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Why an "Unsackable" option would be beneficial to players and SI.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by tomshaw:

gaffovski, you're completely missing the point of football manager. it is supposed to be realistic, it says so on the box! it would be a complete novelty and i wouldn't take the game seriously anymore. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is a silly argument. Which part of football manager is even remotely like real life football management?

Do you think its realistic that you can be a manager? Do you think its realistic that you are able to list all the players with their attributes in a nice search able list? Do you think its realistic that the manager is in charge of transfers? Do you think its realistic that a conference team plays in CL after 5 years?

None of it is realistic and i personally dont care. All i care about is if its playable. After all its a game. It should only kinda look like we are managing a team. Hell, it might even delude a couple of people into believing its like that in real life.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by trekman:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> And this is gonna preserve all the tactics, training, shortlists, reputation, relationships, history, etc how exactly? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

While you will probably loose your reputation,relationships and history things like tactics,shortlists and training are saveable to this shouldn't be a problem. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

And if we had an unsackable OPTION we would be able to continue playing without loosing pretty much everything we care about. We know we can add another manager. You dont seriously think we want this option because we dont know how to add a new manager?

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  • 1 month later...

This is a definate in my opinion!

Simply we have loads of options at the beginning of the game,

Example: Reputation.

Is it Realistic that a "Nobody" who just starts managing can have World Class Rep?!

Also as much as i am for the realism of the game, i still know that this is a game which i paid for and play for entertainment.

When people say "oh but its not realistic to have a unsackable option". It really Grinds my Gears purely because theres so much stuff out there some people use like FMM and Mini-Scout or whatever. I agree some people just play the game in its sole-loniness (no Editors or Scouts), yet some do.

SI shouldnt stop a very Reasonalbe Option because some people say nay its not realistic.

Well to them people i say: Is it Really realistic that your a manager of a professional football team? is it realistic that you earn £40,000 + in a week? Is it realistic that you like a Trophy?

I think not...

But it is realistic that people pay for a "game" to enjoy in their own time. Is it also realistic that people play the game for time away from all the Realism of the World?

A Tiny little box saying "unsackable" Isnt going to Damage the game atall. People who dont want it dont use it. People who do want to, Please use it all you want.

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I want this option in the game. Like if some people want to cheat, it's their choice. They bought the game and can really do anything they want. And it won't be unrealistic to the point where you're going to stay on the team forever, it should only be for the duration of your contract, and if you don't meet expectations, you don't get re-signed; if you do, you will get a new contract. If there are editors, mini scout, FMM, surely there should be an unsackable option.

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i've not read every post but i'm pretty sure nobody has mentioned one big flaw here

what happens when you get relegated to an non-playable league?

do you just sit about playing friendlies and perhaps the 1 cup game before you get knocked out of that too?

in other words, bad idea

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this is a very bad idea..the main aim of the game is to make football sim. as realistic as possible..if you have the option of choosing whether you can be sacked or not..then thats just not reall at all..means thers no challenge anymore..u can just spend years building a club and achieveing nothing...i understand beginners get frustrated when the get sacked ..but they're gonna have to learn fast..if u aint up for the challenge of beign a football manager..i suggest you sit at home and whine to yourself!

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by joeyt:

Because they come on these forums and start bragging about how they haven't been sacked when other gamers are struggling. Bad idea icon13.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't recall anyone bragging about not being sacked on here before. icon_confused.gif

"HAHAHA! Check me out you losers! I've lost fifty games in a row and not been sakced! MY TACTICS SUCK MORE THEN YOURZ!"

Nope. Doesn't ring a bell.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">i've not read every post but i'm pretty sure nobody has mentioned one big flaw here

what happens when you get relegated to an non-playable league?

do you just sit about playing friendlies and perhaps the 1 cup game before you get knocked out of that too?

in other words, bad idea </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is an exception, as obviously the manager would have to be sacked in this case.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by fm man 4 life:

this is a very bad idea..the main aim of the game is to make football sim. as realistic as possible..if you have the option of choosing whether you can be sacked or not..then thats just not reall at all..means thers no challenge anymore..u can just spend years building a club and achieveing nothing...i understand beginners get frustrated when the get sacked ..but they're gonna have to learn fast..if u aint up for the challenge of beign a football manager..i suggest you sit at home and whine to yourself! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

We won't have to whine to ourselves if this option is made a reality. Why should we horrible managers be forced away from a game we enjoy? It's still a challenge to win games, it's not like you not getting fired will magically win you games. You will still need to build good tactics, sign good players, etc except you don't have to worry about being sacked while you are still learning. If you want to continuously lose and keep your job, that's fine, you just won't be getting anything out of the game except perverse pleasure.

