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Q.P.R - New Manager New Challenges


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The alarm goes of it's 7.30. "Ahh, off to work in bit" I say to myself, slide out of bed as not to wake the mrs have a wash and shave get dressed.Walk back into the bedroom, give the mrs a peck on the forehead and drive to St Mary's for work coaching with the under 18's.

As I get to the security gates the security guard Bob, says Mr Lowe wants to see u asap. Ok mate will do. Oh great I think he's going to let me go to save more money. I head over to his office and his assistant Linda, leads me into his office and walks out the door.

"Take a seat, I've got something to discuss with you" I sit down, think whats this all about. "I received a call last night from Gianni Paladini"

"Ok, and he is" Mr Lowe chuckles.

"He's the chairman of Q.P.R, he wanted to know if you would be interested in applying for the vacant managers position their."

"But I have no, management experience u said that when I applied for the job here after Harry walked out."

"I know, but we are a bigger side then Q.P.R and I feel we need some one with experience to get us back where we belong in the premiership. Yo have been loyal to the club and could have gone to Wednesday with Paul Sturruck and Steve Wigley managed to talk Stuart Pearce into offering u a job, but you turned them down. This a great opportunity for you, even if you don't get the job. I want you to stay here everyone says we are lucky to have you and youngsters love working with you, but I won't stand in your way if your successful."

"Ok, Rupert I'll go for the job, as it's pretty local and won't have to move the mrs and kids 2 far, if I get it. Why do they want me?"

"Well they wanted someone young with new and fresh ideas to get the team going again and bring the fans back, Steve Wigley put in a good word for as did Paul Sturruck, Sir Clive and myself."

"Wow, thankyou Mr Lowe and I'll thank the rest once I get my head round all this. Do I need to contact Mr, what did you say his name was?"

"Mr Paladini, no I'll call him now and see when he want's to see you."

With that Mr Lowe calls Gianni Paladini. "Hi, Gianni, Rupert Lowe here. I've spoken with Paul and he's very interested in arranging an interview with you." .....A slight pause "Ok I'll hand you over".. Mr Lowe hands me the phone.

"Hello Mr Paladini"

"Hello Paul, please call me Gianni, Well I like to officially offer you an interview for the vacant managers job at Queens Park Rangers, can you make it here for 2pm today"

"I, don't finsh work until 12 so I won't make it...oh hang on." I look over at Rupert. "Take the day off Paul, you go for it."

"Gianni, I'll will be there, thankyou so much for this see you at 2pm."

"I look forward to it, see you then."

"Thanks for this Mr Lowe, you know I love this club, and fingers crossed if I get this job and do well I'll be back here managing myself one day."

"You never know, now go and get ready you've got a big day today."

With that I make my way back to the car and make my way back home. What a weird day I think to myself.

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Home with Mrs

I arrive home and she the mrs is back from taking the kids to school.

"What you doing back so early? Don't tell me you've been sacked, think of the kids."

"Calm down Emma, you sound like Ian bloody Beale, I haven't been sacked, I have an interview to become the new manager of Queens Park Rangers."

"Queens Park Rangers, is that a gay team?"

Laughs..."No, they are a Championship side the same as Southampton, based in London. It's a great chance for me to make a name for myself and the extra money will be nice."

"Yeah, and think of all those shops and shoes...You better not let me down Paul, I can see it now."

"Calm down, love I haven't got the job yet, just an interview at 2pm today so I better get changed and head of in a bit."

I get changed out of tracksuit and put on my trousers and shirt, I'll carry the tie and jacket and put that on when I get their.

"Ok, honey I'm off, wish me look." Emma runs over and plants a smacker on the lips.

"You'll be getting a lot more than that if you get this job when you come home." Happy days I think to myself...

"Ok,see you later tonight babe, love you loads."

The Interview

I pull up five about 5 minutes drive from the stadium, check the time it's only. 1.30pm plenty of time despite stopping on the way up for a bite to eat. I put my tie, and make my way to the stadium......I pull up at the security gate.

"Can I help you Mate" The securty officer says.

"I'm here for a meeting with Mr Paladini at 2, my names Paul Bradley"

"Hang on a sec..Mr Bradley you say?" I nod my head..."Hi Stacy, can you let Mr Paladini know that Mr Bradley is here to see him.....ok thanks" He looks at me, "Ok, Mr Bradley if you park over by those main doors over their someone will be out to meet you...By the way my name's Steve."

"I know, Steve your wearing a name badge, by the way please call me Paul." With that I park my car near the entrance pointed out to me. Get out and make my way to the door, I get buzzed straight in.

A pretty blonde is sat behind the desk, Hi I'm Paul Bradley, I take it your Stacy?" She laughs..

"No, my name's Torrie, I know who you are. Come with me I'll take you to Mr Paladinis office."

I walk behind Torrie....Great view by the way.. "So who is Stacy?"

"Oh, she's Mr Paladini's P.A."

"Ok, thanks....." She talks me through anyother set of doors seems like I've been walking for ages.

"Here you go, Good luck"

"Thanks, Torrie"... I make my way in the board room....Inside I'm bricking it, but so excited...He goes nothing...

"Hi Paul, I'm Gianni, nice to see you are early to. Keen I like that." We shake hands and he offers me a seat. There are several board members in the room with Gianni as he conducts the interview.

We talk about lots of issues, what my ideas are, where I see the club heading and what he expects from the manager of his club, explaining that, that the manager he appoints will have his full support and backing.

Gianni seemed to be impress with my work at Southampton and that I wanted to bring youngsters into the team and try and make some house holdnames to make the club profitable and successfull.

Gianni, thanks me for my time and sya he will let me know the outcome soon. I thank him for the interview and head back to the car.

I get in the car, make a quick call to Emma, to let her know how it went and that I'll be home in about 2 hours...She seems as excited as I am...I call Mr Lowe, but he's not at his desk so leave a message and make my way home.

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A few Days Pass By..

It's been three days since the interview with Q.P.R, and have been getting back to life as normal with Southampton training the under 18's. Q.P.R, haven't named a new boss yet so there is still hope for me. I din't expect a quick response anyway as Gianni, seemed like he wanted to make sure that his next manager is the right one to take the club forward in a way that he wants. Just try telling the Mrs that, she's on my case everyday about it.

Make or Break Time

Friday morning the 8th of July. I wake up 7.30 as normal and head for work. I arrive at the stadium have a chat with the lads about what we are going to do today, when Mr Lowe makes his way in....

"Good Morning Paul"

"Good Morning Mr Lowe"

"I've just come off the phone with Mr Paladini, and he would like to speak to you, if you'd like to follow me Paul." I follow Mr Lowe to his office and am Surpise to see Mr Paladini, sat there.

"Hello, Paul" Mr Paladini says with a broad smile across his face. "And how are you today?"

"I'm very well thank you, Mr Paladini and yourself?"

"Paul, please call me Gianni, after all were going to be working together now...That is if you want the job."

"Wow, thankyou so much Gianni and thankyou Mr Lowe for letting me take this opportunity."

"You know that salary, length of the contract right Paul."

"Yes, Gianni"

"Then all I need is your signature and you will start this Sunday." Gianni hands me a pen and a copy of the contract, he show me where to sign and date. I sign away...It's a done deal I'm the new manager of Q.P.R in 2 short days I can hardly wait. Gianni offers his hand to shake, we shake hands, he pulls me closer a hugs me kisses me on the cheek and wishes me well.

