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Full Changelist for Football Manager Handheld 2011 (iPhone)

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  • SI Staff

Full Change List for FMHi 2011:

This is a list of all the various changes which I noted as have being underaken in the game since the last FMHi 2010 update; please bear in mind that this might NOT be the complete list of changes made as I've undoubtably forgotten to add a few things.

Updated all competitions with 2010/11 Formats
Game now begins in 2010
Implemented support for iOS4 multi-tasking
Increased number of seasons playable to 30 (same as PSP)
Multiple leagues now active at once (maximum of 4 in total)
Implemented Part-exchange transfer deals
Music control page added
New look skin ('retro' 2010 skin retained as well)
Twitter Integration
Weather conditions displayed on 2d display
Stadium size displayed on 2d display
Implemented Player personality type display
Added more intuitive negotiation system to transfers
Added Reserve button to Club Menu Page so its easier to find
Improved layout of mis-aligned buttons on menu pages
Added option to disable flashing text
Added option to start game unemployed
Added search for club option
Added ability to retrain players to new positions
Added player requests to retrain to defensive positions (ala Sutton, Dublin)
Tuned old player physical attribute decline
Only display player relationships for players at the same clubs
Fixed manager hall of fame sort order
Fixed unrealistic transfer touting for human shortlist
Tuned club finances
Stadium names and attendances now displayed
Tuned effects of a large team missing out on European placing
Tuned effects of relegation upon teams
Stadium Expansion
Board Request for stadium expansion
Board Request for training facility improvement
Tuned wage requests for clubs with sugar daddy enabled
Tuned interested in club for mid-range clubs
Tuned older players attribute decline
Tuned older player squad selection
Tuned transfers of older players as they lose their status
Added a LOT more interactive media speculation
Improvements to Board Confidence display page
Implemented players getting homesick sometimes when moving to a new country
Tuned effect of first international cap upon a players standing
Default subs page display to show match rating
Display all match ratings with colour coding
Youth players for human teams get placed in reserves when needed
Improvements to Coach Report Feedback
Added new unlockable (you'll have to find it  )
Implemented sorting on player search page
Tweaked squad selection for non-active leagues
Player Tactical Roles available
Allow re-scouting of players already scouted before
Tuned likelihood of red cards early on in a match
Tuned player physical attribute progression and starting points
Improved Manager confidence operation
Fixed rare issue with human bosman transfers
Added 433 wide and 4411 formations
Fix for rare transfer rejections when clause was met
Tuned player valuations
Tuned contract and transfer ai
Stop transfer status being reset when a player gets a national call up
Search filters now remember nation filtering correctly upon load
Integrated Help System
Improve scouting for basque clubs
Various financial tweaks
Improved communications from players offered contracts
Modelled board members leaving club effects
Modelled unexpected tax bill effects on club finances
Added Manager profile page
Randomise young player potentials somewhat on game startup
Added club transfer in/out page
Coach reports now available for players on loan at your club.
Tweaked player ability progression
Tweaked starting reputations for regenerated players at small clubs
Remove 'auto-click' from attribute filter buttons
Fix disciplinary ban progression when a player is demoted to reserves
Fix obscure glitches when incrementing/decrementing Euro/Dollar values
Allow a cup win to protect a manager from a sacking more often

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  • SI Staff

Some comments on individual items:

Implemented Part-exchange transfer deals

This allows you to offer players out to CPU clubs as part of a deal, in theory clubs can offer players to you as well - I haven't (yet) implemented the possibility of your requesting a player in part-exchange when you recieve an offer (its on the list of things to look into when I have time).

Music control page added

A lot of people were confused about how to listen to itunes while playing the game; with this in mind I've implemented a basic music player within the game to ensure that everyone can get their tunes active.

New look skin ('retro' 2010 skin retained as well)

This is a new look 'glossy' skin similar to that on the PSP game; The old FMHi 2010 skin is also retained and people who prefer that one can obviously switch to it if they want to.

Twitter Integration

News items which are deemed 'important' can be easily tweeted to twitter to tell your friends and followers exactly how your campaign for EUropean glory is going.

Various 2d/stadium improvements

You'll notice that grounds, pitches and suchlike change according to the circumstances and venue now. So if you're playing at a lower league club then its likely that you'll have a small ground and that will be visibly the case for the first time etc.

On top of this you can now expand your stadium in the game - this will either happen automatically (when the board feel it is right to do so) or you can request it via. the board request mechanism.

