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The Spanish Inquisition [*Established Clan*]

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What's that?! Valencia have now won 5 league titles in a row i hear you shreak?! Why that's right people.

Barca ran me close but in the end i ran out winners by 3 points i think now there were rumours i might be heading to Italy with Seria A Giants Juventus but i can put a end to those rumours now and say i won't be going anywhere so that's good news for the rest of the la liga managers.

Signing front i managed to bring in Diego on a free, Zonneveld £5m and some south african guy Mokeonowonnyponny whatever.

The Valencia squad looks strong and with Franco baresi getting his jotters after that shambles of a performance we managed to steal Antonio Mateo from Real Madrid as my new assistant.

The bad news for the rest of the managers in the league despite having spent £23m i still have £59m in the kitty thanks to punting Lahm to Real Madrid.

Until next time and i'm absolutley knackered :yawns:

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Guest sav112


Well we finished 7th which was fantastic for the club our size, we scored in the last minute to take all three points that kept us in position for Euro action. Unfortunately we have had to sell Drogba as we got too good an offer for him and we can’t afford to refuse hard cash that will keep us in the black for the season, we wish him well after his tremendous season with us.

Players in to replace the players lost over the season and improve greatly the back line that was our weak point last term.

Sindny Govou from Lyon a 15M rated attacking midfield player and a worthy replacement for Valdo who we lost on a free.

Nacho Novo - Lets see if the wee man can cut it

Kevin Hofland – A fantastic centre back

Didier Zokora

Oumar Konde

Wilfred Bouma -Another fantastic Centre back

Philippe Senderos – highly rated Arsenal player (Young but talented)

Carlos Bocanegra from Fulham

In all a great line up to help us through the new season and we wont have repeats of having no defenders to play if we get some injuries or suspensions like we had last season.

The new Season

Well after realizing my assistant manager had not arranged any friendly matches pre-season even though he was instructed from the word go to do so we found our-self fighting the clock (aye latterly in the form of that continue option on the timer were you cant fix your team or set anything up and watch what could be done in ten minutes not be done after an hour)

Our Euro game found us not organized or even remotely set up, and the game was rushed through to give us a 4-0 mountain to climb. The second leg found us after we had actually had time to sort ourselves out win 2-0 and we dominated.

But before we began were out partly due to factors out with the managers control and has been written off as such. icon_frown.gif

We look forward to a new season. icon14.gif

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Well done Gaz, congrats icon14.gif

I may drop by a little later lads, see how things are going, I doubt I'll play, too much going on as you can all imagine.

Anyone have the final standings then ?

I'll be cancelling the scots clan this sunday aswell, but back to normal from the following weekend, so you might as well roll on with the spanjocks lads.


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Turkish Connection with Sociadad?

After distancing themselves from the triumphant position they were in 5 Years ago, Read Sociadad gave up all hope and appointed Turkish Manager Emir "Azmo" Karakurt to lead the team to Glory.

Mr. Karakurt is famous for his legendary worldwide famous Fastfood Kebab Chain which all started in Sheffield back in 2004. The Kebab Monger's wide array of fatty red meat varieties were good enough to influence the Sheffield United chariman into hiring the young Turk as manager. Leading Sheffield United to the Premiership was tough for Mr. Karakurt but after doing all he could in England, Mr. Karakurt decided to move to a climate similiar to that of his home nation, and therefore, he chose Spain.

Once a young kebab boy, Mr. Karakurt is undoubtfully planning to use this move as an opportunity to set up a base for his kebab chain in Spain, the average kebab monger has turned into a very "onionlike" version of the Italian Pizza Mafia, growing every day in power.

Sociadad fans are already used to Turkish influence, Their top goalscorer a few years back was Nihat Kahveci who won the hearts of all Real Sociadad fans after finishing joint top goalscorer with Ronaldo of Real Madrid at 23 goals in the 2003-2004 season. The prospect of a well known and relatively successful manager leading their team (face it, taking sheff utd to prem was hard in ufmig v.1 :p) has pleased the fans and they have started to hope that the threat of relegation stands further to them than they expected at the start.

Let's see what the future holds for us.

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It was a damp, dark and moody afternoon in the city of San Sebastián, there was a very heavy sense of "what the hell are we going to do now" in the air and it wasn't only just affecting those nearby the Sociedad Training ground, it was all over the city... the recent appointment of the Turkish manager was raising hope, as well as questions, in the city. Questions like "How the hell is a Kebab guy going to manage our team? He got lucky in England, but this ain't England... is it?" were driving people into a sense of paranoia and curiosity.