"Shall I get back to the boys Mr Lowe"

"Yes, Paul, me and Gianni just need to go over a few things but feel free to tell that lads the good news and take tomorrow off."

Telling the boys the news

I head back to see the boys and tell them the news, Little Nathan Dyer comes up to me. "You ok boss, looks like your cryin"

"I am mate, Right gavour up lads I've got something to tell you all!" .....They sit down in front of me... "Ok, today is my last day with you guys."

"Oh F**k they haven't sack you?" Says Dyer.

I laugh...."No, I have a new job, from Sunday I'll be the new manager of Q.P.R, I want to thank you guys for the effort you have put in while I've been here and hope you have enjoyed it half as much as I have, your a cracking bunch of lads and I'll miss you all. Evening if you do drive me f**king mad at times. And I can tell you now, these a couple of you I'd like to take with me, but I'll have to see if I can afford you first and if the club will sale you. Now lets get back to work."

We finish the training and I give each of the buys a hug as I say my last goodbye's. Wipe the tears from my eyes and head home for the last time.

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Crack open the bubbly!

I make my way in through the front door and head to the front room as can hear the television.

"Hi sexy, how's your day been/"

"Good, thanks hun, I've just been watching tv the kids are at school, the usual nothing exciting. How was your day?"

"Was...ok....No, it was better than ok, it was pretty f**king good, I got the job, I start Sunday." Emma rushes over and hugs me.

"I new you would get it I love you so much...Lets celebrate...right now!"

With that she leads me to bedroom.....Sorry folks can't let you know what happened in there or my life will be over.

A Little Later...An Hour or so

Emma's popped out to get the kids from school. I'd like to point out at this time im not the birth father of the girls but am there father in every other way. I speak to my parents about what has happened, and say not to say anything to anyone until it's public news. I'm not telling the kids yet I know what their like.

Where are we going to live Paul?

The kids and Emma arrive home, the kids get changed and go out to play. "They are going rounf Lauren's house and having dinner their, I've ok'd it with her parents, just we need a talk"

"What about babe?"

"Where are we going to live?"

"It's sorted babe, at the interview Gianni, my boss said that he has a place for us. He's even sorting out moving our stuff."

"Ok, thats good, thought I'll never see you."

"Don't worry we are moving Sunday, but you can come back and visit Southampton whenever you want. Plus I get a new BMW a company car, which was pointed out at the interview."

That evening and Saturady was hectic getting everthing sorted but We arrived at our new House on just before 9pm on Saturday 9th July... We do a bit of unpacking but not a lot were all pretty tired and I have a big day tomorrow..First day that means press conference...oh cr*p need to get that out of head or I'll never sleep.

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First Day In New Job

The alarm sounds, that can mean one thing it's 7.30 on a Sunday, this sucks I'm used to having Sunday's off, but I guess club management is a 24/7 kind of job. I have a wash and shave, put my suit on and head off for work. I park away from the ground and walk for about 5 minutes to Loftus Road, my new home away from home...A few deep breathes and I make my way to the entrance..Torrie see's me and lets me in. "You got the job then? Well done." She says and gives me a wink.

"Yeah, I'm afraid you'll have to get used to me." I make my way to Gianni office to see, what the plans are for the day...I she his assistant Stacy who advises me to go straight into his room.

"Good morning Gianni, how are today?"

"Im Excited, today is the start of a new era, lets make it a good one." I like his thinking he seems very positive, just hope he will give me a fair crack of the whip.

Gianni and me talk about the upcoming press conference and tells me what to expect and not to worry if they try and hound me over my lack of experience, stating he be sat there with me. He asks if I am happy with my contact with is a one year deal, paying me £4300 per week. I said I'm more than happy and hope to get an extension at the end of the season. He informs me of my transfer budget and wage allowance for the season. £100,000 to spend on players and up to £85,000 on wages, it's not the biggest amount but I'm happy as we aren't the biggest club and you have to start somewhere.

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I sit and wait out side the press room, I can hear them all chatting and Gianni is busy answering questions..Then I here Gianni say. "I like to introduce you all now to the new manager of Queens Park Rangers, Paul Bradley"...Must stay calm, I think to myself as I make my way in and sit next to Gianni.

Sky Sports News Exclusive

"So, Paul this is your first managment job, what are your hopes for the new season?"

"Ideally I'd like us to maybe sneak a playoff place but would settle for a strong top half finish."

"Do you think the players will respect you, as it's your first post?"

"Yes, I would be here if I didn't think I could earn their respect and get results out of them. I did a lot of good work at Southampton and now it has paid off. I don't entend on letting myself down or this club."

"Fan's aren't going to be happy with this appointment, I'm sure they would have liked someone with more experience. How will you handle the pressure?"

"I had pressure at Southampton, it's something you learn to deal with, although I will be much more under the spotlight here. I'm sure that once things settle down and I get the players playing my way, the fans will be on my side. Time will tell. I have signed for a year and I'm sure that if I do well Mr Paladini, will be extending my stay."

"What do you think of the present squad and any players you have an eye on?"

"I will assess the players first to see where we need to strengthen, I have a few players in mind, but am not going to name them yet as no bids have been made."

"Well Good luck in your new job, I get the feeling your going to need it."

"Thankyou" A few members of the press and local papers take my picture alongside Gianni...Then he leads me over to my new office.

My own Office wow

Nothing to exciting about the office had a tv and video player, pc, phone, fax machine, flowers...That type of thing and a mobile.. Gianni wishes me well as states I know where I am if needed and makes his way...I make my way over to the filing cabinet pick up the squad profiles and take them back to my desk, and start examining them....

A few moments pass and theirs a knock on the door. "Come in" Torrie makes her way. "Hi Torrie what can I do for you?"..She laughs..

"I was going to ask you the same thing, I'll be your P.A, I only cover the desk first thing in the morning as Candice, the receptionist has kids."

"Oh, no I'm fine at the moment but if I need anything or I'll call you, I did notice your name on the speed dial."

I carry on studting the players files..We seem to have an ok squad, with a couple of players that stand out... I have a look on the pin board and see that the pre season friendlies have been arranged. Dumbarton away Hereford away Rangers at home Kilmarnock away and Clyde away. First match is set for the 16th, that gives me under a week to get ready....

As we don't have much money at his time I serach the free agents list...I hope there are some good players I can pick up for nothing.


Make my first offers

I fax an offer to Dwight Pezzarossi's agent offering his client a 3 year deal. The Guatemalian International stiker looks a very good player. I also make an offer for Francisco Javier De Pedro, the former Spainish International and Blackburn player.

I also mange to find a couple of decent looking players available on loan. I fax Liverpool offers for Goalkeeper Scott Carson and Irish Midfielder Darren Potter, to see if I can have them both for 3 months. I also contact Aston Villa to see if I can loan Gary Cahill their young centre back for 6 months...

Lastely for the day I check for any players reaching the end of the contracts from an old contact I know... He tips me off on Swedish Goalkeeper Eddie Gusafsson of Ham Kam and Finland International Centre Back Lassie Karjalainen...I decide to offer both players deals as they won't cost me anything and will strengthen the squad, if I can get them.

Im worn out and it's only my first day..Big day tomorrow meeting the lads and coaching staff..Lets hope it all goes well.

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9AM Monday 11th July

The first training session

I meet my coaching staff and Assistant Manager Tim Breaker for the first time, and decided that I will let them run the coaching session while I watch the players, make notes and assess them. I make my way into the players changing room and introduce myself and tell them what will be happening today, stating that they are all starting a fresh with a clean slate.

