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Inactive and playable division on the same level?


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I want to take a team from the lower leagues to the top. But I don't want the parallel subdivisions to be loaded because I feel they would slow down my game too much and I won't play in them at anyway. Is there any way to have one subdivision playable while the other is inactive (but still has one team promoted per season)? I tried to do this in the editor but I wasn't successful. Does anyone know how to do this:

League 1:

- Division 1 (4 teams relegated)

League 2:

- Division 2a playable (1 team promoted, division my team is in)

- Division 2b inactive (1 team promoted)

- Division 2c inactive (1 team promoted)

- Division 2d inactive (1 team promoted)

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Oh good point with the geographical factor. Hmm.. if I don't specify any coordinates for the leagues, do the clubs get assigned random?

Hmm, my idea in general doesn't seem to work. I set all divisions but one to inactive but when I start a new game all divisions are displayed. Any other ideas? :(

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Oh good point with the geographical factor. Hmm.. if I don't specify any coordinates for the leagues, do the clubs get assigned random?

Hmm, my idea in general doesn't seem to work. I set all divisions but one to inactive but when I start a new game all divisions are displayed. Any other ideas? :(

Coordinates are assigned through the stadiums you select to your teams, AFAIK. Boundaries for geographic divisions are usually defined by cities, which also get coordinates (or take that coordinates from the stadiums located at them, don't really remember now). So, if you assign right coordinates to your stadiums and select the right cities for your regional division borders you shouldn't get any issue.

On regards of playing just one sub-division, within many other regional divisions, I don't think that would be possible.

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