Az slowly paced around in his office (you could almost see the marks on the rug). Ever since coming to Sociedad he was greeted well but everyone was curious, nobody really trusted him as much as they seemed, the team was doomed for sure. It was lingering in 15th place, 4 months into the new season. Teams like Athletico Madrid, Espanyol and Zaragoza had risen up to sit beside the three big boys of spain in the top half of the table, with Osasuana, Sevilla, Betis and the like closly following them. It was tight, it was smelly and it was dirty... and Sociedad were utter ****.

Karakurt was sitting at his desk with his Assistant Manager Loren (we'll call him lorry from now on) enquiring on how they could fix things.

"What are the problems we face lorry?" asked a moody and curious Az. "I've only flown in yesterday and don't even know the team". Lorry simply replied "Well... due to the hardships of life, politics and economics, we face a very dark time in Spanish Football. The general standard of life is dropping, the Euro is on the low while the yen is rapidly gaining value and not to mention how recent world ev...."

"Lorry, cut the crap please?"

"Fine... We're crap, everyone's been buying great players, getting results, we've been lingering in our 2003-2004 glory and its started to wear off, the average football fan's memory spans only 5 years i'm afraid"

Az took a deep breath and thought about the subject for a while.

"Ok i've got it!" he stated enthusiastically, "We'll use what I call the 'buy big player and excite them fans' tactic. All we have to do is sign some big player and all the fans will be so damn happy they'll forget how crap we are. How's that?"

"Very good sir, however there is a slight problem..." stated a shy Lorry,


"We are 5 Million in the red, the board are uptight"

"Ok, then we'll just nab someone on bossmans and tell the media we signed him for big bucks!" Azmo was triumphant, and proud of himself.

"Ingenious sir, however we also have a slight problem with that..."

"Ffs Lorry what now??"

"our wage budget sir. Its limited to 350k pounds per week..."

"that's not TOO bad"

"... and we are 70k over the budget sir"

"wtf??? I thought this club was all big n huge and managed to finish second in the league a few years back!"

"See sir even you're doing it... "

"**** off"

It seemed difficult, it seemed impossible... there had to be a way to win the fans back, and with the current situation it was impossible, the big name signing was in order, the fans had to have some hope, some light on the horizon to look forward to...

"Ok well, we still have nihat and kovacevic right?"

"Um sir... Nihat is at Inter and Kovacevic is 34" stated Lorry in a matter of factly tone.

"bugger... fine then we'll use Kovacevic as decent backup he may be 34 but i'm sure if we remain loyal to the older and more respectable player we can gain the hear..."

"sir he's on a 34,500k weekly contract"

"fire the bastard"

That option too was impossible since kovacevic wouldn't terminate his contract and releasing him would cost the club loads, already in debt, that wouldn't be too smart.

"Ok then Lorry, who do we have that is young and actually any good?"

"Joe Cole sir, we got him from Valencia for 10M quid this year, a good bargain if you ask me"

"is that why we're in the red then?" Asked Az.

"um... ok sir i take that back, but we also have Stefano Diana, Arteta and Oskitz, all promising players, except for diana who is 29 sir, but still promising"

"fine fine... what do you think our chances of staying up are?"

"Well sir, to be fair... we're 15th, and there are only 2-3 teams shittier than us... we can't score for toffee."

"Alright then Lorry you listen to me, i want you to randomly pick a name and we're going to sell him off, use his money and get ourselves a decent forward that knows how to kick a ball in the General direction."

"Very good sir, i will do so right away"

Az was determined to come through although his spirit was broken. He was hoping to use his fellow countryman Nihat to full advantage and score loads and manage to win a few to stay up to get some TV Money in the club Coffers. The fact that the team was full of classy old players was a pain. They would suffice for this season but would surely have to be sent packing at the end of the season. And as for the talented young ones... they were talented, but not good enough to stay alive in the nightmare that is the Spanish First Division (the fact that valencia was using 53 Million signing Adriano as a sub for his main striker was a sickening thought).

In the end after much worrying and dispair on club budgeting, he remembered the one magical rule that he always lived by... 'spend big now and deal with the aftermath tomorrow' and that's what he did in the end after pure frustration.

Cesar Delgado was bought for 10M pounds after selling off 3 squad players and Milan Baros was signed to play along side him, together with brazillian Central Defender Alex and Premier League starlet Zatiyah Knight. The team were deeper in debt now, up to 7 million and well over 120k per week in budgeting. This was a huge risk since the board would probably have his balls the moment the team collapsed, but should they stay up and finish in a respectable position (and to be fair, any position above 15th is respectable) this risk would payoff in the longterm.