(as well as this you also now have a visible 'training' level for the club and can increase this again via. board requests - the better your training facilities the more likely your players are to improve via. training)

Implemented Player personality type display

There is a short comment on each players profile now which gives you an insight into his personality, this was added because some people were missing the more subtle indicators about a players personality and thus finding it harder to understand why some players did well under pressure and some badly etc.

Added more intuitive negotiation system to transfers

You'll have to use it to fully understand - but basically after an offer the manager/club involved will talk back to you in a more informative manner about their thoughts on your offer.

Please DO bear in mind that some managers are better at business than others and some may attempt to negotiate for a high fee initially but back down if you stand your ground .....

Added Reserve button to Club Menu Page so its easier to find

As requested by the community.

Added option to disable flashing text

As requested by the community.

Added option to start game unemployed

As requested by the community.

Added search for club option

As requested by the community.

Added ability to retrain players to new positions

Added player requests to retrain to defensive positions (ala Sutton, Dublin)

This allows users to retain players to their preferred positions; be warned though obviously this is NOT always going to be possible - that 1 pace 37 year old goalkeeper simply might not be cut out to become your teams new star striker ;)

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  • SI Staff
Sounds great :)

Are there any plans to integrate Facebook as well as Twitter?

I'm hoping that it'll be possible to add Facebook integration into the game in a future update - but a schedule for this isn't definite at this time.

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  • SI Staff
Will the game have Retina-Display support? For iPhone/iPad 4!

You will be able to play the game on all iDevices (ie. iPad, iPhone4, iTouch etc.) regardless of their type or generation - however at present it doesn't use higher resolution graphics on the retina display ... it does look bloody nice though imho.

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  • SI Staff
oh yeah. is there a 'sort by age' function in the search feature?

If you click on headers on the search results they'll now sort by category (so you can sort by age, value or whatever according to your preference).

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Are we still stuck with the rigid preset formations from the last version (with 2 new ones added), or can we create new formations as well as assign roles this time round?

If we can create our own formations, I think i'm sold. If not, I'll wait until next year.

Also, why is there a 30 year limit? Does the game slow down too much after that sort of time frame?

Finally, FMLive iPhone ap is clearly the way to go. If they had it back when I played, I'd still be a member!

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  • SI Staff
Are we still stuck with the rigid preset formations from the last version (with 2 new ones added), or can we create new formations as well as assign roles this time round?

If we can create our own formations, I think i'm sold. If not, I'll wait until next year.

You can't create custom formations - but there is increased flexibility via. the player roles and I've added in some additional formations which people suggested last version, as far as purchasing or not - thats obviously your choice; I'm very proud of this version of the game and think its very nicely balanced and the best yet though ....

Also, why is there a 30 year limit? Does the game slow down too much after that sort of time frame?

Console games tend to enforce an 'ending' to the game in order for QA to be able to play them to completion at the manufacturers end; that being said I've managed to push the iPhone limit out a little this iteration from last years ..... I'll see if I can repeat the feat again next iteration.

Finally, FMLive iPhone ap is clearly the way to go. If they had it back when I played, I'd still be a member!

I'd love us to make an FML iPhone app, but at present nothing in that regard is scheduled - sorry.

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  • SI Staff
Marc: cant you add Retina display support? It would look awesome!!!

Its something which is being looked into - but no timeline is attached to it (ditto with an iPad version) .... first and foremost I want to ensure that the present game version is supported and plays as well as it should (and you all know how reluctant I am to place timelines on development anyway chaps ;) ).

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  • SI Staff
Is FMI2011 linked with game centre?

This years version uses GameCenter for a global high score table (so you can end arguements over who's the better manager once and for all ;) ) .... in a future iteration I hope to include achievements and suchlike, but thats a long-term goal not something I can promise to be part of the update cycle.

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  • SI Staff
Hi Marc,

In what territories will it be released? :)


To be quite honest I don't have a full list to hand - I'd expect it'll be the same as last years version with the only variance I'm aware of at present being that the French release is slightly delayed unfortunately.

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I never had FM10 for iPhone, what price are they usually?

I don't know if I can go from playing FM11 on Laptop one minute to iPhone the next, such a step down!

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as far as purchasing or not - thats obviously your choice; I'm very proud of this version of the game and think its very nicely balanced and the best yet though ....

