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New Forum Skin - Official Feedback Thread

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MY EYES!!!!! MY EYES!!!!!!

First time on the forums for a couple of weeks, almost lose my eyesight its that bright. You've copied Spacebook for no reason I can think of, the smilies are rubbish, go back to old skin or maybe give us a similar look the the black skin in FM10, this is terrible.

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I know what you're talking about but if you look on that page (and indeed any list of threads) you'll see a small blue icon with two arrows on it to the left of the thread name (if there are new posts). If you use that, it takes you to the first new post in that thread. It's much much better than 'Go to last post'.

Wait, I thought this was the last post button? If so, that doesn't work from the control panel either, that is the button that takes you to post #1

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Wait, I thought this was the last post button? If so, that doesn't work from the control panel either, that is the button that takes you to post #1

To the left of the thread title (beside the post icon) it's a blue icon with two arrows which point down. It takes you to the first new post. It definitely works from User CP because that's what I use.

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To the left of the thread title (beside the post icon) it's a blue icon with two arrows which point down. It takes you to the first new post. It definitely works from User CP because that's what I use.

Ah ha, I shall try using that then, never noticed it was even there!

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Thanks mr condescending, but if the last page has more than 50 posts, you still have to get down to the bottom of the page manually. Would be much easier if they just fixed the damned thing.

What you're suggesting is replacing a one click system with 1 click and 2/3 key presses. Usability be damned!

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Well let's think positively: At least a lot of us left before now because of the mindless and corrupt modding, leaving the majority of posters with active Warnings ('yellow cards') under their name.

I hope you mean what i think you mean. Ive often said that inconsistent modding is what is killing this forum. I got a red card for something I said in the heat of the moment but ive seen other people say something the same or worse and only get a yellow. Also there are people who know how to wind people up who cause a lot of these arguments but nothing gets done about them. The people that react and say something out of turn get punnished when it should be the people baiting in the first place that get punnished. You need to get rid of the root of the problem.

Ive had lengthy conversations with a few mods about how they go about things and its pretty much about how the mod feels at the time who's dealing with it wether you get a yellow or red card.

Now where is the consistency in that? If I call somebody a d**k after being wound up and provoked then I get punnished with a red card. Fair enough. But when somebody else calls somebody else a d**k with no provocation and another mod only gives them a yellow card, is that not an injustice.

In private messaging ive been told by a few mods that I would have only recieved a warning (with no card) for what I said due to the fact I was a new-ish member and it was my first warning. When I actually recieved my warning and I challenged it, some mods who backed me up in private, said something different to the mods. Well done guys!

I honestly cant wait till november till my warning expires so I can flick the big V's to all the unfair backstabbing mods on here.

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Thanks mr condescending, but if the last page has more than 50 posts, you still have to get down to the bottom of the page manually. Would be much easier if they just fixed the damned thing.

What you're suggesting is replacing a one click system with 1 click and 2/3 key presses. Usability be damned!

Push the 'End' button on the keyboard.

I hope you mean what i think you mean.

Well as well as what you've said, there's also that the mods are allowed to do what they want.

When patch/complaining-about-waiting-for-a-patch threads were being made every few minutes, I would just post a Facepalm or a crying baby picture to spam them back.

This was whilst mods were editing these threads and posts to change them to something about meat or forks or whatever, I don't remember.

I got punished for it. I publicly pointed out the mods were doing the exact same thing and they went quiet.

There's no such thing as a forum with a fair moderating team.

We have to remember that people who are mods are kids who decided the best way to spend their free time was to voluntarily spend hours sat at their computer wielding make-believe power on regular folk, when not participating in online chat with other bits of code/online 'friends', but thinking or giving the impression they're a professional organisation.

All for free. Like the 'power' and 'responsibility' is pay enough...

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Well let's think positively: At least a lot of us left before now because of the mindless and corrupt modding, leaving the majority of posters with active Warnings ('yellow cards') under their name.

Well, probably the most recent and obvious instance of this corrupt modding was when FM Britain were allowed to advertise their product in the tactics and training forums.

It took quite a few days, maybe even a full week or so for SI to remove the thread.

Needless to say, had it been anyone else, that thread would've been closed/deleted in less than a few seconds with the user receiving a nice ban or something.

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So now my posts making perfectly valid points are being deleted??? Do you think that won't anger people even more rather than just sorting it out. I suppose your waiting for me to get angry and say something that you can infract me for. Well sorry to disappoint you :thdn::mad:

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I've PM'd you explaining the decision. Once again, if anyone has problems with mods, email mods[at]sigames.com. If you have issues with specific posts, report them.

This isn't the place to discuss them.

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I think you might be confused Ozzy.

Clicking 'go to last post' from the User CP page does not work. It takes you to the first post in the thread. :mad:

It appears that some people mention 'go to last post', some 'go to first new post'.

