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Hotfix/11.1.1 patch release information

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The french player issue is an easy one to fix. If you go on the editor, and load all the french players 1 by 1 and look at the bans, their ban has no tag. All you have to do is give it "International Ban" rather than nothing and it will begin affected international games only.

I am waiting for this hotfix though. AT the very least they could inform us if it will force us to start a new game or not. That way we can at least get through our friendlies...

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if people are worried bout the bans for european leagues, until the 'hotfix' is available for download, just use fmrte and load it up and remove the bans with the simple click of 1 button

See, this is the problem- thats a lot of bans to remove in the Spanish league.

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You can't just remove your bans, it would imbalance the whole league. You'd need to remove every teams bans, and keep track... They should've released a hotfix for spanish league and french players only, then made another one if they are planning to do some more small fixes. Or...

TELL US if we would need to start a new save!! :)

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You can't just remove your bans, it would imbalance the whole league. You'd need to remove every teams bans, and keep track... They should've released a hotfix for spanish league and french players only, then made another one if they are planning to do some more small fixes. Or...

TELL US if we would need to start a new save!! :)


10 characters.

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I agree it's not hard to fix the French bans in editor, but the Spanish league rules of 2 yellows: 1 ban, instead of 5 yellows is alot harder to edit if I'm not wrong. I'm very excited to start a new game but would really wanna do it after the hotfix... Granted it's not taking too long. I'm quite sure we'll have to start a new game for the changes to the competion rules to take effect.

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I'll be happy with the game as long as they fix this the spanish bug... but hey, at least they acknowledged it and is working on it. But a statement like "We're working on the bugs discovered after the 11.1 patch and we'll be looking to release a hot fix tonight/tomorrow/end of the week." would let us all know what to expect. And that's really all I ask for.

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I imagine there are alot of people real angry with this, and not able to continue their games... it would frustrated me as well! I havent got the game yet, becuase it is being send from the uk to germany... so i am not that angry, but i would be if i had the game...

i actually was one of the few that asked SI to release the game 1 week later than the 5th, just to make sure no major bugs would be in!

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I am pretty sure it is not save game compatible, as changes involving league rules has never been... Even if it's really compatible, I can't bring myself to start a proper game knowing the Barcelona I'm facing (I'm taking Man utd) is handicapped by the bug!

Wasn't the 5 to 7 subs rule save game compatable?

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I am pretty sure it is not save game compatible, as changes involving league rules has never been... Even if it's really compatible, I can't bring myself to start a proper game knowing the Barcelona I'm facing (I'm taking Man utd) is handicapped by the bug!

If your facing them it'll be in europe and it won't affect anything.

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Sorry but SI will never announce things like hot fixes until they're tested and ready to go, and giving estimates is just inviting even more angry people than we have now if the "estimate" isn't met.

They are ignoring lesser things like weekends, families, etc to get this done as quickly as possible but even a small fix has to be properly tested and it's time consuming.

They could like other developers announce that at 1200 they'll make an announcement about making an announcement announcing nothing much but they prefer only to announce definites

So please hang in there, any delay is because it's entirely necessary and you'll all know it's ready to roll pretty much as soon as SI do.

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I'm sure that hotfix will not be Game Compatible....
I am pretty sure it is not save game compatible, as changes involving league rules has never been... Even if it's really compatible, I can't bring myself to start a proper game knowing the Barcelona I'm facing (I'm taking Man utd) is handicapped by the bug!

How do you know this?

We are working on the hotfix and it'll get released as soon as it's ready. As for if it will be save game compatible, we hope it will be, it's certainly possible, but we can only let you know once the fix is in.

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