I see only good sides to this.

Let's say I want to start as Man City or Newcastle but I don't want the ridiculous expectations, now I can. I can win the league in 5 years maybe instead of challenging (winning?) for it in 2. I have the time to build a team without worry if I don't win enough at the beginning.

I understand many people think it is cheating; it is, but it wouldn't affect results in the long run anyway. If someone is doing well, they would have not been fired without this option. This is only for people who struggle with the game and need more time to learn the intricities. I had to play the 07 Demo 4-5 times before I understood FM 2007 enough to play it and I still got sacked by Spurs in my first save.

In FM08, I want to manage Liverpool, but I don't think I can win the league in 2 seasons (Man U are unstoppable!) and I don't want to waste time if I'm just going to be sacked. I'd love to start a Liverpool game where I can build the perfect team in 5 seasons and win then.

What the sacking option makes me do is reload games that I have lost in an attempt to not be sacked. I'm sure you all will agree that this is much worse than the unsackable option. I would have no motivation to do this otherwise. I think that last point is the main reason why this should be implimented except for the obvious "there are no downsides" reason.

Please consider this SI, there is no real reason why this should not be put in.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Rich_Lufc1:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by joeyt:

I am quoting from the FM08 box:

More realistic than ever

Meaning that the SI team want to make it more realistic not less </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Its an 'option'. That means that if you find it unrealistic...don't use it.

I probably wouldn't use it but think it would be a good idea. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, i echo this thought, i doubt i would use it myself, but for the beginner FM players it would be a good idea, help them learn the ropes.

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Any idea that adds to some players' enjoyment without detracting from others is a great idea. The fact that there are some self-righteous people on the forum is just telling of why so many people hate bringing up ideas or complain about some responses when they ask questions.

Anyone against this probably has low self image and uses their ability to play this game, and thus out perform others, as compensation.

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Seems to me that if the confidence and expectation stuff is fixed and works properly in FM09 then there's no need for it - if its the same as it is now then such an option is needed. West Ham to challenge for Prem in two years? Man City? I really hope their board aren't that stupid irl or those clubs are doomed to be the Newcastle's of the next decade.

(Now these things are achievable for human managers as they buy up the best talent/bargains/ develop great tactics and have these advantages over the AI - but it also rather forces you to buy certain players and go a certain route even if you don't want to I have found)

Fan expectations are the same - mostly unrealistic and just annoying - 3rd season as Everton I lose 2-1 away to Arsenal, fans are upset. My objectives are to qualify for Europe. I don't think fans are really that stupid and naive. Managed to win the Premiership as Everton first season, way beyond my hopes or expectations - fans and board are whinging about a 1-0 loss to Villa back in March or something equally stupid while celebrating winning the Premiership?!?!

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If anyone from SI is reading this thread, please can you say whether it's been considered or will be considered. Someone raises this every couple of weeks and the same arguments get put forward for and against.

Personally, I think it would be a silly addition that takes up unnecessary programming code*. If the issues with confidence are sorted it is totally unnecessary, even as a tickable option. It would also undermine some of the threads in these forums. "Look how good I am, I've been manager of ManU for 100 years!"

Please don't add it - spend more time on the actual features that make FM such a great game, and fix the little bugs from FM08 that have ruined so many peoples' lives icon_wink.gif


*NB, I have limited knowledge of the technicalities of programming but can bluff my way through low-level understanding. If I'm wrong on this please correct me, but the coding of an "unsackable" option would take up valuable space on every PC. Not only will it take SI programmers away from fixing/testing FM09 and/or FM10 it will slow lower-end PCs down quite a lot, as one set of code (eg, media interraction, fans' confidence) will be fighting against another (eg, board confidence, your reputation), and the process will be full of clauses and conflicts and the like. You thought FM08 was bugged? Wait until they add that feature.

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Look at it this way: It's the same as an "invincible" cheat on a shoot em up or other action based game, which is seen as....cheating

Yes, with the flawed confidence system I can see why a number of people like it, but it would detract from the realism for people who manage to relegate Man United or Chelsea in the first season etc. If people play an action based game, they get better at the game so they can progress. Why can't the same mentality be applied to FM?