However, clicking on the last page number works fine and that's the same thing really.

I'm actually a bit amazed that people use this little tucked-away button, let alone complain about it not working. It reminds me of someone worrying that they'll miss their favourite TV show because they can't find the remote, until the other person pushes one of the buttons on the TV to change channel...

This isn't the place for this discussing problems you have with mods. If you have a complaint email it to mods[at]sigames.com.

Have I mentioned recently that mods despise transparency?

If they can make you work through PMs and private forums, and keep every bit of info on you or others private and confidential, they can do whatever they want.

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It appears that some people mention 'go to last post', some 'go to first new post'.

However, clicking on the last page number works fine and that's the same thing really.

I'm actually a bit amazed that people use this little tucked-away button, let alone complain about it not working. It reminds me of someone worrying that they'll miss their favourite TV show because they can't find the remote, until the other person pushes one of the buttons on the TV to change channel...

Have I mentioned recently that mods despise transparency?

If they can make you work through PMs and private forums, and keep every bit of info on you or others private and confidential, they can do whatever they want.

Going to the last page is in no way the same thing as 'go to last post' or even 'go to 1st new post'. As someone else already pointed out, if the last post is the 99th on a page then I still have to click the last page and scroll allllllll the way down. Rather than just 'click' ooh and there I am.

Its clear however that you're not here to contribute anything positive so not sure why I'm bothering.

Whilst I believe the mods (in GD) are not doing a great job atm (most of them seem to be awol, probably too busy playing FM11) you waging war in threads at them is not helping anyone.

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It appears that some people mention 'go to last post', some 'go to first new post'.

Just to clarify, I'm talking about 'go to last post', which does not work from the User CP page.

However, clicking on the last page number works fine and that's the same thing really.

It's not the same thing though, is it! :p

I'm actually a bit amazed that people use this little tucked-away button, let alone complain about it not working.

It's the same design as the old forum and I always used to use this button to access posts at the last post. Now that it isn't working, I find it frustrating. It's not even a 'tucked away' button - it's at the end of the thread title, which on most forums is the button you click to go to the last post.

It's simply a very convenient way to access threads and I prefer it. Like many here have mentioned, I'm annoyed now that when I click on it, I am taken to the first post of the thread instead.

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Going to the last page is in no way the same thing as 'go to last post' or even 'go to 1st new post'. As someone else already pointed out, if the last post is the 99th on a page then I still have to click the last page and scroll allllllll the way down. Rather than just 'click' ooh and there I am.

Its clear however that you're not here to contribute anything positive so not sure why I'm bothering.

Whilst I believe the mods (in GD) are not doing a great job atm (most of them seem to be awol, probably too busy playing FM11) you waging war in threads at them is not helping anyone.

And this can be killed in 3 points:

1) I never said going to the last page was the same as 'go to first new post'. This complete ignorance and lack of literacy is either just you or you trolling.

2) OMGZ U HAV TO SCROL ALL THE WAY DOWN?? You'll DIE!!!11one. And as I already pointed out, press the 'end' key. CRISIS AVERTED

3) Why and how would I 'wage war' on mods? Grow up and stop trolling.

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Ozzy38, grow up old chap. Really no need to act like such a fool.

I was the one who pointed out his failings, not whining about having to press the end key/scroll down and believing that there are people sad enough to "wage war" with irrelevant strangers, let alone on a forum they don't really visit anymore.

Poor trolling attempt.

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I was the one who pointed out his failings, not whining about having to press the end key/scroll down and believing that there are people sad enough to "wage war" with irrelevant strangers, let alone on a forum they don't really visit anymore.

Poor trolling attempt.

And several people have pointed out why you are wrong, which you don't accept. Let it alone.

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And several people have pointed out why you are wrong, which you don't accept. Let it alone.

What are you going on about? :S No-one's replied to my posts to say i'm wrong about anything, other than the confusion between people about 'go to first new post' and 'go to last post', and even then I only said it worked for me.

Has this change in forum design turned people's brains to mush or just made them unable to read?

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To be fair, Ozzy, you were the first to start talking about mods when you replied to my message, which is what started all this, and I'm pretty sure you know that. Your reply had nothing to do with what I had posted, but more an opportunistic attempt to make some digs at the mods. Plus you seem to want to make a point of it in your Location status. Mods and the way they operate, whether it's true or false, has nothing to do with this thread, and in my view, you're the only one who's trolling. And because of this, you've been added to my ignore list.

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And because of this, you've been added to my ignore list.


This sort of quote is exactly what I'm talking about regarding mods, Serious Business and changing your mindset.

A wall-o-text with a poor psychiatric analysis ended by something completely unimportant in the style and dramatisation of "*I* killed your parents!".

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What are you going on about? :S No-one's replied to my posts to say i'm wrong about anything, other than the confusion between people about 'go to first new post' and 'go to last post', and even then I only said it worked for me.

