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[FM11][RELEASED] Stadium/Teamscreen Background Packs


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Nice one oescus.

Cheers phnompenhandy. Completely different style to my last set where I pretty much had to steamroller all the detail out of the pic to get the colour in, I've taken a more subtle approach this time nothing has been added or removed I've just enhanced/restored the colour and thats it. The only problem with that is the filesizes for each pic are averaging about 1.2mb each as opposed to the 600kb they were before.

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I'm still trying to come up with ideas for the comps atm very much in the testing stage, this guy has made some over at SUSIE haven't tried them out yet because I usually wait for patch 3 before getting into a game but they look good. http://www.sortitoutsi.net/forum/topic/48601-fm-2011-competitions-background-pack/page__pid__1266518__st__0entry1266518

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After 5 hours of trying to upload to mediafire and filefront I've given up and put them on sendspace, the download link is at the bottom of the page highlighted in blue.

The top three divisions of Germany, theres a data issue in the game in which Alemannia Aachen haven't been designated their shiny new stadium or any stadium for that matter but it should be rectified in the next patch.

For matchdays only: DOWNLOAD

For both match and the team screen: DOWNLOAD


1860munchen.th.png koln.th.png

augsburg.th.png gladbach.th.png

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wow!! thx a lot geordie...just d/loaded them all including the german and must say they are fantastic.i normally dont touch background pics but thought id give yours a try.

ive added a filter to my fave skin ( dave byrds's dark ) and they look awesome.

great work,will keep any eye on this thread if you keep updating.:)

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I'm doing fine geordie, downloading as soon as you put 'em up! The problem was with the English file as it is huge and took ages to download. The others are manageable - they take 15-20 mins to download on my connection, so if it drops it's no big deal.

Will you ever decide to do English leagues lower than BSS/BSN?

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I'm doing fine geordie, downloading as soon as you put 'em up! The problem was with the English file as it is huge and took ages to download. The others are manageable - they take 15-20 mins to download on my connection, so if it drops it's no big deal.

Will you ever decide to do English leagues lower than BSS/BSN?

I reckon next season I probably will, there'll be no distractions like the World Cup cut-outs or the World Cup even this year so I'll be able to get cracking on them a bit earlier. I've already started experimenting with changes to how I do these for my next round of packs next year because I'm never 100% happy with my work. Having said that the downloads are ranging from 3500 for England to scraping through the 100's for Portugal so I guess as I work down to the lesser leagues and the files become less popular I might throw in a few level 7/8 and Scottish Junior Leagues in there to keep some sort of interest in here.

Aye Scholesy I've learnt my lesson I'm checking the dates on all of the pics to make sure now.

Cheers Collzy glad you like them mate.

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Have you ticked show background images, unticked use skin cache and ticked always reload on confirm in the preferences ingame?

Do you have any other backgrounds that may be causing a config clash? Do you have a cnfig.xml in the folder becase your download may have been corrupted.

Also if you're using the matchday only option theres a bug in which pics will only show for games played in the same division/competition you're in and you have to click on a goalscorer and hit the back button kind of like refreshing the page before they'll show.

If they aren't showing during your own game then follow the installation instructions guide I've linked to in the first post because you must have missed a step.

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I'll be releasing the flags probably near Christmas/New Year when I have the chance to beef up the ram on my computer, having the editor open for too long on my computer can be like watching paint dry sometimes.

I've had little problem with steklo so far, strengthed the overlay a bit to make the text clearer but thats all.

Geordie, when this is released will the flags just appear on the team screen and NOT match days? Basically I'd like the flag/stadium combo for the team screens and just the stadium for the match day - so what I mean is, if I download the stadium pics already available, is it worth me downloading just the match day ones and then the flags one when it's released? Or, what happens if I download the matchday AND team ones currently available, and then the flags one when it's released?

I hope all of that makes some form of sense!!! Cheers

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Yep just on the team screen. You'll need to download the matchday only stadiums for the flags to show otherwise the configs will clash and you'll end up with either the stadiums or nothing at all on the teamscreen.


Looking ahead to next year I want more choice (or any choice even for smaller clubs) for the pics I can use so that the packs can be more comprehensive, basically I want to go a lot further down the league system for each country than I currently am doing. Plus I'm getting a bit bored with standard backgrounds, I'll still be doing them for the time being though. In order to have that extra choice I need to make the pictures slightly smaller.

A preview of next years probable style which is still WIP. A plain border doesn't look right ingame so I've decided to use a frame, this is my favourite but there are four more if you want to have a look at those. Ignore the fact its Old Trafford on Newcastle's page I keep getting those two's IDs mixed up. Any feedback good or bad would be appreciated.


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I personally don't like the stadiums with a border. If the border could be made smaller it may change my mind but as it is there I think it takes up too much of the stadium picture.

EDIT. Geordie with the Dutch leagues the's one small problem mate. I've downloaded the matchday only one but when i click on Ajax i get a stadium on any of there screens it also isn't there stadium. Same thing is happening on Werder.

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Cheers lee, lallana and oescus also.

Double checked and everything in the config is pointing towards the match screen. What skin are you using scholes? it must be one with the issue of backgrounds sticking, try this;

Open up the Global Panels.xml in the panels folder of the skin you're using with notepad/word and change the lines:

<!-- background picture - covers entire screen

<widget class="background" file="backgrounds/default">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0"/>

<attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="bgnd" set_property="file" skip_if_null="true"/>

</widget> -->


<!-- background picture - covers entire screen -->

<widget class="background" file="backgrounds/default">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" />

<attachment class="test_global_attachment" get_property="bgnd" mode="1" set_property="hidn" skip_if_null="false" skip_if_resetting="false" />


<widget class="background" file="backgrounds/default" hidden="true">

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" />

<attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="bgnd" set_property="file" skip_if_null="false" />

<attachment class="test_global_attachment" get_property="bgnd" mode="0" set_property="hidn" skip_if_null="false" skip_if_resetting="false" />


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Like I said there are no lines pointing towards the teamscreen in the config which should make that impossible, unless you have another pack causing a config clash then I'm stumped because I haven't experienced what you are.

Try replacing the config with these ones, if that doesn't work then there's a problem at your end somewhere either with the skin you're using or the above.

Dutch config German config

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I have 2 other packs from somewhere else, think i'll just delete the whole lot then just download the one's from your OP. This should work coz as you said your not getting these errors so the configs must be clashing.

EDIT.Could you re-link the Portugal one mate keep getting attempted attacks on my computer.

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Cheers Bob, unfortunately I don't have the time to do these atm and I've promised people the team screen backgrounds so I'll be concentrating on them starting next week. Besides I just noticed today what Minneapolisjon has planned, personaly I think its pointless both of us covering the same ground over again so I'll be heading back down the alternative route. So I suggest waiting for him for any standard shots, sorry about this.

I'll be (already started) making alternative stadium backgrounds for next year which are a bit different to the norm because I like to try to keep things fresh in my own game and offer something new, they aren't going to be to everyones tastes and I doubt they're going to get the 6000 odd hits of my current packs but if at least one person lkes them as much as me then that'll be more than enough for me to share them. They're similar to the screenshot I posted earlier but the stadium pic will be bigger.

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