Tim and the rest of the coaches go through the drills and we decide to have a match between the players at the end, so I can see the players performing..

They seem like a good bunch of lads..All seem to enjoy training and want to impress me. Lee Cook and Stefan Moore stand out as my two best players and Danny Shittu looks more than useful at the back.. I gather all my notes together as the training finishes and make my way into the changing rooms... "Well done lads..From what I saw you look, like a more than capable team, now once your all cleaned up I'd like you to come and see me in my office one at a time."

I hand Danny Shittu a list with the order for the players to come in and point out Tim Breaker will be sitting in with me. I then make my way back to my office..


Talking to the players

I arranged the list for Goalkeepers to see me first, followed by defenders and so on.

Simon Royce - Goalkeeper

Is first in, I tell him, he will start as my number one, due to his experience but have warned him am looking to strengthen this area of the team.

Jack Cole - Goalkeeper

I tell Jack, that although I can't see him breaking into the first team just yet, he will be the number keeper on my books. I tell him if I sign another keeper I will be looking to loan him out to gain experience.

Marcus Bignot - Right Back

I explain to Marcus, that he will start the season as my first choice right back due to his experience at this level. I warn him that I will be after another player in his position at some point as not much cover there.

Matthew Rose - Utilty Defender

I explain to Matthew that although he has played over 200 games for the club, he will only be back up, unless I see more from him in training to chance my mind.

Ugochukwu Ukah - Right Back

I tell Ugo, he will be back up for Bignot for now but will need to improve.

Ian Evatt - Centre Back

Ian is a recent signing by the former boss, I tell him that I don't know what he was promised when he signed but I see him as my third choice centre back and will start as back up.

Dominic Shimmin - Centre Back

I tell Dominic that althoughhe is only 17, I think he will play a big part in our season. I tell him he is likely to start the season alongside Danny Shittu and hope that he can learn from playing along side him.

Danny Shittu - Centre Back

I tell Danny, he is my number one centre back and that I want he to help bring on young Dominic. Danny is big and strong and has International experience, which will benefit the club.

Matthew Hislop - Left Back

I tell Matthew he is one for the future and not be dishearted if I sign another left back and loan him out. I tell him I like the look of him, but needs some first team football.

Mauro Milanese - Left Back

Highly experience in the Italian leagues but not test in the quicker English game and doesn't speak the lingo yet. Explain he will start as first choice left back, but will be look for a younger option down the line.

Quick Break with Tim

I have a chat with Tim, about what I have said with the players and he said he will be behind any decisions I make. I know some of the lads will be a bit upset but this is football where nothing lasts forever.

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Midfielders and Attackers

Marcus Bean - Defensive Midfielder

Marcus is only 20 but I like the look of him, I tell him that I think he will be a decent member of my squad and that although I can't promise he will be a regualr starter should get a few games under his belt.

Marc Bircham - Defensive Midfielder

I tell the 27 year old Canadian International that I think he looks a good player and likely to be my first choice central midfielder this season.

Tommy Doherty - Defensive Midfielder

I tell the recent signing form Bristol City, that he will be a squad player.. He is a bit slow for my liking in the middle of the park

Steve Lomas - Defensive Midfielder

Steve has loads of experience at this level and higher, but I feel at 31 his legs are starting to go a bit and tell him that he will be a squad player at best...He doesn't seem to happy.

Richard Langley - Midfield Right/Centre

I tell the Jamacian International he will be a squad player, but if he performs well could be a regular

Lee Cook - Left Winger

I tell Lee that, he will be a key player for me this season and that I really like the look of him. I know he is a fan favourite here, so don't want to upset them. I do explain that if we do get a good offer for him I won't stand in his way if he wants to go as the money could benefit the club in the long run.

Martin Rowlands - Attacking Midfielder Right/Centre

I tell Martin, I like the look of him at that he will be my first choice right winger, but that I do have an eye on someone for that position in the future.

Gareth Ainsworth - Right Winger

At 32 is getting on a bit, but still lokks a good player and explain that he is most likely to be back up to Rowlands.

Kevin Gallen - Attacking Midfielder/Forward

I tell Kevin that I think he is a good player and should play a big part in my team, although if a decent offer comes in I may be tempted because of his age.

Paul Furlong -Striker

I tell Paul, that he will only be used as back up at best as I beleive his best days are gone, I tell him it's up to him to prove me wrong.

Dean Sturridge - Striker

Dean was a player of great potential, but he never really developed like he could have. I tell him he will be back up for now, but if he can get the goals will start.

Stefan Moore -Striker

I tell Stefan he is my number striker at the club, but expect him to work on his fitness if he wants to make a real impact. I think he has potentail to do well, but depends how his fitness holds out.

Time to talk with Tim

We go over what I said to the second group of players, I know some of them won't like what I said, but hopefully they will be out to prove me wrong in training. Tim agrees that the side needs strengthening if we are to progress.. I let Tim, go and check my emails.

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Bid for Cook Received

I check my emails..Nothing exciting in the inbox, no replies on yet on the players I've bid for...Then I hear the fax machine going... I make my way over to the fax and notice their is another fax that must have arrived earlier.

The first is a bid from Big Sam at Bolton, I read the fax, he's offered the club 1.1 Million + 10% of next sale for my star player Lee Cook. The second fax is from Aston Vila boss David O'Leary, he wants to know how much we want for youngster Dominic Shimmin and an offer for Lee Cook, this offer is for 1.7 Million + 20 Of next sale.

I have a long hard think offer the offers. I Fax Big Sam saying if he is prepare to match the Aston Villa offer I'm more than happy to do business with him... I call O'Leary to discuss his offer for my players...After talking with his secretary I'm put through to Mr O'Leary. "Hi, David I'm calling about the offers you've made for Lee Cook and Dominic Shimmin."

"So, Paul how do you want for Dominic?"

"£500,000 and 30% of the next sale."

"Ok, I'll think about it, and What about my offer for Lee Cook?"

"I'm going to accept the offer for Lee, your free to speak with his agent"

"Excellent mate, I'll have a think about Dominic and be it touch, and best of luck in your new job fella"

"Thanks David" I put the phone down. I get the feeling the fans aren't going to be to happy with accepting a bid for our star player but I should be able to bring in 5 or 6 players maybe more with that money, which I feel will benefit us in the long run.

I phone Lee up at home and tell him that I have accepted an offer for him and that am waiting to hear back from Bolton on an offer for him. He says that he loves the club, but would like to play premiership football sooner rather than later and he fills if he has a good season can push for an England place. I say goobye and hang up the phone.


I've had enough for one day so I head on home...I get home and chat with Emma, telling here I have accepted an offer for the clubs best player and am worried how the fans are going to react, as I'm inexperienced and within two days of being at the club accepted an offer, hope they don't think I'm going to be a soft touch and let bigger clubs walk all over me....She gives me a hug and tells me not to worry about, saying I'm sure you know what your doing and everything will turn out fine. The kids come into the room, "How was work daddy?" Says Abi or Abs as I call her. She's the oldest at 8.

"It was good princess, how was your new school?"

"I like it, I told the other children who you are atnd that your famous."...I chuckle to myself.

"Oh, that's nice."

"Can you Buy James Beattie? He's sexy."

"No darling, he's to much money, and he's not as good looking as me."

"I have some money in my piggy bank you can have that to buy him."

