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Hello there!

We are from FMReporter.com and we would like to invite you, yes you, to the site! The site is just starting out but we are all getting organised and the site is beginning to take shape so visit it here - www.fmreporter.com

Have fun and joining is totally free so do so today and see your FM game improve whilst having some fun :)


The FMReporter Staff

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I don't think all should be seen by guests, if guests just sign up for content though there is no actual point in them being on the forum as they will just grab and leave. It only helps statistics but most people now believe content > statistics and that is what counts now, your downloads.

Plus, if you show guests some slight indication of the forum they may want to be a part of it.

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What would you rather have:

-a bunch of people who signed up to see what you had, didn't like it and never came back?

-people who saw what you did, liked it, signed up and stayed?

Hiding anything unimportant is a bad idea, it just gives a guest the impression that they're not worth your time nor you their's. Also, a lot of people these days know how this whole thing works, if they see guest being shut out, it's just taken as a sign-up ploy.

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