Sorry if that came across as a "Do it my way or don't get my money", I dare say I'll end up buying the game when bored, stuck away from home and desperate for my FM fix some time in the next few months. A fully realised tactics creator (along with watching full games as an option) would have just made me join the staying up 'til midnight for the game crowd.

Do apple really insist a game has an end that can be played through to? That's rather... naive of them.

I have to admit though, the ipod version isn't really enough for me. I'm desperate for decent Windows 7 tablets to come out at a reasonable price so I can play proper FM on the move. It's about the most tablet friendly PC game out there.


I never had FM10 for iPhone, what price are they usually?

I don't know if I can go from playing FM11 on Laptop one minute to iPhone the next, such a step down!

About £6 or £7 last year. I'd assume it'll be similar? And yeah, it's better to think of it as a different game all together. FM Lite or something.

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Can we watch the full match or is it just goals? If not, will this ever be implemented? Seems like the 2d view has been improved quite a bit.

It's highlights on the 2D view, the same as last year.

The 2D has improved visually this year with graphics for various stadium sizes, pitch conditions, weather and time of day.

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It's highlights on the 2D view, the same as last year.

The 2D has improved visually this year with graphics for various stadium sizes, pitch conditions, weather and time of day.

Any insight as to why it is still like that? If I could watch full matches, I don't think I'd ever get out of bed in the morning!

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  • SI Staff
Any insight as to why it is still like that? If I could watch full matches, I don't think I'd ever get out of bed in the morning!

Its partially down to the processing power on the device (which is about 100x slower than a modern PC, which means it'd grind a bit trying to handle things) and also partially down to the fact that simply that I think highlights suit a handheld game more - or to put it another way, if it played out every minute of a match there would be a lot of people missing their tube stops in london while playing the game ;)

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  • SI Staff
New skin? If im not mistaken it looks exactly like the old one. Or am I missing something here...

There are two skins in the game - you can switch between them on the User Interface page in preferences (and the differences between the two aren't 'huge' tbh - largely cosmetic).

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  • SI Staff
Marc: will there be added any new features in a future update or is it just a bunch if bug fixes?

Probably a little of both, mainly tweaks and tuning and suchlike - but a few things snuck into the game last year during updates and I'm sure the same will be the case this time around.

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Hi Marc

Thank you for a new version. I have to say after one day I am a fair bit dissapointed. However I will find the improvements hopefully during the next weeks. First of all there is no manual at all? However, please go on and see the below listed comments:

Updated all competitions with 2010/11 Formats - OK

Increased number of seasons playable to 30 (same as PSP) - GOOD!

Multiple leagues now active at once (maximum of 4 in total) - WELL

Implemented Part-exchange transfer deals - GOOD IDEA and works

Music control page added - WELL

New look skin ('retro' 2010 skin retained as well) - LOOKS BETTER

Twitter Integration - WELL

Weather conditions displayed on 2d display - NICE

Stadium size displayed on 2d display - WELL

Implemented Player personality type display - WELL much less than expected and no idea how this impacts the game????

Added more intuitive negotiation system to transfers - ??? Will see

Added Reserve button to Club Menu Page so its easier to find - Good, but has the influence of having players in Reserve changed or just a new button?

Improved layout of mis-aligned buttons on menu pages - WELL

Added option to disable flashing text - WELL

Added option to start game unemployed - WELL

Added search for club option - GOOD and works

Added ability to retrain players to new positions - GREAT will see how it works!

Added player requests to retrain to defensive positions (ala Sutton, Dublin) - GOOD idea

Tuned old player physical attribute decline - AS all tunings will take a long time to comment on it

Only display player relationships for players at the same clubs - OK

Fixed manager hall of fame sort order - WOW but the old problem with youth player bias and local players changing paralell seems to be still there??????

Fixed unrealistic transfer touting for human shortlist - ???

Tuned club finances - Means what?

Stadium names and attendances now displayed - Hhhmmm! Not a big improvement to mention or not.

Tuned effects of a large team missing out on European placing - WILL SEE

Tuned effects of relegation upon teams - WILL SEE

Stadium Expansion - Necessary for what reason???

Board Request for stadium expansion - Might become clearer if a manual is available.

Board Request for training facility improvement - OK, with influence on training results.

Tuned wage requests for clubs with sugar daddy enabled - WELL

Tuned interested in club for mid-range clubs - GOOD but should be already tuned in 2010.

Tuned older players attribute decline - WELL

Tuned older player squad selection - Sorry, Means what?

