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New Forum Skin - Official Feedback Thread

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Firstly, thanks to SI for responding so much to this thread and actively doing something about it! The forum definitely needed an upgrade, but I'm having the same issues as many:

so many gateway timeouts/server not responding etc etc - so frustrating!!

double posts! - I don't think i'd ever done it on here with the old system, but now its impossible not to at times...

Also I know white space and uniform width is all the range atm (bbc sport and blogs in particular), but please tone it down!

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Whilst I like the layout, colours and so on, I do have a slight concern re loading times. Presumably this is a teething issue.

Once all the stuff is fixed it gets thumbs up from me.

K :)

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This is getting from bad to worse. Now it isnt remembering my posts. I can still see them when I load the thread but on the forum it still says there are no replies on the thread ive posted in.

Even more gateway errors and database errors aswell. This is becoming a joke now. For a company this big to still be having problems like this after all this time is just not good enough.

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How to kill a forum in a couple of days. Crap skin (looks like those free forums people create in 5 mins), slow and server errors every 2 clicks! :c

I still don't get why SI decided to change all of this. :confused:

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Oh the irony.

Just written a rant about the 'gateway timeout' message and what happens when I hit 'post reply'?? Obviously it times out.

So anyway SI, sort it out.

No one wanted the poncey new forum.

No one wants the dumb twitter feeds and links to facebook.

A pointless update that has just made your forums suck.


FYI this is now the 4th time of trying to post this. What an absolute joke. Glad you haven't had the forums down to fix this. Oh wait............

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SI you have really screwed this up, why cant like Ive said before go back to the old skin till your bugs team sorts out there cock ups with this new forum layout...As you can see in the community forum its obvious plenty of people are really peeved off at this effort.

Double postings

Taking ages to log in

Gateway errors every other time I log in

come on SORT IT OUT because its getting beyond a joke

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This doesnt really send out a good impression for the new game does it? You can't even manage a fully functioning website. Whoever's idea this was to change or whoever gave it the go ahead should be shot on the spot, or maybe sacked if you dont want to be too drastic.

Can somebody come out and explain what the hell is going on, and what is being done about it. Constant gateway timeouts, database errors and server errors are just not good enough. Also where have the mods gone? If there are constant double/tripple posts and double/tripple threads, where are the mods to delete them? The forum is slow enough without a load of pointless threads and posts clogging the place up.

Im really thinking about calling it a day with this site. For a company of SI/SEGA's stature, this is appalling. Imagine this at any other company. Even ASDA have a fully functioning website and people do their weekly shopping on that, not post messages on a forum. If that website went down because somebody fancied 'a change', heads would roll.

So basically what the hell is going on. We want answers, not brush offs. We deserve that much don't you think?

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This doesnt really send out a good impression for the new game does it? You can't even manage a fully functioning website. Whoever's idea this was to change or whoever gave it the go ahead should be shot on the spot, or maybe sacked if you dont want to be too drastic.

Can somebody come out and explain what the hell is going on, and what is being done about it. Constant gateway timeouts, database errors and server errors are just not good enough. Also where have the mods gone? If there are constant double/tripple posts and double/tripple threads, where are the mods to delete them? The forum is slow enough without a load of pointless threads and posts clogging the place up.

Im really thinking about calling it a day with this site. For a company of SI/SEGA's stature, this is appalling. Imagine this at any other company. Even ASDA have a fully functioning website and people do their weekly shopping on that, not post messages on a forum. If that website went down because somebody fancied 'a change', heads would roll.

So basically what the hell is going on. We want answers, not brush offs. We deserve that much don't you think?

They can't get on to do anything?

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reasonable design - old design better, clearer and crisper

poor everything else


i actually had a more constructive post but the damn thing timed out on me and i can't be bothered wasting time on it again - no doubt this will too

this is a shambles of an update

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I hate to say "I told you" but... I told you!

a few pages up.

vBulletin v4 is NOT GOOD! You just needed to search for some reviews that's it.

Design-wise, I don't have any problems TBH, but it seems all the reviews about how bad and buggy the v4 is true.

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There was absolutely nothing wrong with the old forum. In fact I quite liked it, was very original and unique, now the forum simply looks like thousands of others that are simple fan sites for a variety of things, not an official website at all. I for one will not be coming back until the problems are sorted and with any luck we revert back to the old design/system

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This doesnt really send out a good impression for the new game does it? You can't even manage a fully functioning website. Whoever's idea this was to change or whoever gave it the go ahead should be shot on the spot, or maybe sacked if you dont want to be too drastic.

Can somebody come out and explain what the hell is going on, and what is being done about it. Constant gateway timeouts, database errors and server errors are just not good enough. Also where have the mods gone? If there are constant double/tripple posts and double/tripple threads, where are the mods to delete them? The forum is slow enough without a load of pointless threads and posts clogging the place up.

Im really thinking about calling it a day with this site. For a company of SI/SEGA's stature, this is appalling. Imagine this at any other company. Even ASDA have a fully functioning website and people do their weekly shopping on that, not post messages on a forum. If that website went down because somebody fancied 'a change', heads would roll.

So basically what the hell is going on. We want answers, not brush offs. We deserve that much don't you think?

There is a technical issue that's still being worked on by SEGA's tech team and they continuing to work on it until the problem is solved.

This isn't a quick process unfortunately and we are just as frustrated as everybody else about it. Nobody has brushed off anything however and we've been giving regular updates across the forum and on Twitter.