Sociedad went to do fairly that season. With 6 months left in it they managed to rise all the way up to 7th at one point but collapsed back to 13th after Mr.Karakurt had to take time off managing and attend opening parties for his new Fast Food restoraunt Chain.

The last game of the season was a final push made by Az, and that push ended with a clean 2-0 win against Elche which secured Sociedad's 10th position finish. The Fans were won over, the players' trust was secured as well as the board's patience. The 10th position finish was celebrated with a huge party given at the Manager's phatt ass mansion with loads of shish kebab and onion sauce.

"I'm happy you joined us Boss, we've done much better than any of us expected and that makes me proud as well as the players. They all respect you sir and want to live out their contracts at this club for long long years sir, i think that would be great" Lorry told his boss at the party in a goodwilled fashion.

Az only smiled in a sly fashion and thought silently to himself, "little do they know of what's to happen as soon as the transfer window is open... little do they know..."

will Az stay top, will he get his team together, will he actually create a side that is not that shitty and able to challenge for a respectable place, or even Europe? all on the next edition of the "Kebab Shop Chronicles"

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after finishing 17th last seasonleague Ibanez surely must be looking up this season , cause looking down will surely end his stay in Vigo

with the final 8 games or so ,Ibanez had turned Celta into the team they once where.

but during the close season a few players where released , to try and cut back the massive wage bill, after bring the club out of the red and into the black, Ibanez has quoted he won't be buying unless its a player he needs and knows will do the job for Celta.

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Opening game of the season against the champs Valencia at home

we lasted 7mins before Shaun Wright-Phillips scored from a corner, whipped in by Vicente.

if that wasn't enought Vicente whipped in another from the other side, this time met by the head of Hubschman to make it 2-0 after 12mins

and the final nail in this match coffin was struck by Mokoena , who skilfully passes the ball 35yards into the feet of Adriano, who of course doesn't miss many one on ones

after the match Ibanez was quoted as saying "Carnero and Gomez think they know how to run a football club , but everyone esle knows different", this came after the blast from the Celta chairman at Ibanez claiming he wasn't happy losing to Valencia, aslo Ibanez paid his tribute to Tonerino saying "if he were to lose to any manager, he would prefer to lose to Tonerino

Athletic Club3-0

next up Athletic Club, after the 3-0 defeat at home , Ibanez was on the look out to win this tie.

a great start to the game Braaten winning the ball just outside his own 18 yard box and with a quick pass to Guiza, who in return passes to Ruben, who was making his first apperance in over 8 months quickly spotted Andersson, who then played a one two with Guiza, before Andersson leashed a screamer from the edge of the 18 yard box. the 2nd goal wasn't long in coming Andersson the play maker again spotting Ruben free in the box, who calmly slotted home from 8 yards. on the 36th min the game was over for Ath.Club when from a rather weak looking corner , Tiko netted a O.G


Cordoba next, only just up from the 2nd for the 1st time in their history, this was gonna be a tough one for Celta , although history was on their side, last time these two teams met Celta won 3-1.

with Ariel Miguel Ibagaza still out from surgery and Braaten doubtful, Borja Oubina continues to play, while fellow team mate Philippe Christanval outbrusts at not being a 1st team regular has force Ibanez to place the defender on the transfer list and affectionately ending his career at Celta, meanwhile young left winger Carlos made his 1st start of the season replacing Braaten.

16mins on the clock when that man Andersson spots Carlos inside run, who shows great skill to hold off the Cordoba defender to tuck home his 1st of the season,while Codoba where re-thinking there game plan ,Carlos wins a loose ball on the left, before racing towards the 18 yard box and showing his gratitude to Andersson he sets him up nicely for him to drill home from 18 yards.

a mintue before half-time Cordoba score a freaky goal, a seemly harmless crossed ball hits the near post , confusing the keeper Gomes and allowed their striker with a simple tap in from 2 yards out.

2nd half started slow but wasn't intill the 74th min when Celta came alive, goals from Xisco and Ruben put them into a 4-1 lead before Cordoba pulled one back,bring the score to 4-2 to which it stayed


Ariel Miguel Ibagaza return was a huge boost to Celta ,as many felt that the midfield wasn't up to scratch.

Mallorca up next, with games between these two rather even, Ibanez had to suss out his front two, with Guiza a def start and Kluivert just not being able to score (1 goal in 31 starts)and Ruben making the news on the field of play scoring in his last two games , Ibanez had to drop Kluivert for this match and give Ruben the nod to start his 1st game of the season

Partick Scullion was ruled out for 4 weeks with a twisted ankle on the saturday before the game , so Pavon was called up to start his 1st game of the season. Ibagaza match fitness not quite up to scratch he was left out the match day squad.

