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THe drogba beast - a bit of help?

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First of all, even posting this is kind of embarassing, but I'm at my complete wits' end. I'm playing chelsea, first season of first save of patched FM11, and I'm not scoring goals. I keep playing 0.0, perhaps the odd 1-0. Highest scoring game of mine has been a 2-1 victory. Formationwise I would say it looks very much like the side that's had 4-0 and 5-0 games half this season, but.. no. Just no. My defense is airtight, apparently, as I've conceded once in all competitions, but 0-0 does not win me ..anything :p So.

How do I unleash the beast that is Drogba, anelka and the rest of the Chelsea attack? Any help would be appreciated.:)

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Many teams are likely to go all out defence against you I would imagine. If you're playing a very attacking mentality all the time, you could just be hitting a wall of players the AI is sitting deep and behind the ball.

When I encounter this as a problem, that I can't offensively break down with any success, I tend to play a more controlled approach. Pass the ball around, slow down the tempo and try to draw opponents out.

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I'm having trouble getting Drogba to score as he gets compressed inbetween players as Chelsea push up. Other players like Lampard, Kalou and Sturridge (the 3 players behind him) have no trouble scoring and Lampard is my lead scorer, I tend to get more success by playing counter attacking football, Drogba is instrumental in these as he's the one setting up Sturridge and Kalou as they come in at an angle.

All I can suggest is pull your defensive line back, play quick counter attacking football and hope somebody scores. I'm slowly learning that you can't have it all, my wide players (Sturridge and Kalou) are constantly cutting in leaving no chance for a high ball for Drogba to head in, even with targetman -> to head ticked.

Teams to tend to "turtle" against bigger teams and this year it seems like a strong tactic to adopt. Lampard has been exploiting this by getting an impressive amount of shots on target from outside the box while the opposition is packed.

I usually play 4-2-3-1 but now I'm creating a 4-3-1-2 with Anelka at Drogba's side to try set him up. Trequarista - Poacher relationship as Anelka does like to drop deep.

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