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New Forum Skin - Official Feedback Thread

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  • SI Staff
Right at the top of the page where it has, home-forum-football manager forums-pc/mac general discussion, is it possible to move this down the page to just above where the threads start. Im sure it was there on the last forum and its annoying to have to keep scrolling right up the page to navigate the site.

Yeah that's a good point. I've found myself looking for that as well. Having that duplicated at the bottom of the page would also be good for going elsewhere once a topic has been read.

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ok so if you have the same IE as me, (im not sure which 7 i think) make sure that when you come onto this site the "compatibality view" button is NOT active, that seems to have sorted out the placement of icons for me anyway! although its still slower than my nan ;)

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Hi All,

The forum will be going down for around 15 minutes while we install some new hardware.

Back soon. :)

Thats a shame, today has actually been quite good aswell. No gateway errors at all yet. Still a bit slow sometimes but its working.

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Thats a shame, today has actually been quite good aswell. No gateway errors at all yet. Still a bit slow sometimes but its working.

We are still planning on some further improvements to increase performance, but yes, by large we hope we're over the worst of those problems.

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  • Administrators
Last post button in the control panel needs fixing, and the subscribed thread 'dot' (more like speck) needs to be replaced with the old fashioned tick, or at least something more obvious. Then I think it's about OK.

What's wrong with the 'last post button' in the CP? Mine's working okay - what's happening with yours? Let me know, cheers.

SCRATCH THAT: Think I've figured it out, cheers. :)

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No one wanted the poncey new forum.

No one wants the dumb twitter feeds and links to facebook.

A pointless update

Can't we have it like it was before, this is pathetic.
people who use these forums are not bothered about seeing Twitter updates or links to Facebook. Certainly not if this is the bother its going to cause.

SI, you make a good game. Why can't you concentrate on that instead of needless forum upgrades?

Count how many complaints you had about the old skin/software/whatever else in the weeks leading up to the decision to change - bet it wasn't many.

Now count how many complaints you've had about the new skin/software/etc...

i'll leave you to do the maths and ponder the expression "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" (i suspect someone in your tech team has heard the similar expression "if it ain't broke, break it" and liked the idea. This person should be named, shamed. fired and exiled)

and post 436 was needlessly condescending

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SI, you make a good game. Why can't you concentrate on that instead of needless forum upgrades?

Count how many complaints you had about the old skin/software/whatever else in the weeks leading up to the decision to change - bet it wasn't many.

Now count how many complaints you've had about the new skin/software/etc...

i'll leave you to do the maths and ponder the expression "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" (i suspect someone in your tech team has heard the similar expression "if it ain't broke, break it" and liked the idea. This person should be named, shamed. fired and exiled)

and post 436 was needlessly condescending

I completely agree with the bolded bit. He knew exactly what I meant and was trying to be clever.

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Why would you bother to change something that was working fine in the first place? This new forum feels more clunky, its not as nice to look at, harder to navigate and has a crapload of errors everywhere. Don't know if I'll bother sticking around here now, it's not as busy on here as it once was anyway - this has just completely killed it.

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I completely agree with the bolded bit. He knew exactly what I meant and was trying to be clever.

Sorry you feel that way. I was trying to give you a little bit more insight and explain some things in more detail, seeing as you made some assumptions and wild statements and if I'm being completely honest with you, I think it's disgusting that you insinuated somebody should be shot on the spot.

In all walks of life, things can go wrong or not as you want or planned. It's not like anybody here deliberately wanted to have problems with an upgrade, but these things can happen no matter how well you think you've prepared. It's taken a great effort by SEGA's IT team, SEGA's web team and some of our guys to get to the root cause of the problems and we're hopefully just about there now and do apologise for the inconvenience. I can assure you it's frustrated us as much as it has anybody else.

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Sorry you feel that way. I was trying to give you a little bit more insight and explain some things in more detail, seeing as you made some assumptions and wild statements and if I'm being completely honest with you, I think it's disgusting that you insinuated somebody should be shot on the spot.

