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I've heard about this advanced editor panel thingy. what is it & how do i get at it?


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I've tried downloading something which claims to activate it but it didn't work but i read something about changing the XML file. What the hell is that and how do i do it?

Plain English please, i'm not extremely computer-savvy

Plus, if i open up this advanced editor panel, it won't affect all the editing i've already done, will it?

Apologies if this has been asked before, i did search for it.

and sorry if i'm posting in the wrong place, i'm new-ish

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Have a look here.

Also have a look through the advanced editing thread in this forum.

Hope that helps. :thup:

Thanks buddy, but actually i already looked there and it didn't work for me. I was wondering if anyone knew about manually editing the XML document to activate the advanced editor (whatever that means - i'm don't usually get too technical with computer stuff)

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Thanks buddy, but actually i already looked there and it didn't work for me. I was wondering if anyone knew about manually editing the XML document to activate the advanced editor (whatever that means - i'm don't usually get too technical with computer stuff)

In the link I posted above, there is a link to download a format folder. If you download that, and put it in C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\football manager 2010\tools\editor\data. Then extract all the contents of the rar file to the format folder in there.

The advanced panel should now be in the editor. Hope that helps you. If it does not, just post back. :thup:

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no it didn't work, that's what i meant in my first reply, i tried that before i started this thread. did everything you just said and it didn't work. and i was wondering about alternative methods of getting at the advanced panel

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If you have extracted it correct then the advanced panels are there. Post ascreen shot of the folder were you have extracted the rar file and a screenshot of the editor start screen after loading the DB, then people here will find out what you have done wrong..

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hmmm.... my attention span is quite short, everything i did was undone as soon as i found it didn't work, at least i think so. that would usually be my reaction.


no, i didn't do that, it's still in my system. but i do recall moving the rar file about after it didn't work initially, i believe it is now back in it's rightful position, but i'm still having the problem.

I'm having trouble getting a screen shot to paste into this reply for some reason but the rar file has gone into this folder:

Program Files > Steam > SteamApps > common > football manager 2010 > tools > editor > data

and there is absolutley no change in the editor at all, i know what it looks like normally and there is no change a all.

i know that without a screenshot it's difficult and i'm sorry, I'm as ****ed off with this as anyone

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Ok, the do the following: close editor, open editor, load DB, click were it says file (marked in green), the you should see the advanced panels (marked in red), click on them and start adding and editing..


If this don't work I will need the screenshots...

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no it didn't work, that's what i meant in my first reply, i tried that before i started this thread. did everything you just said and it didn't work. and i was wondering about alternative methods of getting at the advanced panel

I know you said it's working for you now anyway, but I had the same issue too, with extracting to: "football manager 2010\tools\editor\data (Then extract all the contents of the rar file to the format folder in there)".

What happened was for some reason, WinRar extracted the files into the existing format folder, creating another format folder inside the original. So it didn't work.

I realised this, deleted it, and then cut/pasted the new format folder over the existing one (as I'm sure was intended in the first place), and set to "overwrite existing files/folders", and it worked fine.

Just thought I'd share that in case anyone else had the same problem.

Great work by the way to the original creator of the advanced panels download. Thank you. :)

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