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[FM11] Player Chats and Morale

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Hope this is the right place to post this

Anyone else finding the player chats confusing?

Here is my experience with one player:

Last match was rated 6.9, I told him he played well he said thanks, his morale stayed the same (very good). Later in the season that same player had a game where he was rated 7.1, so I told him he played well and but he said he thought he was rubbish. What gives?

I have also found that there does not to be a direct relationship between form and last game, which is rather confusing. I had a player who was rated 6.7 in a match and when I told him he played well he disagreed. So later when I commented on his form, which was 6.74, I told him had to play better... and he told me thought that was unfair.

Anyone have any insights into how the chats work? Any other ways to improve morale?

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well for me 6.8 is the average, i only use these chats when they get below 6.4ish or above 7.3, for above 8.0 i use the best praise possible and 5.9 and below the worst option. if they find it unfair play around with 'im the manager and i dont appreciate...' response or 'take my criticism on board...' seem to work well for most of my players, just play around with the responses see what works when they dont agree with the first talk, hope that helps.

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