"That won't be enough sweetheart, but thanks for the offer."... I settle down for the evening have a shower, sit down with Emma and have dinner, then decide to have a glass of wine. I've only just started this job and am already feeling the strain, I hope things will get a little easier soon.

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2PM Tuesday 12th July

The training session went well in the morning and Lee cook advised me that David O'Leary had been in contact with his agent and that he was thinking over the move. I notice that I have received another fax, so go to check who it's from. It's from Big Sam at Bolton, to say that he has withdrawn his bid for Lee Cook..I'm not to bothered by this as now Lee only has two options stay put or join Villa.

Bradley Makes First Signings

I notice the voice mail flashing on my phone so, check out the messages. The first is from Eddie Gusafsson agent saying that he has agreed to join Q.P.R on 11th of November when his contract at Ham Kam expires...Excellent news he looks a good stopper and will be first joins when he arrives. De Pedro's agent has left a message saying that his client has received several other offers and will decide on his future shortly...Sounds like they want more money but am not prepared to offer more at this stage.. The third message is from The agent of Dwight Pezzarossi, he to has agreed to join Q.P.R. subject to work permit, his agent point out he turned down offers form Ipwich Town and two Scottish clubsto come here, will hear on the 16th if I have been successful with the work permit...Fingers crossed on that one..He could be a real handful in this division..

I called the agents of the two incoming players and state that I look forward to working with them in the near future..I read through my Email's Colchester United have put in an offer to loan Adam Miller for 6 months and will pay his wages for the duration of the loan. I reply via email informing them that I accept the offer and that I will be in touch as soon as Adam has made his decision.

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2pm 13th July 05

3 more new faces on way to Q.P.R

Again the training went smoothly and things seem to be ticking over fairly nicely in that area although I have advertised for more coaches as I feel they are being over worked at the moment... I check my answerphone and notice that Liverpool have been in touch Stating that both Scott Carson and Darren Potter have agreed to join for 3 months each. I contact Liverpool to confirm this and am told the players will be with by tomorrow... My other message is from the agent of Finland International Lassie Karjalainen saying his client has agreed to join us on a bosman and will arrive on 17.11.05, once his contact expires... I call him back stating that I look forward to working with his client in a few months time.

Things are on the up two player will join tomorrow on loan, two more in Mid November and anyother by the end of the week subject to a work permit... I'm feeling the buzz of football managment and can't wait for my first match in charge..

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14th July

Cook agrees to Villa Switch

Lee Cook enters my office and informs me that he has accepted the offer from Aston Villa, and so will be leaving Q.P.R, he looks upset.. I say to him that I was tough for me to leave Southampton, but we all have to move on to better ourselves, and that maybe I'll be able to bring him back in a couple of season if I get Q.P.R. promoted. I wish him well as he leaves Loftus Road, for the last time as a Q.P.R player.

Ok, then so I have 1.8 million to spend now time to have a look in the market...Argh, I have an idea.. I contact Rupurt Lowe and put in bids for both Theo Walcott and Nathan Dyer for £100,000 each, seems it will be cheaper this way to sign Theo than as a free agent.

I decide to look on-line on the managers database for available players and notice that Gary Cahill, has signed for Celtic in a £600,000 deal.. Damn missed out on him, still can't win them all...I see a few players that I would be interested in so make a note of their details and set about contacting the relevant people.

By the end of the day I had contacted Middlesbrough, asking to loan Both Malcolm Christie and Danny Graham for 3 months each. I put in an offer of £55,000 for Sporting Lisbon's central midfielder Carlos Martin. Bristol City were offered £250,000 for Dave Cotterill, Hibs were offered £150,000 for left back David Murphy and £350,000 for their striker Derek Rioden.

Adam Miller's agent called me to say he had agreed to join Colchester for 6 months and hopes to come back a better player and push for a first team place.

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15th July 05

Back in my office and another busy day, trying to find players to strenghten the squad. I check my e-mails and bad news my bid £250,000 for Bristol City's Dave Cotterill has been rejected...Oh well, I'll leave him for now...Ah, some good news Middlesborough have agreed to loan me Malcolm Christie although they have rejected my loan offer for Danny Graham...I'm not to bothered as only really wanted one of them anyway...Three of my bids for permanent deals have been accepted with Sporting Lisbon accepting my offer for Carlos Martin and Hibs accepting bids for both David Murphy and Derek Rioden. I offer all 3 players deals through their agents although Rioden's, points out his client is not interested in joining my club at this time...Maybe he'll change his mind..Hope so I think he would be a bargain at that price..

I contact David O'Leary over the Prospect of loaning Sean Davis for the season, but he rejects my request..Shame, I think he could do a job in midfield for me, maybe I'll try later. I go for yet more players Bidding £250,000 for South End's young striker Freddy Eastwood and offering to take Lecce's Finland International Midfielder Alexi Eremenko on loan for the season.

My assistant Tim Breaker comes into the office and informs me that Hibs have accepted offers now from two Premiership teams for Derek Rioden and that Sporting Lisbon have accepted offers from a host of Portugese sides and Spanish club Osasuna for Carlos Martin....Not good news, looks like I'll miss out on these two, but he does mention that on of the scout has found a player I maybe interested in, in the form of Jimmy Dixon a quality centre back playing for Hacken in Norway and nearing the end of his contact...I put in a offer with the players agent and thank Tim, for the good work.


I was just about heard home when the phone goes it Rupert Lowe... We have a chat and then he points out he has agreed to sale both Theo Walcott and Nathan Dyer to me, pointing out the players were keen to link up with me again... I ask Rupert, how the search for a manager is going...He points out he hopes to appoint a new manager within the next couple of days...Damn wish it was me, but maybe one day I'll be back there...I offer deals to Theo and Nathen and hope to hear from them soon...Less than a minute after hanging up the phone and it's ringing again...It was Malcolm Christie saying he has agreed to join and will be here in the morning...Good stuff, we have our first pre season friendly tomorrow..I'll quickly check my e-mails again and then that's it I'm off home....I have one from De Pedro's agent staing his client has agreed to sign for Spanish outfit Eibar.

One more player in and the possiblity of a couple more coming soon, not a bad day.

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16th July

First Pre-season friendly away at Dumbarton.

Pezzarossi's, work permit was cleared today so I'll be starting with him upfront..Here is my starting eleven for my first match in charge.

Carson (GK) Bignot (RB) Milanese (LB) Sittu (CB) Shimmin (CB) ROWLANDS (RM) Gallen (AMC) Potter (CM) Bircham (CM) Pezzarossi (CF) Christie (CF)

Final Score

Dumbarton 0

Q.P.R 6

Pezzarossi 2,14,19

Shittu 11

Moore 62

Ainsworth 67

Although it was nice to win 6-0..I was more concerned with watching my players in action and praying not to pick up any injuries. I used most of my subs at half time to tryout as many players as possible...Malcolm Christie, was sadly injured after 29 mins..And on further inspection I was advised he would be out for 6-8 weeks...I decide to Cancell his loan contract, so his own club can look after him and make an offer Portsmouth for Vincent Pericard. The though of doing business with the skates and old saggy face, makes me sick but there is no one better out there on loan.

Am please with my new signing Dwight Pessarossi, just hope he will be able to get the goals when the season starts next month.

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Thursday 4th August 05

Busy Couple Of Weeks

The last few weeks have flown by, what with training, scouting players and watching videos and friendlies of League Oppenents. The pre-season friendlies are all out of the way, and I've been pretty happy with how things have gone so far....

