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Throw ins

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Same here, I think I may have scored once out of God knows how many attempts.

I also have a problem defensively from my attacking throws as despite setting 3 players to 'stay back' they never actually go all the way back leaving at least one striker free around the half way line. If the throw goes straight to their player they only have to punt it forward and their guy is 9/10 getting a CCC unless on of my defenders can get back!

Has anybody else had this problem?

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I get quite a few goals from long throw ins, but in a strange way. The throw goes in, gets headed away very easily, but my opposite fullback (the one that isnt taking the throw) screams it in from 30-40 yards.

This happens with loads of teams, and my fullback seems to get forward, even if I tell him to get back, and some fullbacks with absolutely terrible stats for long shots have done it as well.

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i think long flat bullets has bad sides . i could never score with it even i have players who has high throwing ability and capable of throwing long flat bullets.

and there is a big possibility the oppenet can make counter attacks especially if they have pacey players. i recommend to do not use it.

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