26mins on the clock when that man once again Andersson netted after running 40 yards with the ball after recieving a pass from Riordan on the half way line, Mallorca drew level on the 54min thru Luis Garcia ,but the man brought into replace Kluivert , Ruben restored the Celta lead with a sweet strike after a great break from defence, if that wasn't enough for the travelling Celta fans, Sergio the fans fav was brought on to replace the tired looking Pavon, which got a huge cheer ,before Guiza got in the score sheet making it 3-1


this was a midweek game, but news had flitered thru that Ibagaza was out for another 5 months, so a few changes where on the cards

Kluivert was restored in the starting XI, when questioned Ibanez just stated " am just resting players"

the game was dead all thru the 1st half , nothing much to write about , same could be said about the 2nd half intill the 61st min , when Andersson scored a screamer of a 35 yard curl, bringing the Balaidos to its kness begging for more . but 1-0 how it stayed in till the final whistle

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Hey guys, nice to see some new recruits in the game. Keep a space for me as ill be back in a little while got to move in with me bird and get BB and everything set up at new address.

then i gots to get up to speed with the menu system and tactics and so on..

Keep up the good work guys!


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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Sy:

Hey guys, nice to see some new recruits in the game. Keep a space for me as ill be back in a little while got to move in with me bird and get BB and everything set up at new address.

then i gots to get up to speed with the menu system and tactics and so on..

Keep up the good work guys!

Sy </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

are you sure she will let you???????hehe icon_biggrin.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Sy:

Hey guys, nice to see some new recruits in the game. Keep a space for me as ill be back in a little while got to move in with me bird and get BB and everything set up at new address.

then i gots to get up to speed with the menu system and tactics and so on..

Keep up the good work guys!

Sy </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Whose this?

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after the 6-2 trashing from Real Sociedad, Mr Ibanez just knew there was more to it than meets the eye

while in the bog, Ibanez was reading his morning spread when he spotted a flyer facing down lying on the floor

"Az you fooker , just you wait intill i get my hands on you , you and your fooking kebabs icon_mad.gif"

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by stabwest:


after the 6-2 trashing from Real Sociedad, Mr Ibanez just knew there was more to it than meets the eye

while in the bog, Ibanez was reading his morning spread when he spotted a flyer facing down lying on the floor

"Az you fooker , just you wait intill i get my hands on you , you and your fooking kebabs icon_mad.gif" </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

yeah its a bit damp thats why its smudged , just to add a **** affect to it icon_biggrin.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by stevethedog:

Looks like I will be hosting lads icon_smile.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

what time cause a few think its 6pm????

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Right due to my idiocy i'm still up at 7:15 and have given up with going to bed. I've got the coffee out but may I suggest someone takes it off my hands when they get the chance as I'm likely to do a sims style (and my mate once) and fall asleep standing up.

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Guest sav112

I’d take it no probs but that run sever problem still stops me from hosting and it might do the same for Gaz.

Hope you get some shut eye and be able to host.

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Guest sav112

Doctors orders

Take some hot soup and go to bed after setting your alarm clock for 5:45 rembering the clocks went forward an hour.

oh and if need be a cold compress around the knee

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Last Episode on the Kebab Chronicles: The kebab mogul successfuly avoided the drop with R.Sociedad, earning the trust and hearts of the fans. Everyone loved him, but why the good attitude? Why the refrained and nice treatment of the team's players? nobody could understand.... was it as it seemed, was everything nice and emotional at the city of San Sebastián, or was this just the silence before the storm? all up next...

The Kebab Chronicles S1xE2: The Window and the Axe

It was a beautiful summer morning at the city of San Sebastián. The Team were all gathered up and ready for the day's Training. The post-season 2 week holiday break had ended just the day before and after yesterday's light training the team were ready for more practice sessions with the ball, ready for more intense pre-season training. Everyone was in good spirit and everything was in perfect harmony. Nothing could go wrong.

Az was in a good mood, not had only all his players managed to get back without any problems like holiday accidents or food poisoning but they also managed to steer clear of any Sex Scandals. No, everything was in gear and ready to roll on happily... Az checked his watch while waiting for the basic warmup activities to finish led by the loyal Sociedad coaches. It was 10:36 am and the date was the First of July. The Window was open since 6 this morning and he was excited to see his new free transfer signings come through.

