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Audere est Facere - To Dare Is to Do


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I have been in this God forsaken hospital for hours. Sitting in the waiting room on my eleventh cup of coffee has done nothing on settling my nerves; not that I needed to stay awake. As I glanced at my watch and down the corridor, I wondered why it has come to this.

The doctor finally came towards me, and I already knew. Tears began to well in my eyes, and without a word, I lifted my head towards the heavens, and breathed heavily.

“We did all we could, but there was just too much damage. I’m sorry son, he’s gone.”

With that he turned and walked away. I fought back from howling with anger and fear, picked myself up, and wandered over to the emergency bed where he laid. He looked like he was sleeping, his tracksuit torn open and the bag mask still on his face. I gently ran my hands through his hair, still not being able to believe he was gone. I kissed his forehead and said a prayer as I walked out of that room.

It was now time to break the news to everyone at the club, and to ponder what my future holds.

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Author’s Note: Hello all,

I am making probably my 5th attempt at writing a story for Football Manager. I have tried many times in the past, but have managed to fail, namely due to overplaying the game once it has hit the shelf and unable to catch up with the writing. However, with the long loading times since I am putting a lot of processing time on my computer, I can hopefully come up with interesting storylines and able to catch up.

With that said, the game begins with my “third” season at Tottenham Hotspur. I don’t want to go back and delve too much into the past, so we’ll just say I was a young apprentice during my time, and now officially take over.

I did make some edits prior to the game starting, namely having an all Italian board as well as including some of my associates at the Canadian amateur level join me on my mission. Also, some ages have been edited in order to allow these players to fit in the home grown rule; the game has almost every league loaded as well as the edited North American leagues kindly provided by Aljirov and the rest of the North American FM Community as well as the Italian 10th level provided by Ezio. I hope you all enjoy my English football adventure.

May 21st 2011 will forever go down in history as a bittersweet day for Tottenham Hotspur and North London in general. The night that Spurs managed to conquer Europe by winning the Champions League against the powerful Real Madrid by a final score of 3-0, the beloved mastermind behind creating this team of youths, my father Fortunato, known by the moniker of “Lucky” by his friends, family and players suffered a heart attack just as the final whistle blew. As the team celebrated on this momentous feat, my eyes wandered to my father, who suddenly collapsed to the ground. I immediately rushed over, and noticed he wasn’t breathing. I immediately signalled to the 4th official that he needed a medic, and he hustled the in game physios to my father’s side. Both teams and the stadium fell silent as they watched the medics perform CPR on my father, and I was in shock. He was carried out of the stadium and the fans applauded when he was carted off. The players and UEFA, decided it wouldn’t be appropriate to hold the official celebrations, and we all quickly left the pitch and headed to the hospital.

I had the unfortunate position of messenger to give the club and his beloved squad the bad news.

Just as I was about to call the chairman Dino Zoff, Spurs captain and my idol Alessandro Del Piero came charging into the waiting room. He knew just by the way I looked at him that his coach was gone, and we consoled each other with a hug. The tears flowing from his eyes almost got me started, but I remained strong. After all that Alex has been through, losing the man who still believed he had enough fire left to carry a club on his shoulders, he was unable to hide his emotions in front of that man’s only son. We left the hospital and went to the club’s temporary HQ to inform the staff, board and players who remained after the final.

A memorial was held outside White Hart Lane 3 days later. My father was to be flown home the next day back to Italy for a private funeral and be buried in the family’s mausoleum just outside of Teramo in Abruzzo, Italy. The number of people who expressed their condolences and best wishes was alarming. Every manager from the EPL as well as representative from clubs all over the world including Serie A, La Liga, Die Bundes Liga and Ligue 1 all came to honour and say goodbye to a fierce competitor, colleague and footballing brother. Rivalries aside, every manager has a deep rooted respect for one another in this game; it takes a lot of skill, determination and hard work to reach this level, and my father was one of the hardest working men in the game of football. Coming from nothing, and working his way to the top of the footballing world earned my father all the respect and admiration in the world.

But that is for another time and day, right now I just want to be alone and mourn for my father.

The funeral was a very quiet one. The only people present were immediate family, and the Tottenham chairman and squad, all of whom my father had brought in first hand to the club. The priest offered what was supposed to be healing words, but I was too emotional to accept. All I could think about is what to do I do now?

The priest asked if anyone wished to offer any words to the mourners, and despite my lack of perception, my body stood up from the pew and made its way to the lectern. My speech broken up into both English and Italian, in order to ensure everyone understands what I want to say, was straight from the heart and without any form of rehearsal.

“Today, my father will officially be given his final goodbye. Every person here knows the relationship my father and I had; we didn’t see eye to eye on everything, but we both had a great love of this game. Everyone here has been in one way or another inspired by my father and I thank you for being here today to say goodbye. All I can hope is to be as good a man as him, both on the pitch and off, so that I may see him again, someday.”

With that, I returned to my seat, kissed my mother on the cheek, and proceeded to the cemetery.

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As June slowly rolls around, the heavy rumour is that Harry Redknapp is once again going to take over Spurs and I would remain as Assistant Manager, move down the chain of command or be let go altogether. It’s probably the best option to let Harry bring in his own crew. Lord knows dad did, and Harry had no issues. He enjoyed the break from the stress and strain of high level football, but was now getting that itch to take the hot seat again.

Luckily for me I took my pro courses before the season ended, allowing me the opportunity of accepting any coaching job in the world should I choose. While Italy was always my home, I have to admit I enjoyed my time in north London very much. The summers aren’t the same as I was used to in the south of Italy, but the winters weren’t as bad as those in Canada. It was a pleasant mix of the two, but with much more rain that I was used to.

My father was buried only 3 days earlier, and I am already back to work. Our academy coaches were preparing the graduates of the youth system to move to the u18 and my job as Assistant Manager under my father was to manage the youth and reserve teams. I was given a preliminary list of the players coming in, and it was my job to get their training schedules ready once they make the jump. I must have been nose deep in reports that I didn’t hear the door open or see someone sit down.

“Keeping busy won’t change anything kiddo.”

I jumped, half in fear, half in surprise. Chairman Dino Zoff was in my office. My mouth was opened, and I had a puzzled look on my face. He smiled and stood up, and clapped me on the shoulder.

“Come, let’s go for a walk.”

I slowly rose to my feet and walked with the chairman.

“You know, when I took over two years ago, I saw a club that had a lot of potential. A club that was on the brink of breaking through the proverbial glass ceiling, and with your father, God rest his soul, we achieved quite a bit.”

“We sure did, Dino.”

“Now it’s time for that legacy to continue in a new direction.”

Here I was, about to get fired. I knew this would come, but I didn’t think he was such a ruthless bastard that he would fire me while my father was only recently buried.

“We want to offer you a two year contract at 5 million per season; the exact same wage your father agreed to before his death. You’re the future of this club my boy, make me and your father proud.”

With that, Don Dino clapped me once more on the shoulder, gave me a wink and walked off. I simply looked out the window, once again towards the heavens, and wept. Although it was at my father’s expense, my dream had come true.

And I wasn’t going to let him, nor the club down.

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I had wondered about why Harry didn’t get the job ahead of me. I put some feelers out there and got conflicting stories. Some say he wanted too much money, others say he didn’t like having an Italian come in and change everything. My psyche was determined to know the truth, so I put my new people calling his people to set a meeting.

In the meantime, I had another unenviable task; the manager’s office. My father decorated his home away from home away from home with photos of him, my mom, and my sister and me. My photos were his favourite. As a young and aspiring footballer, I was labelled the next Roberto Baggio since I was great with the ball at my feet, but was even more dangerous running at defenders. My career was ended however before I finished my teens thanks to a broken leg and a dislocated ankle suffered in game in the finals of the Coppa Italia six years earlier. With that aside, I had a choice to make; do I keep everything my father had and relive the painful memory of his loss every day, or do I take down the shrine and build my own fortress of solitude? I decided that I would keep a memorial wall for my father and the rest would take care of itself. I gave my father the west wall; it was always his intention for his son to be a left footer, but I was a righty. Luckily I developed into an equal footed threat on the pitch, and if it weren’t for his insistence on the matter, it may never have happened.

As I began to go over the changes in my head, my phone rang. My assistant had set up a lunch meeting with Harry.

Harry and I met at a quiet Italian restaurant just outside the stadium. We greeted each other with a firm handshake, and Harry, the true gentleman that he is offered his condolences and his services in the wake of what has happened. I thanked him sincerely, and simply blurted my question.

“Funny, everyone has wondered why it was you and not me.”

“I’m sorry if I am stepping over any boundaries.”

“Not at all, lad. The reason is simple. The club approached me in case you decided to walk away from it all. You’ve been your father’s understudy since you arrived at the club. The board knew you were the only rightful successor, and I was simply asked to keep the seat warm should you have decided to walk away from it all.”

“That’s the biggest load of bull I have ever heard” I couldn’t help but smile.

“As God as my witness. However, if you ever mention this to the press, I will deny it until I die, and will chop your block off.”

Our food finally arrived, and we discussed other things as opposed to football for the next two hours. When it was time for us to head our separate ways, Harry had asked me one favour.

“Your father had dreams to make this club the biggest and best in the world; exceed those expectations, and make his name last forever.”

I smiled, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

I sat in my office when I received an email from some old friends in Canada; my father had a huge impact on a number of people back in Canada, and they all offered their condolences and sympathies. I responded by asking them to come visit North London all on the club’s expense. Little did they realize they wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon.

Brett Mosen has been a friend of my father’s for almost 25 years. They met on the pitch way back in the precursor of the MLS, and both men grew to respect one another. As time wore on, my father and Brett were the top two coaches in North America, and they had a hand in developing numerous talents in Canada, the United States and Europe. Two of those proteges, Igor Prostran and Eddy Berdusco played under my father and Brett for the Toronto Lynx. All 3 men credit my father for their continued lives in football, and I was ready to repay their loyalty. As the tour of the city progressed, I asked each of them to join my new staff. Brett would take my spot as the number two at Tottenham, Igor would be the striker coach and Eddy would be the head scout. All 3 didn’t hesitate in accepting the offer, and I was ready to get to work, now that my staff was starting to formulate.

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Author’s Note: After this afternoon’s torrid display in South Africa, I decided that a step I wanted to take in the future was to occur immediately. All I will say is, while I do not condone such actions, Lippi deserves all the blame.


The players are all on vacation and I am in my office pouring over loan reports, transfer targets and a look at tweaking the tactics for the upcoming year. As I was so focused, I was once again surprised by my chairman.

“You look exactly like your father.”

I didn’t jump this time, but my heart rate did rise quite quickly. I looked at him and smiled. “Someone had to get some work done before the new season arrives.”

Don Dino simply smiled back. “Let’s go for another walk, shall we?”

I tilted my head to the side, and wondered what he was up to this time. I slowly got to my feet, and followed the chairman outside.

“The Azzurri aren’t looking good are they?”

“They could be doing a lot better, especially since we have some of the top talent right here in North London.”

