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Best Canales stats?

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I'm wondering what the best you've ever been able to train sergio canales is. One game, he was 19-20 years old, and his pace and acceleration were already at 11-12, so when he came to my team, I was able to get them both up to 14 by the time he was 23-24.

But this game, his pace and acceleration were only only 9 when I got him, and I haven't been able to get them up past 12 now. Well pace is 12, acceleration is 13, and he's 24 now, and his attributes have not been going up since he was 22.

I'm wondering how high pace, and other attributes, all of you have been able to get him, and if you have any tips for me to get his pace up to 14-15 at this point in the game, where hes already 24 years old.

Thank you

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