On 20.7.05 we drew 1-1 away at Hereford with Pessarossi on the score sheet again...

23.7.05 we lost 1-0 at Home to Rangers...

27.7.05 Drew 2-2 away to Kilmarnock with recent signing David Limbersky and that man again Dwight Pessarossi getting our goals.

Our final pre-seaon match took place on 30.7.05 where we beat Clyde 4-2 away from home, with two own goals and Vincent Pericard and Steffan Moore netting for my side...

Meet The New Boys

21 year old English Left Back David Murphy signed from Scottish Club Hibs for £150,000.

Zander Diamond 20 year old, Scottish Under 21 International, Centre Back arrived from Aberdeen for £220,000.

David Limbersky 21 year old Czech utility man, who I will be looking to use on the left wing as a replacement for Lee Cook. Looks to me a better player and could be a real bargain at £300,000 from Czech outfit Viktoria Pizen. Czech Republic Under 21 International.

Jeroen Gunst, a baby at 15, but the Right Back could well develope into a first team player over time. Signed on a free from Club Brugge as was transfer listed.

Jimmy Dixon 23 year old Liberian International Centre back. Will arrive on a bosman on 2.12.05 from Swedish side Hacken. He has a duel Swedish Nationality so a Work Permit won't be an issue.

Vincent Pericard 22 year old French Striker, signed on a seaon long loan from Portsmouth.

Joe Lewis another youngster on 17, will be joining from Norwich for £45,000 on 18.1.06 once his loan with chester has finished. Not good enough for the first team yet but has the potential.

Martin Arlofelt 20 year old Danish Under 21 International will arrive on a bosman from Brondby on 01.01.06. Can play in several positions, doesn't look good enough for the first team, but is young and should get better.

Freddy Guarin will arrive next summer in a £925,000 deal, provided I have the funds. Only 19 and a Columbian Under 21 International Midfielder. Lokks at home playing in front of a back four or in the centre of midfield.

Paul Kok young Dutch keeper signed from Dutch outfit Volendam for £40,000, although they will receive 50% of the transfer fee if and when he leaves Q.P.R. Maybe back up to Scott Carson or third choice not yet decided, but he does have a great comedy name I just hope his middle name isn't my.

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Thursday 4th August

And The Out's

Matthew Hislop 18 year old Left Back has joined Barnsley on loan for 6 months.

Stefan Bailey 17 year old Central Midfielder has joined Bournmouth on a 3 month loan.

Matthew Rose, the 29 year old utility defender was offloaded to Ipswich Town for £100,000. Not a bad player but getting on and have better with more defenders coming in November.

Georges Santos the 35 year old was shipped out to Guingamp for £9,000 although they will pay n extra £21,000 over the next year. Just happy he has gone as past it and basically pants.

Aaron Brown the 25 year old left sided midfielder joined Swansea in a £50,000 deal. Didn't rate him and glad he's off my books.

Paul Furlong the O.A.P was ofload to Derby for £18,000, plus I receive an extra £18,000 if he gets 10 league goals for the club. Old, stale and starting to smell of wee.

Richard Langley 25 year old Jamacian International Midfielder, never got to play a game for the club in his second spell at Q.P.R, sold him to Derby for £170,000 plus we will receive 40% of his next transfer fee.

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The One's I Wanted That Got Away.

Craig Gordon the 22 year old Scottish International Shot Stopper rejected my Q.P.R. fotr the Premiership and Middlesbrough in a £325,000 deal.

Carlos Martin rejected me and several other clubs to sign for Braga for £70,000.

Kevin Thomson the talented Attacking Midfielder turned me down to sign for Big Sam's Bolton. Gutted to miss out on this guy as feel he could of been a star at this level.

Who Decides Who Get A Work Permit?

Whoever it is that gets the go ahead for Work Permit's has it in for me.

Tomasz Kielbowicz the 29 year old Left Winger was rejected for a work permit after agreeing to a £100,000 deal and having been capped by Poland.

Danijel Hrman 30 year old Croation Left winger was denied a work permit. A Croatian internatinal, that would have been a snip at £110,000.

Daniel the 23 year old Definsive Midfield Brazilian, had no caps but I thought he may get a work permit based on ability...I was wrong..Denied again, he had agreed to a £500,000 deal.

What's Wrong With Q.P.R?

Kevin Roelandts the talented young Belguim, just didn't fancy joining Q.P.R after I had agreed a £150,000 deal with his club.

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And A few Maybe's

Gary Kenneth 18 year old Centre Back currently at Dundee United has been offered a contract after his club agreed a £200,000 fee. He looks a very good player for one so young. If he agrees to the switch I will be a bit heavy on centre backs with the Bosman's coming in November and December, but maybe I can make some oney of the ones that aren't so good.

Bjarne K. Ingebretsen Talented Norweaign youngster just 18. Can play in several positions in midfield as well as just off the front men or as a Striker himself. Good enough for a squad player at least. Has been offred a contract after his club Lyn accepted a £525,000 bid.

Nicolas Skvereve 17 year old Dutch Keeper, currently without a club. Have offered him a contract. I just hope that some of these youngsters will come good and make the club some money.

Bad News

Wigan have offered me 2.5 Million with 25% of next deal to come to Q.P.R, for my best player Stefan Moore after I dismissed their opening offer offer of 2 million, I'm waiting to see if Newcastle will come back with a better offer as they only offer £500,000 upfront with £1.5 million over the next two years.

I Get The Feeling The Fans Are Going To Hate Me

I've already sold two of their favorite players in Lee Cook and Paul Furlong and now accepted a bid for star player Steffan Moore. But in my eyes Furlong was past it and the bids for Cook and Moore are just to good for a club of this size to turn down.

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5pm Friday 7th August

Im sat in my office alone, just going over the line up for tomorrow's opening match of the season at home to Wolves. There's a knock at the door. "Come in." Torrie makes her way into the office.

"You ok Paul? You don't seem yourself today."

"I'm ok, just stressed and nervous. Tomorrow is a massive day for me this club and the fans. I need a good start to try and get the fans on my side."

"Hey...I have faith in you...I can also help you relax." She walks behind me and starts to massage my shoulder blades...I can't tell you how good it feels..."Feeling calmer?" I'm feeling something alright but not sure if it's calming me.

"Very nice thankyou Torrie." I can feel, her breath on my ears and the back of my neck...What am I doing for good sake..I have a loving girlfriend at home and to kids that look up to me and love me like I'm their dad...But damn Torrie is fine. "Oh, I have to go Torrie. I'm sorry just remember I a table booked for 7." It's a lie but I know I can't trust myself so better head home.

"Ok, Paul. I'll see you on Monday." I say goodbye wait for Torrie, to leave the room. Take a couple of deep breathes and call Emma, to say I'm on my way home.

Back At Home

Once the kids are in bed...I get up and leave the front room, head the kitchen, grab a bottle of wine out the fridge and pour myself a glass, before heading back in the lounge with Emma. "You ok Paul?"

"I'm Fine, I just want to have a drink and relax is that ok with you?"

"I was just asking Paul, you don't have to bite my head off."

"I'm sorry babe, just reall f**king nervous thats all. I'll try and think off something else." I'm being a pr**k, but I can't help it I don't want to be, but can't get tomorrows match or Torrie for that matter out of my head. I had no idea she maybe interested before...She's a cracker looker just imagined she was out of my league and just a work mate. Don't get me wrong I love Emma, but with me Girlfriends are footballers I manage. I'm always looking for something better.