“My thoughts exactly. Players like Giovinco, Balotelli, Criscito, all should be wearing the Azzurri shirt. How on Earth guys like Gattuso, Zambrotta and Iaquinta are there I have no idea.”

“You know Lippi better than I do; he’s loyal to those guys to a fault. A shame the kids aren’t getting their shot.”

“But they will; Lippi will be getting axed tomorrow and you’re in line to succeed him.”

I stopped dead in my tracks. Zoff realized I what had happened and turned around.

“You seem surprised.”

“Why would I even get looked at? What have I done to deserve this prestigious honour?”

“You’re the right man for the job. You’re young, hungry and most of all, you developed those young Azzurrini stars into superstars. We boast the best young players in the world, and you and your father deserve all the credit. Naturally he would have taken over, but you once again jumped to the front of the line. Make the country proud.”

With that, Zoff once again clapped my shoulder, and walked off while I looked towards the heavens. Maybe the old man’s luck is rubbing off on me......


The Italian media was surprisingly all for Lippi’s outing as national coach. His old ways have caught up to him, and an early knock out of South Africa as well as a lacklustre qualifying saw him get sacked by the Italian FA. I immediately stepped in, and was looking at August 10th as my first game in charge.

However, not everyone was thrilled with my new posting. Lippi had some harsh words on his way out, as well as those who felt they were stepped over as the next in line, namely Madrid boss Luciano Spaletti, Ciro Ferrara and surprisingly enough Roberto Donadoni.

As I walked to the podium to begin the press conference, I noticed Lippi and Spaletti in crowd. They were giving me the death stare, and I subtly flashed them the horns. They turned their heels and walked off. Point goes to the kid.

As I stood and answered questions from the media, I noticed a young fan in the crowd holding the Spurs promotional photo in his hands. I started to smile. The reporters were wondering why I was smiling at such serious question. I asked that everyone turn around and look at the boy.

“Everyone wonders why the players and managers do what they do. The players are in it for the money, it’s their livelihood. Some managers are in it for personal glory, but for me, it’s all about that young boy. I’m here because of him. When I was his age and working my way through the ranks, I never once did it for the money; I did it for pride, and for the love of the game. He is the reason why I am taking over this team, so that he has something to cheer for and not to hold a grudge; unlike the man who was in charge 24 hours ago.”

“Speaking of grudges, how do you plan on building the bridges burned by Lippi with some of your standouts?”

“All Italian players will get their chance. I don’t care if you’re playing in Italy, England, America or Mars, if you’re good enough, you will get a call.”

“What about the rumours of Alessandro Del Piero considering coming out of international retirement?”

“I can’t speak for Alex but I know with the form he has been in, playing 90 minutes of football on a week in week out basis, if he were to reconsider his decision, he’d not only be our number 10, but our captain.”

“You can’t be serious; the team was criticized for being too old. You’re going to be bring in a 36 year old?”

“Two time reigning World Player of the Year. Two time reigning World Footballer of the Year. Two time reigning English Player of the Year, Reigning Champions League Player of the Year. You mean to tell me he’s too old to be winning those awards too?”

“I never said that....”

“What is your name?”

“Corrado Storia, La Gazzetta Dello Sport.”

“Ah, the pink power; my compliments. We all know Tuttosport is the more respected newspaper back home. Listen here, Alessandro Del Piero is right now the best player on the planet. If I were to leave him out, everyone in the media, yourself included, would crucify me for leaving him off. Alessandro if he is willing has a spot on the Azzurri waiting for him. If he decides to prove you wrong Storia, then I can’t be a happier man.”

With that, Storia turned in a huff and left the press conference. I answered a few more questions, and finally decided to call it a day.


I flew back to London and decided to celebrate alone in my office. I was currently looking to purchase a new home in London now that I was making the big money, so I spent the night just like my father has so many nights before, alone in his office with a bottle of wine and a smile on my face. I decided to let it all sink in; 25 years old, and the world was at my feet. It could all come crashing down tomorrow, and if it did, well, I’m not so sure anyone would say it wasn’t a great journey. I have already climbed higher than I could have imagined, and there are only two directions I could go. I can either continue to climb, or I can fall............

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Thanks Terk, I shall do my best to keep the story interesting.

July 1st is a hectic time for most clubs. The opening of the transfer window means heavy rumours of players coming or going, which will be analyzed by the journalists being paid to analyze, and over analyzed by the fans at the pub, or at the stadium.

We have a few young players coming into the club, to join our already young squad. This also means that many of my teenagers will be moving out on loan in order for them to gain some first team experience so they can hopefully come in ready to go when needed.

Our first friendly will be against Queens Park Rangers, our former affiliated club which had 7 of my players leading their way to the Coca Cola Championship crown and automatic promotion. Now that the link has been terminated, they will surely struggle to stay up without 7 key players staying on.

Still, I don’t expect this friendly to be any sort of pushover, so I will have my players ready.

As kick off approaches, I’ve had numerous players go out on loan.

Spanish U21 captain Carlos, a solid sweeper has moved to surprising runners up Aston Villa on loan. Carlos was at Everton last season and pushed them to a Europa League place, and now hopes to gets some Champions League experience at Villa.

Cesar N’Diaye, a French/Ghanaian full back is off to Milan. The aging Zambrotta will no longer cut it and Cesar plays both flanks.

Argentine U20 starlet Mattias Carrera moves to Lazio on loan and is joined by promising Canadian striker Jeremy Shepherd.

Davide Lanzafame has moved on loan to Parma alongside Tottenham’s best youth prospect ever Giovanni Scavone, a sweeper who has been labelled my many including the Italian press the next Franco Baresi; high praise indeed.

Michael Cheeseman is a midfielder who has great potential is on his way to Reading. His former roommate at the Tottenham Academy Ian Hall is on his way to the peninsula as he will be playing at Napoli.

Peter Petropanagos is one of the few players who will be surrounded by a predominantly non-English team. Moving to Turkish champions Galatasaray and playing under Frank Rijkaard. Being Greek, well everyone knows the issues between Greeks and Turks.

Jonathan de Guzman is off to Villareal. He has really come into his own last year while at QPR, and now with Champions League football ahead of him, he will only become better.

Lorenzo Crisetig is off to Porto. An anchorman in every sense of the word, he will be plying his trade in Portugal.

Lastly, British born Eugene Kazakov, born to Ukrainian parents is off to West Brom.

With those players gone, I had my remaining 27 players available, with a 28th on the way.

Eduardo is a Spanish/Brazilian teenager from Numancia. He’s joined Spurs for $650,000; an offer Numancia felt was too good to turn down. Pity though, he’s a 6’4 sweeper that has the potential to be an international before he turns twenty. He’ll jump into the starting 11 due to injury to Domenico Criscito.

He made the short trip to Loftus Road, and entered the change room. As I posted the starting 11, I reminded the boys that it was simply a warm up game, however not to take this too lightly.

Friendly Match

Tottenham vs. QPR

Loftus Road, London

Tottenham Line-up

GK – Robert Stillo

SW – Eduardo

DR – Davide Santon

DL – Paolo De Ceglie

DC – David Edgar

DMC – Sebastian Giovinco

DMC – Claudio Marchisio

AMR – Mario Balotelli

AML – Theo Walcott

AMC – Marco Veratti

FC – Alessandro Del Piero

Subs: Go Kita, Tom Lloyd, Giuseppe Principe, Alexander Ziganda, Giovani dos Santos, Davide Petrucci, Christian Terezino, Lawrence Ramsey, Mesut Ozil, Thomas Mueller, Federico Macheda, David Beckham

As we walked into the stadium, I took my position in the technical area. I liked to play a very attacking 4-2-3-1 with a sweeper. I realize that the sweeper is a dead position, but I like it. With that said, Criscito is the typical Libero a la Franz Beckenbauer and Lothar Matthaus; he gets forward whenever possible.

At 23 minutes, Alessandro Del Piero was fouled 25 yards from goal. He did what he is famous for, and curled a free kick to the keeper`s right, and froze him on his line. 1-0 Spurs.

24 minutes saw us double our lead as Mario Balotelli was sent in all alone, beating the offside trap and calmly side footed the ball into the right corner. Marco Veratti headed home a corner kick at 39’ to make it 3-0 and Sebastian Giovinco finished the first half scoring on 44’ with a great 25 yard strike.

The second half sees massive changes, everyone but Beckham and dos Santos comes on and they looked awful.

David Edgar and Zigander decided to double team the right winger, leaving Thompson wide open. Go Kita was unable to reset his position, and QPR make it 4-1. Immediately after kickoff, Terezino gives the ball back to Thompson and Edgar makes a mess of it, letting Thompson on goal alone. Kita rushes out and Thompson attempts to chip him, but he hits the bar. Zigander dives to head it away, and Mesut Ozil puts on a dribbling clinic. He beats 4 defenders and hits a 20 yard thunderbolt off the underside of the bar to make it 5-1.

I sat back down thinking the game was over, but Thomas Mueller had other plans. The former Bayern youth decides to control the corner kick at the back post. He then proceeds to dribble around the perimeter of the 18 yard box before turning his defender inside out, and finesses a shot on goal. The goalkeeper is frozen on his line, but the ball hits the post and is cleared. Mueller gets an ovation from the visiting fans for his brilliance on the ball, and is rewarded in the 89’ as he heads home a Principe cross from the left flank and ends the scoring.

The final whistle blows and the teams shake hands, and swap kits. I shook Mick Harford’s hand, and headed down the tunnel.

Final Score:

Tottenham: 6 (Del Piero 23’, Balotelli 24’, Veratti 39’, Giovinco 44’, Ozil 59’ Mueller 89’)

QPR: 1 (Thompson 48’)

MoM: Alessandro Del Piero

After the match I was back in my office, preparing for a flight to Belgrade to take on Serbian side Red Star. I was fielding offers for my other young players, hoping they’d gain valuable first team experience. As I sat there, I started to wonder if I would be able to trust my second 11. Perhaps the 36 year old Beckham would be a calming influence, seeing as the oldest player in that second unit was 22 year old Mesut Ozil. Becks would get his chance Thursday in Belgrade.

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Thank you all for the kind words. I shall do my best to keep this entertaining and quite hopefully, going.

We arrived in Belgrade on Wednesday morning. I allowed the boys to have the day to themselves and to meet at the stadium on Thursday for preparations of our game against Red Star. We picked them up as an affiliate last September, and while we haven’t enjoyed any promising youth players as of yet, I have been assured by my coaches that their youth setup is very good.

As we sat in the locker room I reminded the players that while fitness was the most important thing, a victory is a must. The only change to the starting 11 is dos Santos enters while Walcott takes his spot on the bench.

