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TC Question - How do I get arrows for players?

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I never use the TC so im a bit lost. How can I get my DM, for example, to have an arrow going backwards and arrows for my wingers going forward? I can do this on classic view but on TC view I cant seem to do it. Instead I get a drop-down box.

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All the arrows do is indicate the RFD setting of the player (backwards = rarely, no arrow = mixed, forward = often), which the TC will automatically chose based on how you've set up the player, or you can alter it manually by going to the "advanced" mode.

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All the arrows do is indicate the RFD setting of the player (backwards = rarely, no arrow = mixed, forward = often), which the TC will automatically chose based on how you've set up the player, or you can alter it manually by going to the "advanced" mode.

Can you give a dummies guide please :)

I have it in advanced mode. Still can't seem to set arrows for the players. My wingers are set to attack and have no arrow, not even on support setting.

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With the TC, you will not see the 'Runs From Deep' represented on the Postions screen. You muct overide, by going into 'advanced', and then ticking 'Runs From Deep', then altering to you liking :)

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Can you give a dummies guide please :)

I have it in advanced mode. Still can't seem to set arrows for the players. My wingers are set to attack and have no arrow, not even on support setting.

You can't actually see the arrows in TC mode. However, the setting "run from deep" has the same effect (to be precise, the arrows are merely a visual representation of RFD).

Generally "attack" settings have RFD often, so are the equivalent of farrow, "support" have mixed so are the same as no arrow and, well, I think you can guess what comes next ;). There are some roles though that this does not hold true for, and of coruse, you can change just this setting in the advance mode.

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