In all walks of life, things can go wrong or not as you want or planned. It's not like anybody here deliberately wanted to have problems with an upgrade, but these things can happen no matter how well you think you've prepared. It's taken a great effort by SEGA's IT team, SEGA's web team and some of our guys to get to the root cause of the problems and we're hopefully just about there now and do apologise for the inconvenience. I can assure you it's frustrated us as much as it has anybody else.

Neil, did you see my post RE spoiler tags?

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Sorry you feel that way. I was trying to give you a little bit more insight and explain some things in more detail, seeing as you made some assumptions and wild statements and if I'm being completely honest with you, I think it's disgusting that you insinuated somebody should be shot on the spot.

In all walks of life, things can go wrong or not as you want or planned. It's not like anybody here deliberately wanted to have problems with an upgrade, but these things can happen no matter how well you think you've prepared. It's taken a great effort by SEGA's IT team, SEGA's web team and some of our guys to get to the root cause of the problems and we're hopefully just about there now and do apologise for the inconvenience. I can assure you it's frustrated us as much as it has anybody else.

I know you was trying to explain and give some insight. In the sentence you have replied to, once again you know exactly what that was aimed at. It was aimed at you last sentence. P.S. This isn't a website either - it's a forum, which are two very different things as well.

You knew full well what I meant. Whether I said forum or website is irrelevant. As for saying somebody should be shot on the spot, that is a figure of speech, an expression if you will. Im sure you also knew what I meant by this but once again you take the opportunity to try and be clever with your response :rolleyes:

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Yes, can you please make it black background with a red blinking foreground.

That would be perfect for me.



A sarcastic response like this coming from a Sega administrator is quite surprising. I don't really see the need for this. I have a medically-diagnosed eye problem. It sucks. Looking into bright things hurts my eyes. I have to turn the brightness down on my laptop just to write a word document. It interferes with my daily life, and I am sorry that I could inconvenience the SEGA team so much as to request that the background be changed to something less bright. Please accept the humblest apology, and I'll definitely make sure to wear sunglasses next time when I read the forum, rather than suggesting something so outrageous as making the background color a few shades darker.

Let me tell you something. I intern in a governmental office. If I ever talked to a constituent sarcastically like PiotrW just did, my internship would be TERMINATED IMMEDIATELY. But what I don't understand is why that comment was even necessary. You could have just not responded or said something vague like "yea we'll look into it, sorry." That's all you had to do. I just don't get why you had to make a sarcastic comment like I'm asking for something ridiculous.

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A sarcastic response like this coming from a Sega administrator is quite surprising. I don't really see the need for this. I have a medically-diagnosed eye problem. It sucks. Looking into bright things hurts my eyes. I have to turn the brightness down on my laptop just to write a word document. It interferes with my daily life, and I am sorry that I could inconvenience the SEGA team so much as to request that the background be changed to something less bright. Please accept the humblest apology, and I'll definitely make sure to wear sunglasses next time when I read the forum, rather than suggesting something so outrageous as making the background color a few shades darker.

Let me tell you something. I intern in a governmental office. If I ever talked to a constituent sarcastically like PiotrW just did, my internship would be TERMINATED IMMEDIATELY. But what I don't understand is why that comment was even necessary. You could have just not responded or said something vague like "yea we'll look into it, sorry." That's all you had to do. I just don't get why you had to make a sarcastic comment like I'm asking for something ridiculous.

I thought he was just some tool that was a new member on the forum (he didn't have an avatar) before. He should certainly be reprimanded for making immature, and quite frankly brainless posts like that. I hope your post at least made him squirm somewhat.

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Agree with this. I too have an eye problem and this white is really bugging my eyes. Yeah that piotrW is a ****head. Try light sensitive eyes and live with the banging headache i get with reading this forum too long, what a moron for posting that to Scott1990.