Friendly Match

Tottenham vs. Red Star

Stadion FK Crvena Zvezda, Marakana

Tottenham Line-up

GK – Robert Stillo

SW – Eduardo

DR – Davide Santon

DL – Paolo De Ceglie

DC – David Edgar

DMC – Sebastian Giovinco

DMC – Claudio Marchisio

AMR – Mario Balotelli

AML – Giovani dos Santos

AMC – Marco Veratti

FC – Alessandro Del Piero

Subs: Go Kita, Tom Lloyd, Giuseppe Principe, Alexander Ziganda, The Walcott, Davide Petrucci, Christian Terezino, Lawrence Ramsey, Mesut Ozil, Thomas Mueller, Federico Macheda, David Beckham

The second minute sees the first chance on goal. Marchisio heads Red Star’s goal kick to dos Santos who sends Del Piero in on goal. Despite the tight angle Alex shoots and is parried by Parzan to the corner flag. Giovinco crosses it first time to De Ceglie but Parzan holds on with Balotelli sniffing for a rebound.

4th minute sees Del Piero win the ball from the defender Paca Balzan and send Balotelli in. Super Mario takes a touch and side foots it towards the near post. The keeper dives but can get enough of the ball and it’s 1-0 Tottenham. Balotelli races for the corner flag and Del Piero is the first to congratulate him. These two formed a deep friendship when Alex was asked by dad to tutor the hot headed talent. Alex’s professionalism seems to have rubbed off on the young star and he has now found his way.

The 18th minute sees Red Star trying to work down the left flank. Parzac tries to feed the Brazilian Cahla but Santon breaks up the play with an inch perfect sliding block. Giovinco picks up the loose ball and sends Balotelli down the right. He thinks about crossing for dos Santos at the far post, but instead sees Alex making a run between the centre backs. He sends a perfectly timed and weighted through ball to Del Piero who smashes it off the post and into the goal for a 2-0 lead. I applauded the excellent counter and signalled the boys that I wanted more.

The offense continues as the 22nd minute sees a poor back pass from the defender Parilac to his goalkeeper is cut out by Super Mario and he smashes it into the far corner of the net for his second on the night and our 3rd of the game. Balotelli calmly walks back to the halfway line realizing it isn’t great to celebrate in the process of a beating, which isn’t something he would have done a few years ago.

25th minute sees an Eduardo free kick from our own half get punched away by the keeper. The ball falls to Giovinco who is given all the time and space in the world, so he simply walks into the 18 yard box and shoots, but the keeper makes a great save, but again parries it towards the corner flag and onto the foot of Balotelli. Mario comes in towards the goal and shoots from a tight angle, but Parilac throws himself in front of the shot and the ball goes out for a throw in. Santon goes for the long throw but Red Star manages to clear the ball to safety.

The remainder of the half sees Tottenham keeping possession and Red Star content with ensuring Tottenham do not continue forward. However Brazilian defender Juande is given a yellow card for tugging on Del Piero’s shirt for the second time. The free kick is over hit and the ref call for the halftime whistle.

As we entered the room, I praised my boys for an excellent first half effort. I also told my second 11 to play much better than they did last time out, and to show me they wanted to push the first 11 for equal consideration and playing time. Everyone comes off except for Edgar and all but Ramsey and Petrucci enter the fray, as we walk through the tunnel and onto the pitch for the start of the second half.

As we kick off the second half, I felt like the boys had the sense to that their youth was going to be a hindrance this year, and I couldn’t have been more right

David Edgar attempted to play a long ball forward, but it was blocked by Wanderson. He calmly sidestepped Edgar and bore down on goal. Kita came off his line to cut off the angle and Wanderson tried to blast one just inside the post, but he got it horribly wrong. Kita proceeded to yell at his back line in Japanese, since he still doesn’t speak a lick of English but I assume what he was saying wasn’t pretty.

Belic and Grisales at minute 58 finally broke down our young defensive unit. The two men made some decent movements off the ball and played a basic one-two that caught Ziganda and Edgar flat footed and Belic side footed into the goal. I jumped off the bench and started screaming at my back line to wake themselves up or they will be sent to the reserves. Granted Tom Lloyd is only 16, but as a sweeper, he should be more than able to cut out an angled one two. Kita also maybe shouldn’t have been so deep in his goal, but it was a team effort and we now needed to come roaring back.

Minute 61 sees the young German attackers create some magic. Ozil and Mueller play a great diagonal ball between each other and Ozil shoots but it’s saved and cleared by the Red Star defender for a throw. The throw comes in but is cleared behind for a corner. Beckham whips in the corner but Red Star clears and Wanderson outruns Terezino to the ball. Terezino commits a tactical foul in order to allow us to regroup, and I am absolutely livid with my young stars.

Red Star plays the free kick down the left flank and whips in a cross. Wanderson attempts to head it but can’t direct it. Kita once again comes right out screaming at his defenders, and I know this unit needs some defensive work.

And just like that, the youth show why I can’t stay mad at them.

Kita sends the goal kick and Terezino flicks the header to a charring Ozil down the left flank. Ozil cuts the pass back to Mueller and he sends it first time to Macheda, who lays it off to a charging Beckham and on 63’ David Beckham powers one from 8 yards out. David immediately turns to the bench and pumps his fists and gives me a thumbs up. I meet him in the technical area and give him a high 5 and sit back down.

80th minute sees another great attacking play coming from the simplest of passes.

Principe throws the ball into Edgar. He takes a touch and lays it off to Terezino who unleashes a thunderbolt on the underside of the crossbar and makes it 5-2 Tottenham.

The final whistle blows and I’m not sure how I feel about my second 11.

Final Score

Tottenham: 5 (Balotelli 4’, 22’ Del Piero 18’ Beckham 63’ Terezino 80’)

Red Star: 1 (Belic 58’)

MoM: Mario Balotelli

After the match, I got word from my staff that Reinhold Dittrich has come to terms. The 17 year old German playmaker will arrive next week pending a medical. He’ll likely be in our lineup against Leeds on the 28th.

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After returning home from Serbia I called in my lieutenants and asked them what they thought about what the young stars problems are. In my office sat Brett Mosen, Steve Williamson, Fabio Gigante, Oliver Bierhoff and team captain Alessandro Del Piero.

I decided to start proceedings. “I realize that these players are young, and they aren’t experienced. We can’t throw away any points at this level. Something needs to be done”

“This is true.” Mosen was the one who responded first. “We could increase their defensive training.”

“That isn’t enough” I said. “They know how to play the game. What they need is to learn to play against a high level of competition.”

Alex looked at me. “What do you propose then boss?”

“Simple, we start them the next match against Leeds, and let them learn to play together.”

Bierhoff nodded in agreement, while Gigante shook his head.

“Look, these boys won’t get a lot of playing time here. While we’re in several major competitions, I need my core of 18 to be in every game. These guys know how to win. They won with dad, and they will win with me. Those kids will have their time to shine, but right now we need the experienced hands to right the ship, and the rest will have to go on loan somewhere, anywhere so they can come back here next season and blend into the squad. Until then, let’s set up a team bonding camp allowing the old guard needs to integrate with the young guns, and I want that done as soon as possible. There will be clubs lining up to sign them on loan. This needs to be done now.”

As the game against Leeds comes closer and closer, I began keeping a closer eye on training with these young players. As they scrimmaged, I noticed that they looked much calmer and were pressing each other much more. It seems these boys like to be relaxed and in control as opposed to having a high expectation on them. They’ll eventually need to learn to play under pressure, but my team talk may need to be geared to their fragile psyche.

Friendly Match

Tottenham vs. Leeds United

Elland Road, Leeds

Tottenham Line-up

GK – Go Kita

SW – Eduardo

DR – Giuseppe Principe

DL – Alexander Ziganda

DC – Tom Lloyd

DMC – David Beckham

DMC – Christian Terezino

AMR – Theo Walcott

AML – Mesut Ozil

AMC – Thomas Mueller

FC – Federico Macheda

Subs: Robert Stillo, David Edgar, Davide Santon, Paolo De Ceglie, Davide Petrucci, Sebastian Giovinco, Claudio Marchisio, Mario Balotelli, Giovani dos Santos, Marco Veratti, Alessandro Del Piero.

The players kicked off, and they began their relaxed foray with a positive passing movement. Lloyd sent a ball down the left flank where Ozil nutmegged Ben Parker and whipped in a cross for Macheda. Federico headed the ball on goal but was saved well by Shane Higgs. Higgs hasn’t played first team football in over a year thanks to my young prospect Joe Whitehead taking over first team duties while on loan. Higgs looked sharp to start the match, but I had a feeling that sooner or later, he would get beaten.

Higgs sharpness was tested again as Thomas Mueller once again makes his defender miss with a wild tackle and a shot on goal. Higgs reaches and it just brushes by his fingertips, but the ball catches the edge of the post and falls to a defender who clears.

As the minutes wore on, Leeds was showing that they were not as strong as they were once the Spurs youths left Elland Road. Several of those players are now plying their trade someplace else. Why Leeds never made another bid to loan them has puzzled me; the players enjoyed their time at Leeds and would have loved to return.

Leeds was finally broken at 8 minutes when Thomas Mueller sent Macheda in alone on Higgs, and Macheda calmly chips the keeper and immediately runs towards the corner flag to celebrate. He was almost 2/3 of the way there when the ball finally skipped into the goal. 1-0 Leeds.

The young stars were finding their rhythm. Mesut Ozil combined beautifully with Principe down the right flank before sending in a cross to the back post for Mueller. Mueller was impeded by Parker and the referee immediately pointed to the spot. The Leeds players surrounded the referee but everyone in the stadium knew it was a foul. David Beckham made no mistake sending Higgs the wrong way and a 2-0 lead after a quarter of an hour.

Beckham doubled his tally with a vintage Beckham freekick expertly curled over the wall and dipping just under the crossbar on the half hour mark, while Mesut Ozil was finally rewarded with a well earned goal after two games of being denied with a great run from inside his own half, and a wonderful shot that beat Higgs to his left. After 45 minutes, the scoreline was 4-0.

I congratulated the boys on an excellent 45 minutes and asked for another 45 just like it. The boys responded as right on the restart Theo Walcott made a fantastic run down the left flank with the ball, beat the full back and cut inside and unleashed a thunderous shot that caught Higgs standing still. Walcott runs over to the corner flag and stretches out his arms. Macheda, Beckham and Terezino come running over while Kita who has not done a single thing all game claps loudly in his goal.

Tottenham closes the scoring in minute 74 when An Ozil corner kick is headed home by Tom Lloyd. Mercifully the referee blows for full time without another foray forward, and Tottenham’s youth finally get their swagger.

Final Score

Tottenham: 6 (Macheda 8’ Beckham 15’ 30’ Ozil 42’ Walcott 46’ Lloyd 74’)

Leeds: 0

MoM: David Beckham

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The remainder of July has the young players adapting to their roles of playing in the big leagues. While they were doing their thing on the training pitch, I was busy working on trying to secure first team loan moves for those players.

As July slowly rolled into August, I let Brett Mosen take over training before leaving for Turin to hold a selection camp for Italy’s upcoming friendly against the number 4 ranked team in the world; the United States. With some major names playing outside of Italy, namely my Italian core finally getting to shine internationally, I think we have an excellent chance of ruling the world.

With that said, I got word from my physios that Domenico Criscito will be fit enough to play, but I will keep him back in London to focus on the Community Shield and the season opener against Stoke.