Emma, headed off to bed just after 10. I decide to stay up, watching crap on the box and finshing off the bottle of wine. Getting drunk is the only way I'm going to be able to sleep tonight.

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2pm Saturday 6th August

The players are with me in the changing room...And all seem raring to go.. I on the other hand am both excited and scared out of my skin..Recent reports I've read in the local press, indicate that the fans will back the team, but are only going to give me a couple of games to impress them after selling some of the favourite players.

I go over with the players, how I want them to play. I've gone through every thing, from free kicks, corners to penalties. They all know their jobs and what I expect...."It's the opening day of the season lads...Let's start the season with a win, get the fan's behind us..And who know's what the season has instore for us...I have every faith in you guys...And I know you won't let me down..If you do..You'll soon know where the door is...Now go out there and make me proud."

I have no injury worries at the moment so I'm able to pick what I beleive is my strongest starting eleven.

S.Carson GK, M.Bignot RB, D.Murphy LB, D.Shittu CB, Z.Diamond CB, M.Rowlands RM, D.Limbersky LM, D.Potter CM, M. Bircham (Capt) CM, D.Pessarossi CF and Steffan Moore CF.

The subs bench looks like this.

P.Kok GK, G.Kenneth CB, M.Bean CM, N.Dyer RM/LM and K.Gallen CF


Championship Opening Match

Q.P.R. Vs Wolves

Kick Off:

Match official Kevin Wright, blows his whistle and their off....Both sides make a slow start to the match...Feeling each other out and not wanting to give to much away..6 minutes in and poor Goal kick from M.Oakes is headed forward by Limbersky, Moore is fast off the blocks onto it, with Gyepes hot on his trail.. Moore makes his way into the penalty area....The home crowd are on the feet...Have a go I'm thinging... Whack...Gyepes, brings down Moore inside the box.. All eyes are on the ref. He blows his whistle and points to the spot, calling Gyepes over, he has a quick word. Red Card earlier bath for him...Pessarossi, puts the ball on the spot takes a couple of steps...runs up...hit's the ball sweetly..GOOOOOOAAAAAAAAALLLL. Powered home to the keepers right.. Fantastic we're a goal to the good and a man up and only 7 minutes on the clock.

The goal, seems to have given the boys confidence and they spray the ball arounfd the field with the Wolves players chasing shadows... Moore and Pessarossi both have chances to extend the lead. 30 minutes and Wolves have their first chance of the match..Kennedy curls a left footer over the wall, which Carson does well to keep hold off.

The ref Blows his whistle for half time.

Half Time

Q.P.R. - 1

Wolves - 0

The players come in the dressing room, and I tell them it's an encouraging start, but point out we need to keep it going. They haven't looked like scoring except from a set peice or counter attack. The players head back out onto the field.

Kick Off:

Kennedy, fires a free kick just wide after 49 minutes as Wolves, go in search of an equaliser. A few minutes latter and Potter, has a good chance for 2-0, but fires wide from inside the box.

56 minutes, Kennedy is standing over the ball again... He steps up to take the free kick..It's over the wall...and into the back of the net. Goal Wolves are back in it. I scream from the bench to play more atticking and to increase the tempo..The players seem to be responding as they start to knock the ball about again.

68 minutes, and a corner to Q.P.R. on the left. Potter swings it into the box..Pessarossi gets above his man and powers a header into the back of the Wolves net. Goal! 2-1 to Q.P.R...That's more like they only have 10 men.. 77 mins into the match and Bignot, goes down injured after taking a whack from Ince.. He says he's ok to continue, but I take him off just incase...Actually I'll go with a triple substitution. Off come Bignot, Limersky and Pessarossi, to save their fitness as looking a bit jaded now. I send on Kenneth, Dyer and Gallen.

We continue to press the match but don't get another clear cut chance until the 92nd minute...Murphy starts the move just inside the Wolves half and passes infield to Potter who plays a first time ball along the floor for Gallen to get on the end off. Gallen hits it cleanly from about 14 yards out...Oakes saves but can only parry it as far as....Moore.....Goal! Moore slots it home into the open net for 3-1...Seconds later the final whistle is blown...

Final Score

Q.P.R. - 3

Pessarossi Pen 7,68

Moore 90

Wolves - 1

Kennedy 56

M.O.M - D.Pessarossi (Q.P.R)

Attendance 19,128

A massive roar...Goes around the ground as the Rangers faithful start to celebrate...I shake hands with each of my players as they come off the field and give them a pat on the back...I wave to crowd and head back to the changing rooms.

"F**king, quality lads...I'm proud of you all, if we can play like that every week we'll be laughing." I'm delighted for me the fans and the players, couldn't of asked for a much better start than that.

The radio is on and I catch a couple of the results... Cystal Palace beat Plymouth 1-0 at home. Coventry won 2-0 at home to Southampton and Burnley beat Leeds 1-0 at home.

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Wow, thank you both for the great comments. I was starting to worry that it was just me reading as hadn't had any comments for a few days. But am enjoying the writting the story and glad to see others enjoying it. I'm really chuffed with the comments, thanks a lot guys. I will try and update tonight as am about three weeks behind on the story...Thanks a lot. icon_smile.gif

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5.30pm Saturday 6th August

Press Conference

I was called into my second press conference since taking over at Q.P.R. The press are already in the press room as I make my way in. Again I sit down next to Gianni, who has big smile across his face.

"One game one win not a bad start Paul, how do you see the season panning out?"

"Like I said before, I'd love to get into the play-offs, and if we perform like that each week it won't be a problem. But I'm realistic to know that one game doesn't make a season and we'll have our ups and downs."

"The bookies rate you at 20-1 for the title, saying middle of the table at best, do you think they'll shorten their odd's after today?"

"Maybe...I don't know of a poor bookie, but I can't see us winning it...But I think we are worth a few quid for the play-offs."

"A lot of new players made their debuts today, are you please with your signings?"

"Everyone that played did me proud, a few of the players that have been here longer have pointed out what this club means to the fans and no one wants to let them down."

"The fan's, haven't taken to you after selling Lee Cook and Paul Furlong and their are rumours that Steffan Moore will be leaving soon is this true?"

"It's been well documented that the fans were upset about Lee and Paul leaving but I felt the offer for Lee was to good for a club this size to turn down and I've spent the money wisely as for Paul, to be fair his best days are behind him and I want to make some new stars for this club. As for Steffan, he knows that I rate him as a player I told him that on my first day. But he is a young man and wants Premiership football so we'll wait and see."

I thank everyone for attending, and make for the exit...That wasn't to bad not so nervous for that one. It’s been a good day time to go home and see the wench.

6.30 pm Saturday 6th August

I arrive home...It's pretty quite...I go in the lounge, no one there or in the kitchen. I make my way upstairs."Anyone In?"

"In here" Emma answers from the bedroom. I head in she's putting her face on.

"You going out tonight babe, and where are the kids?

"We’re going out, I've booked a table we're celebrating...Don't worry about the kids their in safe hands. Tonight is about me and you, things have been different since we come here."

"Ok, thanks hun, will be nice to eat out what time we booked in for?"

"Eight sexy so, you better get ready." I'm not really in the mood to go out if I'm honest but, Emma's put herself out to arrange this and I haven't been the easiest person to live with lately, so I better make an effort.

I have a shower and decide I better have a shave or the odds are she’ll moan. I get dressed, do my hair. Easy that’s me done. I decide to watch some TV, while Emma’s getting ready. Why on earth do women take so long to get ready?