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You knew full well what I meant ... but once again you take the opportunity to try and be clever with your response :rolleyes:
A sarcastic response like this coming from a Sega administrator is quite surprising.


I just don't get why you had to make a sarcastic comment like I'm asking for something ridiculous.

He should certainly be reprimanded for making immature, and quite frankly brainless posts like that.

Let's be fair guys, they're having a hard time. i hate the new forum and am very disappointed by the comments and reactions of SEGA and SI here but they thought they were making this a better place and it cocked up bug time which must be quite galling, so it's understandable if they get frustrated, i hope eventually this will resolve itself and we'll be given a new optional skin that's as close to the old one as the new software/hardware will allow.

Maybe we should let them get on with realising their mistakes, but someone needs to look at the poor cusomer service here. We have a complaint and don't deserve to be patronised or subjected to 3rd rate sarcasm. :thdn: at the very least these *****y smileys need changing.

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Let's be fair guys, they're having a hard time. i hate the new forum and am very disappointed by the comments and reactions of SEGA and SI here but they thought they were making this a better place and it cocked up bug time which must be quite galling, so it's understandable if they get frustrated, i hope eventually this will resolve itself and we'll be given a new optional skin that's as close to the old one as the new software/hardware will allow.

Maybe we should let them get on with realising their mistakes, but someone needs to look at the poor cusomer service here. We have a complaint and don't deserve to be patronised or subjected to 3rd rate sarcasm. :thdn: at the very least these *****y smileys need changing.

This 100% :thup:

PiotrW, from what I can make out, is an employee of SEGA and has come onto a forum and basically made fun of Scott1990's request. PiotrW may be under pressure to fix the forum or annoyed at the problems but at the end of the day, he/she is on the forum as a representative of SEGA and blatantly patronised a customer. Will Scott1990 get an apology from PiotrW or from SEGA?

As for Neil Dejyothin, employee of SI from all accounts, has twice twisted my words and tried to provide a smart ass response. This is completely uncalled for. I as a customer am entitled to my opinion whether good or bad, and an employee of SI should not come out and try to patronise a customer. He may be under pressure also and may be annoyed at the problems but he should at least have the professionalism not to take it out on a customer.

Im not expecting an apology. No doubt this will be twisted aswell to try to justify his responses, but for employee's to behave like that towards customers is not on, as a few have already noticed. Nice example to set there guys :thup:

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A sarcastic response like this coming from a Sega administrator is quite surprising. I don't really see the need for this. I have a medically-diagnosed eye problem. It sucks. Looking into bright things hurts my eyes. I have to turn the brightness down on my laptop just to write a word document. It interferes with my daily life, and I am sorry that I could inconvenience the SEGA team so much as to request that the background be changed to something less bright. Please accept the humblest apology, and I'll definitely make sure to wear sunglasses next time when I read the forum, rather than suggesting something so outrageous as making the background color a few shades darker.

Let me tell you something. I intern in a governmental office. If I ever talked to a constituent sarcastically like PiotrW just did, my internship would be TERMINATED IMMEDIATELY. But what I don't understand is why that comment was even necessary. You could have just not responded or said something vague like "yea we'll look into it, sorry." That's all you had to do. I just don't get why you had to make a sarcastic comment like I'm asking for something ridiculous.

Well m8, he's certainly shown you that he is the MAN around here. Must be some kind of tough guy.

Good to know that instead of focusing on his job, this nice SEGA employee is allowed to insult forum users freely. Way to go, guys. Way to go.

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This 100% :thup:

PiotrW, from what I can make out, is an employee of SEGA and has come onto a forum and basically made fun of Scott1990's request. PiotrW may be under pressure to fix the forum or annoyed at the problems but at the end of the day, he/she is on the forum as a representative of SEGA and blatantly patronised a customer. Will Scott1990 get an apology from PiotrW or from SEGA?