Real Sociedad had serious problems with finances. All through last year they were in the Red. The club refused taking in any bank loans, but never got over the zero mark. Az, knowing the situation, figured he wouldn't have any transfer budget (which was confirmed when the board announced they could only give him 625k Pounds 15 days ago) so he started negotiating with alot of stars that were leaving their current club under bosman's rule. He offered contracts to 15 quality players, hoping that one, maybe even two, would join the club and help the squad depth. He was keeping close relations with the board and acting all nice to the fans just in case the dream of the arrival of those new players would actually come true. He wanted to avoid any grudges in the team, hoping the one or two new players would adjust with the current harmonious squad at Real Sociedad.

As the clock ticked, Az got himself even more excited, nobody had actually accepted the contract beforehand so he didn't know which players would arrive, but as the clock approached 12:30pm his excitement grew by the second. As expected, precisely at 12:20 Lorry walked next to Az

"Boss the new transfers were picked up at the airport 30 minutes ago and should be arriving soon" stated Lorry

"Excellent, let's walk to the front of the club house to greet them. Do you know who actually bothered joining us Lorry?" Az asked as they were approaching the front doors of the club house

"Erm, no sir, but I DO know the number was slightly higher than we expected and, well... we had to readjust part of the arrival ceremony"

"Eh? How so?"

"Well sir, we had to arrange for a new vehicle since the old renault we sent in was a tad inadequate to pick them up..."

"Oh? What did you send to pick them up at the airpo... OH ****!"

A big yellow bus pulled by the club house, it was full of people and stopped promplty at the door and then the doors opened as the passengers started to file out

"Well you see sir, we had to request for a school bus to pick them up since we're too skint to afford a proper Tour Company coach" Said Lorry, squinting at the sun


"Speechless sir? yes yes I was just looking at the register and it turns out that all 15 of thise free agents accepted"

"but how.... why... WHYYYYYYYY"

"I think the 'free kebabs as long as you're part of the club' clause did it for them sir. I heard Mr. Donovan was especially delighted at that since he had so may Turkish friends back in Germany that made him loads of kebabs that fit his taste, you see I heard he likes the spicy doner rolls for luch as well as dinne..."

"Lorry Shut the F**k up man! WE'RE FECKIN' DOOMED! oh crap, the board will have my balls for this. WHAT HAVE WE DONEEEEEEE"

"Oh yes sir I was just going to state that with the signing on fees and initial payments the club is now 11 Million pounds in the red."


The impossible had happened. Out of the 15 people that were offered a contract in hope that 1, maybe 2 or even 3 if lucky would sign, EVERYONE actually bothered signing for the club. This was heavily unpredicted by everyone. There was much competition for them all but for some reason, they all picked Real Sociedad.

"Well sir, on a lighter note half the Fenerbahce team are here, although we wouldn't be able to play them, not with the non-eu player limit. You see the spanish federation had to pass that rule because clubs were heavily exploiting the South Americ..."

"Lorry shut up fer feck's sake, we're bloody doomed! what do we do now? The players will be in uproar since now we have 38 players in the squad. We can only register 25, and we also have WAAAAY too many Non-Eu players now, and what the hell do we do now the club's even more in debt."

"I would not know sir, but its you they'll be firing not me..."

The situation was out of control. Az didn't know what to do. It would be unethical as well as suicide to ask the new arrivals to go back, and even if they did, they all got their phatt signing on fee checks, it really looked bleak. But what worried Az more was what the team would think when he walked in with 15 Relatively quality players onto the pitch. He had to think fast... he had to hurry up, and then it hit him.

Az remembered how the primary clause when he signed for Sociedad as a manager was that 'the head coach/manager in charge of the team would have 100% authorization over transfers'. So that would mean he had control over who stays and who goes and noone could say jack shiet about it!

He Ran through the club's wage charts and contract explanations. Joe Cole was on a 38k per week deal, and his contract was due to end in two years, which meant next year he'd be able to bugger off on a free. Joe Cole was the star player of the England Squad in Euro 2008 and he was attracting alot of attention. So Az put him up on the list. Spanish Starlets Oskitz, Arteta, Rivas and Lopez Rekarte were also listed as well as veterans Stefano Diana, Milan Baros . These were all first team players, and the players that made sociedad 10th in the league last year. Az figured he HAD to sell one or two of them, and since that would break the harmonious state and bring up issues of jelously between the new guys, he decided he'd solve the problem by putting them ALL on the list. The new arrivals were all quality players and could easily fill up the new roles.

