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[FM11][RELEASED] Stadium/Teamscreen Background Packs


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I'm working through the leagues by reputation in the editor atm so I'm guessing Russia is pretty high up and Ukraine possibly, after that I'm not sure depends how far I manage to get through in the given time frame. I'll be doing add-on/update packs every month or so after the megapack is released, the plan is to get every league done where pic quality will allow eventually.

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Cheers Jaymo.

I'm almost caught up with the (optional) team screen bg's yhey're looking a bit similar to my old gradient ones for FM09, here's a couple of screenies.

boo hissss;


and one from down my brother's way;


Before I forget, if anyone has any particular league they'd like in the pack I'll see what I can do. Might be best to make requests to me by PM in here to avoid breaking the rules

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@ oescus, I think I've come some way to rectifying the problem you were having with the flags, cleaned them up a bit;

Before 602uo.th.jpg After 602k.th.jpg

geordie.The before ones are good but the after ones are excellent. They are much more vibrant and cleaner looking. Thanks for your PM about the flags etc, I am obliged.

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Cheers beezer, I shall tease no more.

Basically I've been added to the naughty list for downloading/uploading too much during the day (there's five of us in the house, so not all down to me) and our upload limit has been restricted to 5kb/s for 6 months, so no torrent unfortunately and considering the hassle with the cut-out megapack I'm wary about splitting into parts and putting it on filefront. On the plus side once the restrictions are lifted I'll have one hell of a megapack ready to torrent.

What this means is that I'll be releasing each Nation as I finish them which'll make it easier for you to download anyway, I'll be releasing at least one pack every day starting with Scotland right now. Same deal as before the stadiums are a priority with the team screens at a later date because they take that much longer and slow my computer down to a snails pace and I was never the most patient of people.

Here's the first pack which contains the four playable leagues of Scotland and because I haven't got anything for the team screen available just yet you get a choice of downloads.

If you only want them to show on matchdays only download this: DOWNLOAD

If you want them to show on both match and team screens download this: DOWNLOAD

bhoys.th.png elgin.th.png olejnik.th.png

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Cheers, glad you like them. On a side note, I've got a load of alternate pics that just missed the cut (mainly the bigger clubs) so if a particular pic in the pack doesn't take your fancy don't be afraid to ask for another or alternatively if you've found a pic you'd like me to apply my finish to then PM me a link and I'll see what I can do.

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geordie and anyone who can assist. I have uninstalled the old backgrounds in readiness for the new ones. I have downloaded and installed the new Scottish stadia but I can't get them to work. I have installed them into a new backgrounds folder named Scottish stadia and done the reload skin and show backgrounds but to no avail. Help! someone please show me the error of my ways. I also know that on their own the stadia show up only on match days.

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Are you playing in Scotland because theres an issue with the game whereby pics will only show for matches played in the same division/competition that your team is in and you have to click on a goalscorer and hit the back button to kind of refresh the page. Also make sure use skin cache is unticked.

If you are playing in Scotland and they aren't showing in the above way or during your own matches, check to make sure you have moved the config across. If the config is still in there follow this guide just to make sure everything is in the right place.

If they still don't work let me know which pics aren't showing and I'll double check in my game.

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Geordie, just a quick question or two, I notice that the flag/background isn't shown,are they on the download (I'm at work at the minute and can't download) also you appear to be using the stelko skin, Is it easy to set up backgrounds for it as when I tried it it camre up with the standard background??


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I'll be releasing the flags probably near Christmas/New Year when I have the chance to beef up the ram on my computer, having the editor open for too long on my computer can be like watching paint dry sometimes.

I've had little problem with steklo so far, strengthed the overlay a bit to make the text clearer but thats all.

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Are you playing in Scotland because theres an issue with the game whereby pics will only show for matches played in the same division/competition that your team is in and you have to click on a goalscorer and hit the back button to kind of refresh the page. Also make sure use skin cache is unticked.

If you are playing in Scotland and they aren't showing in the above way or during your own matches, check to make sure you have moved the config across. If the config is still in there follow this guide just to make sure everything is in the right place.