I have a few more days to name my roster, but I needed to get back for our Community Shield match against Aston Villa.


August 7 sees Tottenham face Aston Villa as we look to capture our 2nd consecutive Community Shield. A player who will be helping our push for another Community Shield and a repeat of our quadruple is Ghanaian clinical goalscorer Asahmoah Gyan. I have been a fan of his since I first saw his world class skill at the 2006 World Cup. A very quick forward who is in the same skill level bracket as Mario Balotelli; this could prove to be a very dangerous combination that defenders will have a torrid time to take on. Equal speed, equal finishing skills and the ability to cut inside will open up even more space for Del Piero and Giovinco in the midfield. This is going to be fantastic.

As the lads entered the lockerroom, with the white home kit laid out for each player, and a black armband in memory of my father. I reminded them that this season, and every season, every game, every moment that they should remember him. He was the one who brought the majority of them here and began building this dynasty. Alex stood up and reminded the boys that my father was the one who lead us to this, and that they must give it their all to repay his faith.

With that, we asked him to watch over us, and help guide us again, in spirit, to another successful season.

This one is for you dad.

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Community Shield

Aston Villa vs. Tottenham

Wembley Stadium, London

Starting Line-up

GK – Robert Stillo

SW – Domenico Criscito

DR – Davide Santon

DL – Paolo De Ceglie

DC – David Edgar

DMC – Sebastian Giovinco

DMC – Claudio Marchisio

AMR – Mario Balotelli

AML – Asamoah Gyan

AMC – Giovani dos Santos

FC – Alessandro Del Piero

Subs: Kita, Lloyd, Beckham, Veratti, Walcott, Ozil, Mueller

As we walked down the tunnel at Wembley, 90,000 spectators are in attendance, including England boss Fabio Capello, Barcelona gaffer Pep Guardiola and Madrid boss and my “best friend” Luciano Spalletti. Capello was looking at David Beckham, Theo Walcott and Robert Green, while the Spanish bosses were looking at my stars and trying to unsettle them. My boys know they’re on top of the world right now, and moving anywhere else would be a step down. In fact, Marchisio and Criscito already stated in the pre match press conference that while they respect the history of the Spanish giants, they’d like to create their own history at White Hart Lane.

Prior to the match, the PA boomed that a minute’s silence would be observed for my father. Both teams and the referees were wearing the black armbands commemorating my father, and I was the most emotional of the bunch. I did my best to hide it, being the manager you’re supposed to keep your emotions in check, but I couldn’t contain it long. After the silence the entire stadium erupted and I saluted the fans, thanking them for their respect. With that out of the way, it was time to kick off, and to see who on this day the better team is.

But early on, Marchisio demonstrated why he’s considered the top midfielder in the world.

At 3’ Marchisio tackled Milner perfectly and began a lovely move down the middle sending Del Piero. Alex controlled the ball and turned his defender and blasted on goal, but Green made no mistake and held onto the ball well.

Minute 7 sees Marchisio once again stops Villa from going forward by cutting out a pass from Neo-Coker and sending Balotelli down the left. With Gyan and Balotelli both able to play both flanks, they constantly switch sides, confusing the defenders. Balotelli was all alone down the left and cut inside. Curtis Davies decides to leave Del Piero alone and close down Balotelli. Mario looked up and froze Davies in his tracks, and Davies played the pass, but Balotelli the ball maestro that he is instead wound up and blasted the ball on goal. Green stretched himself to his limit and got a finger on it; but it wasn’t enough!

Balotelli has put the league champions ahead 1 goal to the good, and walked past the box where Spalletti was sitting and waved his finger; indicating he won’t be moving from North London. He then proceeded to point to the heavens in salute to my father. I waved at Luciano and he seemed upset.

After 10 minutes Villa seemed to finally show up. The speed of Gabby Agbonlahor is equal to Gyan and Balotelli, but they are not set to defensive duties. I decided the best way to combat this was a deep defensive line; I won’t run the risk of playing the offside trap with his speed; that is unless I play Tom Lloyd later in the game. With Criscito playing as the sweeper, he’ll easily be in position should Edgar fail to control him. This is one of those times as Petrov sends a long ball ahead of Gabby. Edgar miss times his jump and the ball misses his head and to Gabby’s feet. Luckily Criscito stands in his path to a direct line on goal, and Domenico delays Gabby’s forward advances for the defensive unit to catch up. Agbonlahor draws Criscito closer to him and Gabby sends a through ball for Neo-Coker. Stillo comes off his line to cut down the angle but Neo-Coker chips him. The ball stars to dip, but it doesn’t occur in time and grazes the top of the back of the goal for a goal kick.

Villa attempts the long ball again at 25’ but Marchisio, playing almost in line with Edgar uses his teammate as a launching pad and clears the ball to Del Piero. Alessandro Del Piero controls the ball with his chest just inside the Villa half and is looking for options. The Villa defence is tightly marking the players off the ball, but leaving Del Piero all the apace in the world. Alex dribbles towards goal, and finally Davies realizes that Alex is being given too much space. Del Piero nutmegs a charging Davies and from 25 yards out lowers his head a takes his shot. Green is frozen on his line and the ball strikes the underside of the bar and into the goal. Del Piero runs towards the Tottenham faithful and kisses the badge on his shirt and salutes the fans. The stewards struggle to hold them back. As Alex turns around he then kisses the armband on his right arm, opposite the captain’s armband on his left arm. Alex was warned by the referee Howard Webb that time was ticking. Before returning to centre, Alex came to the touchline. “That was for your old man.” I shed a tear and told him to get him another one.

The remainder of the half sees each team attempting to break down the opposition, but failing to do so. Asamoah Gyan had the only decent chance, cutting inside from his own half he spotted Green off his line and attempted an audacious chip, but he got it all wrong. The score line at half time was 2-0 Spurs.

As we entered the room, I noticed dos Santos was favouring his left leg. He told me it was cramping just towards the end of the half, but he’d be ok. I told him he had 10 minutes to test it, and if he’s still favouring that cramped calf, he’d be coming off.

Gyan wasn’t a part of this team last year, but he seemed the one most fired up, after Del Piero and Marchisio. As the game 2nd half began, Gyan was a man possessed to get a goal on his debut. He forced Petrov into a mistake on the right flank and made his way to goal. Balotelli was charging down the left screaming for the ball, and Gyan looked to cross it to him. Davies, already burned on the two Spurs goals attempted to block the cross, but Gyan saw Davies leave his feet and knocked it by him and going towards the by-line. Gyan then tried to cross it for Balotelli but Green was equal to the task and caught the cross. Del Piero applauded his effort but Balotelli threw his hands up in frustration that he didn’t get the ball when he wanted it. Gyan raised his hand in apology, and Balotelli responded with a thumbs up.

“Alex really settled him down, didn’t he?” Mosen said.

“You have no idea” was my response.

Minute 55 came and went and dos Santos was still hampered by his cramp. Veratti had finished his warm up and as the ball rolled out for a throw in, the 4th official held up the board, indicating the substitution was to take place; Veratti for dos Santos, a straight swap.

Villa seemed content with keeping this score line in tact; conceding defeat after an hour, and unwilling to press forward as well to give anything up. I pleaded with my team to get the ball back, score one more goal to seal it. Gyan was the man to put your money on, but he would not be the one to get the goal that seals the match.

Paolo De Ceglie is an underrated left back. Sure our chairman Dino Zoff compared him favourably to legendary left back Paolo Maldini, but my father and I saw much more of an attacking full back. His defensive abilities were fantastic for this young man, and could very well one day equal or surpass Maldini as the all time greatest Italian left back, but by gosh can this kid attack.

Minute 71 sees De Ceglie dispossess Milner just outside our own 18 yard box. He then goes for a run down the left flank with no opposition. As he makes his way towards the halfway line, the defenders continue to back off, concerning themselves with the positioning of the attacking players. Believe me, trying to get a handle on Del Piero, Balotelli, Gyan, Veratti, Giovinco and Marchisio is a daunting task. De Ceglie sees Marchisio slip away from his maker, and plays a diagonal ball. In this situation, any two bit nobody who claims could have had a great career as a professional footballer would sit and admire his perfect diagonal ball. De Ceglie, a true professional, continued his run down the left. Marchisio finishes the one-two and De Ceglie cuts inside towards goal. He drops his head and absolutely puts his foot through the ball and like rips the onion bag. Green’s jaw dropped at the velocity of the shot, and De Ceglie, never one to be a contender for the golden boot, celebrated as if he had just won the World Cup. While I agree it was a fantastic strike, the young man was simply showing his age celebrating his goal. I chuckled, and wondered how dad would have responded to seeing that.

Mr. Webb blew for full time, and Tottenham had repeated as Community Shield winners.

Final Score

Tottenham: 3 (Balotelli 7’ Del Piero 26’ De Ceglie 71’)

Aston Villa: 0

MoM: Claudio Marchisio.

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“Tonight’s win was a very special one. Not only was this a great win for the club, but this was my first game in charge, and the first game this team has played without my father in charge in two years. To be here and carrying on his legacy is a great honour, and I will do my best to uphold his work ethic and tradition here at Tottenham Hotspur.”

The reporters were clamouring to the podium of my post game press conference, trying to get my opinions on all things football related.

“You’re only three days away from a friendly with the Yanks. Your roster will be named later this afternoon. Any word who will be named?”

“I will let the Italian FA make that announcement later this afternoon. However I will say that a lot of the old guard under Lippi will no longer wear an Azzurri shirt. They may not like the decisions I have made, but I feel that this is the correct path we need to move forward and not only qualify for the European Championships, but also to win the entire thing.”

Corrado Storia was as usual, his bitter self. “So are we going to be holding you on your promise?”

“Write it down, take a picture, whatever. Italy will win the European Championship.”

“Will you resign if you don’t qualify?”

“Will you be cheering against us then, Corrado?”

“I don’t betray my home country, unlike some managers.”

“If you’re trying to take a shot at my father, well then you just proven why La Gazzetta is in shambles.”

Corrado persisted.“Will you resign?”

“I’ll make you a deal. If we don’t qualify for the Euro, I will resign both posts. If I happen to win, well you must retire as a journalist.”

Corrado went pale. “This isn’t about me. You’re nervous that you can’t put your money where your mouth is.”

“I’m fully prepared to take my just desserts if I fail. You on the other hand seem nervous. What’s the matter Corrado? Afraid that when I do accomplish my goal that no one will listen to you? You’re internet followers will leave you, and I’m sure that your pet Spalletti will leave you as well.”

Storia started to get red in the face. I told him to have a nice day and called an end to the press conference.