Surely enough by 15:00 that day all of the listed players were sold, most notably Joe Cole at 15.5 Million pounds to Palermo. Arteta was sold for 6M, and Baros for 4M. These sales filled up the club coffers most certainly, and with 20M more arriving from TV money and sponsorship deals, Sociedad was not only clear of the Red zone but up by 35M pounds. When all the transfers went through, Sociedad had 48 Million pounds in the bank. The board were so pleased, they didn't give a crap about how the fans cried over the sale of Oskitz, Cole and whatnot, and after the fans realised the truth that Yakubu, Landan Dunovan, Gamst Pederson, Ewerthon, Kevin Nolan, Hanno Balitsch, Wayne Routledge, Scott Parker, Ravzan Dinca Rat, Padoin had arrived in their place, they cut the protesting and starting celebrating instead.

Out of the 15 players that arrived, unfortunately 5 of them had to be sent back or sold to other clubs. All were Non-Eu players and the 3 slots were already saved for the best of the lot (Namely Delgado, Rat and Alex), but in the end sociedad had a firm squad that could well achieve a top half finish, as the board expected of them this year.

"See? it turned out well thanks to my cunning plans Lorry"

"very good sir, I am surprised myself you are a genious"

"now let's come to that unfortunate sentance you uttered to me 3 hours ago... what was it again? hmmm oh yes, you were saying how it would be me that would get the axe and not you?"

"um... no no sir you got me all wrong! what I meant was that you getting fired meant me getting fired as well but only it would be you who would have to face the board members but don't worry sir I was planning to drop in and save you at the last moment. You see my friend is a great getaway driver so we would leave the board room in an insta..."

"Lorry, you crack another wise one like that and it'll be you getting the axe while I sit laughing."

"very good sir... would you like some coffee?"

So a near disaster was prevented from occuring and instead turned to a clear advantage. After assessing the squad for a month, Az decided he would need some backup for the primary positions of his new bunch. Since most of last year's squad were sold or fired, he would need some speedy replacements, oh and he was also missing a Right winger.

In the end a 12 Million Pound transfer of Ricardo Quaresma was conducted and a few more less known players were brought to the club that could offer decent cover for potential injuries. What Sociedad had was a strong squad that could possibly finish in the top half without much bother, but the only problem was if they would adjust to the spanish lifestyle, if the clock ticked in harmony and if nobody got themselves in a bloody sex scandal. The real challenge was about to begin...

Will Az and Lorry steer the club into a top half finish, will the players learn to play together, and will anybody get themselves in a scandal and couse off pitch problems that would ensure the club to plummet into deep trouble. Will the spanish league be dominated by 5 year champions Valencia again or are the doors open to new clubs for success? We shall see in all due time... in the next episode of "The Kebab Shop Chronicles".

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Real Madrid 0-3

26mins gone everything was going ok Madrid on the back foot , when Lahm hobbles of for treatment , never to return to the field of play and on comes Heitinga

Heitinga 1st action in the game is to set up Madtids 1st , with a through ball knocked down the line to Sebastian Deisler , he gets to the bye-line before whipping in a low ball only to be partly cleared by Pavon,the loose ball was then picked up by Tuncay who ran at the Celta defence who picked out Morientes , who make the space and time to place the ball in the far away post

seconds before h/t tuncay scored his 5th of the season and gave Celta a huge task.

but any sort of Celta come back was thwarted on 52nd min by Fernando Morientes

Levante 5-0 Spanish Cup

this game was barely started when Celta raced into a 2-0 lead Guiza on the 5th and 12th min ,but by the half hour mark the game was over for Levante as Ruben make it 3-0

even out of favour Kluivert got a call up coming of the bench to score 2 but he soon left the game on the 73mins injured

Sevilla 3-0

with Ibanez looking to get one over his previous team , he sent out his strongest team

a goal in the 34mins by Ruben who was out to claim a regular 1st team place ,this wasn't all Celta as Sevilla through everything at Celta in the 1st h/t

the score stayed 1-0 intill the 85th min when Derek Riordan ripped apart a very jaded Sevilla defence , to score his 1st of the season,

and deep into added time Guiza broke the offside trap to slot home number 3-0 and give Celta the points and put a huge smile on his bosses face icon_biggrin.gif

Osasuna 2-2

Ruben opened the scoring on the 22nd min after Osasuna had a corner but a 70 yard pass from Gomes which Braaten latched onto ,and with a quick pass to Ruben 1-0

but the lead was shorted lived as Osasuna drew level as Guerk had all the time in the world to pick his spot and within 5mins Osasuna took the lead through a Wilhelmsson header. 10mins after the restart Ruben struck a 30 yard low drive which came off Hofland , but Ruben claimed the goal , Celta finshed the stronger but failed to regain there lead

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Enoughs Enough

Betis sack Manager Santos, after a large number of days absent and turning up to training drunk.

