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Is That It?


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i have heard a few people using FM Genie scout and the editor talking about potential ability - and also protential rating. i understand what they represent etc.. but whilst the game is progressing i.e you buying in players, tutouring, and training is it possible for these ratings to change or 'is that it' and these numbers are fixed for the rest of the game?

the reason i ask is when new players join your youth setup - they only ever seem to have a low potential rating for their preferred position - does this progress over time? at the moment i just seem to dump all my youth as they are only ever going to be as good as conference level - y assistant manager has 20 on both judging ability so trust his knowledge!

thanks if you decide to answer

much love

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Potential ability very rarely changes. The only way I think it could change is I think negatively. If a young player gets a serious injury like a broken leg or damaged cruciate ligaments then their potential ability could decrease. In the main though it is fixed.

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Potential ability very rarely changes. The only way I think it could change is I think negatively. If a young player gets a serious injury like a broken leg or damaged cruciate ligaments then their potential ability could decrease. In the main though it is fixed.

Agreed :)

The CA is changing but the PA(Only Negatively as jod said)

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thanks guys, so in response to pa - if say i tutoured a player with say that french superstar terry henry - could all of a players pa go to one particular stat - for example if he has a pa of 140 and his ca is at 120 could the last 20 of his pa go straight to say finishing and flair? - i always used to purchase players on genie scout relying solely on their potential rating for a certain position, for example players i would look into buying might have a potential rating for a winger of 77.48 out of 100. i assume this is the wrong way to go about it as potential ability points are not destined for set stats and go elsewhere depending on how a player has been trained? so if i had an attacking midfielder with good finishing positioning and say heading i could increase these if i had a player of say the alan shearer type mould tutouring him as his stats might increase in this area, would this then in turn change his potential rating season by season? is this correct?

hope this makes sense as ive confused myself trying to explain what i mean!

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If you mean it being fixed points that will be added to a players stats (i.e. he has now only 120 but has a PA of 140, so it are 20 points to add) then no. You can better see stats and pa/ca as a percentage, where a stat of 20 = 100% and a ca/pa of 200 is 100%.

If a player hasn't reached his full potential, there are still some % left for him to get better.

If a player has a ca of 120 and a pa of 140 (for him that is his potential 100%) then his total stats can go higher with the right amount of training and playing matches. It doesn't have to happen.

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Potential rating changes all the time.

Note that current as well as potential rating are massively bugged in the 2010 Genie Scout as they take into account player footedness, and thus a two-footed bad keeper will often be shown as better than a one-footed great keeper.

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