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Anti Tactic's

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When ever im playing a team that is expected to beat me i can pick out the weaknesses and strengths in their squad, however i always struggle to put out a tactic which counters the one they use. For example i know that a wide 4-2-3-1 can be beaten using a 4-3-1-2 narrow. Are there any guide lines to follow when chosing your formation? Taking into account the opponents width/formation, whether they use a lone striker or two DM's etc sorry if this is in a thread somewhere! i can't find it if it is =D

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You can't just take into account a teams formation. It really is never that simple. Any formation can beat any other depending on how it is set up.

Every managers has their differences in style of play even amongst managers who use the same formation.

You've got to consider so many other things as well as formation and width.

I mean would you expect to beat man united the same way you would beat fulham?

Every formation has its strengths and weaknesses......and these weaknesses can be overcome depending on the players you put in it and how you tweak it. The same can be said for AI managers.

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