offside, so I can't gripe about the calls. At least we didn't lose any ground to Motherwell- Celtic beat them today."

Hearts Hammer Dundee United

by Sammy Gohl

Hearts roared from behind to send Dundee United tumbling with a hugely disappointing 2-1 loss for the home side. There were many catcalls for Dundee United Manager Faramir after he fielded a side that featured few of the players actually considered good. The early lead went to the home side on a lucky goal by Butra, but the fans sensed it wouldn't last and it didn't as the Dundee United backline crumbled again.



Motherwell (1) Dundee United (1)

Motherwell- P.Harvey 73

Dundee United- T.Venetis 68

MOM- Paul Gallacher, Dundee United

"That was about as even a match as you could play- even down to the keepers," stated Gond.

"Shots were even at 11, pretty much same stats for both clubs. Stats don't show what a battle it was out there today," commented Faramir.

"Paul (Gallacher) was superb today, Mark Brown could well have earned the honours for them- that was quite a goalkeeping duel they staged," answered Gond.

"Well, despite how tough the match was and how even it was- we did *not* play our best match out there. We let a lot of chances slip away. I think part of that was from not playing the starters on Wednesday- that decision turned out to be bad in more ways than one."

"Don't be too hard on yourself Faramir. After all- despite the loss and the draw we still hold a goal differential advantage on Motherwell and a point in the standings over 'Gers."

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Dundee United (2) Dunfermline (2) League Cup Semi-final at Tynecastle Park

Dundee United- Tassos Venetis 16,67

Dunfermline- S.Petrie 8 B.Nicholson 80

MOM- Tassos Venetis, Dundee United

Dunfermline advance to Finals on Penalties

"Crap!" was the loud expression from Faramir as he looked at the ceiling. "We should have had them in regulation. We should have had them in extra time."

"Penalties is always a dicey proposition," sighed Barry Gond. "You realize the fans are ready to run Stephen Wright out of town on the next train after his missed penalty cost us the match?"

"I will be more than happy to oblige them- if I can find a taker for him. He has been grousing for the last two months about not starting. I didn't want to use him in the match, but when West reinjured his knee- I thought it would be best to use him. Looking at it now, I am sorry I didn't sub on Jamie Fullarton and move David Hannah to the backline. Still, I can't believe we couldn't score any more goals against Marco Ruitenbeek. We put 18 shots on goal to their 3 on goal- we get two and they get two."

Gond shrugged, "It was a great effort. I don't think we can fault Paul Gallacher on the goals- he didn't really have a chance at either of them."

Nodding, Faramir slumped in his chair, "Yes, it was just one of those days. Still, I was really hoping to meet up with Celtic in the Finals."

"Did you see the injury news?" asked Gond.

"No- how bad?"

"Mark's (Nicholls) out for a month. Taribo (West) should only be out two weeks. Still, we were more fortunate than Motherwell was. They lost Steven Nicholas in their Semi-final loss to Celtic- he will be out for 6 months due to knee surgery."

"Ouch. Still, we can afford our losses more than they can afford his loss."

Dunfermline Dumps Dundee United

by Sammy Gohl

Underdog Dunfermline broomed out Dundee United as they moved on to face Celtic in the Finals of the League Cup. Dundee United fans were undoubtably second guessing their Manager's choice of Stephen Wright to take the key penalty kick and rightfully so as Wright completely botched the kick and sent them back to Dundee with their tails between their legs.



Hearts (3) Dundee United (5)

Hearts- S.Widera 1,60 T.McManus 61

Dundee United- M.Kerr 10,46 J.Fullarton 64 D.Lilley A.Barsom 89

MOM- Mark Kerr, Dundee United

Faramir grabbed a towel and doused off the sports drink his players had dumped on him in the closing moments of the match, "What a wild match that was."

Gond chuckled at his drenched nature, "The look suits you."

Looking up, Faramir smiled, "The drowned rat look is in."

They both laughed before Faramir continued, "When they got those pair of quick goals, I was a bit worried how we would respond."

Gond sat down, "It appears you needn't have worried. You do realize it was you who won this match for us, don't you?"

Shaking his head in disgreement, Faramir said, "No it wasn't- our players are the ones who picked it back up and showed their determination. Even with only Kerr from the first line playing, we made it work."

"But it was you who foxed Jefferies this time. When you made the formation switch, you caught them off balance and because they were slow to respond- Jamie (Fullarton) was all alone to score the equalizer. Not only that, but then you didn't shift to our usual formation- which was what they were expecting- and suddenly we were getting easy chances right and left as Craig (Easton) and Mark (Kerr) cut off the midfield from their backline. No, say what you like- you deserve a lot of credit this time around."

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