Santos who failed to strengthen the squad this season to a sufficent degree saw Betis stumble about mid table, the Board finally had enough, when he seemed more interested in going back to Scotland and getting drunk than staying in Spain and doing the job he was paid to do.

Santos, who rumour has it has checked himself into a clinic to fight his addiction has vowed to fight back. Rumours were that he was eyeing a move to Roma in Italy are said to be false and his heart is now firmly set on staying in Spain.

Only time will tell what he has planned for the future, but he was heard screaming that he will make them pay, as he left the Betis dressing room for one last time.

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Guest sav112


After three great seasons with Osasuna Manager Savio felt his feet going to sleep, he was to comfortable Osasuna were performing poorly but were still managing a mid-table place of 12th . Savio sitting in the crowd for the Osasuna 2 all draw with Celta and could only cast a contented smile that the players he had brought in and the team that he had shaped had done so well against a Very good team. The TV camera zoomed in as he stood beside his ex director of football clapping the team off the pitch, he turned and walked slowly down the stairs turning on the bottom step just for a second, just for that last memory of the Osasuna fans that had been so good to him these past years.

When the Mercedes convertible stopped driven by one of the many leggy female models Savio acquainted he got in had one last look at the stadium leaned over and kissed the driver and commented as the car pulled away “to a new beginningâ€. (Cue Cold play and Clocks)

The very same Mercedes pulled in to the car park in the town of Seville a different leggy female blonde of course in the drivers seat. Savio had arrived The Manuel Ruiz de Lopera stadium rising in front of him all 55,000 of it. The door opened he kissed the driver, he got out closed the door and walked slowly to the mian door (Cue Stone Roses –Fools Gold)

Betis wish to announce the appointment of Savio Mambo as manager

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by sav112:

Savio sitting in the crowd for the Osasuna 2 all draw with Celta and could only cast a contented smile that the players he had brought in and the team that he had shaped had done so well against a Very good team. The TV camera zoomed in as he stood beside his ex director of football clapping the team off the pitch, he turned and walked slowly down the stairs turning on the bottom step just for a second, just for that last memory of the Osasuna fans that had been so good to him these past years.


wonders what planet Savio on the 2-2 game was taken from our earlier meeting in Oct

hey am that far behind doing my updates hehe but the game your thinking of i stuffed Osasuna 3-1 or something icon_biggrin.gif

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Guest sav112

lol I thought icon_biggrin.gif that bit its probably becasue last night we were 12th again and i was not really watching the match but looked at the tactic befre it was finshed.

If we could edit I'd change it

that you posting out of date info you bampot icon_wink.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by reidy888:

How many did you beat me by Kebab Boy? icon_rolleyes.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

either 2-0 or 3-0 buddy. icon_smile.gif sorry had to win. but on the bright side i also got gaz 4-2.

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eh game number 7

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by stevethedog:

When did you hump me 3-0 Davie, must have been ageeeeeeeees ago. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Results so far











Athletic Club[a]1-1









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last game of the season against Betis when Ruben the man whos turned his back on Celta for Depo scores to clinch it for Celta and push Depo into the ufea cup, while Celta can have a crack at the CL

Ibanez thanked Ruben but fails to see why he took £17k a week when he was offering £45k

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Guest sav112

Sorry I had to leave you with the Ai Davie icon_redface.gif but I was nearly sleeping at my desk, 2-0 I’ll blame Nemi icon_wink.gif, The rebuilding starts on Thursday. As long as Betis were 7th I’m happy.

So how did it go?






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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by stevethedog:

I'm no longer in red and white icon_wink.gif

More to follow. Not slept since 5pm yesterday, celebrating getting through the day after work \o/

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I apologise once more for the 3-0 going on 20-0 drubbing that you received at the hands of the mighty Real Murcia icon_biggrin.gif

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Last Episode on the Kebab Shop Chronicles: Az and his team avoided a near career ending disaster. An unexpected 15 odd extra players turned up at the club in the summer as free bosmans. Along with a few necessary purchases a brand new XI were up and about and the San Sebastián club's training grounds. Thanks to some quick sales the danger was fought off with maximum effectiveness, and the club were all ready for the new season...

