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Are Burton the worst team in the English League?!

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1st, you haters please don't reply back with the usual ''You're a Crap Manager.....I am in mid December with Burton in the wonderful League 2 and finding life not so enjoyable. We are only 5 points from play-off spots so not is all lost ,yet. No matter what tactic I try, weather it be my own of others I have downloaded, its like Burton vs Man Utd. every game, even when the other teams are crappier than mine. My strikers are no worse than most and many, many times in games I could have 15 shots to 7 and loose 3-1, happens a lot (most of the time there is a penalty involved and a 25 yard screaming) Very frustrating......Is this just par for the course at this level? Even setting up a Nike Defense hasn't helped much. Any ideas or am I just a crap manager. I have tried narrow, slow short passing, with shouts like retain poss, pass to space, work ball to box and have tried the opposite, push up, wide, quick direct wing play but results are sketchy at best. Ideas please or I am going back to Civ5

Cheers Boys

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If you're trying these things on a game-by-game basis then your players will not learn the tactic and will be uncomfortable playing to your instructions.

Try one tactic until your players are listed as 'fluid' in all areas. This seems to have a huge impact on the quality of their football. The key, then, is choosing the right tactic for the team from the outset...

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