As for Neil Dejyothin, employee of SI from all accounts, has twice twisted my words and tried to provide a smart ass response. This is completely uncalled for. I as a customer am entitled to my opinion whether good or bad, and an employee of SI should not come out and try to patronise a customer. He may be under pressure also and may be annoyed at the problems but he should at least have the professionalism not to take it out on a customer.

Im not expecting an apology. No doubt this will be twisted aswell to try to justify his responses, but for employee's to behave like that towards customers is not on, as a few have already noticed. Nice example to set there guys :thup:

If you look back at my response, I already apologised if you took it the wrong way.

I did not twist your words, I interpreted them differently and felt that there was a lack of understanding on your part, based on what you've posted overall throughout this thread. It's completely normal and reasonable for you not to know how things work here. In hindsight, perhaps I should have explained things in more detail and you may not have perceived what I said in the way that you did.

If you look through my post history I'm sure you'll find no cases of me trying to wind up anybody who uses these forums. I'm not that kind of guy but you are more than entitled to your opinion and we respect that. I do think you are overreacting somewhat though.

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As for Neil Dejyothin, employee of SI from all accounts, has twice twisted my words and tried to provide a smart ass response. This is completely uncalled for. I as a customer am entitled to my opinion whether good or bad, and an employee of SI should not come out and try to patronise a customer. He may be under pressure also and may be annoyed at the problems but he should at least have the professionalism not to take it out on a customer.

Im not expecting an apology. No doubt this will be twisted aswell to try to justify his responses, but for employee's to behave like that towards customers is not on, as a few have already noticed. Nice example to set there guys :thup:

I particularly love how it's okay for you to advocate shooting somebody on the spot, but not okay for him to reply with clarification. The fact that you chose to interpret it as patronisation and misrepresentation says far more about you than it does about him.

The skin looks a little better now that I'm not having to view it fixed-width (which only uses around 60% of my available space), and the timeout errors and suchlike are almost completely gone, but I agree on toning down the whitespace - just greying it down a little would be perfectly fine. That is the only issue I have with the default skin now.

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If you look back at my response, I already apologised if you took it the wrong way.

I did not twist your words, I interpreted them differently and felt that there was a lack of understanding on your part, based on what you've posted overall throughout this thread. It's completely normal and reasonable for you not to know how things work here. In hindsight, perhaps I should have explained things in more detail and you may not have perceived what I said in the way that you did.

If you look through my post history I'm sure you'll find no cases of me trying to wind up anybody who uses these forums. I'm not that kind of guy but you are more than entitled to your opinion and we respect that. I do think you are overreacting somewhat though.

No no no your failing to grasp this. In my initail comment, I said website instead of forum. After you explanation, you decided to comment saying its not a website, its a forum. They are two very different things. Now it is my opinion, and probably the opinion of most reading it,

that you were trying to be sarcastic and patronising and you knew exactly what I was talkin about. Ending a post in such a sarcastic sounding manner will be interpreted as just that.

I then responded to your comment and you decided to reply and mention me saying about somebody being shot on the spot, and say you felt it was disgusting. Once again, I think you knew exactly what I was saying and im sure you have used that expression many times yourself. I bet a player has missed an open net and you have said something along the lines of my comment. Does that mean you actually mean what you say? I think not. Once again, like myself, people reading that have probably interpreted it as you as trying to be clever by making something out of nothing.

Then once again, you say you apologised. You said "sorry you feel that way" in response to me saying you were trying to be clever in your response. That is not an apology. In that context, it is you being sympathetic to the way I feel to your response. Then you end off with "I do think you are overreacting somewhat though". Again this leaves it open to more argument rather that just putting it to bed. I thought there would have been more tact involved to be honest.

As for not understanding what is going on behind the scenes, maybe I don't. What I do know is that nothing needed changing and there was no need to change. The only reason as far as I can see for a change to be made is that SEGA/SI wanted to incorporate Twitter and Facebook into the Forum. Maybe a vote should have been done before hand to see how many of the forum users actually wanted this integrated.

