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How to create a database... Please help...


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Trying to create a world mega-league in England, but everytime I'm loading it has array access out of bounds when doing league/cup competitions

Other threads seem to suggest this is due to too many edited details

But how then have other people done mega databases with things like the world club cup (every team) which requires far more than I'm doing?


Any advice would be appreciated greatly!

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It could be that you've set too many/too few teams in a league, or plenty of other reasons, it's hard to tell.

The reason some of us have made large world leagues is that we do it in stages, one little section at a time and test, that way if we make a mistake we know where it is and how to fix it.

What edits have you made? If you describe in detail then perhaps someone can help.

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It's not too many/few teams in one league or anything like that, have checked.

Edits I've made (tests):

All nations require no w. permits (works fine)

Prem consists of teams with reputation 8150+ including Watford as I wanna play as them (works fine however some leagues e.g. Spanish don't work as I haven't replaced the missing Barca/Real etc.)

If I replace the missing teams with those removed from the Prem it no longer works

Before changing this there are 250 edits

Does this help?

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