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Box to Box Midfielders - What Attributes?

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Just curious as to what the key attributes are for a strong box to box midfielder, and to a lesser extent, what kind of poor attributes would rule out a player from being one. I imagine decisions, workrate, teamwork and stamina are high up there, but wasn't quite sure to the degree passing, creativity and pace came into it. I've seen a few players who might be good but have been put off by low pace.

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When you are in the tactics screen and are looking at the roles, if you click the basic/advanced (for the player) button when on the MC position, it actually highlights the skills required for that role.

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I don't know what the creator says but I would go for:

Primary: Anticipation, Decisions, Determination, Stamina, Workrate.

Secondary: Off-The-Ball, Positioning, Strength, Tackling, Passing, Teamwork, First Touch.

Tertiary: Aggression, Bravery, Marking, Creativity, Composure, Technique, Strength, Acceleration, Pace, Balance, Jumping, Heading, Longshots.

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Absolutely and that marks the difference between a good player and a great player.

In my York City game I had been struggling on how to use Alex Lawless. He has pretty average stats for most of his attributes. Put him as a box-to-box player and he became a key player. Just as likely to provide a through ball as he was to make a last minute tackle.

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Someone who has a broad spread of technical attributes, the mental attributes to know when to use them and the pace and stamina to be in the right place at the right time.

I'm not sure too many players fit in this position - suspect there will be plenty jack of all trades MCs without the latter two aspects - suggest they ought to be regular MCs with the appropriate duty depending on the situation, otherwise you'll probably find the player at the wrong end of the field at times!

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