The Kebab Shop Chronicles S1xE3: The Journey to Glory

It was nearing the end of April, the City of San Sebastián were in a suspended moment of excitement and happiness. Everybody in this city liked football and followed it with a passion. The Fact that Sociedad had been rather silent in their League and European campaign since 2002 had most of the fans in a position of passive onlookers over the years, however this year they enjoyed the opportunity to fully support their team's campaign. It was so surprising for the fans that the first 5 months nobody bothered turning up for the games. They all thought it was a lucky streak and it would end "soon". Soon never came and sociedad stopped losing abruptly. They were on a 21 no loss run and hadn't lost a game at home all season.

Back in February they managed to overthrow the Mighty Valencia at the Anoeta. They drew the Glorious Barcelona 2 times, a feat that only a handful of teams could manage, and also spanked their closest followers Celta Vigo 6-2. Sociedad were sitting 3rd, with 6 points seperating them from 4th placed Celta Vigo. It was all dependant on the very crucial Valencia away tie, if Sociedad won this, they would be in reach for 2nd place.

On that rather hot sunday evening everyone in the city of San Sebastián were gathered around their TV's or public viewing areas. All were in excitement of the great game tonight. 3rd place was pretty much guaranteed, a win here would bring up hopes even higher than they were.

When the match started both sides got their share of chances, mistakes and cards. it was going fairly even.

"Lorry I don't get it, we're doing quite well but just can't break through, any suggestions" asked Az to his trusted sidekick.

"Well sir, i suggest you pull one of the forwards back to help the attacking midfielder, they seem to use that space alot for long kicks and attacks..." suggested lorry

"Hmm, yes they do seem to gang up in that area quite often. Yes I'll do that good thinking"

After the necessary precaution was taken the match only locked tighter. This time neither team could really hold the ball long enough to start an attack and the match was locked tight and looked to end that way.

"well, its going to end a draw then lorry. can't be too bad I guess, we'll have to make do with 3rd and at least its not a loss"

"I guess so sir, but i do suggest having that forward we pulled back earlier go forward. it may work out a surprise last minute goal..."

"I don't think that's such a good idea lorry... lorry?"

Az looked all over for him but lorry had already run to the byline and shouted out to Delgado to run forward...


"Um sir, we're going to get a last minute goal you'll see"

just at that very moment the Defensive Midfielder for valencia booted a nice long one straight in front of the Spanish Player of the Year, Vicente who did what he always does best, and that is to put it at the back of the net.

The clock showed 92 Minutes and Sociedad had conceded a last minute goal. Az was furious... and was looking for lorry with a rather big stick in his hand... it was over, Sociedad had guaranteed 3rd place and it made quite an impact across the country.

Mr. Karakurt was now known worldwide as the man who took sociedad from 15th to the CL, everyone respected him greatly for what has been an outstanding Year for him and his team. Again Summertime Celebrations took place as all rejoiced and got pretty much very drunk.

"Well sir you did it again, finished well beyond expectations, and er... sorry for running out like that in the Valencia game..."

"Its ok lorry, i'm actually happy we lost there, if we'd won the board would probly have expected us to win it next year or something..."

"I dunno sir, so what are you going to do this year?"

"Hmm still to early to say but Just between you and me, this board are boring the **** out of me. After winning all that we still only get 20M TV money, and the club is still in the red despite that. The board have offered me a measly 400k per week contract, the City Council have blocked expansion and even if we did expand the fans never show up for the games other than the big ones... I honestly don't know lorry..."

"Oh dear sir, you're not planning to leave are you??"

Az just looked out of the window, on to the fans, players and media crew.

"All this sensation, for just 2 days then its back to square one, and problems over again..."

Az let out a deep sigh, Made himself some coffee and sat back. He decided not to worry about much at this stage. All would become apparant come start of next season, for now, he would just enjoy the victory and attention.

Will Az lead his team to another year of hardship to come out on top and perform even better? or will he let his ambition get the better of him? Even if his ambition does get the better of him will anyone let his ambition actually lead him anywhere, is his status of "World Class" Really valid? All on the next episode of the "Kebab Shop Chronicles.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by sav112:

Sorry I had to leave you with the Ai Davie icon_redface.gif but I was nearly sleeping at my desk, 2-0 I’ll blame Nemi icon_wink.gif, The rebuilding starts on Thursday. As long as Betis were 7th I’m happy.

So how did it go?





Depo </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

am not sorry i won hehe

am just about to put the final league table on website now. as for sleep hmmmmmmmm as our Addictedness Level of Clan is>>>> Sleeping is for sisses, i'll say no more on the matter hehe icon_razz.gif

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Final Spanish League

league has been updated

Italian ain't , will do on thursday

ive gotta say that has to be the quickest ever time we've completed a season , with 8 people , so everyone raise a glass to the easter weekend

eh it took about a week to do that season, 5 sessions in all, not bad

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