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Overload doesn't equal goals

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Why is overload so rubbish. Not only have i not yet scored while on overload, neither has the other team. You would think its on contain with the lack of highlights/chances and especially lack of goals. Sort it out.

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Overload combined with Get Ball Forward, Pump Ball into Box and Take more risks seems to work pretty well later on if I am chasing a game.

Im with this. It doesnt happen all the time (nor should it) but overloading an opponent can bring results, espcially if you have had a lot of the ball.

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Overload combined with Get Ball Forward, Pump Ball into Box and Take more risks seems to work pretty well later on if I am chasing a game.

Yeah I am with this - I tried this after an abysmal run of dreary draws and defeats. It did work in that we had more shots on goals and actually pulled a result out of the hat.


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Overload is great for chasing a game, Ive won many games after been losing while chasing a game but of course you as other posters have said you cant just hit overload and expect to score and get results. The game has so much depth to it you have to work out whats wrong with the way you are playing. ie to many long shots, not enough possesion etc... Its about analysing the game that your currently playing and tweaking it to suit. Switching to overload without other carrying out other changes may not be enough

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I think overload isn't good enough by itself, you need to find out where the opposition is weak (see your assistant manager's advice) and use instructions to work with it. If my team is reckless and losing the ball, I tell them to keep the ball and get the ball forward. It'll end up with the opponent having most their team behind the ball but the further up you push, the more compact it is. Perfect if you have somebody good at long shots or crossing. I've seen many own goals come about this way.

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The key to overload is timing. Listen to what your Assistant tells you. If the opposition concede goals just before the end, wait until then to use it, if the opposition concede early, start with it. Take into account what he says about your own goal times too though.

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