Tuned transfers of older players as they lose their status - Sorry MEans what?

Added a LOT more interactive media speculation - Exciting

Improvements to Board Confidence display page - Looks for me same as in 2010???????????????

Implemented players getting homesick sometimes when moving to a new country - More Trouble but OK

Tuned effect of first international cap upon a players standing - Means?

Default subs page display to show match rating - Should be anyway in 2010!

Display all match ratings with colour coding - WHERE ?????????????????????????????????????????

Youth players for human teams get placed in reserves when needed - Automatically or how does it work??????

Improvements to Coach Report Feedback - A bit more text as I recognize.

Added new unlockable (you'll have to find it ;) ) - EXCITING - Will see what is coming up!

Implemented sorting on player search page - Good idea!!!!

Tweaked squad selection for non-active leagues - Needed an improvement - Hope it will work!

Player Tactical Roles available - GREAT IDEA if there is a recognizable impact on the game!

Allow re-scouting of players already scouted before - WELL

Tuned likelihood of red cards early on in a match - THANK YOU - I hope you got rid of the one hit wonders as well!

Tuned player physical attribute progression and starting points - Hhhm - As often mentioned the Iphone version does not offer a lot of information to recognize these things????????

Improved Manager confidence operation - WELL we will watch the BARS without understanding what is happening

Fixed rare issue with human bosman transfers

Added 433 wide and 4411 formations - VERY GOOD

Fix for rare transfer rejections when clause was met

Tuned player valuations - I SEE need to be reviewed on a longer term!

Tuned contract and transfer ai - WELL same as above

Stop transfer status being reset when a player gets a national call up - VERY GOOD but should be done already in 2010 - Old bug

Search filters now remember nation filtering correctly upon load

Integrated Help System - Well for beginners but I would prefer a good manual!!!

Improve scouting for basque clubs - ???

Various financial tweaks - ???

Improved communications from players offered contracts - Interesting

Modelled board members leaving club effects - More trouble - More fun?

Modelled unexpected tax bill effects on club finances - More trouble - More fun?

Added Manager profile page - ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? - Where???? - Can find just the old one?

Randomise young player potentials somewhat on game startup - GOOD IDEA

Added club transfer in/out page - VERY GOOD

Coach reports now available for players on loan at your club. - GOOD

Tweaked player ability progression - AS always will never be correctly recognised - I do not like black boxes?

Tweaked starting reputations for regenerated players at small clubs - Hopefully the family problem same country problem as well which is more important?

Remove 'auto-click' from attribute filter buttons

Fix disciplinary ban progression when a player is demoted to reserves - ??? Do we find an answer in a manual?

Fix obscure glitches when incrementing/decrementing Euro/Dollar values

Allow a cup win to protect a manager from a sacking more often - WELL

Greetings Oliver

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20 hours in, and I have to say--bravo, Marc! The game looks fantastic, runs fast (even with max background leagues, etc), and is just all-around slick. My only complaint right now is that there seem to be less talented young players populating the game at the outset, but that is obviously a trade-off for multiple leagues. Can't wait to get further into the game to see how regens look, and to get my tactics sorted. Well done!

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Great! Just a few questions:

1. Can you view information about your clubs stadium in the game? Lets say i want to know how big my stadium is?

You most certainly can. If you click the 'Club' button, and then 'Info' it'll tell you your current stadium capacity, as well as various other bits and pieces of handy information.

Hope that helps :)

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To be quite honest I don't have a full list to hand - I'd expect it'll be the same as last years version with the only variance I'm aware of at present being that the French release is slightly delayed unfortunately.

Just downloaded the game from Russian App Store (basically - CIS app store, since it's the same for Ukraine, Belarus, etc. there is Large Mother Russia for Apple that includes all the nearby republics).

Thanks a lot for making it available!



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Its partially down to the processing power on the device (which is about 100x slower than a modern PC, which means it'd grind a bit trying to handle things) and also partially down to the fact that simply that I think highlights suit a handheld game more - or to put it another way, if it played out every minute of a match there would be a lot of people missing their tube stops in london while playing the game ;)

If you add this, I promise not to blame you for missing my Tube stop :) I'm on the Northern Line, so I pass near your offices every day on my way to the city. I actually thought about putting my CV in at one point ;)

I could get half a match in during each trip, so I could spend one days journeys fiddling with plans, and the next playing out a match.

Anyway, I hope you reconsider and see if you can get this working, it would be quite amazing.

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