If they still don't work let me know which pics aren't showing and I'll double check in my game.

geordie. Your fault, my mistake! I am playing in the English Championship. I managed to get the Scottish stadiums going. I then found when going back to 'my team' screen that the Scottish stadiums had come with me. After reading your reply,am I right in thinking that I should be playing the Scottish Leagues to use the Scottish stadiums? Also, that I should wait untill the English stadiums are released before using them?

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Depends how much space you have on your hard drive, if you have loads keep them you might end up paying against a few Scottish teams in friendlies/Europe. If space is limited I would only use what I needed here and now in that case.

This should help with the backgrounds sticking. http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/209886-Background-Changes?p=5420007#post5420007

It doesn't say in theere but you need to open the config with word/notepad. Also you'll find the global panels.xml in the panels folder of the skin you're using

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Your last line has lost me, geordie. As I'm not pc literate, that is beyond me. I was looking for the download and install instructions from the FM'10 downloads but I couldn't find them. I managed to sort those out and was hoping to use them again. No matter, I shall wait for the English stadiums to arrive and have another go, also, the flags.

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Later than billed because I uploaded without testing the pack properly ingame so had to re-upload them.

English stadium backgrounds for all 159 playable clubs (Ilkeston have gone bust).

For matchdays only use this file: DOWNLOAD

For match and team screens use this file: DOWNLOAD


burnley0.th.png cambridge.th.png eastleigh.th.png mancityv.th.png

geordie, Super stuff! Many thanks for all of your time and assistance, especially today. I have got everything working [much tempting of fate] but only with your help. Keep the 'stuff' coming, that man!

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Hey Goerdie great work yet again mate.

I'm having trouble with the English one though, once i've downloaded it into winrar and then try to extract it i get a error message saying something about a break in the operation?

Have you got any clue because its taking me 45 mins a time to download and try different ways.

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Someone else was having problems with winrar yesterday so I downloaded and tested them and they extracted fine.

Try using 7zip to extract the files its a lot more reliable, winrar can be temperemental at times. If that doesn't work try downloading again this time with a download manager because your download may have been corrupted.

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he he, cheers beezer. Absolute pain trying to find pics for Serie B, especially Portosumagga pretty much had to learn Italian to find that one and ended up with a 1.5mb file so payed off in the end. Spain'll be next either tonight or tomorrow.

No worries mate.

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Goerdie would you be able to make Man Utds stadium pic a more newer one like the one in last years pack. The one you have used this year doesn't have the new quadrants so it must be 5-6 yr old pic.

Sorry about that, I was just trying to find a pic that was a better fit below the titlebar and I didn't notice that.

Here you go, remove the c from the fiename;


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he he, cheers beezer. Absolute pain trying to find pics for Serie B, especially Portosumagga pretty much had to learn Italian to find that one and ended up with a 1.5mb file so payed off in the end. Spain'll be next either tonight or tomorrow.

Stadium Name: http://www.google.it/images?q=stadio%20mecchia&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&hl=it&tab=wi&biw=1024&bih=630

Team is: Portosummaga or Portogruaro Summaga or Portogruaro-Summaga (tips for "playing" in your research ehehe)

Infor regarding the stadium in the official site http://www.portogruarosummaga.it/stadio_mecchia_portogruaro.asp

Hope this is useful in your research ;p

Note that they began to play in Udinese's Friuli because they had to work on their stadium to fulfill the rules.

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geordie, Is it possible to have the 'match day only' pictures in the British leagues but have them show all the time for foreign ones? As you know I like the club banners on all the time and the stadiums only showing on match day. However, when trawling through foreign clubs tem lists it would be nice to be able to be looking at the team list with the stadium of that particular club in the background.

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Cheers Mr Hough, the skin is Steklo X1.

Oescus, download the matchday only files for the UK leagues and the both screens files for the rest of them and that should work.

Cheers Da_Funk, I do have a pic for Portosummaga (the away end anyway) but its good to know they are working on the stadium as I can keep an eye out for any pics when they move back in, so thanks for that.

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