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Heisenberg:

If people play an action based game, they get better at the game so they can progress. Why can't the same mentality be applied to FM? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

There's a big difference between action-based games and FM. In action-based games, you can re-start within 30 seconds. With FM, you need to spend more time organizing your club soon as you take it over. Just take friendlies for reserves and under-18's, for instance - I spend about 15 minutes adding friendlies for reserves and under-18's to fill in those weeks when they don't have any league games.

In total, I take about 2-3 hours before a ball is kicked in a competitive match, looking at players and staff to sign, deciding who to sell, who's going on loan and who isn't (then trying to achieve all of this), etc.

I'm sure some people, maybe even most people, don't take this long to get going, but it is still way too long and tedious, especially if you keep getting sacked and having to re-start all the time.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Heisenberg:it would detract from the realism for people who manage to relegate Man United or Chelsea in the first season etc </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Who says everyone has to use it?

I notice there is an option to use "fake players" at the beginning of a new game. This isn't realistic at all and yet it's there for those who wish to use it.

It isn't realistic at all that I would be the manager of Arsenal, and yet in the game that's "reality".

This option would be ideal for either learners or those who like one club so much they do not wish to play with any other club, and stick with them through thick and thin, and have the club do the same for them as manager.

If somebody using it began to feel it was too much like cheating, they could untick the unsackable box.

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At the end of th eday people, this is still...JUST A GAME...as such an unsackable option should be included, personally I wouldn't use it, but here's the key folks...DON'T CHOOSE IT!

But yes it should be an option for those who want to use it, don't really get why people get so arsey about including an option they...DON'T HAVE TO ACTIVATE!!! icon_rolleyes.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by joeyt:

I am quoting from the FM08 box:

More realistic than ever

Meaning that the SI team want to make it more realistic not less </div></BLOCKQUOTE>So why as Norwich am I Premiership champions, and recently beat Chelsea 8-5? Realistic? icon_rolleyes.gif

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i hate that argumant about realism!

Why not add that feature it wont hurt surely, but this game is not realistic far too many things happen that dont happen in real life.

When people complain about the game alot of people say are its not real life is it now people are using that argument to counter this.

Its supposed to be like real life as its a sim but at the moment it isnt as there are too many silly things (corner cheat for one) and the totally unrealistic pressures from the boardroom.

Like west ham in my game i beat chelsea 1 -0 in the cup to get to the semis (or something like that) and when it comes to the review at end of month the board are only satisfied that i got to the semi finals of the league cup, im gonna qualify for europe (the other teams in it are gonna qualify for champions league by looks of things) but i lost 3-2 to man utd (even tho it was an even game and unlucky to lose)

My point being is if you want realism then get these bugs out lots of silly things happen, like in real life when it comes to tactics how often will a manage say to a player i want you to close down so much, no not that much slightly less, i tell you what i will put it in a form of a bar, i mean what!!??

So its either gonna be realistic or not, at the moment it isnt and unless real changes are made for 09 which i hope are then dont include this option, if it is realistic, then dont, but if you have the slider thing (which it will) in my opinion the argument that its going for realism is blown out of the water.

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I think people lose perspective a little bit here. As good as this game is, it is just that, a GAME. It is meant to be fun and entertaining to a wide range of players. Everyone plays this game differently. I admit being from the states that I really know nothing about football. What little I do know is from playing this great series. I have tried many times to build a lower league team into a contender and ultimately fail every time, usually in a matter of weeks icon_biggrin.gif

Having the option to run a team without being sacked would give the gamers like me a chance to just enjoy the game without having to start over or re-add myself into the league. Obvioulsy there are a lot of people who play this game and want it to be realistic as possible. That is there choice and I have no issues with that. As long as this option would not take something away from other parts of the game then why not have it?? You want realism, dont make this choice. If you want to play and just have fun without the worry of being sacked, then you would select this option.

Just because some people play the game one way, doesnt mean this is the way everyone else wants to play. everyone has their own way of enjoying this great game.

Just an opinion from a Yank who has NO CLUE on running a team but is trying anyway icon_biggrin.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by IMT:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by joeyt:

I am quoting from the FM08 box:

More realistic than ever

Meaning that the SI team want to make it more realistic not less </div></BLOCKQUOTE>So why as Norwich am I Premiership champions, and recently beat Chelsea 8-5? Realistic? icon_rolleyes.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Are you seriously questioning realism in game because Norwich can be champions lol? Why would anyone play a game that was so realistic it mirrored life and so meant you couldn't perform miracle with a team because of your own managerial genius.