That afternoon, the Federazion Italiana Gioco Calcio aka the FIGC announced Italy’s 25 man roster for the upcoming friendly against the U.S.A. Alessandro Del Piero has come out of international retirement to rejoin Italy to win the one major competition he has not yet won. Joining him on the friendly roster are:

Goalkeepers: Gianluigi Buffon (Juventus) Marco Amelia (Genoa) Andrea Consigli (Bayern Munich)

Defenders: Salvatore Bocchetti (Genoa) Felipe (Udinese) Fabiano Santacroce (Napoli) Giorgio Chiellini (Juventus) Paolo De Ceglie (Tottenham) Davide Santon (Tottenham) Ignazio Abate (Palermo)

Midfielders: Daniele De Rossi (Roma) Angelo Palombo (Sampdoria) Christian Terezino (Parma via Tottenham) Sebastian Giovinco (Tottenham) Marco Verratti (Tottenham) Riccardo Montolivo (Fiorentina) Claudio Marchisio (Tottenham) Andrea Pirlo (A.C. Milan)

Forwards: Alessandro Del Piero (Tottenham) Mario Balotelli (Tottenham) Antonio Cassano (Sampdoria) Davide Lanzafame (Parma via Tottenham) Giuseppe Rossi (Villareal) Giampaolo Pazzini (Sampdoria) Federico Macheda (Tottenham)

Once the announcement was released, I headed towards the airport. With the team already in Milan, preparing with my national staff, all I had to do was arrive, decide the starting line up and get the boys ready to play.

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The San Siro, the home stadium of both A.C. Milan and Internazionazle di Milano. At the centre of the fashion world, Milan is truly one of my favourite cities in the entire world. Despite the fact that most Milanese people turn their noses down to those from the south; the popular stereotype is the southerners are slow and simple, while the cultured north is the superior people, there aren’t many places that inspire as much awe as the famed Piazzo del Duomo. I’m thinking about maybe staying an extra 24 hours to get a new wardrobe, but that would have to wait.

The United States has really come into its own over the last 16 months. With a surprise win at the 2010 World Cup defeating Brazil in the group stage; they admittedly had an easy road to the finals, their only roadblock was a quarter final match against Germany. They defeated South Korea and Ivory Coast in the semi finals and finals, respectively. With Italy getting bounced out in a shootout by Ivory Coast in the semi finals; this match is being built as the hypothetical finals match. However, Bob Bradley was sacked as coach just 3 months after their World Cup win, and of course Lippi isn’t in charge of Italy anymore, so how much stock could be put in this situation?

As we sit in the change room, I announced the starting eleven and asked the men in the room to make my first game in charge a memorable one. Del Piero, being handed back the captain’s armband then proceeded to rally the troops and get them ready. The knock came at the door, and we made our way to the tunnel.

International Friendly

Italy vs. U.S.A.

San Siro, Milan

Starting Line Up

GK – Buffon

SW – Bocchetti

DR – Santon

DL – De Ceglie

DC – Chiellini

DMC – Giovinco

DMC – Marchisio

AMR – Balotelli

AML – Lanzafame

AMC – Cassano

FC – Del Piero ©

Subs: Consigli, Santacroce, Felipe, Palombo, Terezino, Pirlo, Rossi, Verratti, Macheda.

The players walked out onto the field, and I took my place inside my technical area. I don’t expect to have a seat until at least half time or if we put this game away early. This was my first match in charge and I want those who don’t know me to understand what I want, and what I expect on the pitch. I thought to myself, here’s hoping for a great 90 minutes.

The U.S. kicks off and I immediately have my boys press their midfield. Balotelli seems really up for this game and goes in hard and fast on Maurice Edu. He wins the ball and immediately drops his head to have a go on goal. Tim Howard is equal to the shot and holds it comfortably.

Minute 10 sees the U.S. get their first chance on goal. Clint Dempsey whips in a cross for Padilla and he gets free of Bocchetti and heads on goal, but Buffon is there to make the save.

The next 15 minutes sees both teams take their time to figure out each other’s defence, and attempt to figure out a way to break them down. Italy were first to figure it out.

Mario Balotelli pounces on a poor pass by Dempsey to Spector, and he is clear on goal. Balotelli rounds the charging Tim Howard and taps the ball into the open goal from 6 yards out, and a 1-0 lead for Italy. Balotelli runs over to the sideline and I congratulate him while the rest of the team comes over to celebrate with us. The 4th official asks us to get back on the field, and Balotelli salutes the crowd before taking his place on the right flank.

Minute 38 sees Italy forge forward again. De Ceglie is completely left alone down the left flank and crosses for the back post. Tim Howard jumps with Balotelli and he gets just enough to turn it over the bar.

The corner kick comes in and Howard punches it clear for Giovinco. Just before Giovinco can get the shot off, he’s fouled by Dempsey. The crowd erupts calling for a foul and the referee agrees. Del Piero lines the ball up from 30 yards and fires. The ball curls around the wall Howard is frozen on his line. The ball strikes the goalpost and goes in! Del Piero scores a magical free kick goal on his return to the Italy set up, and he immediately points to the heavens as he ran towards our bench, and immediately embraced me. I told him how proud I was of that strike, and he says that it was for my father. I told him to score one for me, and one more for his baby boy.

Minute 41 sees Spector haul down Balotelli chasing a loose ball. I immediately shout at the referee for a call, and the referee agrees. Spector is called over but gets away with a warning. From 50 yards everyone in the stadium, myself included assumed Alex would send the ball in and look for a target. However, Del Piero saw Howard off his line and went for goal instead. Howard backpedals as the ball looks destined for the back of the net. Balotelli and Cassano both jump to get a head on it and disrupt Howard’s clear vision of the ball, but he manages to get a fingertip to it and it goes over the bar for a corner kick. The stadium applauds Alex’s effort as he trots to the near post.

De Ceglie sends the ball in, and it meets Chiellini’s head. However he was unable to get over the ball and it goes out for a goal kick.

The referee blows for the end of the first 45.

Minute 48 sees Marchisio wins a header and the ball falls to Cassano. Cassano lays it off for Marchisio and he puts his foot through it, however he misses by a yard to Howard’s left. Cassano seems to be in a bit of pain; so I look over to my bench and ask Giuseppe Rossi to start warming up. Cassano holds up a 3, indicating he can go for 3 more minutes to ensure Giuseppe can get warm.

Minute 51 sees Cassano come off for Rossi.

Italy moves the ball down the right and Balotelli crosses. Michael Bradley clears the ball out for a throw. Santon takes the throw but Bradley once again clears his line all the way back to Buffon.

I look to my bench again and decide to make 4 changes. Santacroce, Pirlo, Veratti and Terezino all begin warming up.

Buffon sends the ball back into the American half and Del Piero links up with Rossi. Rossi, playing against the country of his birth takes a ferocious shot on goal, but Howard is able to punch it away for a throw.

The 4th official holds up the board. Bocchetti, Giovinco, Marchisio and Lanzafame exit allowing my four subs to replace them.

Michael Bradley fouls Rossi in almost the same spot as Spector did Giovinco in the first half. Del Piero lines up the shot, but Milan defender Onyewu deflects it for a corner kick. Santon whips it in, and Balotelli gets his left foot on it, but can’t direct it goalwards.

The U.S. seems to be opening up a bit more, looking for more attacking options.

Minute 62 sees Chiellini win the ball from Bobby Convey and send it long. Del Piero controls the ball with his chest and turns Onyewu inside out. He shoots and Howard again parries it for a corner. Santon sends it in and Rossi flicks it on, but it once again is just over the bar.

66’ and the U.S. managed to do something we couldn’t; score a corner. Dempsey crosses the ball and Maurice Edu climbs above Santacroce and heads it past Buffon who was frozen on his line. I immediately threw my arms in the air in frustration. Alex started to calm the tropes and tell them we have it in us. I’m really glad that I was able to bring him back into the fold....

The kickoff is played to Del Piero and he goes on a magnificent solo run right through the American defence, and hammers a shot to Howard’s left. He stretches out but won’t make it, and Alex restores the two goal lead. I jumped in the air and clenched my fists while the substitutes all stood and applauded the captain. I turned to them and remarked “That is how you respond to a goal. That is a leader.”

Alex waved in my direction and I responded with a thumbs up. Alex has a huge smile on his face. He has gotten the goal for my father, and now scored one for me. I hope for his sake he can net the hattrick and get a goal for his new son.

77’ Buffon sends the goal kick upfield and Del Piero is eagerly waiting for the ball to drop. Onyewu jumps with Del Piero and throws an MMA style elbow in his face and he crumples to the floor. I rise to my feet and start screaming at the referee calling for a foul. The referee signals advantage as the ball falls to Balotelli who side foots the ball into the goal. He celebrates, looking for Del Piero, but he is still on the ground, and isn’t moving. The referee comes over and sees Alex is out cold and he waves for the physio to come on. I’m giving the referee an earful demanding a red card. Del Piero get sup, and I look to Macheda to start warming up. Del Piero shook his head, indicating he wanted to continue.

The 85’ minute sees Del Piero justify keeping him on as he plays a lovely ball over the top for Mario Balotelli, sending him all alone. Mario keeps his head up, and finally side foots one to Howard’s right and he celebrates his hattrick.

The referee blows for the full time whistle, and I am all smiles.

Final Score

Italy: 5 (Balotelli 25’ 77’ 85’ Del Piero 39’ 67’)

USA: 1 (Edu 66’)

MoM: Mario Balotelli

As we were leaving the pitch, I got an email from Brett Mosen. Joe Whitehead, the young goalkeeper prospect has moved on loan to Parma. 6 of my players are there so Joe should see some familiar faces on game days.

I can’t wait to see the look on Storia’s face at the press conference.

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“Today’s match was the result of all 25 players that were selected to make the trip here to Milan who worked their socks off to ensure we were as prepared as could be. Today’s result just shows that in football things can change in a heartbeat. The reigning World Cup champions also played on hell of a game, but I think I got the tactics right on this day.”

There were probably about 35 reporters from all over the world trying to get a word in. Corrado Storia was quietly in the back, and I couldn’t be happier.

“What are your thoughts regarding Alex’s great comeback with the Azzurri?”

“Alex just proved he is truly the best player in the world. Forget about Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and Fernando Torres. All three of those men are fantastic players, but Alessandro is 36 years old, and has scored 55 goals for his country on 112 appearances. Considering about 40 of those were substitution appearances, this is a fantastic record. Alessandro Del Piero is a true champion.”

“Greatest player in the world?” Storia just had to jump in. “He’s 36 years old. You’re focusing your hopes and aspirations on a 36 year old? How can you justify that statement?”

“Corrado, once again, I will simply reiterate what I told you a few weeks ago. Two time reigning World Player of the Year. Two time reigning World Footballer of the Year. Two time reigning English Player of the Year, Reigning Champions League Player of the Year, and two time European top scorer. What has Ronaldo done? Messi? Torres? They haven’t won any of those awards in the last two years because Del Piero did. How can you justify Ronaldo and Messi being the best player in the world?”

Storia had no comment, and simply tried to change topics. “You’re opening match is against Stoke away from home. The core of your team is here in Italy. Surely you’ll be feeling the jet lag once you get back to England?”

“I will admit that flying between England and Italy will take its toll on one’s body, but Stoke themselves have 9 internationals, including four South Americans who play a key role within their system. Their jet lag will be much worse than ours, so this goes both ways.”

