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About to start the game for first time - what database / leagues should i start with?

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Hi all,

Just received FM for my Birthday and was wondering what nation leagues, databases etc ppl generally start with. I generally stick with Spurs throughout my career but that's not to say i wouldn't jump ship at some point. In previous FM's i have only ever played 1 career, and likely to do the same this time around and move clubs maybe 10-15 years down the line.

Reason i ask this is that i have just started a game (Albeit i am on the first day) and was trawling through the good youngsters etc list and could not find some of the players in my game (Started with large player database and England, Spain, Italy, Holland, Germany, France, Brazil and Argentina). For the best chance and opportunity i'd like to have all players available to me but large database does not provide this.

Sorry for the long post for such a simple question.

Thanks in advance!

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