Just before half seven and Emma, comes into the lounge I, tell her she looks lovely…Well she does and we make are way out. Emma tells me in the car where we are going some fancy place with a funny name about 20 minutes drive away. Emma is prepared she’s printed a map and directions off from the internet she knows what I’m like with directions and finding places. Amazingly I manage to find the restaurant, without having an argument and park around the back. We make are way in.

"Table for two?" Why do they ask that?

“Hang on a second, one, two. Yes table for two please.†F**king idiot it really annoys me when they ask that. Emma butts in.

“We have a table booked under the name Bradley for eight.â€

“Lovely, if you’d like to follow me.†We get seated at our table and Emma jokingly tells me off for mocking the greeter. She knows I hate them. We order our food and drinks, coke for me as I’m driving. I won’t touch any alcohol if I’m driving. We have a nice chat about the past, how we met what we used to get up. Then we get interrupted.

“You’re Paul Bradley, aren’t you?â€

“Yes, mateâ€

“Sorry to disturb you but, great result today. I must admit I was none to happy when you got the job especially after you sold Cookie and Furlong, but if we keep playing like that, you’ll win us over. Keep it up. Keep us fan’s happy and you’ll job will be a hell of a lot easier.â€

“Thanks buddy; I’ll be doing my best†With that he walks off. I haven’t had much interaction with the fan’s since I’ve been at the club, but in truth most either don’t recognise me or know who I am. Myself and Emma get back to talking, have our meal and head on home…Where what happens naturally between two adults attracted to each other happens. Get In.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Myself and Emma get back to talking, have our meal and head on home…Where what happens naturally between two adults attracted to each other happens. Get In. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Somebody might turn it around and say: Git-R-Done icon_biggrin.gif

Good story and a good start. KUTGW icon14.gif

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LOL - Thanks Axeman, I'll do my best I've notice you read a few of the stories like I do and hope you'll keep reading


1pm Sunday 7th August 05

Amongst all the excitement of the last couple of days, I couldn’t remember who we had been drawn to play in League Cup 1st round. Luckily for me the full draw is in The News Of The World. We have a home draw against Swansea on the 24th of this month….To be perfectly honest I’m not to bothered about a cup round at this stage as I want to concentrate on the league…We haven’t even played the match and already I have my excuse if we lose. I carry on reading through the paper, the report on our match against Wolves was pretty positive so no complaints there. Gianni calls and mentions to me that two of our matches have been selected to be shown on Sky, first being our match away to Coventry City on 24 September and home to Crystal Palace on the 23rd October.

I decide to way a look online at the odds on winning the Championship title this season…Just out of curiosity I’d like to point out as I’m not a betting man….Well maybe the odd bet…My old club Southampton are Favourites at 6-4 and they’re still are without a manager. Ipswich are surprise second favourites at 7-4. Crystal Palace are at 2-1, Norwich City and Derby County are joint forth favourites at 5-2. Damn…No chance on our odds looks like the bookies think we will be a middle of the table team. I’m hoping we’re not.

6pm Sunday 7th August 05

Watched the Charity shield as have my eye on Henry and Lampard…I wish. Arsenal ran out 2-1 winners on penalties against Chelsea. Following a 2-2 draw. Henry looks his normal self with Lampard and Drogba netting for Chelsea. Fingers crossed we’ll be playing against sides like this every week next season. I can live in hope.

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4pm Monday 8th August 05

3 In 2 Out

Had a busy day in the office today so far securing the signatures of three players that will join up immediately. First in is Gary Kenneth for £200,000 from Dundee United, Bjarne K. Ingenbretson as joined for £525,000 from Lyn and Dutch Keeper Nicolas Skvereve has joined as a free agent.

Steffan Moore left for Wigan for 2.5 Million, I thank him for his debut goal and which him well. He joined on a free before I took over so a 2.5 million profit plus 25% of the next sale isn’t a bad profit for one match. Richard Langley also made his exit from Q.P.R. joining Derby County.

In Need Of A Striker!

With Moore, gone I only have one striker left that I have faith in to score on a regular basis Pessarossi, and it’s too much to expect him to get the team promoted on his own. Hopefully I’ll be able to sign a decent striker or two with the money in the kitty.

I make enquires with Southend United and Swansea City for Freddy Eastwood and Lee Trundle and hope to hear back from them both tomorrow. I’d like to bring in some British players so they have less problems adjusting, but if not I’ll continue my search abroad again. No point even looking at Premiership players, as they will cost a fortune and can’t really afford their wages. Torrie rings through urging me to put Sky Sports News on.

Southampton Appoint 53 year old Italian Claudio Ranieri as their new manager…That’s a shocker….Rupert Lowe has finally appointed a big name manager. No wonder I didn't get the job my c.v. can hardly match his. I hope he does well just not against me.

Future Fixtures.

My boy’s upcoming matches are as follows. Millwall at home tomorrow. Plymouth away on Saturday 13.8.05, Leeds United away the following Saturday 20.8.05 and Swansea at home in the League Cup 1st Round on Wednesday 24.8.05. I should have more of an idea how the season will pan out after these matches….Leeds away is the one I fear most.

Is It Hot In Here Or Is It Just Me?

Torrie has entered the room….Damn she’s hot…I may have to sack her and hire some fat bird with a moustache as I can’t concentrate when she’s around….Is that why’s she’s been hired to distract me?...Maybe hope not…

"Hi Paul, how’s your day been?"

"It’s been good thanks Torrie, three new signings and two more out the door. Can I ask you a question Torrie?"

"Sure." She gives me a wink…I must be faithful…I must be faithful.

"Are your skirts getting shorter or your legs getting longer?" She giggles but I know she loves to flirt.

"Maybe it’s both; perhaps you should measure my legs." I turn red…I like that idea any excuse to touch her sounds good to me.

"I’ll hold you to that. Sorry to be rude Torrie but I have to go; my parents are coming up to stay over." It’s another lie but I know I have to get out…Don’t want to make a ass of myself if she is just play flirting with me.

"Ok, Paul see you tomorrow…Maybe I’ll meet them sometime?" She gives me another wink.

"Yeah, you never know." Torrie leaves my office and shortly after I leave myself. I Need to go home and take a cold shower.

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7pm Tuesday 9th August

Pre Match Chat

The lads are all ready in the dressing room laughing and joking around. "Can I have a bit of hush lads? Now gather up…We have a match in less than half an hour and I need you all to concentrate on the matter at hand, getting three points. We did really well on Saturday but lets not start sucking each other d**ks just yet…I don’t mind confidence but I won’t stand for cockiness from my players. I if I think anyone is taking it easy or not giving their all, you’ll be off. You all understand?"

"Yes, Boss" They reply.

"Good, now go out there and get us three more points."

The starting eleven looks like this:

S.Carson GK, U.Ukah RB, D.Murphy LB, D.Shittu CB, G.Kenneth CB, M.Rowlands RM, K.Gallen AMC, D.Potter CM, M.Bircham (Capt) CM, D.Pessarossi CF and V.Pericard CF.

And on the bench:

P.Kok GK, Z.Diamond CB, M.Bean CM, N.Dyer LM/RM and T.Walcott RM/CF.

