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Problem with training regimes - HELP NEEDED

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This is probably a really stupid problem I have, but I cant work it out and its starting to drive me mad!!

I'm trying to set up my own training schedules for my team, however when I'm toggling the various bars across for strength, aerobic, tactics etc the Shooting one which I assume would be at the bottom is missing, and I can find no way of scrolling down to find it. Therefore I cant actually set any shooting training on any of my schedules. Ive included a link to a screenshot, and its clear on there I have no players actually training to shoot- quite a problem!!

Can anyone help??


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Are you playing in windowed-mode or full-screen? It looks like you're playing in a low resolution too, a netbook or laptop maybe? I'd try increasing the resolution if you can, or try fullscreen mode if you aren't already.

Beaten by Jehrome ;)

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