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[FM11][RELEASED] Stadium/Teamscreen Background Packs


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Had a bit of a disaster last week and lost all of my work including action files so I've had to start again but should have a base stadium pack with almost 200 pictures ready for tomorrow. I didn't have the heart to go through all of the leagues 1 by 1 again so I've been going by stadium capacity instead which means a lot (every) league will be incomplete, however through regular updates I've set myself the ambitious task of getting every stadium, team and Nation that I can find a good pic for in the game so keep checking back every week or two for those.

Edit; forgot Ive already done England and Scotland so they'll be in the pack along with a couple of improved pics taking it upto 370 odd pics

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Yes they'll work with the base skin but you won't be ble to read anything on the page, Radestock has produced a version of the default skin with an overlay though so download that and you'll be fine. There are plenty of dark skins in production as well which are better for using bgs so als good this year.

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Basically because I've been hitting play on an action file for the best part of a year I can't actually remember how I made them in the first place and the tutorial that I based them on is no longer online. So there'll be no team packs until I can figure out how I done it in the first place.

No such problems with the stadiums I'm back up to 400 and as soon as I hit 500 I'll release the pack and post updates once or twice a month.

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Nice backgrounds. Might just be me but the stadiums don't seem to be showing? All I've got are the club flags?

You sound like you're having the same problem as me and Geordie. Try clicking on a goalscorer then pressing the back button. Does the stadium background show now?

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Quick update. I'm a gardener, it's winter which means I have the time to blitz through these now. I've updated most of the empty stadium pics for England and Scotland where quality and stadium position would allow because I remember some guy saying he'd preferred the pics with crowds on a matchday in a pm I think. Anyways I've also got 200+ random pics from around the World so it's just a case of filling out the leagues now. I'll keep posting new pics in here as I go just so that the people I've been promising a megapack to know that I'm doing my damnest t get it out there.

readingj.th.png newcastlem.th.png

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Quick update. I'm a gardener, it's winter which means I have the time to blitz through these now. I've updated most of the empty stadium pics for England and Scotland where quality and stadium position would allow because I remember some guy saying he'd preferred the pics with crowds on a matchday in a pm I think. Anyways I've also got 200+ random pics from around the World so it's just a case of filling out the leagues now. I'll keep posting new pics in here as I go just so that the people I've been promising a megapack to know that I'm doing my damnest t get it out there.

readingj.th.png newcastlem.th.png

Im a postie mate so i don't like the cole wintr weather either lol

can't wait for your packs bud.

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Thanks for the comments. I'd just like to fore-warn people that I have a new way of doing these which results in a better quality finish however that also results in a much, much larger filesize. So I'll seperate them into Nations within the pack so those with limited space on their computers can delete what they don't need.

Anyways to update, Liga BBVA done Serie A next. Can't be boshed to load up the game for a screenshot so here's a proper preview.

1010z.th.jpg 1044.th.jpg

Remove the letter from the end of the filename and you can use them now if you wish.

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Geordie, I'm now totally confused about which packs are which. At the present I am using the FM'10 stadiums and backgrounds with the galaxy skin. I am thinking that, as yet, you have not done the stadiums and backgrounds for FM'11. If you have where are they,please? If you ain't done them yet, any idea when, again please? With your packs the game is brilliant.

PS. I have just seen the gigantic first post, sorry. I am hoping that the team 'flag' backgrounds are still in the packs.

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I'm trying to get the flags back in order, I've got all of the PSD files (background images) for them I just need to remember how I put them all together before I created the action file.

Sorry about the confusion I'm just posting the screenies to keep everyone upto date as to where I'm at progress wise, I've been promising a megapack for months now with nothing from me but soons and maybes so figured this was a good way of showing that it is actually happening now and I am still working on it.

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I'm trying to get the flags back in order, I've got all of the PSD files (background images) for them I just need to remember how I put them all together before I created the action file.

Sorry about the confusion I'm just posting the screenies to keep everyone upto date as to where I'm at progress wise, I've been promising a megapack for months now with nothing from me but soons and maybes so figured this was a good way of showing that it is actually happening now and I am still working on it.

geordie. It is not your fault. It is my senility. At my age though, it is allowed. The club background 'flags', in my opinion make the game graphics brilliant. My main and selfish reason for asking about them is this. Could you make the white part of the flags a little clearer/brighter, if you get my poor explanation? I appreciate the amount of work that must have gone into it all. You have my utmost admiration.

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I've tried to do it, basically the problem is that those dark bits are actually the shadows from the creases in the flag so I'd have to remove them and then it'll look a bit plain like the National flags you get on wiki.

Anyways I've sorted the flags out now, might try to weave a stadium pic or something into the background.


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I like it - but it's taken all the brightness out of your stadium pics which i thought was the whole point of this megapack? It does look very smart though!

Only other niggle would be too many team badges (especially on the player page like you've got there....) there's 3 newcastle badges on the screen, don't need them all. So personally i'd stick to just the stadiums and/or just the flags. But that's just me!

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I've tried to do it, basically the problem is that those dark bits are actually the shadows from the creases in the flag so I'd have to remove them and then it'll look a bit plain like the National flags you get on wiki.

Anyways I've sorted the flags out now, might try to weave a stadium pic or something into the background.


That's very good,geordie. For myself I prefer them without the stadium in the background. Then I am being selfish.

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This is what they look like with stadiums enbedded into them, what do you think? Should I carry on or leave them as they were?


Yeah I really like that although as scholes=legend says, I think it's ok for team screens only and for matchday just stadiums.

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Aye, the flags are still just for team screen sticking the stadiums in there is for personal reasons really because I'm spending all this time putting them together and I wouldnt get to see the majority of them otherwise.

I'll still do the flags without the stadiums for oescus and anyone else who prefers them that way which I'll send out via PM to interested parties when the time comes, just a case of deleting the stadium and saving into a seperate folder it'll take about 5 seconds.

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Aye, the flags are still just for team screen sticking the stadiums in there is for personal reasons really because I'm spending all this time putting them together and I wouldnt get to see the majority of them otherwise.

I'll still do the flags without the stadiums for oescus and anyone else who prefers them that way which I'll send out via PM to interested parties when the time comes, just a case of deleting the stadium and saving into a seperate folder it'll take about 5 seconds.

geordie. Just in case I'm leading you astray. I want the flags and I want the stadiums. Just not in the one screen/picture. In other words, as they are now but with the shadows on the flags brightened up. Please don't make more work for yourself just because of me. As far as I'm concerned the stadiums and flags are good enough as they were/are for FM'10, which are what I am still using in FM'11. Kind regards.

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Its not a problem, like I said it's only a few seconds extra work on each pic to revert it back to the FM10 design and as you've been very supportive and encouraging of my work in the past I'm more than happy to do that for you.

geordie. With the matchday stadiums [i'm sure that should be stadia] but no matter and the club flags the game is immensely improved. I wish that I could sort out the facepacks but I am finding that a liitle daunting, what with the problems some people are having. I'll nip across to 'Susie' and see if they are there in divisional format. Keep going geordie, don't falter now. What a nice man we both are!

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I've given myself a target of just over a month to get as many leagues as possible done before releasing the megapack and there'll be a fair few more countries represented than currently listed in the OP.

Thanks mate, keep up the good work really appreciate it :)

So there will be just stadiums and flags available seperately is that right?

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