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Help needed, is my tactic cracked.

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I was 24 games into my 1st season and was sitting 3rd in the premier league with everton, have been outplaying teams and winning fairly easily. Suddenly have gone on a 8/10 game losing streak, playing badly, not got any injurys or changed formation. Do i ride it out in a hope its just a blip or has the AI cracked my formation and its time for a change

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defend is very important in FM2011...

i found a supertactic,very balance attack & def...

great for week team to vs top team...

a chinese website:



link here:


this is a plug & play tactic !!

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I was 24 games into my 1st season and was sitting 3rd in the premier league with everton, have been outplaying teams and winning fairly easily. Suddenly have gone on a 8/10 game losing streak, playing badly, not got any injurys or changed formation. Do i ride it out in a hope its just a blip or has the AI cracked my formation and its time for a change

as dan said the teams never crack your formation they just start to defend more if you start whipping teams. I would suggest changing a slight detail about your tactic. For example moving your RM to RAM or a CM to CDM. Works for me most of the time. Also check morale, plays a big factor.

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Yeah, I developed a tactic that had me whipping every team I played by a pretty good margin. At the end of the season, a couple of teams I had beaten easily earlier beat me, and I noticed the better teams were becoming much more difficult to defeat. But as someone stated, it was more as if their managers studied us and made some changes - for example, the one team started playing more defensively against me, and counter-attacking more. I kept the tactic but made a couple of minor adjustments in my defensive line and tempo, and all was good.

I actually see this as a good thing - if you're winning convincingly, it is only reasonable that other managers will make adjustments in their play rather than just play you exactly the same way they did when you beat them 5-0. But from what I've seen, it is by no means an AI "cheat" of anykind.

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