Its funny how the forum held up long enough to advertise the game being sold for £9.99 on steam and £3.99 for handheld and via twitter before the probelms started. I hope SEGA/SI made enough sales from that advertising to pay for the damage to the forum to be fixed.

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I particularly love how it's okay for you to advocate shooting somebody on the spot, but not okay for him to reply with clarification. The fact that you chose to interpret it as patronisation and misrepresentation says far more about you than it does about him.

The skin looks a little better now that I'm not having to view it fixed-width (which only uses around 60% of my available space), and the timeout errors and suchlike are almost completely gone, but I agree on toning down the whitespace - just greying it down a little would be perfectly fine. That is the only issue I have with the default skin now.

Have you not read any of my responses? That is a figure of speech that many people use and im sure that you have used it yourself.

I particularly love how people read one post and then feel the need to comment without taking the full story in. Maybe you should try that before commenting again.

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  • SI Staff
What I do know is that nothing needed changing and there was no need to change. The only reason as far as I can see for a change to be made is that SEGA/SI wanted to incorporate Twitter and Facebook into the Forum. Maybe a vote should have been done before hand to see how many of the forum users actually wanted this integrated.

Twitter and Facebook haven't really been integrated into the forum. There are links to our Twitter page, our Facebook page and our You Tube channel at the top of the page. You'll find a lot of websites / forums doing that sort of thing these days. That could have been done with or without upgrading the forum software.

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Twitter and Facebook haven't really been integrated into the forum. There are links to our Twitter page, our Facebook page and our You Tube channel at the top of the page. You'll find a lot of websites / forums doing that sort of thing these days. That could have been done with or without upgrading the forum software.

Ok fair enough, maybe I have that wrong then. I thought maybe they would have had to upgrade to the newer version of vBulletin to link these. Like in the top left hand corner, it shows the latest twitter post. I thought this was slightly more advanced than a link. I thought it was basically a live feed to the twitter page which updates dynamically.

This is why I thought that maybe the forum needed the upgrade to accomodate for these integrations. If what I have said is true, they have basically had to upgrade the forum to make this integration possible thus ruining the forum. If this is not the case, I apologise for my lack of understanding.

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  • SI Staff
Ok fair enough, maybe I have that wrong then. I thought maybe they would have had to upgrade to the newer version of vBulletin to link these. Like in the top left hand corner, it shows the latest twitter post. I thought this was slightly more advanced than a link. I thought it was basically a live feed to the twitter page which updates dynamically.

This is why I thought that maybe the forum needed the upgrade to accomodate for these integrations. If what I have said is true, they have basically had to upgrade the forum to make this integration possible thus ruining the forum. If this is not the case, I apologise for my lack of understanding.

Nah, that sort of thing could have been done without upgrading the forum software.

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I like the new design, it's smarter than the previous one.

I would like to notice the difference when it is a moderator writing a post..it would be better if the name of a moderator or a SI crew member was in another colour than a normal poster one.

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Yeah that's a good point. I've found myself looking for that as well. Having that duplicated at the bottom of the page would also be good for going elsewhere once a topic has been read.

Or they could just make the "Quick Navigation" list usable again.

btw, the multi quote feature is still broken. :thdn:

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If there is just one thing I want on this forum, it would have to be sorting out the 'go to last post' button on the User CP page.

Please, can we just get this sorted so that it doesn't take me to the first post of the thread all of the time! :mad::D

Please, please, make this the priority. It's so ****ing annoying and it must be a two second fix.

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  • SI Staff
Please, please, make this the priority. It's so ****ing annoying and it must be a two second fix.

It's an issue with the forum software. I'm sure it will be fixed in a future update.

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Have to say, it looks pretty ropey. It looks broken to be honest. It's far too bright, but that seems to be an SI theme ;)

Wasted space, buttons not looking as though they belong as part of a sensible structure. Sorry, I thought the old one was comfortable to read and now it's basically turning me away.

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