“Their manager isn’t pulling double duty. While you were busy planning for a mere friendly match with a minor football power, Stoke has been preparing the last two weeks hard to match you. Will your international management prove to be your undoing?”

“The beautiful thing about this game Corrado is something called staff. I have arguably the best staff in football, who worked under my father, and also made some major contributions to professional football. My staff has been reviewing tapes of Stoke’s friendlies and some of their last games in the EPL last season. I am fully confident that not only are we prepared for this match and with no disrespect to Stoke or Tony Pulis, but we should not have any problems in tomorrow’s match.”

With that said I ended the press conference and prepared to board the FIGC provided jet back to North London.

As I landed back in London, I got word that David Edgar was injured during Canada’s 3-1 win over Ecuador. Jeremy Shepherd picked up a brace in the game and Jonathan de Guzman added a goal between Jeremy’s strikes. Edgar is expected to be out for a month with strained knee ligaments, but the physios believe he can be back in 3 weeks. Eduardo has been called up to take his spot in the starting eleven for our EPL opener against Stoke.


Tottenham vs. Stoke

Britannia Stadium, Stoke-on-Trent

Starting Lineup

GK – Stillo

SW – Criscito

DR – Santon

DL – De Ceglie

DC – Eduardo

DMC – Giovinco

DMC – Marchisio

AMR – Balotelli

AML – Gyan

AMC – dos Santos

FC – Del Piero

Subs: Kita, Beckham, Verratti, Ozil, Mueller, Walcott, Macheda

10’ sees Criscito easily strip Santa Cruz of the ball and he clears. Yakubu controls the ball on his chest but Del Piero slides in and takes it from him. Sorensen charges out and Del Piero chips a pass to dos Santos. There is no way he can miss this opportunity, and dos Santos fires, and somehow misses the open goal. He fell to his knees and looked to the heavens, wondering how the football gods allowed him to miss. I wondered the same thing.

13’ sees the two time reigning top scorer in all of Europe once again carry the team on his shoulders. Davide Santon works a lovely one-two with Marchisio down the right flanks. Yakubu slides in, but Santon is able to lift a pass right to Del Piero’s right foot, and without hesitation Alex shoots first time on a mini half volley that beats Sorensen and Tottenham go up 1-0.

Del Piero points to the stands to his wife and newborn son who are in attendance, and I clearly saw Sonia blow a kiss back to her husband.

20’ minute sees Marchisio get a handful of Santa Cruz’s shirt. Howard Webb decides it was a bookable offence and show Claudio a yellow card.

24’ has Yakubu send a free kick all the way back to Sorensen who thumps it forward. Giovani dos Santos wins the ball and sends it down the middle for Alex to run on to. He fakes the shot and Sorensen bites, leaving Alex a simple tap in from 15 yards out for his second of the game. He calmly walks back to dos Santos and extends his hand for a high 5, and a thumbs up for the great pass. Sorensen is furious with his defence for allowing us to so easily penetrate their backline. Relaxed, I decided to take a seat with the rest of the squad on the substitute’s bench.

26’ sees Braaten get a flick on from Santa Cruz and fires, but he misses the net completely. However, the referee’s assistant had his flag up indicating Braaten was offside. Braaten goes over to have a chat with the man with the flag, and is warned by Webb to lay off or receive a booking.

Stoke’s Sims gets a yellow immediately after the restart for a dangerous studs up tackle on Santon. I was hoping for a red since it was a clear intention of dangerous play.

Stoke seems to be losing their cool as Jensen is booked for a trip on Gyan down the left flank.

The remainder of the half was uneventful, minus Soares’ yellow card for obstructing Del Piero’s run. The free kick sees Alex lay it off for Giovinco who makes a mess of the shot, and Mr. Webb calls an end to the half.

“Everyone has played well so far. However, two goal leads in professional sports is the most susceptible to being eliminated. I want you to go back out there and finish the job.”

The entire locker room was focused on their play, all except dos Santos who is still thinking about his miss.

“Giovani, I know that miss is bothering you, but I promise in the second half, if you work just as hard as you did in the first, the goal will come.”

Kid Mexico simply nodded, and Alex went over and gave him a few pieces of advice, while I sipped from the team water bottle.

“Let’s go out there and send out a title warning; we’re still the team to beat!”

The second half starts just as the first ended with Tottenham dominating.

52’ sees Tottenham win a corner kick. De Ceglie spots Eduardo wide open just inside the penalty area and drives a pass to him. This takes Yakubu and Jensen off the post, and Eduardo lifts one in the air. Giovani dos Santos rises above everyone else and flicks his header goalwards. Sorensen reaches to get his fingers to the ball, but it eludes him and bounces into the back of the goal. The look of relief on his face tells the story, and Tottenham are now up by 3.

I look over at my bench and start looking at bringing some fresh faces into the mix; Balotelli exits for Walcott and dos Santos exits for Ozil.

84’ sees the substitutes hook up for a wonderful effort on goal. Ozil intercepts a pass for Santa Cruz and goes for a run, beating two defenders before splitting the centre backs with a perfectly weighted through ball. Speedy Walcott cuts in from the right and easily rounds Sorensen with his first touch and finishes for a 4-0 lead. Walcott is ecstatic for his first ever goal for Tottenham and the supporters who made the trip from North London applaud the new signings for showing them what is to come.

Mr. Webb blows for the full time whistle, and Tottenham begin the campaign with a tremendous result.

Final Score

Tottenham: 4 (Del Piero 13’, 24’ dos Santos 52’ Walcott 84’)

Stoke: 0

MoM: Alessandro Del Piero

Parma seems to be a great feeder, as Adam Parker is moving down to the Italian youth factory, joining just about every other youth player that is already down there, playing consistently in a top league to a team that has Europa League hopes.

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“I have been a fan of Rijkaard’s since I was a young man. He was a general on the field, and I am sure he is one off the field as well. However, my side have not lost to Arsenal at any stage since my father and I took over, so we are definitely the favourites for this match.”

“You stand here at the Emirates about to face a very attacking team in Arsenal. You are also known for your squad’s attacking prowess. How do you think this match will play out?”

“Tonight’s match will definitely be one for the fans, and not so much the managers. The fans will be entertained with fantastic movements, and lots of goal. Myself and Rijkaard however will probably be tearing our hair out for the entire 90 minutes.”

“Robin van Persie has been labelled as the man to watch on Arsenal. Will you be looking to neutralize him specifically?”

“Arsenal is filled with fantastic young talent. Robin is a very good player, but so are Fabregas, Guardado and Nasri. Each of those players deserves some form of attention, but I will say Arsenal’s weakness is their defence. They do not have the defensive talent to shut down my attack, and my defensive unit is more than capable of handling these very good players.”

“Will your snub of Arsenal’s players be a motivating factor for them?”

“In a word, no.”

The light bulbs flashed with the reporters looking to publish my harsh words just before kickoff. Luckily enough it’s too close to game time for Rijkaard to use it a bulletin board material for his players.

As I exited the press room, I made my way to the away dressing room. Along the way, I bumped into Frank Rijkaard and we exchanged pleasantries. We wished each other the best of luck, and I continued to the room.

“Gentlemen, this match is going to be the first real test in our title defence. The London derby is a match that has fuelled our previous two title clinching games, with the second leg of the 2009/10 of the derby officially handing us the title. I know the season is still young, but gaining 3 points here will put us 3 points ahead of our rivals. All 18 of you here this evening will play a vital part in a victory or a defeat. Go out there and prove who the better team is based out of London!”

With that, the squad proceeds to the tunnel and are more than ready for the official kickoff.


Tottenham vs. Arsenal

Emirates Stadium, London

GK – Stillo

SW – Criscito

DR – Santon

DL – De Ceglie

DC – Eduardo

DMC – Giovinco

DMC – Marchisio

AMR – Balotelli

AML – Gyan

AMC – dos Santos

FC – Del Piero

Subs: Kita, Beckham, Verratti, Ozil, Mueller, Walcott, Macheda.

We start off with the ball and our intentions were clear; Giovinco sends Ramsey to the ground with an excellent step over nutmeg and unleashes a drive on goal that Almunia tips around the post. Santon whips in the corner but it’s cleared well by Sagna. De Ceglie controls the ball from the halfway line and sends it long for Criscito who turns and fires, but he gets it all wrong.

Eduardo has been given the task of marking van Persie. For 12 minutes he has kept van Persie quiet, so Robin decides to move to the left flank to try to get away from him. Eduardo lets RVP all the space in the world on the flank while De Ceglie keeps himself between the ball and the goal. Robin tries to cross the ball in but there isn’t anyone in the box, and the ball rolls out for a goal kick.

While I predicted a wide open contest, the half was quite a bore. To be honest, Rijkaard’s tactics are negating our free flowing advances. The first half comes to a close with neither team getting any real good chances.

“I understand that the tactics being employed against us aren’t ideal, but I know that each of you are more than capable of being better than that. I want you to go into the second half and get a goal early on. I promise you, you put one goal in, you will score at least 4.”

47’ minute sees a De Ceglie throw in get cleared by Almunia and van Persie has a half field breakaway on Stillo. The young Canadian keeper holds his own and comes off his line to cut off the angle. van Persie enters the box and smashes the ball to Stillo’s left. Robert stretches for the ball, and manages to get a finger tip to it. The ball is rolling towards the post, but Stillo managed to get just enough of it to concede a corner kick.

Guardado sends a floater towards the back post and Claudio Marchisio out jumps Fabregas and sends the ball on its way for a throw in. I am yelling at my team to get the ball forward for a quick counter attack, and look to my bench. I look at my bench and motion for Verratti and Macheda to begin warming up.

49’ and Tottenham clear the header and start going down the field. Marchisio skins Nasri and sends the ball down the wing. Samir seems to be in a lot of pain as he’s limping towards his goal, and finally collapses. De Ceglie looks back to gauge Nasri’s injury when Guardado comes in with a dangerous tackle leaving De Ceglie on the ground slamming his fists on the turf. I jumped out of my seat and asked for a booking but the referee simply gives the Mexican international a talking to. Del Piero lines up the free kick from about 40 yards and decides to play a low driven pass to Marchisio. He smashes it towards goal and the ball thunders off the crossbar! Nasri is on the sidelines and jumps to his feet, and I start to question if Samir perhaps embellished his injury in order to stop our advances.

Balotelli picks up the rebound and smashes on at goal, but Fabregas bravely steps in front of the shot and the ball falls to van Persie. Robin feels he has more than enough time to collect the ball, but Domenico Criscito comes sliding in and hoofs the ball back to Stillo. Rob puts his foot through the ball and clears it ¾ the length of the field. The ball falls to Del Piero who is walking in alone on goal. Almunia charges and dives at Alex’s feet, but Del Piero chips him and the ball rolls into the net. Del Piero is celebrating, but the referee is blowing his whistle. I looked over and noticed the assistant referee has the flag up indicating an offside call. I shut my eyes and cringed, but Alex the true professional simply walked back to his position and awaited the restart.