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There is a technical issue that's still being worked on by SEGA's tech team and they continuing to work on it until the problem is solved.

This isn't a quick process unfortunately and we are just as frustrated as everybody else about it. Nobody has brushed off anything however and we've been giving regular updates across the forum and on Twitter.

Thats just the thing. As far as I can make out, the 'upgrade' was only done in the first place to incorporate Twitter and Facebook. Now having read quite a lot of comments already, and I could be completely wrong on this and if I am im sure I will be told, people who use these forums are not bothered about seeing Twitter updates or links to Facebook. Certainly not if this is the bother its going to cause.

What will a Twitter update actually say? Something along the lines of " FM11 info on the forums now"?. If people are already on the forum, why would they need something to tell them Twitter has been updated, only to get to it and fnd they are being redirected to the forum. Completely pointless feature.

If people are using these features, they will already have the forum on one tab, Twitter on another and Facebook on another already open. There is no need to go round in circled with this.

As for SEGA, they are one of the biggest games companies in the world and have made some of the best games. Now you would think their tech department would be more than capable of making a website. Within hours of the upgrade, somebody had already made a downloadable mod so that you could view the website with some normality. If a forum user can do this in just a few hours, what does that say for SEGA's tech guys?

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Wow. Just reading throught the posts. I think people need to calm down. It's only a forum. No need for saying people should be shot over it is there.

I think it looks crisper, and easier to navigate because it looks cleaner. Obviously the down time and various other problems are annoying but hopefully it will be fixed soon. It's only a forum guys just relax and let them sort it. Bit of an over-reaction in here.

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I think people need to calm down. It's only a forum.

I second this. SEGA are looking into this so we just need to be patient. It's frustrating, yes but SEGA are doing all they can to fix it.

Also where have the mods gone? If there are constant double/tripple posts and double/tripple threads, where are the mods to delete them? The forum is slow enough without a load of pointless threads and posts clogging the place up.

Everyone is having issues, including mods. We've done our best to delete duplicates but some of us could barely get on the site to carry on doing so and when we did try, we got errors.

Within hours of the upgrade, somebody had already made a downloadable mod so that you could view the website with some normality. If a forum user can do this in just a few hours, what does that say for SEGA's tech guys?

If it's the mod I think you're talking about, it's a very simple thing to do. Changing some CSS on a website is a lot easier than finding the cause and solution to server problems.

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Thats just the thing. As far as I can make out, the 'upgrade' was only done in the first place to incorporate Twitter and Facebook. Now having read quite a lot of comments already, and I could be completely wrong on this and if I am im sure I will be told, people who use these forums are not bothered about seeing Twitter updates or links to Facebook. Certainly not if this is the bother its going to cause.

What will a Twitter update actually say? Something along the lines of " FM11 info on the forums now"?. If people are already on the forum, why would they need something to tell them Twitter has been updated, only to get to it and fnd they are being redirected to the forum. Completely pointless feature.

If people are using these features, they will already have the forum on one tab, Twitter on another and Facebook on another already open. There is no need to go round in circled with this.

As for SEGA, they are one of the biggest games companies in the world and have made some of the best games. Now you would think their tech department would be more than capable of making a website. Within hours of the upgrade, somebody had already made a downloadable mod so that you could view the website with some normality. If a forum user can do this in just a few hours, what does that say for SEGA's tech guys?

You are getting a little bit confused as to what's happened. The upgrade to the skin (look and feel) is not the cause of the problems.

We upgraded to the latest version of the vBulletin software, which is used to power the forums. This is not something that is designed by SEGA or SI. Within the updates, some functionality has changed or become broken. The old skin was not compatible with the latest version, so even if we decided to re-create the look of the old skin, we'd still have run into the same skin related problems.

Away from that, we are having some technical issues on the server side relating to the latest version of vBulletin and we are currently working on a process of elimination. We know where the cause is, but not what's causing the problem and therefore the approach is to make one change at a time to review the impact it has on the forum. Unfortunately this means the experience is a bit frustrating until we nail it. But we're nearly there and there'll be a couple more hours of downtime today while we carry out some further changes behind the scenes - and while we're at it we're taking the opportunity to optimise the server side to ensure performance and stability is as good as it can be when it does return in a stable state.

P.S. This isn't a website either - it's a forum, which are two very different things as well. :)

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i'm getting this issue aswell. It just looks awful

SI must have thought to themselves "i know what we will do, we'll change the forums even though it doesnt need changing,,and just to **** everyone off even more we'll make the forums slower"

erm what version of IE are you guys using. Looks awfully like IE6 which doesn't support the latest HTML features. As with vB4 the forum is designed using the latest CSS attributes. And IE6 is so god damn out of date it's untrue. Try grabbing firefox or update your web browser.

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Firefox doesn't make a difference for me, as that's what i'm using.

Been more stable for me lately though, which is good.

But i still wish that the "go to last post" button, unders subscribed threads actually got me to the last post, instead of the very first post :p

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Where have the symbols that tell you you've posted in a thread gone to?

This is just no fun. GPTG has virtually died a death because of this, I for one can't be bothered writing out posts longer than this.

There's a little white circle inside the blue circle on the left. It could do with being a bit more obvious though.

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Right at the top of the page where it has, home-forum-football manager forums-pc/mac general discussion, is it possible to move this down the page to just above where the threads start. Im sure it was there on the last forum and its annoying to have to keep scrolling right up the page to navigate the site.

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