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Chairman Accepting Bids


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please help my chairman keeps acccepting bids for my players

i am newcastle third season on 8.0.2

i have rejecte bids for

M Fernandez

R V D Vaart

V Kompany

J Makoun

and M Owen but they come back with a bigger bid and the chairman acepts is there anything i can do to stop this

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but when you turn down their bids they become unsettled and it says in their profile that they want to move to a bigger club

ok man utd chelsea arsenal and liverpool and bigger clubs than newcastle but aston villa

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i may be mistaken in thinking you think this adamj11, but i've noticed you seem to think a 'minimum fee release clause' means you can't sign them for any less than that, do you think this? if so it's not true lol

feel free tell me i'm wrong icon_biggrin.gif

and in response to the chairman thing, i just put 'reject all offers' onto players transfer status' and that seems to work okay :/, but otherwise, just offer them big contracts.

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theres a few things u can do

1) offer them new contracts

2)make sure the have massive asking prices

3) when negeotating transfers allways ask for silly amounts of money like 100mil an things like that. one i do is ask for 40mil after first international game and 40mil over 24months usually does the trick.

4) as ecricCOYB said have all offers set to reject

a minium fee realease cauase can act as a deterant. i think thats what he is getting at. there usually a maxium ull pay for a player

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Originally posted by EricCOYB:

i may be mistaken in thinking you think this adamj11, but i've noticed you seem to think a 'minimum fee release clause' means you can't sign them for any less than that, do you think this? if so it's not true lol

feel free tell me i'm wrong icon_biggrin.gif

and in response to the chairman thing, i just put 'reject all offers' onto players transfer status' and that seems to work okay :/, but otherwise, just offer them big contracts.

No, I know you can sign them for less, it's just I found that the chairman doesn't accept bids on players who have a huge release claue, eg I put a release clause of 90m on Balotelli when I signed him on a free, 3 years later despite being my top scorer and being wanted by Real, Man Utd, Chelsea and Barca no one had made an offer, unlike Pato who didn't have a release clause and people kept making offers of around 30m that my chairman kept accepting, I then renegotiated his contract for a release fee and clubs stopped making offers for him.

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