I was forced to make several changes for the side that beat Wolves. Bignot hadn’t recovered from his injury so Ukah took his place. Limbersky wasn’t fit as was lacking match practice, as I have no left winger I have faith in I decide with Gallen as his replace but player behind the front two. Kenneth starts instead of Diamond as I what to see who the better of the two is. Pericard is in for Moore, who’s left. Walcott gets a place on the bench I have better options but they are older and I have no plans for them and hope a rare bit of first team football will help him develop.


Coca Cola Championship Match 2

Q.P.R Vs Millwall

Kick Off:

Iain Williamson, blows his whistle and the match is on the way…The Rangers fans are in great voice early on…I hope we can give them something to really cheer….The match is tight with most of the play taking place in the midfield area….18 minutes.. Rangers first real chance, Gallen played Pericard in only for him to fire wide from inside the box…Come on lads were better than this. 30 minutes…First booking Murphy for a foul on Dunne…Nothing rash now I don’t want to go down to 10 men. We play better in the final 15 minutes with Pessarossi, heading over when he should have scored and Rowlands forcing a good save….

The ref blows his whistle for Half Time.

Q.P.R. – 0

Millwall – 0

"Sort it out for f**k sake lads, we were crap out there. If we were up against a decent side we would be getting our asses handed to us. I’m going to keep things as they are, but let’s play with a bit of passion and let’s be more creative. If we’re going to make the playoffs we have to beat sides like this." With that the players make their way out for the start of the second half.

Kick Off:

We start the half well and see plenty of possession, but we just can’t create any decent chances. We seem to have more quality but Morris and Livermore make up for that in the centre of Millwall’s midfield with energy and fight. 59 minutes…Rowlands is hurt in a tackle from Livermore. I bring on Dyer as his replacement, and swap Potter for Bean and Pericard for Walcott as we just aren’t performing….66 minutes….Millwall have their first chance of the match with Simpson shooting wide. Pessarossi goes a close again. 72 minutes…Dyer picks up a yellow for diving…Idiot, I hope he grows out of that type of thing or perfects it. 75 minutes…Bircham is booked for a foul on Morris, seems like the players are getting as wound up as I. Me and Tim, just can’t work out what is wrong with them…Into injury time and no one looks like winning this one…More bad news, after winning a header Kenneth is still on the floor holding his knee, he can’t continue…We play out the final minute or so with 10 men.

Final Score

Q.P.R. – 0

Millwall - 0

M.O.M – J.Morris (Millwall)

Attendance 19,118

The supporters applaud the players as the leave the pitch and seem happy enough with the point. "What the f**k happened out there boys? No passion, no spirit no nothing. I expect a lot better!"

Sorry boss, it just didn’t happen for us tonight. We’ll get in right on Saturday at Plymouth. Bircham replies.

"I hope so, I don’t expect to win every match but I do expect a performance every time you step out on the field. Every one of you are replaceable, just bare that in mind."

I far from happy, maybe we’re not as good as felt or maybe it just wasn’t our night. The one positive is that Milwall only managed one attempt on goal all match and that went wide, at least we can defend....On the radio in the background I catch a couple of the results. Southampton lost again 1-0 away to Derby, Norwich won 2-0 away at Sheffield United and next opponents Plymouth beat Reading 3-0 away from home.

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2pm Wednesday 10th August 05

Injury Update

During training this morning I had a chat with physio Phil Webb, who informed me that Rowlands will only be out for a day or two but Kenneth was going to be out for 2-3 weeks with a twisted knee....Bloody great. He’s only played one match out now out injured at least I have a bit of cover in the position.

The Hunt For A Striker Goes On

I've had messages left on my answer phone from the managers of Southend and Swansea informing Trundle and Eastwood aren't for sale at any price...No point bothering with them I think as they will cost silly money.

I have a few other players that play over here that I have an eye on. I'll try them if not I'm going to have to look in the foreign market.

I call through to my old club Southampton and ask to be put through to Mr Ranieri. "Hello, Claudio speaking."

"Hi Claudio, I hope you are settling in well at Southampton. It's a great club and I want to wish you every success there...Anyway the main reason I'm calling is I'd like to take Kenwyne Jones on loan from you. Can we make a deal?"

"urrrrr, I urrrr only just come here I no want to loan to urrrr a team in the same division."

"Ok, Claudio no worries mate and get the Saints winning again soon please mate." No joy their then. Bless him, makes me laugh the way he speaks English. I fax Preston asking how much they want for Dave Nugent, only 20 but already a very good forward, who should have good future in the game. I also send Ipswich Town a fax with an offer of £300,000 for 19 year old striker Dean Bowditch. I could also do with another right back as I feel, that is the other weakest area in my squad. I’ll wait to hear back on these bids before I make any enquires there as I don’t want to confuse myself with bidding for to many people.

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*****Not Story Post******

I'd just like to point out that at this earlier stage of the game, I was getting really stressed trying find a striker as really wanted to keep Moore, but I felt he would play rubbish if I reject the bid as had that happen a few times, and spent hours bidding for tons of players as I don't have a great amount of experience in this years game. Although I played last years to death...I've notice other people have put game specs...Mine is patch 6.02, I think thats right.. Have english leagues premier - league two spainish top two leagues and itailian top two.

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2pm Thursday 11th August 05

The first thing I notice as I make my way into the office is that I have received a Fax…I pick up the fax and take a look it’s from Preston North End…."F**k off." I can’t believe my eyes, they want 6.75 million for Dave Nugent…Sod that, I’ll look else where, I notice I have a message on the answer phone….Ipswich dismiss my enquiry for Dean Bowditch pointing out he’s not for sale.

The Search For A Striker Goes On

There are a couple of players playing in England that I feel I have a chance on getting. Premiership players are out of the question, they won’t want to come and I can’t afford them. My next choice is C.Jerome of Cardiff City, 19 year old bags of talent and potential…I’ll get on the blower to Dave and see if we can business….I pick up the phone call through to Cardiff and get put through to Dave. "Hello, Dave Jones speaking."

Hi Dave, its Paul Bradley here manager of the R’s. I’m calling about young Jerome and want to know if we could do a deal. How much do you want for him?

Well the thing is Paul, he’s a key member of the squad…I’m going to have to think this one over and I’ll get in contact with you, with a price if I want to do a deal.

"Ok, thanks Dave…And by the way as a Saints fan, I never doubt you for a minute in fact I took the kids, with me when we played you in the cup a few years back." Bbbbbrrrrrrrr. Sounds like the lines gone dead. "Hello, Hello" I guess he wasn’t to amused with the last comment.

Better try not to upset anyone else today maybe best if I fax some offers. I fax Brighton asking about 22 year old Argentinean striker F.Turienzo. I also decide it’s time to go for a right back. I fax Al Ittihad an offer of £200,000 for fullback Hamed Al-Issa, 23 years old with three caps for the Saudi’s. I also Fax Dundee United with an offer of £250,000, for 21 year old fullback Mark Wilson. He looks a good player with one full cap for Scotland under his belt.

I was about to leave when Torrie entered the office. "How are you today, Paul?

I’m good thanks, and you?"

"I'm good, I just wanted to ask you something."

"Ok, what is it?"

"I’d like to come to the game on Saturday against Plymouth, if that ok."

"Sure shouldn’t a problem although the coach will be leaving tomorrow at 3pm to give us time to check into our hotel. I’m sure the hotel will have a spare room that you can stay in as mine and the players are already booked."

I know, I booked them. I’ll bring my stuff with me to work tomorrow. She smiles gives me a wink and leaves the room.

It's nice she takes an interest in her work. I'm done for the day and going home.

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