Dear, oh dear.

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No... icon_rolleyes.gif..I am just saying that whislt the game features can be realistic, the outcomes are far from it, come on mate, I am as passionate a Norwich fan as the next, but we will never win the Premiership, let alone by 2011.

All I was saying, was as soon as you start playing realism goes slightly out the window.

Dear oh dear... icon_biggrin.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Technically, it's cheating. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, let's go back to the way CM2 did it, without saves unless you quit the game while we're at it, shall we?

There are several metric tons of ways to cheat in the game, all perfectly possible without external editors which just make it easier. Want to win every game? Sign up as the opposition's manager. Does that mean we should disable the "add new manager" option? And Save/Reload cheating has never been easier.

But if you don't want to cheat, then don't. But don't force the rest of us to give up on some options just because "it's cheating" or "it's not realistic".

Those who want to cheat will find a way to do it. But an "unsackable" option would just allow people to play with their favorite team without worries.

(And it would accelerate my games a *lot*, as I am a heavy abuser of the save/reload icon_razz.gif )

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Since most of the reasons stated for having the option in the game revolve around Board Confidence issues and putting the option in would be a tacit admission by SI that they haven't been able to fix that module, I doubt very much it will be in the game at any point.

If SI can fix that module - and I'm optimistic that FM09 will be an improvement in that respect - then the only other major reason for having the option in the game is that of 'Safety while I learn how to play the game'.

Firstly, I'm of the opinion that you'll always learn quicker when there's a guy with a sharp stick standing behind you (real or imagined). Secondly, there are leagues where you can't get relegated, so your incompetence will only get you the wooden spoon - provided you pick a team whose board wouldn't expect any more of you.

There are paths open to you if you want to learn the game without being under too much pressure. Whether you choose them, or continue to blither on gormlessly about how you were sacked for daring to finish outside the European spots with Man City is up to you.

Having said that, if the option does make it into the game, for the sake of every worshipped deity on this planet make it an option that's buried so far in the game interface that the only way you'll find it is by reading the manual or asking on the forums. And leave it unchecked by default.

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Not everyone plays the game "properly" and some people intend to play it "improperly" and to be honest if it's more fun to them then so be it. I'm all for this option - makes it more newcomer-friendly and allows me to bring a club to its knees for fun.

By all means, aim for realism, but part of a game is not being realistic - and one should aim to use this opportunity to do things that can't be done in real life.

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Guest mrmiagy

Totally un-realistic option i think, after all no manager is beyound the sack, imagine if all real life managers couldnt be sacked, how stupid would that be.

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Indeed, it's a stupid thought, but then again, the fact that scouts in Football Manager can memorise all the players in 50 countries with a couple of scouting trips is pretty unrealistic too. Amongst various other things. The point is exactly that - it's a game and should play as a game.

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I find it funny that so many people are complaining about this being unrealistic, yet there are search screens, downloadable tactics and the ability to take Bognor Regis to the Champions League. Others say its cheating, yet there are editors that allow you to do much worse. All this, for a suggested OPTION! If you don't like it, don't use it!

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I'm all for it as an option but would add that being unsackable should also make you unable to ever change clubs either.

As it stands this option is the only thing that would make me buy FM09 as there is still plenty I want to do in FM08 (I'm a relatively slow player and only got the game at Christmas anyway). I wouldn't personally use the option anyway but my wife would and it would be great for her to start playing again. She doesn't want a challenge, she doesn't want the pressure, all she wants to do is "play" with some of the teams her dad managed in his career. Having this option would allow her to enjoy all the stuff she liked in FM06 and remove everything that stopped her playing FM08 (we didn't get FM07 for similar reasons to above).

As an option it can do no harm to those of us who don't want it but can return enjoyment to those who do. It could even be made obvious is some way so screenshots can't claim to have the option turned off, perhaps change the title from manager to revered manager to save the egos of everyone who thinks they are competing with everyone else who plays.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by joeyt:

I am quoting from the FM08 box:

More realistic than ever

Meaning that the SI team want to make it more realistic not less </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Welcome to "Adventures in Missing the Point" Tell our guest what he's won!

You see, the point is to allow you to experiment with the game, to see what some of the more extreme ideas in personnel, training, tactics and such, will do to your squad without worrying about getting sacked in the middle of your own learning curve or experiment. You certainly don't have to utilize it at all, but it would be a great learning tool and let you try things you'd probably never see in real life.

Lighten up...

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