“Freddy, Marco are you guys ready?”

Both players nodded.

“Good, get ready, but the hour you’ll both be going in. Marco, you’re taking of Seb and playing in the hole. Freddy, Giovani is coming off and you’re going to drop Alex into the trequarista. Work some magic boys.”

Almunia is standing over the ball taking his time on the free kick. I look over at the fourth official and accuse Manuel of time wasting. The official shrugs and decides now is as good a time as any to hold up the board for the substitutions. I’m furious.

As the players enter the field the referee asks Almunia to restart. He sends the ball all the way to Robert, and he easily collects the ball. Gyan is calling for it and Rob hits him boot to boot, and Gyan takes the game over.

He easily controls the ball with his left foot, and runs at Clichy. He shows him a clean set of heel and continues down the middle of the park. Arsenal’s defence is unable to halt his run. Gyan fires a shot from 20 yards out and Almunia uses his entire length to turn the ball round the post. I’m hoping for a better execution of our corner kicks at this moment.

De Ceglie places the ball down in preparation of the corner kick. He notices Verratti unmarked at the top of the box and sends it to him. Verratti unleashes a volley at goal, but he’s missed by a few yards to the right. We really need to work on corner kicks during the next few weeks.

I looked over to my bench, and motioned for Walcott to begin his warm up. The Arsenal fans booed him the moment he stood up and stretched out. This could either prove to be a great tactical decision, or backfire horribly if Walcott can’t block out the fans.

As the minutes rolled by, Theo Walcott enters for Asamoah Gyan at the 81’.

90’ minutes sees Vela try an ill timed chip from 40 yards that Stillo catches easily. He sees Mario Balotelli hovering at the halfway line and sends it long down the field. Balotelli uses his world class speed to outrun Clichy and is clear on goal. He takes a touch to settle the ball don and continues in the final third. He looks up and sees Almunia charging, and as calm as a cucumber he hits it and the ball evades Almunia! Balotelli wins it for Tottenham!

The celebration was short lived, and turned from joy to anger as the assistant referee once again has the flag up and is calling Mario offside.

This time, I am unable to keep it in.

“Explain to me how that was offside? He was inside his own half when the ball was played.”

“Law 11 will answer your question.”

“Law 11 only applies if we’re in the opposition`s half. You guys need to be refreshed of the rules; you’re punishing him because of his speed.”

“This coming from a coach who has probably never been a referee in his life.”

“I’ve spent 15 years being a referee in Canada and Italy, so I know all about being an official. In fact I finished top of my class in each of my courses averaging a score of 98.7% in each course, so I think I’m just as qualified my good sir.”

The fourth official remained silent and I gave the referee an earful from my technical area.

The whistle is blown shortly thereafter and I begrudgingly shook the official’s hands post game. As I made my way to the room, Rijkaard clapped my shoulder and extended his hand.

“From my position, Mario was on. But I’ll never admit it in public. Good luck kid.”

Final Score:

Tottenham: 0

Arsenal: 0

Mom: Manuel Almunia

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Thanks for the kind words SCIAG. I shall do my utmost to keep the story interesting and relevant.


“I have here in my hands the FIFA Laws on the Game. Law 11 states that a player is not in an offside position when he is in his own half. The people in the stands didn’t object to the call when the ball was played, none of the players objected to the call, and why wasn’t the flag raised until after the ball went into the goal? I’m smart enough to not suggest the fix was in, but I do find it odd that it took the ball going into the goal for the referee to call the goal back for offside.”

“Do you fear any repercussions from the FA for your outburst?”

“Absolutely not. I know once the FA reviews the tapes, the referee and his assistant will be given a full review sent down to League Two to get away from the media spotlight and sent to referee school to be freshened up to the rules of the game of football.”

“You can honestly say that you’ve never been the benefactor of bad calls from the opposition?” Here comes Storia.

“You’re one to talk Corrado. You were the first person to jump down the referee’s throat during the World Cup semi final when Italy was denied a penalty.”

“That’s different; I am a broadcast journalist; I am entitled to voice my opinion. You are a coach and are supposed to keep your composure.”

“Listen Corrado, I was asked a question, and I answer with honesty. I am not the type of manager who pulls punches and gives political answers. I answer with the truth. End of story.”

“You’re next match is against Reading. Are you planning any changes for that match?”

“I won’t be revealing my plans before a game. You will all find out the starting line up once the game begins.”

The media love the fact I shoot from the hip, but when I get upset I won’t be the most open to their prodding to anything regarding the inner workings of the club. Once we start going on a winning streak, I may open some more doors but right now I will be keeping things close to the chest.

To be honest I am considering changes to the starting line up. I’m leaning towards giving Giovinco a game off and putting Verratti in his place. Del Piero will probably move into the trequarista role with Macheda getting a game up front. Gyan will probably see the bench for veteran David Beckham. I’ll have to bring in the staff to see what they thought of these changes.

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The media began gathering at White Hart Lane early on game day. I have no intention of speaking with the media so I will be sending Brett Mosen to the lions. I was finalizing my roster after bringing in the coaching staff and of course Alex.

We’re going to revamp the line up for our home opener against Reading. The kids will be held back for today’s game; at least until the hour mark. Alex will drop back into the trequarista role and Macheda will lead the charge.


Tottenham vs. Reading

White Hart Lane, London

Starting Line Up

GK – Stillo

SW – Criscito

DR – Santon

DL – De Ceglie

DC – Eduardo

DMC – Verratti

DMC – Marchisio

AMR – Beckham

AML – Balotelli

AMC – Del Piero

ST – Macheda

Subs: Kita, Gyan, Giovinco, Walcott, Ozil, Mueller, dos Santos

Reading kick off and Spurs immediately press the ball. With absolutely no real game plan in their back pocket they seem content with simply kicking the ball long and hoping for the best.

De Ceglie works a wonderful play down the right flank with Balotelli with Santon switching sides to throw off the opposition. De Ceglie drives one in and Macheda meets it with hsi head, but he just misses the near post.

6’ sees Sissoko foul Verratti from about 40 yards out. Alessandro Del Piero calmly places the ball down and lines up the ball and nods at Balotelli. Reading shift their focus on Mario, and Del Piero begins his run up. Federici shifts towards Balotelli and it suddenly dawned on me. Del Piero instead of playing the ball forward, Alex decides to shoot, and Federici, flat footed simply watches the ball nicks the post and into the goal, and Tottenham go up 1-0 at White Hart Lane. Alex immediately runs towards the corner flag and outstretches his arms. The fans are doing everything they can to touch their hero, and the stewards are barely holding them back. Alex gives them a celebratory wave and a clap, and walks back to centre.

8’ Reading play their long ball. De Ceglie tries to head it out of bounds but Young keeps it in and sends Remy into the box. He manages to get a shot off, and out of nowhere Stillo pounces to his right to get there, and parries it out for a corner. De Ceglie gives him a thanks for covering my goof up. The corner comes in and Eduardo heads it clear. Del Piero sends Balotelli down the left flank and Balotelli sees Macheda. He crosses and Macheda heads it. Federici pushes it away, but it falls right to Beckham. David has all day and night to control the ball, change his shirt and still have enough time to shoot, but he decides to hit it first time, but he puts it right into Federici’s chest. Beckham shakes his head and smiles, realizing what a gift that ball was.

12’ has Marchisio restart the match from an offside call. He sees Balotelli down the left flank, and Balotelli first times it into the penalty area. Macheda comes out of NOWHERE and powers a header on goal. Federici isn’t able to react fast enough and the ball stretches the onion bag for a 2-0 lead. I look over at Mosen, and he’s smiling. I winked at him, and Macheda slides on his knees towards the fans that are going crazy celebrating Macheda’s first goal of the season.

15’ and Tottenham show why they were the reigning quadruple holders. Criscito plays a ball to Santon who hits a diagonal ball to Macheda. Federico being the gentleman he is flicks the ball onto the surging David Beckham. Becks takes a first time shot on the half volley and the ball screeches into the top right corner, and he simply shrugs his shoulders, realizing that while he was the end product of the goal, the build up was what made the goal.

I began debating on whether scaling back the play, or keep this run going. I decided to see how things went until the half hour mark.

25’ Balotelli tackles Young and cuts in from the right flank. He keeps cutting in and spots Marchisio making a run into the box. He slips the ball between the centre backs and Claudio blasts it on goal and Tottenham make it 4-0.

As the half nears a close, I have been formulating what I want to say at the break. Just before the half ends Sissoko attempts to unleash a shot on goal that is bravely blocked by Criscito. Eduardo picks up the deflected shot and heads down the field. He sends the ball to Del Piero, who easily skins his defender and shoots. Federici gets a palm on it, but it isn’t enough; 5-0 Tottenham.

Mr. Probert calls for half time. As we enter the locker room, Mosen is offering congratulations to every player. I took my time, trying to formulate what I wanted to express to ensure that they don’t slow down.

“Gentlemen, these 45 minutes have been the best I have seen you play. However we have only played 45 minutes. This game is 90 minutes long and you need to play for 90 minutes. I will be looking to make substitutions at the hour mark, so play hard, and remember we have the Champions League to worry about. Marco, you’ll probably be the sacrificial lamb to get one of the kids in. Nothing against you, but you are still young and we’ll build you to a full 90 minute performance.”

Tottenham come out the second half and simply knock the ball around. I was looking for the boys to keep the ball going forward and shooting.

Fletcher gets called for holding back Marchisio. He gets a yellow card on 54’. The ensuing free kick sees Del Piero play a one-two off the free kick with Balotelli. Alex continues forward and decides to have a go. Federici dives to his left, but the ball takes an odd skip on the ground and bounces over him. Alessandro gets a hat trick in a bizarre fashion.

57’ minute sees Beckham and Marchisio exit for Gyan and dos Santos respectively.

75’ sees Reading pull one back. Young’s free kick is sent in into the penalty area but Eduardo clears. Remy’s first touch went inside and fired a shot on goal. The ball deflects off of Criscito’s head and trickles into the goal. Criscito offers his hand in apology to Stillo who simply shrugs it off. Criscito nods and looks at me offering his an apology. I told him to get one to balance it out. Domenico nodded.

76’ Balotelli gets the ball from the kick off and cuts inside. Macheda makes a fantastic run and Balotelli splits the full back and the centre back and Macheda rounds Federici and taps it into the goal.

85’ and Del Piero nods the goal kick from Federici to De Ceglie. Paolo looks up and lobs one forward right onto Federico’s path. He lets the ball drop and on the volley pounds the ball to Federici’s left. It is now 8-1 for Tottenham.

The final 5 minutes sees Reading simply chase Tottenham around the park. Mr. Probert finally blows the whistle, and we ran away with one.

Final Score

Tottenham: 8 (Del Piero 6’ 45’ 55’, Macheda 12’ 76’ 85’, Beckham 15’, Marchisio 25’)

Reading: 1 (Remy 75’)

MoM: Federico Macheda.