Has this change in forum design turned people's brains to mush or just made them unable to read?

But we have.

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And because of this, you've been added to my ignore list.

Mine too.


This sort of quote is exactly what I'm talking about regarding mods, Serious Business and changing your mindset.

A wall-o-text with a poor psychiatric analysis ended by something completely unimportant in the style and dramatisation of "*I* killed your parents!".

You are clearly troubled with your hidden messages and whatever else is going on.

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Mine too.

Why do people publicly proclaim that they have blocked someone?

That's a rhetorical question. If I publicly announced I blocked someone, heck if I cared enough and was so emotionally affected to bother blocking, I would have some issues in real life, probably regarding a lack of direction and power in reality.

c whut I did thar?

But we have.

What an excellent reply.

There's just no arguing against that case.

Look people, if you lot in this forum have got this stupid this past couple of years, I can see why SI and mods are annoyed at your constant bitching and whining as a consequence of your laziness, complete lack of patience and trivialness, if that's a word.

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For those suggesting that 'go to first new post' is a suitable alternative, it's also worth noting that this option is not available in threads in which there are no new posts! ;)

My suggestion was in relation to the 'go to last post' button not working in the User CP. Threads will only show in there if there is a new post, so it's always going to be there. For the other times (thread lists) the last post button works, I believe :thup:

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A lie told often enough becomes truth.

That and your trolling really sucks.

You really are something. I explained to you above why just pressing the end key is a silly replacement for the last post button. You willingly ignored that and obviously haven't gone back up the thread to check any posts that you may missed. I don't quite understand why to be honest, as it offered you a chance to get out of the argument before you made yourself look foolish.

A bit of humility from you would be a good sign that you've just gone overboard in this one instance.

@ Neji - the go to first new post button is quite useful, however I still would like the 'go to last post' button to work properly from the control panel. It's a very standard feature in nearly every bulletin board across the internet. There's no reason why this one shouldn't work.

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Back on topic please or I might as well close the thread, in case you'd all forgotten it's about the new skin.

For those finding it slow it might be worth trying a different browser, I find it tortuous through my AOL browser but much quicker through IE. I know I should probably try firefox or somesuch but I'm a creature of habit:)

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You really are something. I explained to you above why just pressing the end key is a silly replacement for the last post button. You willingly ignored that and obviously haven't gone back up the thread to check any posts that you may missed. I don't quite understand why to be honest, as it offered you a chance to get out of the argument before you made yourself look foolish.

A bit of humility from you would be a good sign that you've just gone overboard in this one instance.

I can tell by your change in font that you mean Serious Business.

The troll has been successfully trolled.

Now to pose. \_O_/

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Now is the time to cut out the crap. You're not reading anything and seem intent on banding about insults for no good reason. You're not even reading the content of posts that have a different opinion to yours. It's not even a matter of the opinion, as you have simply misunderstood the function that some of us are referring to. It wouldn't have been a big deal to say "right, I see now" or "Ah, I didn't know people used it that often" - but no, you went off on one and dug yourself a massive hole.

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Hey, mang...I haven't read any of your posts since your last two one-sentence trolls posts. You had your chance, I don't read troll (or large or wall-o-text) posts.

But feel free to write yet another waste-of-time-and-effort longish post in Serious Business font if it makes your life any better.

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So you don't read "large" or "wall-o-text" posts, but you ignore one sentence posts.

I understand why people can't get through to you. Have fun on my ignore list.

@ Kriss. The skin is still utter ***** without Swisso's mod.

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what an eyesore this site and thread is. and calm the **** down wakers wtf's with your big-ass posts anyway? go play world of warcraft if you want to get emotional and **** over big bad internet people.

Eh, hello alias? I think it's quite obvious who the emotional one is. Also quite funny that posts less than five lines long are called "long".

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Eh, hello alias? I think it's quite obvious who the emotional one is. Also quite funny that posts less than five lines long are called "long".

before your last two posts your posts have been around 10 lines long. wtf?

must you argue and whine over everything? just shut the **** up dude.

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The only one over five lines long was the one where I addressed two people. And even that one I don't write more than two lines without leaving a return space.

Oh wait, are you using the ****** default skin that has a tiny fixed width?

Besides that, no - I shall not comply.

Is it, by any chance, summer holiday time again?

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I see, I've been reported for defending myself against bemusing accusations by two people who might well be friends or the same person.

Yep, I'm in trouble.

Anyway, to try and get back on track as per Kriss' request - When using a different font, or the font size tag, it doesn't always appear in the size that you want. Some of my posts end up being giant and some minute.

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Let's see. Ozzy was arguing about something, didn't understand what he was arguing about, I (along with Crouchy) attempted to explain to him, he went nuts and started completely ignoring what people were saying.

Honestly, if someone (not eggy) doesn't see it that way, tell me and I'll apologise.

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