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“Today’s performance was absolutely fantastic. I am very pleased with everyone’s performance tonight, and hope that they can carry this performance over to our match against Genoa for the European Super Cup. That will be all for today. Thank you.”

I left the podium and let Brett Mosen take over all the media questions. Surely the media will be asking him more about our upcoming Super Cup match. I’ll be in France much earlier than the club since I will be present for the Champions League draw. I know that all these draws are simply for the fans and analysts to dissect and is a mere television ratings draw. Despite that, it’d be nice to get away for a few days on my own and just relax.

3 days in Monaco away from everything football has been great. I checked into a 5 star hotel and simply shut out the football world completely. Despite my curiosity, I refused to even turn on the sports highlights to see the draws of the League Cup. I expected all the usual big names to make it through, but was shocked when my chairman had arrived and informed me Arsenal went out in a shootout to Hartlepool and Rushden knocked out Sunderland also in the lottery of the shootout. Dino Zoff jokingly said that I’d better ensure I made it through by playing my best players in the early stages. He then smiled and clapped me on the shoulder, his trademark seal of approval, and we headed off for dinner.

“So why is it that a young man like you isn’t seeing anybody?”

I nearly spit my water on the table.

“I didn’t think my personal life would be the subject of dinner conversation Mr. Chairman” was the first intelligible thing that came from my mouth. “I don’t want any distractions interfering with my current job of making this team the best in the world.”

Zoff simply smiled at me again before taking a bite out of his meal. “My boy, the aim of this club is to be the best in the world, this is true. However, I want all of my employees to be happy. A happy employee is a productive employee. And if you are happy, then the players are happy. If the boss and the players are happy, they tend to win.”

“With all due respect sir, I am happy. I am in charge of the best club in the world with some of the best players in the world. What more could a man my age ask for?”

“Someone to spend the rest of his life with, that’s what.” Just after he said this, he took another bite and sipped his wine.

“Dino, I am flattered that you want to ensure my happiness, I really do. But I have seen what this game can do to families. My parents weren’t necessarily the greatest example of marriage that has ever graced the earth, and it showed on my father’s face as well as my mother’s.”

“My boy, you have much to learn. With the technologies available now, you can live halfway across the world and still be as intimate as if you two were the only people on Earth; just as long as you stay faithful.”

Something about what he said kind of made me feel like he wanted to get something off his chest. He broke eye contact after he said that and focused on his dinner.

I didn’t want to pry, knowing some managers have been fired for less, so I said the only thing I felt was “fair play” “What do you think of our chances of a repeat?”

Zoff took another bite, looked up and smiled. “With you in charge, I don’t see us losing a game. To a successful Champion’s League campaign.”

After dinner concluded with a nice glass of Brandy, Dino and I headed over to the Champions League draw. All the big name managers were out mingling and probably working out some transfer deals while here in France. I decided to stay away from the entire socialization with the people I despise, namely Spalletti and Storia, and try to have a good time. I ordered a whiskey and coke from the bar and just as I took my first sip, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“Aren’t you the manager of Tottenham Hotspur?” I turned around and a stunning brunette was there to greet me. Keeping my cool as most managers are supposed to do I replied.

“That all depends, are you a fan or a journalist?”

“Neither.” she responded.

“Well in that case, I am not. I am his doppelganger. The club pays me to attend these sort of boring events because I look so much like the boss. In fact, they spent a pretty penny on this revolutionary procedure to make me look just like him. Pity they couldn’t moify my voice to make me sound like him.”

“That’s too bad, I really would love to become a fan.” With that she walked away.

Before I could collect myself with what just happened, we were asked to take our seats.

The draw played out well for our team. We drew Atletico Madrid, Anderlecht and OGC Nice, not the group of death, but not a group that is too easy that we’d have to avoid complacency. The group of death, if you can call it that, belongs to Manchester United, Juventus, Olympiakos and Lech. I looked over at Zoff and he nodded. We both knew that Madrid would be the club most likely to derail our hopes of finishing first, but we’re confident enough to get maximum points.

We arrived back at the hotel amidst little fanfare. The team is due to arrive early tomorrow morning, giving us an entire day to prepare for our Super Cup match against Genoa on Friday. UEFA is hosting a gala this evening and going against my instincts, I decided to go along with Zoff and the other board members who made their way down to the gala. I was expecting to see club officials and journalists all over the place, but was instead surprised to see the top players of the game and UEFA officials sipping cocktails and chatting. I must say I was pleasantly surprised.

As I made my way to the bar, I felt another tap on my shoulder. I turned around, half expecting to see that stunning brunette once more, but was much more surprised and to a certain extent happier to see this person instead.

“Don’t you just love these parties, gaffer?”

“Ale, what are you doing here?”

“I’ve won the Champions League twice and going for my third. I was invited by Platini since I am now officially the top scoring Champions League player of all time.”

“But of course. I’m sure the rest of the team is eagerly awaiting to play Friday’s game?”

“They’re ready. Although I must say I think we need to make a change in the midfield. We should put Seb on the wing and drop Gyan to the bench.”

“Sebastian is a great player but I don’t think he’s quick enough or strong enough to play the wing.”

“We’ll push him wide. Plus he’s been trained to play on both wings, so he can switch up with Mario. And if either of them do get tired, Gyan can come in and act as the super sub. He needs time to settle in anyway.”

I decided to take his idea under consideration, but didn’t want to discuss football right now. “Let’s get a drink, and you can tell me all about that new baby boy of yours.”

Alex smiled. “You’re the boss.”

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“Gentlemen, tonight’s match isn't about league position, advancement to the next round or qualification for a tournament. Tonight’s match pits the two champions of Europe. Many of you here have played against Genoa during your stay in Serie A. Some of you have not. They’re a young, dynamic team, much like you. They’ve come out of nowhere to shock the world, much like you. Their team builds for the future but also has a present, much like you. This team is the closest thing to a carbon copy of any opponent we will ever face, with one notable exception. This team in this locker room is much better. This team walked through the Champions League without breaking a sweat. This team has won two consecutive Premier League titles, and Genoa have finished runners up once in the last 72 years. Tonight, I expect a win not because we need one to stay on top of the table, not because we need to move on to the next round, and not because of the money. We need to win tonight to prove that last season wasn’t a fluke. We need to win tonight to show the world what football is all about. And we also need to win tonight to prove to the world who the best team is, and that team is us. Let’s go out there and play like the champions that we are!”

The entire room erupted and made their way to the tunnel. As we approached our starting position, Gasperini extended his hand and a playful jab. “Good luck kid, my boys will be waiting.”

I smiled and wished him the best of luck. We made our way onto the pitch, and the fans were ready.

European Super Cup

Tottenham vs. Genoa

Stade Louis II, Monaco

Starting Line Up

GK – Stillo

SW – Criscito

DR – Santon

DL – De Ceglie

DC – Eduardo

DMC – Verratti

DMC – Marchisio

AMR – Balotelli

AML – Giovinco

AMC – Del Piero

FC – Gyan

Subs: Kita, Beckham, Ozil, Mueller, Walcott, dos Santos, Macheda

5’ and Genoa is shown the early yellow as Bolzoni dives into a tackle just a hair late as Eduardo clears.

6’ sees Santon go into the referee’s book for a trip on Floccari.

15’ sees Balotelli accept the throw in from Santon on the right. He looks up and switches the ball to the left. Del Piero, roaming the pitch just behind Gyan out jumps international team mate Bocchetti and flicks it on for De Ceglie. Paolo lets the ball drop to his feet and Bocchetti challenges. Alex spots the open space and calls for it. De Ceglie waits just long enough to draw in Salvatore and sends the ball to Del Piero. He calmly side foots it past the keeper and into the goal for a 1-0 lead. Alex slides on both knees towards the travelling fans and throws both fists in the air. A great play with some excellent build up by the attacking team.

I quickly yell to Gyan in French that I want him to run more at the defense in order to get open up some space for him to run at them. Gyan has excellent pace and if given the right ball can do wonders. I`m hoping he finally breaks his duck today, or else it will be almost 400 minutes since he has last scored a goal.

26' sees Gyan calling for the ball from Verratti. Marco sends it along the ground just ahead of him. Bocchetti slides in and fouls Gyan. Del Piero steps up for the free kick and sends it on goal. Pegolo, the goalie, tips the ball over the bar for a corner.

Santon whips it in and Giovinco gets a foot on it, but sends it wide of the post.

28' sees a lovely one-two between the Libero Criscito and De Ceglie give Domenico a thunderous right foot shot against his former team. Pegolo again get enough of it to concede a corner. Santon once again steps up and fires the cross in towards the back post. Criscito and Aquafresca are both going for the ball. They each jump but the former U21 international gets there ahead of Domenico and concedes another corner. De Ceglie spots Balotelli's run towards the near post and finds his head, but Mario can't keep it down and the ball goes out for a goal kick.

The rest of the half sees each team try to take weak chances on goal. Neither goalie was tested for the final 15 minutes and the half ends 1-0.

At the break I asked the team to keep playing well with the ball, but to watch for the counter, as Genoa surely will change formation and tactics. Hit them on the counter and get that 2nd goal.

Bonucci on the restart fouls Balotelli and is given a yellow for his troubles.

55' sees Pegolo re start with a goal kick. Aquafresca flicks it onto the path of Floccari. Sergio goes one on one with the former Genoa U20 keeper but Stillo wins out and saves. De Ceglie clears it for a corner kick, and Stillo begins to organize his defence, reminding them to look for the counter. Bolzoni sends the ball in and Floccari gets his head to it but he's gotten it all wrong and the ball goes out for a goal kick.

I get Mueller to begin his warm up. At the hour mark, Verratti comes off for the young German. Giovinco falls back into the deep lying playmaker role and Mueller takes his spot on the left.

On the throw the ball falls to Gyan. Gyan sends it through to Mueller who makes no mistake and scores! But once again the celebrations are short lived as the flag went up, calling for offside. I may just have to take a look at that replay.

80' Walcott enters for the tiring Balotelli.

91' minute and with a minute to go, I make my last sub in order to kill some time. The fans applaud Del Piero as he exits for Ozil. Marchisio takes the armband for the final minute.

Genoa's throw falls to De Ceglie who boots it clear. Ozil lets the ball fall to him and he's off. He pushes forward and catches Pegolo off his line. He chips it from 35 yards out. Pegolo is back tracking like mad to ensure the ball doesn’t go in. He’s moving his body as fast as he can and Ozil as well as the fans in the stands all look on. Will Pegolo make it, or will the game surely be over?

Pegolo has just crossed his 6 yard box and the ball is within reach. He flings his right arm into the air hoping to make any form of contact with the ball. The ball hits his fingers and rebounds back into the air, heading towards the crossbar. The ball is rising but is losing momentum. As it goes closer and closer to the goal, the referee blows his whistle just as the ball strikes the crossbar, calling an end to the game.

The players swap jerseys and I shake Gasperini’s hand. Tottenham have won their first Eurpean Super Cup.

Final Score:

Tottenham: 1 (Del Piero 15’)

Genoa: 0

MoM: Gianluca Pegolo.

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